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Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Darth Vader. So epic. May the fail be with you heh.
  3. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007

    Goodnight Reppy...
  4. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
  6. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
  7. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
  8. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
  9. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007

    Roxas and Naminé were always special cases, and are odd anomalies. I just wish Nomura would emphasize more of what all their actual existences are, what they have, and don't have.

    So it's up to inteprretation? Cause some fans think that they can't have intercourse at all. If it says that in her own site, however, I'll follow that one more precisely, as it makes more sense. It is not as pleasurable as sucking blood. Simple and neat.

    Well, the Organization itself is a bad example to go with. Half of them are grown men that are mature enough to know better and don't tape themselves to trivial things as that, considering they have more important plans to deal with. More so because the group in itself is shaky with dislikes and likes of members. The only female is Larxene (which she's practically young enough to be around Axel, Demyx, and Zexion's ages, so this doesn't leave much preference for the others), and, minus the whole thing with Axel in CoM, I wouldn't think her approachable, only when she wishes it to be. I do think there is possible, lust, attraction, and hormones able to be performed, but you're right. It's not something to delve on. We are not sure of their actual existences either. I just wonder if how can a human and Nobody, when unaware, because is possible, can interact.

    I said Nature can branch off to many entities. When I was talking about Marluxia, I don't mean he has all the properties, but focuses on only a specific one, which would be flowers, energy, and the symbolic life and death. Is the same way how Xigbar and Luxord can have limitations, when Gravity and Time in itself are extremely powerful forces, and Luxord could have literally turned back the clock to prevent himself from dying. Or avoiding the whole mess in the first place, and turnabout some fates himself. Unfortunately, the plot wouldn't allow it xP.

    I'm not underestimating Plant, is just that Marluxia is never seen using any of what you mention, so is safe to say that he doesn't use that as a source of power. Flower is lame, but if its official, it is official. And is not exactly limited either, witnessing at how much Marluxia is capable of doing with it. I do feel for him, however, having to be stuck with the element as that name, yet there's to keep in mind that he was supposed to be a woman in the first place. I guess Nomura wanted some sort effeminate looking character yet it turns out, that he's anything but, and he's as manly as they come, packed with the deep voice.

    BTW, I wasn't really planning to use Nature as his element in the RP, is just what I would have preferred instead of "Flower". The guy is already at the end of gay jokes enough.

    The 'kinesises' that I chose were there because it was the closest thing to match the members with, once I noticed just how many of them they were, and how they all magically fit with the Org's elements minus Xemnas's and Saïx's, so I found it a sport to point them out for others, because I found it interesting. Not use them at all.

    And actually, I didn't find this a debate at all. It was more of a discussion to me, with some disagreements, as a conversation can be filled with, but this isn't being used as to convince the other of something, and it was more easy going as if we were having a normal talk of certain topics.

    I've been busy lately, and I start school tomorrow, so better catch my Zs to be halfway awake, at least. Expect replies to my RPs tomorrow indefinitely. Night.
  11. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
  12. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
  13. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Take off the tags after the "jpg" to see the real image...


    Alright.... last one absol.... goodnight...

  14. Repliku Chaser

    Well, the way it was put on one site was that there's no coitus pleasure really at all. At a convention I went to (yes I'm such a geek), it was told to me basically (because yes I asked) that a ***** would be like a thumb as far as feelings of sexual stuff goes and the woman also would get nothing out of it. They can get 'hard' or push the blood to those extremities but in the end it does nothing for them and the only feeling of 'release' they get would be from the blood. Basically sex would be like rubbing your arm or something as far as I could take from the whole novels and book signing thing. The blood for the vampires is the life. They could give pleasure to someone else but not to themselves with sex, though they do love to touch each other and caress and all. xD Really, I think people that debate it a lot haven't read all of her books, especially the Armand and Marius and Pandora books. They pretty well are clear with how the vampires' sensations on it go.

    Yeah, the Organization is rough to go with but unfortunately it's all we have. All Nobodies obviously aren't as fortunate as they are to end up with bodies that resemble their former human forms. Also, Nomura wasn't going to go into whether they could have sex or not, or reproduce etc for the simple reason it's a game geared so that anyone including kids can play it. My best guess here would be that they -can- have sexual activities but cannot reproduce because of the state their body is in. If they have urges it would probably be carried over from their lives before and not from their current bodies. But we can take this how we want to and do our best guesses here because yeah, we certainly do not have much to go on, unlike Anne Rice's novels. I wouldn't go so far as with the Anne Rice novels to say that they would have 'no' sexual feelings but in the end I'm not sure and the analogy does work to some degree to compare them here. Considering that I do not feel the Organization members actually age and are also stuck in the forms they have, similar to the Vampires, it also works to compare them in that way. Of course, this age thing can be debated too but I'm pretty convinced Zexion was not 7 years old at the time before he was altered to be a Nobody and Xemnas looks exactly the same pretty much as the picture in Ansem's study from 10 years ago too. I could be wrong there but I'm 'pretty sure' the Nobodies are stuck at the same age but I think there may be a contingency too that if there is a Hearted person walking around, it may be possible that they grow as the hearted person does. I.e. maybe Roxas and Namine might have continued aging. Sadly, again this is a speculation and I'm not basing it on anything other than Namine seemed to be about the same size as Kairi in KH2 when in KH1/CoM, they were the same size too though Namine is thinner. I don't know what your feelings are on their ages changing, which I'd be curious to hear.

    I really never viewed the Org members as having a sexual orientation other than maybe what they felt prior to becoming Nobodies, even though Marluxia often is shown as the bishy gay guy in sooOOoo many fan fics and depictions of him. I did find it funny that in the beginning he was intended to be a female but Nomura changed it feeling that Xemnas was more of a chauvinist and wouldn't put a female in charge.

    Flowers can be pretty powerful and well, if you think of the curative and negative effects they can have, it does mesh in with death etc. Lotuses and roses actually often symbolize death or life or love etc. Poisons and toxins can be had from flowers. Also, the vines, yeah, probably are part of the flowers so plant may be too much, I agree. Flowers is official and on studying it more and thinking on it, reducing my spectrum from 'plants' over all, I can see why it was named such but someone has to really look closer beyond that to see why it's not bigger and all. I do though get now more why you called it 'nature' instead.

    Yeah, the convo has been easier and fun, and well has been insightful. See you later on and I await more epic posts of win from you in the RP. I also am excited to see how your RP will come about and definitely want in.

    We'll have to also think of how we might be able to do the Vampire RP as well sometime, if we can make it PG-13 heh heh. See you later because I'm off to school again too. rawr.
  15. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 you guys are done discussing?......<_<........>_>.......lots of random Vadar pictures.....
  17. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007

    UnSaintly Saint wants to arrest me for being too epic.​
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    I have just been watching deathnote. In the past two days, I have watched 20 episodes and I have but one thing to say after seeing the first episode of the new season.

    What the hell has been done to the themesong?!
  19. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008

    I think the theme song was a direct result of the Deathnote staff being possesed by demons. It's very death metal...
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hmm......I know Unsaintly......sort of ish....huh.....>_>.....well...I'm sure the smart people in this family can help.
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