I don't know if there's been something like this before (well, I searched the forums and found nothing...) so here it is - the KH-Vids Talent Competition! *tah-dah* Basically, if you've got a talent for art, music, writing, photography, acting, whatever, show us! Just submit a sample of your work, anything from a painting, to a sig, to a new parody you've done, an AMV, a recording, a poem, etc, to this thread. I'll hold a poll in about two weeks time to determine the winner, who will receive the respect/admiration of his/her peers (sorry the prize isn't more spectacular...) and maybe some rep too! Guidelines! 1. Each forum member can submit just 3 DIFFERENT THINGS, each of which will be judged separately. 2. All submissions must be PG-13! Nothing inappropriate in any way is acceptable. 3. Possible submissions (not an exhaustive list; other things may also be acceptable): fanfic, poetry, short stories/ excerpt from a novel, scenes from a play, photography, paintings/drawings (can be scanned and submitted), signatures, recordings of your singing/playing a musical instrument/acting/voice acting, AMV's, parodies, any videos (preferably on Youtube), ideas for a film/video game/new technology/etc... The list goes on. 4.ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM ALLOWED. DO NOT steal other people's work. Nuff said. 5. Have fun and such. 6. I can't think of anything else at the moment... Ok, the deadline is Tuesday 22nd of July.
umm, i think you should mix poetic and musical talents separate them, like graphic contest, KHV idol, poetry contest ect.
1.) the deadline is my birthday xD 2.) If you can submit fanfics, what is the word limit? Like, what is too long? So, eventually I will submit something. What, I don't know, but I will submit something. xD
If a member of staff could actually move this, that'd be great! I hate having word-lengths for written pieces, so I suppose anything that's a reasonable length, that you could probably read in a single sitting, if you get my drift...