Site News KH-Vids Presents... More Inclusive Gender Options!

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Thanks to a suggestion by @Sebax and the hard work of @libregkd, we're really excited to roll out a new feature to our site. For years now, users have been able to specify their gender in their profiles; the gender options, however, have been limited to 'Male' or 'Female'. While there has also been the third option of 'Unspecified,' these options reflect a very limited view of gender and supports a gender binary that would potentially exclude many of our members.


    This system has been replaced with a new, fill-in-the-blank type field. When filling out your profile, you can fill in the Gender field with whatever fits your identity. The field will present you with autocomplete suggestions...
    ... but if none of them match up with your gender identity, you can input a custom value. The field will automatically fill with your existing option (for example -- I had previously selected 'Female,' and that has been imported into the new field), so if you don't see a need to update, no worries!

    Naturally, we have also added an option for users to specify their pronouns.


    Both of these fields can be edited by heading over to your Personal Details page.

    These options will display in various areas of the site, for easy reference, like the information tab of your profile...

    On member cards...


    And next to your posts, with a fancy tooltip for checking pronouns!

    We hope these changes will make KH-Vids a more inclusive environment by design, and want to urge our users to please take these fields seriously. Not sure what all these terms mean? That's okay! There are plenty of pages on the internet that break them down for you. Do a little research, and open up your conception of gender.

    If you have any problems or questions regarding these changes, feel free to reply! Notably, a conflict with our Social Groups add-on has cropped up, which has been temporarily disabled.
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Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Apr 9, 2015.

    1. Crypt
      Can we not turn this into a privilege thread? Tumblr exists for a reason.
    2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
      I don't see the problem, somebody had a question and it was answered.
    3. Misty
      We are working on a new style for the site which will include a lot of interface improvements, it's a very big project though and takes a lot of time. Issues people may have navigating the site on mobile are really helpful to post about so that they can be corrected -- I personally haven't experienced any of what you've said on mobile, but if you can grab some screens / describe in more detail what you're referring to here in the feedback section, I will definitely look into it.
    4. Amaury
      @DigitalAtlas, are you explicitly referring the mobile version or the responsive design on 8.0? If the former, Misty mentioned it was a quick throw-together when 8.0 was released for those who preferred it.

      Also, a question, Misty: Since 9.0 is a big project and taking a while, is there going to be no anniversary styles this year on December 28, 2015, and instead 10.0 will be released on December 28, 2016, or whenever it's ready after next year's anniversary?

      In short, will 9.0 hold us over until the end of 2016?
    5. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Can we not turn this into a thread where people hate that others are different? 4Chan exists for a reason
    6. Amaury

      There's a display issue with the profile sidebar block containing this information:

    7. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      ffxv bros.gif

      Despite what much of the internet wants you to believe, privilege is a real thing that exists outside of SJW Feminazi Tumblrina Land™. We live in a society that, despite some stellar efforts, still has deep-rooted problems with racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and more. Do people want these to be problems? On the whole, no. So why are they still issues, then? The answer is simple: Whenever people hear something that makes them the slightest bit uncomfortable, they do their best to avoid it--or, in some cases, trivialize, stereotype, and mock anyone who dares to use words like "privilege" or, heavens forbid, "feminism," to make them seem unreasonable and invalidate the very good points they bring up.

      tl;dr - There are serious inequalities in society, and tuning out whenever you hear the word "privilege" makes you part of the problem.
    8. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
      The problem with this, specifically the racism, sexism, etc. Is people spend way too much time (in my opinion) worrying about what other people do. Am I saying that I support any of these things? No. However, I am saying that in what point in history has anyone ever responded well to anything along the lines of "you are wrong for doing/thinking 'x' "? It is incredibly hard to change someone with words alone, and in my experiences the person has to WANT to change and initiate that change on their own. Even so, who is to say that attempting to change how a person thinks is the right thing to do? That would be like trying to make them "better people". Which if you think about it, is a gigantic load of BS, and I say this because who are you (not literally you) to define what is right or wrong? You can have your beliefs, morals, etc, but pushing that onto other people doesn't usually end well.

      Not saying you are doing any of this, but I have a hard time reading these series of posts and just not saying something. Crypt has every right to believe this is a privilege thread, in the same sense that Princess Daisy has the right to think that Crypt is out of his/her/*fill in your gender here* mind. They are neither right nor wrong.

      Also about the people avoiding certain things and that being part of the "problem". I am a firm believer in people doing what is best for themselves. For example, I try to avoid any discussion of feminism with people on this website because truthfully I think that "humanism" is more fitting (I should clarify that I don't discuss it because I really don't want to step on people's toes and then they think I am an ashehole because I don't think a certain way >.>). I don't care if you are a man, women, etc. Equality is important to me, and having it labeled as only ONE of the genders seems a bit off to me. Not to mention how badly exposed I have been to the ridiculous amount of feminist extremists that are on the internet. I am more or less referring to those who are like
      male babies shouldn't be breastfed because it turns them into privileged scummy men down the road.

      Now if you are all for equality, and fair treatment (which sadly won't ever 100% happen, for anyone) then by all means go for it.

      Back to my point, if someone was to avoid a certain subject because it makes them happier, less stressed, not depressed, and actually function better than they would normally....whats wrong with that exactly? I've always found that pointing out each other's problems is the biggest waste of time, and biggest act of hypocrisy that could probably do. In a forum situation such as this, we are better off not aggressively labeling/casting judgement on each other. I'm by no means perfect, none of us are. One thing is for sure though, we do not need to be reminded of this.

      If none of this made any sense whatsoever / is too off topic / etc, I apologize. Perhaps I shouldn't post with a headache.
    9. Misty
      Just to be clear everyone, I don't want this thread to be a discussion about whether or not you feel this feature is worthwhile nor about gender. The feature is here, and staying, and we put efforts in to ensure that those who (for whatever their reasons may be and whether or not I or anyone else personally agree with them) would experience virtually no interruption to their time on the site -- their previous gender selection is imported and the most they'll have to deal with is seeing other people's selections.

      As for discussions on gender and social justice, you guys know i'm all for them, and so if anyone does have questions or wants to open a conversation about them, I would just request that we do so within the Discussion section. That way, we're all understood on the rules of engagement, we're encouraging people to make calm, thought-out responses (some posts have been removed from this thread for language etc.), and it's easier for the staff to moderate.

      Thanks everyone.
      I won't be answering any questions regarding release plans or giving any specifics. Assume the answer is always "when it's ready," even when it doesn't fit the question asked -- that's the mindset.
    10. Amaury
      Noted. :)
    11. Crypt
      You have a point. I guess what I want to say is that there is no benefit to throwing the fact that "this person has privileges, that person has privileges" in their face and expect that to mean anything to them. Yeah, people are privileged if they're this or that, but that doesn't make it their fault or make them a bad person. I see it too often in the SJW community where people victimize themselves in order to get others on their side by making them feel bad for no reason. That is why too many people are turned off by things like feminism because they see SJWs and "Tumblirinas" as people who are only there to make themselves look like the absolute victim and make the privileged feel like crap. It doesn't work. It didn't work during the Civil Rights Movement and it certainly won't work now.