KH-Vids Law Firm!

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Hey Fire.


    I don't suck at volleyball... xD Can't do much when I'm attacked from behind. LAWL. She got me good that day. Gooooooooood times.

    I'm the one with the darker skin tone. ;D Funny how we both are South Asian [Pakistan & Bangladesh], and she's TOTALLY pale and I'm brown... <_<
  2. I haven't seen your full frontal, face picture Pyrɸ, but from what I once saw in your profile picture, you are pretty. And I don't doubt this coming from Repliku. A guy. Yer.

    From some reason I'm listening to Chris Brown's Forever o.O. That beat is pretty *-*.

    Fo' sure.

  3. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Thank you guys... but I never did say that I wasn't pretty. Wait... wow that came out wrong. Self-centered much?? What I actually mean is, I don't call myselft pretty, but I don't call myself ugly either. I look NORMAL, just like the rest of us, and any one of us. The only problem I might have is only my skin tone. It could've been lighter, but can't deny what's in your genes. LAWL. I'm happy with my looks, don't worry... no matter how high I look [and that's a fact. xD].
  4. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Hey Pyro, is what Repliku said about you true?
  5. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    kjsghsdfsgasf!!! o:

    Did you not see the pictures of me getting PWNED!?! I looks HAWT dammit!! Of course what he says is true! Don't you know that every word that leaves his mouth is the UTMOST TRUTH!?

  6. I think is fine saying you're noraml, or at least pretty. If you know you're not ugly, than you're not ugly. Is better than being self-pitied and meek. But yes, COTU, Pyrɸ is the SECKS :D.

    Song Version:

    I NEED HELP! T-T I have't stop listening to both of these AT ALL! Waaaah! Make it go away! Since when did hip-hop had to have some stupid techno-y sound? Damn you, Chris! :yelling: I don't know what to do....TT^TT...
  7. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    lalwz... Applesauce.
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    See, now you accecpt the fact that I'm lyke TOTALLY SECKSY... Secksier than FinalForm. :p

    Lawl. Anyway... my gawd *TN*, the intstrumental version is like.... SECKS. o: I love it. And the only way you can stop yourself from listening to this song is... BY LISTENING TO IT FOR 49856736897398 TIMES. Only then will you have your fill. Remember that talk we had about the play count in my iTunes and stuff? It's time you do the same! ;D You'll see that it WORKS!
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    Is the idea of that Vampire RP still on? If so, what timezone is it set in? Modern day QotD time, or in Louis' and Lestat's time? Also, are Those Who Must Be Kept in this or not?
    (No spoilers, Akesha has just been awakened for me.)[/spoler]
  10. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Which Vampire RP? The one for *TN*, or the one Repliku and I were discussing?
  11. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Indeed... I thought she was white...
  12. If it's mine, it has nothing to do with The Vampire Chronicles series. I'm just taking some of the concept Anne Rice's made about her vampires, how they die, cry, eat, powers, etc.(with some other from authors, mainly about their bodies, in terms know). Besides, while Axel and his element is not a problem (Pyrokinesis, the ability to control fire. Interesting enough, is derived from the Greek word πυρ [pûr, meaning "fire, lightning"]. Really, lightning is just kabillion times hotter than fire, but it stands in the same process. And electrokinesis is actually used for control of electricity, so Larxene is not so odd as well with these. And noooo, this isn't to satisfy my Larxel thirst in metaphorical terms of their personalities :D), with the Organization and other characters, it would just completely and fully clash considering their own powers and weapons. And it will be set in our modern time. I don't know about including Akasha and Enkil (or some other form of them), since the history of vampires have to be explained in that RP, at least (see how much I have to work with?). It needs depth.

    You know, I love these terms xD. They are so cool sounding.
    Pyrokinesis - Fire = Axel (the origin of Pyrɸ's name, only with a weird "o")
    Electrokinesis - Electricity/Lightining = Larxene
    Hydrokinesis - Water = Demyx
    Geokinesis - Earth/Ground = Lexaeus
    Umbrakinesis - Shadow = Zexion (it fits in his element, illusions)
    Chronokinesis - Time = Luxord
    Gyrokinesis - Gravitation/Gravitational fields = Xigbar
    Photokinesis - Light = Roxas (Lol)
    Aerokinesis - Air - Xaldin (in its element, it creates winds)
    Cryokinesis - Ice = Vexen

    As for the one Pyrɸ and Repliku talked about with the setting in the real books? Well, is to be asked of them.

    Isn't it? The only reason that I mostly am listening 1616639 times to the song or instrumental is because of the melody and beat. As I said, ish pretty :3. Don't you just LOVE it? And, yes, I remember :P. And I know what I have to do TT-TT. Is just frustrating. I've spent time lowering the standards about Chris Brown to stupid girls for the hell of it, and now I'm caught somehow liking some of his songs. For shame *bows head*.

    I need to hide this >.>.

    Nobody knows what I look like. Nya nya >D.
  13. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Amber has Cookiekinesis.

    I see. I actually got the two Rps muddled in my head, so I guess I was talking to you both.

    As for you know, I have always seen it in the same way with all vampire books. No reproduction.
  15. Aw, Cookiekinesis =3. Amber's mind is powerful.

    And really, half of those examples are really what they are called, non-made up. Search. The control of plants is officially Chlorokinesis. I tried to find Marluxia's in that, but he fits more of "death", with added flower petals. I don't think anybody can manipulate death with the mind in reality. Hell, Marluxia's element is still being debated over, even where it does derive from. The only others ones not included in any *insert*kinesis, is Xemnas and Saïx, cause they have none. Unless I make one up. Lunakinesis? :O Oh, wait. Shoot! I think that is one *checks*.

    As for know, I can understand no reproduction. I see that as well. Is just that nothing is more plreasurable and orgasmic than drinking blood. know, is not worth it as normal humans would feel, or that they even want to as vampires. I'm not certain to change this or not.

    Oh well. At least the maturily level to handle it won't have to be high scaled unlike WalMart. BWUAHAHAHAH.
  16. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    You has discovered my secret =O

    Also: Remind me to stay away from shiny stuff XD
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Marly being death? Possibly. The graceful assassin does sound deathy.

    So pretty much you want to change it so you can have your lovely Larxel? Personally I think if it is for that reason, you should leave it as is. There is so much more you could do with their relationship that way. After all, killing another vampire is "very Exciting" to quote Armand.
  18. Is not more of his name, but his abilities. Take out the flower petals that come from it, and you see that most of his attacks are a form of darkness with a pink tint at times. And the Death Count in the FM+ Data Battle. And the scythe, with the black cloak, making him look like the presentation of the Grim Reaper. Sakura petals, the flowers he spews, represent death in Japan, which is why they are used for their fallen warriors [Samurai]. Pink is considered manly or neutral in Japan as well, for the record.

    Conclusion: Marluxia is a full testorone sexy son of a gun in reality.

    And no, I was joking with the Larxel. Hell, sucking blood as pleasure sounds so much more sexier, considering you can do many things with that, so I have no problem. Heeheehahah >: D. And I'm not always with Larxel, and saying this so people can know. If I'm playing one of their characters in a RP, I wouldn't mind another couple. I've done it times before, I just forgot where, since some of them were long erased in the RP section deletion (though, for example, in recent ones, Axel likes another girl in my High Times RP, kissing her. In Cruise, Axel has, like, three potential girlfriends xD. In Soul Reason, Larxene truthfully hates Axel's guts. If even a friendship, that's going to be hard. It all depends on what the person wants and I flow, or I can do it myself and they don't mind *shrug*). I'm talking about the relationships that would be in the RP in general so it can provide more freedom, or people would want to do other things than that.

    I'm positive you don't need know, to have a sort of romantic interaction, like a kiss on the neck, etc. So, sucking blood counting as the replacement know, I think can be accepted.
  19. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]

    Dammit! I hate Brandee's car! RAWR! She and I planed so many things while I was doing my summer classes, and thanks to her freaking car, NONE of it went through as planned! Her freaking car just HAD to break down on the LAST DAY OF CLASS! Then for two whole weeks I was free and bored out of my mind, while her dumb car sat in the shop being fixed! And thanks to that, her butt remained on the other side of LA while I sat on the freaking computer for over 12 hours a day killin' my fracking eyes! Fine... I was okey with that. It was ok that we didn't get to go any place, or go around the city acting like idiots... It was fine that we couldn't go hiking or visit the Ghetty museum, or go to the Huntington Garden. It was fine that we couldn't go out to the random-ass restaurants we hit to have lunch or dinner... IT WAS OK! I was patient that her car would be fixed by freaking Labor Day... And guess what? IT WAS. Her dumbass was supposed to be sitting down next to me right now, and we were supposed to be laughing our asses off at the most stupid crap. But her ******ed car just HAD to break down... AGAIN!!! WTF IS THAT?! GAH!!! This really was the WORST summer fo me. I DIDN'T GET TO DO SHIT, AND NOW SCHOOL IS STARTING. I need to hit something.... Preferably her car! RAAAAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!!!

  20. Repliku Chaser

    I'm pretty sure Marluxia's is Plant and not death. Any of the Nobodies can kill with their elements so it just isn't an 'element' in the KH universe. Also, "light' that Roxas has and Darkness others have isn't really 'light' as in illumination. It's more of a life energy. Just my thoughts on it.

    Also, I'd put Zexion's more as a mental thing but I suppose shadows works. I'd have said more like Telepathic domination for illusions. But I do agree with the fact Nobodies probably cannot reproduce etc since it seems they are stuck in the forms they are in that do not age and their bodies are actually composed of Darkness and another 'element' of existence. Since they aren't necessarily biological anymore with blood etc, it would seem silly to think they could reproduce, much to the sorrow of many fanfics.
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