KH Werewolves

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by khmage1918, Nov 25, 2007.

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  1. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Probably."two boys, Both with blonde hair, Nodded.

    Sora came up to a room that said third music room. "a music room?"he opened the door to see the 6 boys. "Nyeh! S-sorry to bother you!"he said."What? Its a guy..."The two indentical twins said.

    OOC:Okay, I just randomly decided on Roxas and Edym....why?
    well they both kinda looke alike. after all they both have blonde hair.XD
  2. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    [COLOR="cd5d5dd"]OOC: Who is Edym? I fit the part of Kyouya even more since I have glasses. I get to be evil.>:D[/COLOR]

    "Roxas and Edym, you two are in the same class as this guest, right?" Jeffrey2 asked the two.
  3. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:Edym is my OC. He's kinda what I think is Demyx's somebody.
    By the way Sora is a girl.
    That way he'd fit Haruhi's role more.XD
    BIC:"Yeah, but this person doesn't get along with others well. So we don't really know him well."Roxas and Edym said at once. Sora was looking at everyone a bit nervously.
  4. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Jeffrey2 smiled. A light bulb lit up in his head. "That's quite rude actually," he said to the two. "Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, special student."

    OOC: We're doing this straight from the episode.XD
  5. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:With a bit of improv as we go along.
    "Wait a sec."A voice said.Sora immdiantly recognized the voice. Riku?! "So this is the special student, Sora Jiyataro?"Riku asked. Oh...I guess he forgot about me...Oh well, might as well play along... "H-how do you know my name?"Sora asked.
  6. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    "Well," Jeffrey2 replied. "the way this school works makes it hard for commoners to get in. They say that it's pretty hard to be accepted as a special student unless you are a studious bookworm."
  7. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Sora's eye twitched alittle at 'commoner' and 'studious'. "T-thanks, I think."he said. "In other words you are a legend, Jiyataro-kun!"Riku said. "Even if your at the top of your class you're the poorest student in this whole school!"he said. Sora started scooting away from Riku, alittle frightened. Riku just followed Sora. "Some might marginalize you as a lolwy civilian." "I'm not as bad as you make me sound."Sora said nervously. "Come on, why not? All hail poverty! Welcom to our elegant world, pauper!"Riku said with an anime sparkle effect. "Excuse me."Sora said, about to leave the room.

    "Hey!"2 arms grabbed is arm and pulled him off. It was a small boy with dirty blonde hair. "Sora-chan, Sora-chan! Sora-chan, you're a hero?"the boy asked. "I'm a special student,not a hero."Sora realized something. "Who are you calling Sora-chan?!"he snapped. "I never expected the famous bookworm to be into guys."Riku said. "Into guys?"Sora squeaked.

    "So which type do you prefer? The wild type?"He mentioned towards a tall boy with spiky red hair. "The loli-shota type?"He mention towards the little boy with his brown stuffed rabbit. "The little devil type?"he mention towards Roxas and Edym. "The cool type?"he mention towards Jeffrey2. "w-wait!I was just looking around!"Sora said backing up towards the vase. "Oh perhaps you would like to try me."Riku said, putting his hand on Sora's chin. Sora yelped and jumped backwards, knocking the vase over.

    "Wha-Ah!"He tried to grab the vase but missed and the vase fell to the floor."I am such a clutz..."he muttered. "Aw man, Vals vase that was the target of our in-school auction."Edym said. "Thats not good, and we thought we could've made million yen off of that."Roxas said. "8 million yen?!Sora squeaked. "Um...a-about paying for this..."he squeaked. "Can you? Someone who can't even afford our designated uniform?"Roxas and Edym asked at once.
  8. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Jeffrey2 bent down and picked up a broken piece of the Vase. "What should we do, Riku?" he asked.
  9. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Have you ever heard of this saying, Jiyataro-kun?"Riku sat down in a chair. "'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.' 'If you dn't have money, then work it off'."Its like he has a complete chan of attitude. "From now on you will be the Host Clubs dog!"He said. Sora just went blank after that. Demyx poked him a few times only to have Sora faint with a thud.
    -time skip-
    "What kind of music do you like, Riku-kun?"a girl in a bright orange dress asked. "Of course, it is the song we share n our memories."Riku said. "I-I baked you a cake today. Could you try it?" "If you'd let e eat it."Riku said, holding the girls chin."Riku-kun...."the girl blushed. "Riku-sama, I have heard about it."a girl with crimson red hairand sapphire eyes said. "That you have taken in a little stray cat."the girl said. "I wouldn't call him a little cat, rather..."Riku noticed Sora come in with a bag. "Speak of the devil. Little piggy, well done with your errand. Did you get the right items?"Riku asked.

    Little piggy? Sora showed a jar of instant coffee to Riku. "And what would this be?"Riku asked. "Um, its coffee..."Sora said. "I haven't seen this maker before. Is this the kind thats already ground up?"Riku asked. "No, it's instant."Sora said. "Instant?"2 girls sitting across from Riku asked. "So this s the nd where all you do is add warm water?"Riku asked. "The so-called commoner coffee?" That certainly attracted a crowd.

    Valerier2 was in he crowd, trying to see what the problem was."So its true that poor people use since they can't grind coffee with the little time they have."The girls nodded. Sora felt alttle embarassed.
  10. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Jeffrey2 was standing behind the sofa Riku was sitting in along with the rest of the Host Club and a few girls. "Commoner's wisdom, I see," he said, looking at the coffee.
  11. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    300 yen for 100 pounds."Roxas said. "What an extraordinary price!"Edym said. "I'll buy it again!"Sora said. "Sorry for not buying expensive coffee nuts." "No,wait."Riku said. "I'll try this."he said, getting up. "I'll try this out!" The girls along with Roxas and Edym started clapping. "Okay, Sora. Come over here and make us this commoner coffee."Riku said, going off with the others. You rich jerks...Sora gave a small sigh.

    "Riku-sama is allying too much."The crimson haired girl said, putting her cup of tea down. "There is no way a personal favorite of commoner coffee would suit his taste."she said. Sora looked over at the girl. "Sorry, I was thinking out loud."The girl said. "Sora!"Riku called.

    Soon Sora had some instant coffee in a few cups. He poored some warm water into the cups. "Coffee is served."he said. "Let's enjoy."Riku said. A few of the girls were quite nervous. "Father will scold me if I drink this kind."the girl said. "Would you drink it if we went mouth-to-mouth?"Riku asked, bending the girl to the point of falling over. "Y-yeah..." All the girls went crazy with squeals.

    Meanwhile Roxas and Edym were talking with 2 girls. "And then he said he woke up from a nightmare."Edym laughed. "Edym."Roxas whined. "Speaking of that, in front of so mean, speaking of that."he said. "Roxas."Edym held Roxas by the chin. "I'm sorry, but you looked so cute at that moment, Roxas." "Edym..." "Kyaaaah! Its the beauiful brotherly lov!"The 2 girls squealed. "Oh boy..."Sora said, walking by.

    "Sorry everyone..."The little boy came in being carried by the spiky red-head. "Demmy-kun! Axel-kun!"a girl said. "I fell asleep while waiting for Riku-kun."Demyx said. "I'm still alittle sleepy..."he said, rubbing his eyes. "Kawaii!"The group of girls squealed. "Is he really a senior?"Sora asked, looking at Demyx.
  12. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Jeffrey2 walked up next to Sora. "Don't look at his appearance: Demmy-senpai is a brilliant student. And Axel-senpai's selling point is his tacturnity," he explained.
  13. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Huh..." "Sora-chan!"Demyx ran up to Sora and spun him arund by glomping his arm. "Wanna eat cake with us, Sora-chan?"he asked. "Thanks, but I'm not hungry."Sora said, trying to recover from his dizziness. "Then I'll lend you my bunny!"Demyx said. "I'm not much of a bunny fan..."Sora said, recovering from dizziness. "aww....You don't like my bun-bun?"Demyx asked, holding up the brown stuffed rabbit.

    Sora looked at the brown bunny.For a second it looked like it was blushing. "Its really cute."Sora said, bending down to get Demyxs stuffed rabbit. Demyx noticed something and a lightbulb went on in his head. "Take good care of it, okay?"He handed Sora the stuffed rabbit and went off to the group of girls.
  14. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    "Our club utilizes everyone's unique trait as our policy to satisfy our customer's needs," Jeffrey2 explained. "By the way, Riku is our number one host - the king. 70% of our customers designate him as their host."
    OOC: We're probably watching the same vid, aren't we?
  15. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:I'm on to type this baby down.XD
    BIC:"The end of the world is here, huh?"Sora sighed.
  16. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    OOC: Guess not then.XD
    BIC: "By the way, your debt being eight million yen," Jeffrey2 started. "you'll be this clubs dog until graduation." He smiled. "Ah, apologies. You'll be in charge of trivial chores. You are free to run away, but my family has around a hundred talented private police." He put his glasses back up on the bridge of his nose. "Do you... hold a passport?"
  17. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ooc: I have no clue about this girl, but I'll try.
    bic: Eden2 walked around wearing a sophisticated girl's uniform and holding a couple books, while having a brown back pack filled with some more books, the turquoise pouch, and something else. Everyone was staring at her with digust, since her outfit was a hand-me-down that she patched as much as she could.
  18. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Wha-" "Thats right, work like a dog. Eh, Dasaoka-kun."Riku blew against the back of Sora's neck. Sora jumed and tried to catch his breath. "Please don't do that."he said. "You won't be popular with the ladies if you're like this."Riku sighed. "I'm not really interestd in that."Sora said. "What are you saying?Its a very important issue! a good man making women happy is everything!"Riku said. "It doesn't eally matter, does it?" Riku tilted his head at Sora's question. "Men, women, looks....Its what's on the inside that counts. He, I'm kinda curious on why this club exists."Sora said, cuddling Demyx's bunny.

    "Its such a cruel thing."Sora gave an annoyed look at Riku. "God sometimes creates perfect beings with perfect insides and outsides. I can understand the feeling of consoling yourself like that. You wouldn't be abe to live without doing that."As Riku rambled on, Sora was thinking. Hmm....Whats the word I'm looking for on how Ri's acting...Lets see....what word was it?Sora didn't realized Roxas and Edym right behind me.

    Riku kept rambling on. Troublesome? No... Something better than that... "Finnaly, at the best moment."Riku came up to Sora. "A look for the lower angle is very effective."he said. "I got it!"Sora said. "Did your heart pump alittle fas-" "Obnoxious!"Sora said. Riku suddenly went into a corner, sulking. "Ri?"Sora asked. "You really are a hero Sora."Edym and Roxas said at once. Oi...he's definately alot different...

    "Sorry, I was a bit touched."Sora lied. Riku immediantly cheered up. "Then let me teach you more techniques!"he said. "My lord-" "Call me King!" "This guy doesn't even pass the most visual basic criteria. I bet even if you take off the glasses his eyes would appear even sma-"Roxas took off Sora's glasses and stared. "H-hey! I can't see without those!"Sora said, noticing everything was all fuzzy now.
    "and I don't ave any contacts..."

    Riku rushed to Sora and looked at his sapphire eyes. "Edym, Roxas!" "Sir!"Roxas and Edym took Sora and rushed off. "Jeffrey, call the hair designer. Axel, get some contacts from the nurse!"Riku said.
  19. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden2 poked her head in the open door. "Hello?" She seemed pretty scared and nervous.
  20. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Jeffrey2 dialed a number on his cell phone. Once the call was done he went over to Eden2 and grabbed her. "Welcome to the Ouran Host Club."
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