KH2: A Real Teen Life

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by MandyXRiku4ever, Jun 26, 2010.

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  1. MandyXRiku4ever Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2009
    Sora and Riku have at last return their adventures from fighting Organzation 13 and heartless,
    After Two months of hanging out and goofing off, both their parents say get your butts ready for school. While Kairi has been at DHH(Destiny Hills High) for a year, only sora and riku have never even been to that school. It's a typecial high school filled with mean girls, bullies, and drama.
    When Sora is about to ask to be homeschooled of his fear since he was little to go to high school Riku reminds him how that high school will be a no brainer, all you gotta do is be yourself. When Sora heard this he suddenly got excited, of course kairi knows the truth.
    Kairi knows that as long as Sora and Riku are by herside everything will be just fine. To help Sora out with Riku's new postiveness, she tells Sora all about the fun stuff while keeping out the dark secrets of high school. The RP starts on the last Day of summer!! While your character help Sora and his friends out? Or will your character make life at High school a living nightmare?

    My rules! You don't like 'em? Then don't join this RP!

    1.No godmouding
    2.No keyblade use (unless i have given your character PERMISSION over PM)
    3.Keep Violence,love, and drama PG -13(We have people on this site that don't need to be scarred, want to continue? Do a 'Before' an a 'after' or PM it with that user)
    4. No fighting or flamming other memmbers or being a major meanie and insult anyone, you do so i bring the ADMIN involved (don't think i will, watch me)
    5.No spam(You spam? Get out, if you do not listen i'll PM the ADMIN)
    6.Please Post daily to a few days. Try to keep up, if your going to be gone for longer that's fine just tell me so no one get's stuck, just tell me and no problem)
    7. Act like your character if you want Sora,Kairi,Selphie,Tidus,Wakka, or Riku, act like them, Don't wanna? Create your own OC character.
    8.If you wanna be the teacher or if you have any suggestions for this RP, PM me.
    9.If your character is an OC and you want to do a keyblade thing, thats fine but i doubt that will be nessary.
    10.Follow the rules.
    11. Mild Cussing is allowed,no violence just your typecial fighting (i tolerate no deaths unless they are approved.) and Mild Romance(kissing and cuddling that's it)
    12.i will add more rules (idk if i have to)
    13. you can up to 6 characters but only 1 character.
    OC form:
    Nice or Bully:
    *Color for character:
    (^ so no one gets confused)

    teacher OC form:
    Why they want to be a teacher:
    type of teacher:[mean,nice,lazy&etc]
    Crazy or Normal:
    What grade do they teach:

    Sora:Jaden Yuki
    Riku: MandyXRiku4ever

    School people:
    Teachers(4 for each grade level]:
    Social Studies:
    Coaches[4 all sports but boys & girls]:
    Teacher Clerk:
    Lunch person:
    Lets Begin!
    All characters are Sky blue.
    Principal,Officer,Secretary, and assaint are yellow
    Teachers and staff are Orange.
    Let's begin this normal RP.
    Accepted OC's
    Name:Namoi Ikouchi
    Age:[15-18] 15
    Bio:Namoi grew up with a normal life on destiny Islands, she befriended Kairi whemn they were younger. She has 3 sisters who always get what they want. Her mom died when she was very little.
    Likes:Sunny days, Peach ice cream, Tidus and Surfing
    Dislikes:Soccer, Homework, Studying for tests, and rainy days
    Personality:happy to go, innocent, humorous, a bit shy, never gets mad
    Nice or Bully:Nice
    *Color for character:Pink
    I will add the OCs that are accepted. You can add up to 6 (All characters must equal six)
  2. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: can I be Kairi?
  3. Cicada Killer Destiny Islands Resident

    Username: Cicada Killer
    Name: Perfido Black
    Age: Seventeen
    Grade: Junior (11th Year)
    Bio: When a freshman, Perfido was walked all over and soon he grew bitter and aggressive from the treatment he got. He has a hidden crush for Kairi, but doesn't know how he can show it to her at all. Perfido also hates Mr. Große who is a new teacher and enjoys to spread all sorts of lies about the kind artistic teacher. He's barely passing in school with Cs and Ds on his report card though his parents seem to show no care for him or his grades.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Likes: Listening to Music, Chewing gum, Being alone, smoking, Getting into fights
    Dislikes: Being called names, anything with milk, chatty people
    *Color for character: Gold



    Science Teacher
    Username: Cicada Killer
    Name: Mr. Crawford
    Age: Twenty-Six
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Why they want to be a teacher: Both of his parents were and so he figured he wanted to be one too.
    Personality: Lazy and Serious, he has a kind soul and really cares about others. He always tries to see things in a scientific view point and sometimes can be naive by what someone may mean-
    Bio: Formerly a collage teacher for marine biology, when the college he worked in closed, he moved on to a high school as a senior science teacher... He barely gets by now due to the fact the high school pays a lot less then his old job in college did.
    Likes: Seafood, lab actives, teaching, the beach, being outdoors
    Dislikes: cleaning messes, correcting papers, bully kids, bad behavior, smoking
    Type of teacher: Lazy, Serious & Thoughtful
    What grade do they teach: 12th grade Science

    Art Teacher
    Username: Cicada Killer
    Name: Mr. Große
    Age: Twenty-One
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Why they want to be a teacher: He wasn't making enough money by being a freelance artist so he toke up being a art teacher as well.
    Personality: a bit timid, nervous and shy around other people, he can be easily scared and works very hard to hide every feeling he gets. Often he feels hurt, lonely and depressed and some kids don't help him with it either. Some claim he has feelings for young boys, but that is not confirmed if true or not.
    Bio: Secretly he was a abused child in his past and just 2 years ago saw his younger brother 'Rin' die from a train wreak. He has a huge fear of trains, when if it is just a toy. He takes meds for his depression issues and always hides his feelings in front of the children. This is his first year working at the high school also-
    Likes: being with male students, cats, drawing, origami, anatomy
    Dislikes: dogs, being lied to, being mocked, use of swears
    Type of teacher: Timid but Honest
    What grade do they teach: 9th grade Art
  4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    OOC: Honey...You made an RP and you didn't tell me?[​IMG] I'll join any RP for you!!![​IMG]

    Oh and, Dibs on Sora![​IMG]
  5. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Username: KH2man13
    Name: Brian Mayurn
    Age: 15
    Grade: Freshman
    Bio: Brian has mostly been the outcast from the 'in-crowd'. He has been stepped on and pushed around. He was on the edge of despair, but then one of his friends showed him a song that made him feel better. One that he could relate to. Since then, he has devoted his life to creating music for people like him. But that doesn't stop him from getting good grades in school. He mostly gets A's and B's with and occasional C if he's having an off year.
    Likes: Video games, singing, guitar.
    Dislikes: Bullies.
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Quiet, usually laid-back. If you've been mean to him a lot in the past, he will almost never forgive you. Even if he doesn't remember what you did. He is very emotional and gets ticked-off easily. He's usually found listening to music in his free time, mouthing the lyrics to himself. Often tries to outwit the people who bully him, but that usually gets him even more beat up.
    Nice or Bully: Nice
    *Color for character: Royal Blue
  6. roxas207 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 8, 2010
    where you will end up
    can i join?

    Name: Rayne Montague
    Age: 16
    Grade: Freshman[ got held back once]
    Bio: May seem small and helpless, but is a tough cookie. A former delinquent who tries to fit in once again into the “normal” status. She's the one who pushed around and stepped on the weaklings. Ever since her retirement of being a delinquent many followers/minions have taken sides against her. Usually gets mostly B's in her classes.
    Likes: Fighting, muffins, drawing
    Dislikes: Being organized, carrots, any activities that involve in girly things.
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Easy to talk to, Great advice giver, and has a very short temper. When she gets angry, batch the windows and close the doors because hurricane Rayne will trample you.
    Friend or foe: Can be either. Friend if she’s in the good mood. Foe if someone pushes the wrong buttons.
    Color:Dark orange
    her look:
  7. Cicada Killer Destiny Islands Resident

    ((How many more people before we get started..?))​
  8. MandyXRiku4ever Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2009
    OCC: You need to choose between Nice or bully.
    All Accepted other than that and the rest of you! ^^ we should wait for one more to start also i'll let six instead of three.
  9. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Name:Spencer White
    Bio:After moving 3 times in the last two years Spencer is a bit of a loner who lives in books-Is bullied and has been bullied (Things he cant even mention,Has burned deformed Chest and Legs as a result....).Can read peoples emotion and body langage Has a strong romantic side that is only seen by only his lover.
    Apperance- guy brown hair/Bella-m-swan/animeguy.jpg?o=7
    Likes:Psychology,Litreture and the Night
    Dislikes:The Loud,The Ignorant and the Irritable
    Personality- Doesnt have tranceparent Emotions but is open when well known. Is Socially Awlkward and preferes to sink into the backround as opposed to stand out.Would state a lot information on a certain topic that is irrelivent but interesting such as statistics and past events.
    Nice or Bully:Nice-Tends to be bullied.
    Color for character:LightBrown
  10. roxas207 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 8, 2010
    where you will end up
    Ok . then nice it is. ^.^
  11. MandyXRiku4ever Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2009
    Yes we are!^^ you guys can start rping this normal thread and accepted! Yay!
  12. roxas207 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 8, 2010
    where you will end up
    ' Damn. Why did i have to be held back?!' Rayne thought to herself. She was overstressing on how she was going to face her same teachers once more once she treated them so badly the past year. Her favorite way to get rid of her stress is by going to Coco's cafe and getting her one of her famous homemade muffins. While seated in the cafe waiting upon her order she glanced out the window and saw a young boy around her age sitting on a tree writing something. 'How strange' She thought. Suddenly the boy in the tree caught her glanced and glanced back. Rayne thought of this as a challenge and kept her eyes wide open. 40 Seconds had past.
    'Come on, dude. Blink will ya?!' she said in her mind. Right when her eyes decided they couldn't stand any longer, she was about to give u-" Miss Rayne, your muffin."blurted the waitress. That was the end of the game. She had lost. Lost to a strange boy in a frikin tree!XO
    Grabbing her muffin, she paid and walked out. Rayne became curious so she made her way to the tree boy. Suddenly, a loud voice exclaimed, " Yo, grab those papers on the floor will ya?!!" She quickly reached down and took the few papers in her hand and scanned through them. They were lyrics to a song. Munching on her delicious muffin, she began reading them:

    She always loved the sound of your strum
    You made her think maybe I wasn't so dumb
    She tends to faint at the sound of a drum
    Cuz she's folk so play and maybe she'll come

    "Preetty good, man." Rayne declared.
    "Gimmee those!" Replied tree boy. Within less than a second, the papers in Rayne's hand were gone and now in the hands of tree boy. " Heh. You write pretty well, tree boy. You go to a performing arts school or somthin?" She asked."Well.. no er. im going to start Destiny Hills High tomorrow." He claimed.
    Trying not to show her surprized expression, Rayne simply smirked and responded with a simple, " Good luck with that."With that she made her way chomping her muffin back home."Hey! What's your name?" ,Rayne quickly asked. "Oh. Its Brian." He stated with a big smile. " Mine's Rayne. Nice to meet cha! Bye!" she answered back. KA-CHA! FIRST FRIEND FOUND!(Final fantasy victory song comes to play)
    And with that their summer vacation came to an end.
  13. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Albert walked out of the teacher lounge, and into his classroom, "ahh, the joy of teaching the arts of science!" he exclaimed, as he began to write on the chalkboard.

    Kairi walked over to Sora's house, and knocked on the door.
  14. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Spencer woke slowly-His eyes had seemed glued shut. He realised that he was fully dressed. "Uch..." he whispered into the light. He sat up and rubbed his head then got up completely to find the large leather back book he was reading was dog-eard by the sturring in his sleep....

    Spencer walked out on the bech slowly-The August air hit his face in fresh bursts of salt. The beach...nobody would bother me here...He sat down on the sand-Put on his glasses and opened his book....School....This,this anxiousness made it hard to consentrate....He felt the deformed skin on his chest and his legs under his clothes...It shouldnt happen this year...He hoped.
  15. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    OOC: Uh, that wouldn't happen to be MY character sitting in the tree, would it?
  16. MandyXRiku4ever Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2009
    OCC: :lolface:
    Sakura skipped down to the beach excited for a fun filled day of caneoing.Oh I'm so excited! thought Sakura.

    OCC: You have to receive my permission and theirs, no god modding of any kind w/o permission is allowed.
  17. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    OOC: OK, so, rendering almost all of roxas207's post invalid, I think I'll post now.


    Brian woke up, eyes not wanting to open. When he forced his eyes to wake, he got up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He said to himself, "The last day before my first day at Destiny Hills High." He sighed and continued, "Better make the most of it." He stood up and picked out some clothes, putting them on and walking out of his room, heading to the kitchen. He popped a few pieces of bread into the toaster. When they popped out he put on his shoes and walked out the door with the toast.
  18. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Albert finished what he was wrighting, it read: "welcome to your first day of class, here are the rules:
    • blah
    • blah blah
    • blah
    and here are the real rules:
    • question what you are told
    • listen to what I say, but also what others say in the room
    • never raise your hand
    • always carry a test tube in your right front pocket
    • have a good day
    those are all the rules, please follow them, unless you wish to have a chemical explosion included in your next meal."
    Albert nodded, "this will get their attention tomorrow!" he said.
  19. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    His fingers moved down the page-He read Paragraph to Paragraph at the same speed as a normal person would read to Word to word. He gave up after reading five chapters-the feeling in his stomoch was too overwhelming.

    He conyinued to walk-book in hand. Burning...he shivred. He lifted his writs and took note of the time...8:36am...He sighed as he put his bok into the canvas bag.... Too many things ran through his head...School.Burn.Isolation.Litreture.Teasing.Jerring.Embarrasment.Laughing.Crying..
  20. roxas207 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 8, 2010
    where you will end up
    err..its cuz that was my first ever rp ive ever written in my life!!*embarrased* i knew it sucked, but couldja cut me sum slack guys?
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