Under New Ownership!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by spdude, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. spdude Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 15, 2008

    Hello everyone!

    I am spdude. The new owner of

    So what exactly happened? deathspank has given up ownership privileges to the website, due to the large amount of work that comes from running a site such as this.

    Not to worry, deathspank will still be here, checking in and helping out when he can, he has not forgotten his lovely creation! This would be a good time to thank deathspank for all he has done.

    I know, I know, this is a whole lot at once. No worries. There will be no major or inconsequential changes. (This includes site policy, staff, etc).

    And a little about myself? I've owned countless websites throughout the years, it's become almost a hobby of sorts! I have a lot of experience with websites and I can't wait to take this site to the next level! It is so nice being part of such an excellent, fun, and tight knit community.

    It's always tough being the new guy; I hope my welcome isn't too bad!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by spdude, Jan 15, 2008.

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    1. Xephos
      Good luck making this website grow bigger and better.
    2. DigitalAtlas
      ...Just shut up and stop trying to be funny >_>

      Fact is people... DS NEVER POSTED.
    3. myoblivion
      Awww...Im going to miss his bright blue username >.<
      Course, yours is blue too...

      Anyway, Hi-o! Welcome to kh-vids :3
      I hope you have fun >.<!
    4. no-reality_allowed
      Hopefully with the new ownership new things will come?
      Maybe arcade? 8D

      Or has he?


    5. Lulus_Moogle
      Holyz Shiz! WOW! Deathspank you did a good job! And you made an AWSOME site!!

      And welcomez new guy!! That shall be your new name XP Hope you can keep up with the randomness!
    6. Soushirei
      First of all, his name is *Death*spank.

      Crappy pun; whatever.
    7. Stardust
      Oh wow. Wow XD This is a lot to take in.

      But welcome! =D I'm Stardust, nice to meet you...Er, not many people know ME, but hey, XD.
    8. ansemcontainer
      im not jokin.. infact im 100 percent not joking.. i came here about every 5 seconds.. i have been too lazy to forum until today. ill miss Deathspank's ownership...
    9. TheLightIsGone123
      ...hello, cant say i really feel that this is all trustworty but its only me so ill keep quiet
    10. GhettoXemnas
      I knew something was odd when I saw some random admin last night, I thought it was just RvR with a name change xD

      BTW, welcome ^_^
    11. DigitalAtlas
      Wtf do you think is going to change? NOTHING.AT.ALL. Xaldin will still ge the news, the forum will still be run by the same staff, and DS will still be around. Nothing will be changing except whose paying the bill. Quit making something out of nothing...

      *sees entire staff watching... behaves >_>*

      In case you didn't notice, spdude, I'm the rebel of the forum. Nice to meet you ^^
    12. La Sofa
      La Sofa
      This guy seems pretty cool. I think it will be in good hands.
      And uh welcome to the forum.
    13. ansemcontainer
      well ill give him a try since he is the owner of khinsider(WHICH ROCKS BY THE WAY) so ill try it out
    14. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      This thread be serious business aye

      Chill Dudes >:

      DS will still be ADMIN, he will keep his pretty blue name, and he will still be here, Spdude is a damn good person to have in charge so how about we give him a break and say hi instead of sulking.

      Come on guys, seriously nothing major really,

    15. jafar
      Hey, welcome. Make your self at home, just be sure to take off your shoes. We don't want a dirty (or dirtier) forum here. Normal speak here: So, earlier today there we many threads about your account. So much speculation. And what are some of your plans for KH-V?
    16. blacknumbers
      ok sp dude, you out of your mind! you first took over gamelair and made it a mess, and now you going to kill this too! man....
    17. XxxXehanortxxX
      Welcome to the site man. If you need help... cough mod me cough

      But yeah, people aren't that bad here.

      Btw, I am the creator of the mugen game (Kingdom Hearts Shackles of Destiny).
    18. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      Welcome to the site spdude.

      I've heard good things about you.

      See you around.

    19. Sabby
      Hey welcome to KHV. Hope you love this place as much as we do ^^
    20. Kingdom Glory
      Kingdom Glory
      Hey there, and welcome to the site and adminship =D
      Hope to see you more often than we saw DeathSpank xD
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