Under New Ownership!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by spdude, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. spdude Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 15, 2008

    Hello everyone!

    I am spdude. The new owner of

    So what exactly happened? deathspank has given up ownership privileges to the website, due to the large amount of work that comes from running a site such as this.

    Not to worry, deathspank will still be here, checking in and helping out when he can, he has not forgotten his lovely creation! This would be a good time to thank deathspank for all he has done.

    I know, I know, this is a whole lot at once. No worries. There will be no major or inconsequential changes. (This includes site policy, staff, etc).

    And a little about myself? I've owned countless websites throughout the years, it's become almost a hobby of sorts! I have a lot of experience with websites and I can't wait to take this site to the next level! It is so nice being part of such an excellent, fun, and tight knit community.

    It's always tough being the new guy; I hope my welcome isn't too bad!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by spdude, Jan 15, 2008.

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    1. Rosey

      You guys seriously.

      Nothing. Is. Going. To. Really. Change.

      We will still be your staff...As SJ said, the only difference is who is paying the bill. And now we also have a new member of staff, which means we also have a new person full of ideas to make the site better.

      And I expect you guys to treat him with the same respect you treat us with.
    2. blacknumbers
      Rosey believe me, he is a bad owner........he also owns gamelair, and if you have checked the site, it is starting to fall apart.

      anyway, if you are not as bad, welcome and see ya around!
    3. Rosey
      The fellow staff an I can judge that for ourselves thank you.

      And DS trusts him, then I trust him. That simple.
    4. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain

      Calm down dude, he also own KHI and that is doing fantastically well.

      Give him a chance before you start dragging his name down

    5. Yukai
      Well... Nice to meet you SPD... I really wanna call you Soup.. Yes. Soup will be your new nick from me. [hands you a paper saying "You have been nicked!"]

      Anyway. We should be in good hands since DS is still around too. I'll treat this is as a new staff member joining the team. =]

      DS, you'll still be the revered admin in my book!

    6. gamemaster1598
      welcome to the site and i wish you the best of luck :noworries:
    7. DigitalAtlas
      ......I lol'd
    8. Xejicka
      Nice to meet you. I hope you're obsessed with KH. Beware of yaoi and be good to us.
    9. Monkey
      Love how we're making a big deal out of a few nasty comments. XD
    10. DigitalAtlas
      ...Have we met?
    11. Arc
      I welcome you spdude, and am glad to see a hope for a fresh breath into this site....maybe in time you'll get my full trust(dont worry, DS didnt have it either though)
    12. EvilMan_89
      ha, i knew you would be back Arc! that's the curse of this site XD
    13. kingdofox9
      hello good luck i give you the best of luck
    14. SplitOverload
      Funny how you guys can't ****in' drop the subject.

      It's kinda' obvious he isn't DEAD. And SPD's post mentions that he's just the owner. DS will still be here. Nothing to argue about >_>
    15. RikusChica118
      Well, I'm going to ignore the rude comments and just say welcome and good luck.
    16. Jordier0xs0x
      XD Wow, I get online and all I hear Is 'OMG THE SITES BEEN TAKEN OVER BY SPDUDE!!!' Whoa!

      Anyway, I hope you find It fun here! You'll have to get used to some of the members =P
      I don't really know what else to say xD But Welcome To KHV!! (Please stay active and visit us normal members 8D )

    17. Fearless
      WELCOME TO TEH SITE!!!!!!!!!! *explodes*
      dont worry, i do that alot lolz
    18. godzilla3456
      Dude WTF!!! why is like every site getting a new admin to run the site like here and gametrailers (and a few others)

      but welcome to the site!!! hope you have loads of fun!
    19. Sora_Hero_of_light_
      WOW, didn't expect this to happen. But, anyway, Welcome to the Site!
    20. Spike
      Ah, so that's what it was about. Cool. You seem like an alright guy, so I think you'll do a good job running this place.
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