KH-Vids Law Firm!

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    *streaks through thread*
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I preferred the other one. Death metal is unsuited in my opinion. There is no real violence in Death Note so far. If anything, it is becoming more occult. The other music was far better for that purpose.

    Oh, and will these business men have the DN for long? I am tiring of this nice Light.
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Oh, he turns back all right. No more nice Light......just...insane psycho Light.....oh wait.....>_>....wait...nope....there's just psycho Light....
  4. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    Rock on, brother.
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
  6. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    holy shat
  7. Repliku Chaser

    I hate her voice. So annoying. But funny scenes. heh
  8. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Her voice can get annoying, and it dissapointed a lot...

    But I like it. Its darkly manic...

    Although I like her gloomy voice better...
  9. Xemnas sucks for being chauvinist. Wonder how Larxene made it in with that ignorance [feminist].

    There's nothing much more to say here, as we reached a pretty stable conclusion, and I do understand now about the intercourse between vampires. The only thing that I question is, about KH, did it say that it was exactly ten years ago that Ansem found Terra Xehanort? I thought it was more of BBS, though is understandable, since he brought Xehanort in. Or saved him, was it? My memory is foggy. But, I would think, that the disciples gathered up much later, when Ansem and Xehanort were to experiment, which was close to borderline KH1, or at least a year or two apart. Not that long ago, at best. With this, Ienzo could have easily been a prodigy at the age of fifteen or so, and just grew to his current age, whatever that is, until darkness consumed him along with the rest. With this, I can't exactly say, because Roxas and Naminé are left out, as they are automatically different.

    We can't also decide for certain without a proper timeline, so that has to wait. I would think they age, considering that they have a chance to returning whole, and is much easier to adapt back into your life.

    The Nobodies or the Org, don't have any sexual orientation? o.O You really think that they don't? Considering that Larxene appeared pretty straight to me...I don't think their body is that drastically different to the point where they are asexual, because I also believe they all have their vital organs. Or else they wouldn't be walking. Here comes the bones again. Besides, even with what they remember as Nobodies on that, isn't that the same of having the same preference of gender? You know what you like.

    And yeah, I was thinking about the vampire RP and the rating. I was sneakily plotting before that we can get away with some things, until I realized I just accepted a mod ^^;. Not that you aren't welcomed, of course. There has to be limitations.

    And see you then, more so now because you're logged off :D.
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hmm......I always wondered about that......well...more of the whether they have a physical heart and just not the emotional heart.....>_>.....though I think your debate is over.....
  11. It wasn't a debate, dudette :P.

    I'm just happy, cause I replied to every RP and everything I had to reply to. Huzzah/

    You know, I really hate KH2's English version, concerning the script. Mostly because I just found out from a friend of mine (where I mostly get some of the information of the novel that have yet to be translated, and other certain info) when I asked, what was Larxene's Japanese line when she was dying (cause you know how crazy I am about the girl), since I doubt "I'm not going to lose to a bunch of losers" would translate well back to its roots, and it seems odd to me, watching the Re: CoM videos (the ones not subbed, cause they just tagged the lines from the original CoM). What she truly said was, "How... could I... be... defeated. What... I'm... fading. No... I won't... let it... end... like this" or something of the sort. Match that with her voice and her expressions, and you get a "T-T" factor.

    Which makes her sound less like a b!tch, doesn't it? Makes me wonder what else I missed that they made worse than it truly is. I would've preferably liked to hear that coming from her instead of what we got.

    It was the same thing with making Roxas look more like a little twit when he was leaving. Is more that I really hate how they drag their slang (I wonder how many kids actually uses those anymore) into it (Larxene as basic example, and even Axel with his "Blank with a capital B"). I can never forget Sora's words to Demyx, "I bet you're trying to psych me out by saying really random stuff!"



    I have a feeling Japanese KH2 Sora is way cooler.

    Of course, the unforgettable one of all: "We totally owned you lamers!"

    I shudder.
  12. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    I thought he said that to Xigbar?
  13. I dunno.

    The point is, the actual quote makes him sound like a ******. Which doesn't appeal to him at all with his personality already. Maybe this is the reason why I found him more stupider in KH2. Darn English and their outdated, dumb slangs...

  14. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    I haven't been here in awhile, anything new?
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I once tried to talk only in Kingdom Hearts quotes. It was quite easy. My friends didn't really like it.

    Friend: Hey, it's your turn...
    Me: Shaddup!

    Yeah, gotta love Roxy. Oh, and Scar.

    Friend: Are you going to attack? (Playing a wargame)
    Me: Nooooo!

    But I would disagree on the whole nobodies have no preferences. I can get around the no relationships thing, but I definitely could see them "Acting" a relationship.

    The reason I think this is because the only female member of the org was Larxane. We have already seen her flirt with Axel. I doubt Nomura would include any gay relationships, nor any Vexen-Namine stuff. Therefore the only other viable couple for relationships is Roxas and Namine. That relationship seems to be bordering canon.

    So far, I have seen two instances of the nobodies acting out a relationship or actually being in one (Sort of). The only two viable couples. Unless more proof arises, i am going to judge that there is more in the "for relationships" than in the "Against Relationships."

    As for the slang. Sora needs Goofy to help him understand everything in Kingdom Hearts 2, and you are complaining about that one line? Even if that was removed, it would not aid him at all.

    Kingdom Heats 1 was far better for Sora's intellect's reputation.
  16. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    soulcalibur ftw!!!
  17. Well, I can't disagree with that KH1 Sora was smart, yet naïve (he's like, my favorite Sora), and putting it a nice, balanced mix that didn't make him look like a idiot, but more of a optimist with ideals. But hey, I'm at least trying to give him a break by saying most of his English KH2 lines aren't his fault.

    They probably made Larxene appear more like a b!tch than she truly is, which, I frown upon.

    And about the relationships, glad to know we see eye to eye. Larxene was obviously into guys, and if KH wasn't kid oriented, we probably would've seen her slam Axel to a wall and have a hot make-out session. I swear I felt like she was holding back.

    Ah well, is what I would've done anyway *whistles*.

    But, you also have to admit, that Roxas and Naminé are already special to be used in comparison, they might be different to what the rest aren't, so all we really have to go by is Larxene for now.
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Huh.....really?......hmm...yeah maybe.....I was wondering why Sora seemed way more like a dork in KH2.....also...>_>.....that girl's laugh was freaky........and extremely annoying.....and.....yeah....that was weird....
  19. *ish random*

  20. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    *Ish Randomer...*

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