Well, I don't think I'm that great of a writer, I have good ideas but I suck with details. I hope you guys like it. Chapter.1 It was just a normal day in the lives of the many people on the Japan bound flight, but something was about to go wrong...............or was it? In the cockpit of the plane, the pilot and co-pilot sat in silence. The plane should have flown from New York to Japan, but now they where way off course. “We lost contact with the airport 2 and a half house ago and all the equipment has stopped functioning. Should we inform the passengers?” asked the co-pilot. The pilot sighed. “We’re probably going to die, and if we tell them they will just **** themselves. Make something up.” but before the co-pilot could answer, the plane shook violently and then they seemed to fall out of midair. GhettoXemnas was sitting In his seat when he heard an explosion behind him. He turned around to see people screaming in terror because the entire midsection has been blown up and the tail section had broken off. As the oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling he saw a blonde girl with highlights in her hair sitting behind him. She looked terrified. Next to her was a drunken man mumbling something about a “lisbeth”. On the floor about three meters behind them was a man with blood gushing from his head, screaming “Father! Why have you Forsaken me?” After seeing that, GhettoXemnas turned around and, ignoring the oxygen masks, closed his eyes and waited for his death. When the plane, or at least the front of it, hit the ground the air was filled with screams of terrified passengers and the screeching noise of metal bending and breaking as the plane skidded across a beach. The plane had so much speed and force that it hit a large tree, knocking it down on top of the cockpit and killing the pilot and co-pilot. Many people died on impact, there was even a man who had died because the luggage in the over head compartment fell out and hit him in the head. GhettoXemnas opened his eyes and looked around. He had survived, and so did 9 other people. He stood up and looked around the plane. He saw the blonde girl had survived, so he helped her out of her seat. Sadly the drunken man next to her didn’t survive. It seemed as if the man had died without oxygen while we where still falling. There where now other people starting to stand up and look around. Most of them looked confused and scared. “Where is my husband?” yelled a blonde girl a few rows ahead of GhettoXemnas’ seat. No one answered. Most of the survivors grabbed their luggage and made their way through the gaping hole in the back of the plane, past the dead bodies of the people in the midsection who had died in the explosion. When every one was out, they gathered around in a circle. “So, what now?” asked a boy with multiple piercings scattered about his face, and hair that covered his eyes. GhettoXemnas turned his head towards the speaker. “I guess we should make a list of survivors names, so we know who is who.” He said slowly. Another male with dark hair and glasses spoke next. “Sounds good to me. Anyone got any paper?” there was silence. “I do” Said GhettoXemnas. “Good, then you can make the list. My name is Kingdom Glory” said the dark haired man. “Alright, how bout you” said GhettoXemnas as he pointed toward the boy with the piercings. “Lithy” he said. The boy next to GhettoXemnas spoke next. “The name is Split” he said with strength in his voice. He didn’t seem to be taking things to hard.“I’m Orange” said the blonde girl with highlights “And this is my sister JellyBeing” she said as she motioned toward the brown haired girl next to her. “Just call me Natz” said JellyBeing. Both of them seemed pretty positive about things, they where probably happy that they both survived.. “Alright then, how about you” Said GhettoXemnas as he looked at the timid Asian boy standing to his left. “I-I’m R-Ryuuga” said the boy. “I’m MadiYasha” said the girl who has standing next Ryuuga. She spoke softly and seemed to be holding back tears. GhettoXemnas looked at the list and counted eight names including his, and then he walked over to the blonde woman who had been looking for her husband. “What’s your name?” he asked politely. The woman spoke softly. “I’m Rosey” she said as she looked down at the ground. GhettoXemnas placed his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we will find your husband.” And with that he turned around to see Ryuuga and Split starting a fire. He sat down close to the fire and as soon as every one else joined them he began passing the list around so others could see it. Once it got back to him he spoke. “Alright, I’m gonna go look through the plane and find anything useful. Anyone wanna come along?” There was silence as people thought about whether or not they should go. “I’ll go” said Spit as he stood up. “Alright then, let’s go.” Said GhettoXemnas as he and Split began to walk towards the plane wreckage. They climbed in through the hole in the rear area and began looking for food, water, and anything they could use to make shelter. “This **** is useless” said Split. “Yeah, doesn’t look like there is anything good here.” GhettoXemnas said as he opened an overhead compartment. When he opened it, he was surprised when a suitcase fell out and almost hit him in the face. “That was close!” said GhettoXemnas. Split didn’t reply. “Hey! Split! You okay?” yelled GhettoXemnas. “Yeah, I think I found something!” Called Split from within the cockpit. Back out at the camp, the other seven survivors where having a conversation. “So, do you guys think anyone that was in the tail section survived?” asked Ryuuga. Most of the others didn’t answer.”I hope they survived” said Rosey “My husband was in the tail section using the bathroom.” Orange gasped. “You poor thing!” She exclaimed. “I hope you find him” Said Kingdom Glory. Rosey smiled at him. “Thanks” she said. “So, what where you guys doing on the plane?” asked Kingdom Glory. The survivors looked at each other. Ryuuga was the first one to speak. “Well…I was going home…”he said slowly. He was still in shock. “Me and Orange where going to visit our older sister who is studying in Japan.” said Natz. “What is she studying?” asked MadiYasha. Natz looked her over before answering. She seemed very distant, as if her mind where some where else. “I really don’t know what she is studying…” Said Natz. “But that’s not important. Why where you on the plane?” She asked. MadiYahsha’s answer was only two words. “Anime Convention” she said, but while the survivors continued their conversation, other more important things were happening…. GhettoXemnas ran past the dead bodies and scattered luggage toward the sound of Split’s voice, which was coming from the cockpit. When he got there he saw Split holding a piece of paper, and by looking at his eyes he could tell that he had made a shocking discovery. He handed the paper to GhettoXemnas “Read this ****.” GhettoXemnas took the paper and began to read. “We lost contact with the airport. Equipment isn’t working. We are heading to Australia to make repairs. We are some where above the Indian Ocean.” After reading the letter GhettoXemnas was speechless. “If any one is looking for us, they aren’t gonna find us. “We where supposed to go to Japan, and now we are in the ****ing Indian Ocean” said Split. GhettoXemnas looked a Split. “So basically, we’re screwed.” Back at the camp while the survivors where talking and getting used to their surroundings, something or someone was watching them from within the jungle only a few meters behind them.“They have found us. They cannot leave this place.” Said the observer, and with those words what ever it was turned around and left, but it was not alone._______________________________ To the other nine people who didn't appear in this chapter, don't worry. Chapter two is all about you guys.
Oh man me and rosey are that couple who are seperated at other ends of the island for ages aren't we V_V
you're so lazy you won't play twister, let alone write a twist. and you shouldn't have taken all that time for that small amount.
lol, so much for originality. But this is pretty sweet xD And I'm a "Lost" fan..sooooooo you'll be hearing from me.
xD I never watched Lost. So if you mess up the storyline. I wouldn't know. But if you mess up my personality, so help me... Ah vill eat joor fais.
A HUR HUR HUR... O R A N G E and I are sisters... oh lul. And for that you win so much GX. <:3 ~~~ I'll agree that was really short. :/ I'd probably enjoy it more if you skipped a line each time a person talks; makes it easier to read. EDIT: I could you do touch ups later down the road, but not a bad start.
OH lloll. Great job. You just need to practice with descriptions and stuff, that's all. Poor Rosey.. Can't wait for chapter 2. OH the lolz. Who's gonna be the Ana Lucia? xDD
Seems pretty good. :3 Lookin' forward to read more. Like, JellyBeing said, hit that there space bar every time someone new talks. Also, "where are you going?", "what were you doing?" See the difference? Yeah, I'm kinda **** about spelling. xD One more thing, you started the story in third person, so you should try to keep it that way. That means words like 'we' and 'I' are out of the question~
Sh!t. Now how am I gonna meet mah voice actorz? xDDDD Great job GX, I like the way you write. It's simple, but it gets the point across.