Hey guys, I´ve searched a bit on the Forum but wasn´t able to find a Voice Mod for KH2FM which included the japanese Kh1 Voices. I created that kind of patch for personal preference but i thought why not share, maybe someone is looking for something similiar himself. Tested on xeeynamo´s english patch https://mega.nz/#!ysp3EZ4a!B1wgvSlyCcsa43A-JzvgLVzvDaAi7cEIXpITkUwu2dc
Nice job man, will have to try this out sometime. also just curious but you wouldn't happen to be *Naru Izenagi (hopefully I spelled that correctly) from Youtube would you? If not just disregaed this question. Cus I saw you playing with the roxas texture mod for sora and I 'm just curious if your the modder who made the texture mod of if your a modder who is basically just use the mod.
Actually im not. I was just playing with his mod, i also had a few conversations in the comment section of some of his vids.