I don't like Action games, I don't like RPGs and I don't like Disney nor Square but the gameplay and characters sucked! I haven't played it myself, but I watched a friend play through it and it was just a terrible game, he even let me move around the analog stick for a bit and the gameplay was terrible, how can anyone like this? I'm not much of a fan of colours and unique ness, but the graphics were terrible too, I mean really, how can anyone like this game? I only like turn-based games and I'm not very quick on my feet so I have no idea why this game is such crap. I just thought I'd share my opinion on a cult classic that I've never fully played, that is in a genre I dislike and thought maybe I could find someone who agrees with me, or at least rile up a couple of people. We cool tho, right KHV?
I feel this is relevant [video=youtube;3EKB4j6sweU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EKB4j6sweU[/video]
All this stuff I left here, if you don't like this stuff then don't bother with kingdom hearts. If you hated KH1 graphics just look at 358/2 days *facedesk at memories* We're cool :3 Made me lol in real. If I ever become that.....-facepalm-
Lol at the voice of the chick which was actually a high pitched version of the guy's voice. My dog freaked out when she heard it.
It's reading posts like these that make me want to sit on the sofa, enjoy a nice glass of chilled Marnier, and just watch in utter delight at the ensuing turbulence that is human conflict. But what you fail t understand, you cross-eyed, swamp-residing buffoon, is that the majority of people on this site are too shy and boring to provide us with a response that meets the public's standards of "entertainment, let alone your own. Good DAY, sir! You made me facepalm in real life, you ***** --__--