Sweet Vid bro ^-^ Well the DW Roxas Ally! code can be 3lines if i hack it xD then you can make another video Oh ye here the code you wanted Roxas with Final Moveset FIX* - FINAL MIX! 21CD53F0 46544C55 21CD53F4 00004C5F 21CD53F8 00000000 21CD5410 46544C55 21CD5414 0000525F 21CD5418 00000000 The arms of Final have replace by DW Roxas's arms ^-^ No crashes or T-stance with this Enjoy Add the model mod (PJ Roxas) & Keyblade Mod and Abilities and you have that code you wanted Those are the basics add-on's you can do yourself right ;D if you need help please dont be scare to ask.
good suggestion or my suggestion: use my custom battle method modding attack hp resistance maybe a character itself just experiment with it!