hello one of my rpg again so yuo dont have to be in my organization so we live all together in a mansion we can go anywhere in the mansion or out side ok every one gots there own room with a bathroom and it ahs anything you want pool or jacuza either one so have fun itl iek drawn together except not those characters ok so yes u can be nast. ~rules~ no rules and thats all folks ~kh2 characters~ sora kaire roxas cloud tifa namine riku yuffie aerith king mickey donald goofy daisy queen minnie leon cid larxene zixion vexen demyx axel xmas saix and more i cant rmemebr them all ~ocs~ name:sam appearance:short red hair black sharp tips black coat black diamond neckalce and blacelet hot secretary glasses under coat is a punk rocker red checkerd short shirt and blue ripped pants.weapon:fenir and more things brought with:we are all rich so i have thing but things from home can come too but i lived in the manson my hole life so nothing just a picture of me and family.
ya i am in it too but mine you can come out of the house and go places even if no ones in the same place
well not all of it no being gay and hell no dont be stupid like will house or wats thats ugly things name ok iam bored waiting