Under New Ownership!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by spdude, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. spdude Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 15, 2008

    Hello everyone!

    I am spdude. The new owner of

    So what exactly happened? deathspank has given up ownership privileges to the website, due to the large amount of work that comes from running a site such as this.

    Not to worry, deathspank will still be here, checking in and helping out when he can, he has not forgotten his lovely creation! This would be a good time to thank deathspank for all he has done.

    I know, I know, this is a whole lot at once. No worries. There will be no major or inconsequential changes. (This includes site policy, staff, etc).

    And a little about myself? I've owned countless websites throughout the years, it's become almost a hobby of sorts! I have a lot of experience with websites and I can't wait to take this site to the next level! It is so nice being part of such an excellent, fun, and tight knit community.

    It's always tough being the new guy; I hope my welcome isn't too bad!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by spdude, Jan 15, 2008.

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    1. Akino
      Welcome to the site!
      Hope you have a very fun time around KHV. (I just noticed I suck at welcoming people...)
    2. finalform1
    3. tc831
      welcome hopfully u keep up the great site
    4. fatalfeline
      Welcome, spdude!

      I'm sure you'll take good care of the best KH website on the Internet!
    5. Heaxrt17
      Welcome spdude!
      Hope you have a good time here.
      I'm sure you'll do a good job. Good luck with your ownership. ^_^
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      i'm goine for an hour and this happens. this sounds cool. good luck handeling this place.
    7. Explode
      Gah! I leave for two days and this happens!

      Well, in any case, welcome, spdude. I'm sure you'll do a great job, and it's good to know that DeathSpank hasn't disowned us XD
    8. keyblade bearer
      keyblade bearer
      Welcome dude!!!! will exist again the Deathspank's 5 top week???

      Do a good job...we want a good new owner!!!!"Got it memorized??"XD
    9. Absol
      Wow,a new owner...I remember when that happened to khinsider wayyy back...Anyway,welcome,take care of the site,and thanks deathspank for all you've done.
    10. Near-to-Tears
      So this is what was going on! I was soooo confused last night @_@

      Anyways, Welcome! Hope you have as much fun running the site as we have visting it! And good luck with all us crazy people! ^^
    11. Cocohints
      I've already welcomed you, so what I have left to say is:

      Your username is pretty catchy. spdude... spdude.... It is one to remember.

      Yes, that was fun. X3
    12. xemnasfan
      hi i'm kinda new here too.
      [or so i feel like]
    13. Patsy Stone
      Patsy Stone
      Welcome =3

      How long till you go insane I wonder <_>
    14. OneWingedHeartless
      Welcome new owner of kh-vids

      Just watch out for some members! They tend to bite alot
      They also lie about not biting alot
    15. neghxanys
      sniff... bye deathspank. sup new guy. i noe u can do a great job outta kh-vids.:rockdover:
    16. Laplace
      Well, at least DS is still going to be an admin, anyways, welcome spdude, hope you enjoy your stay here =D, and I hope that your ideas will make this a better site ^^.
    17. blacknumbers
      ok sp dude, apparently I was wrong about you, so I am sorry. Welcome, welcome, welcome!
    18. Zexion
      Sup' dude?
      you re the new owner, welcome to Kh-Vids!!! ^_^
    19. sepirothpk
      Well welcome... I can't say much because I'm pretty new here too.
    20. Luka
      like welcome ^^
      i've been wondering who you were and stuff ? xD;
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