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Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. Repliku Chaser

    QotD is a failed movie but no, I don't really blame the actors for it except the guy who played Lestat and refused to have his hair dyed for the role.

    The book itself reads like it was an epic movie. I think that is the saddest thing about the movie is that the book itself is such an easy read, flowing in and out and the words just play like a movie in my mind. It was beautifully done and a way to bring all the vampires out to an epic field of battle, as well as the human characters. It was so beautifully written, it is such a shame it was not followed.

    As a stand alone movie, it wasn't that bad as just another vampire flick. However, it totally deviates from the book. The actors were fine for the most part, but the script was totally deviating in quite a few ways and totally skipped out on some of the most 'cinematic' moments of the book. I really couldn't complain about the performances of Lestat, Marius, Maharet and Akasha. What I could complain on was...

    Lestat not having blond hair by demand of the actor.
    Marius not looking the part though the actor did a good job.
    Marius is -NOT- the creator of Lestat. That was Magnus and they could have left that in the movie. Showing a back scene with how screwed up Magnus was would have been awesome.
    Mekare, Maharet's sister, was nowhere in the movie. Boo.
    Khayman was ugly in the movie but in the book he's a very handsome tall Egyptian male and he also was wandering to get to the others.
    Armand was ugly. He's supposed to be a boy with auburn red hair, not strawberry blond and well, he just didn't look or feel the part at all. I ponder if Armand will ever be done right in a movie.
    Jesse was not an obsessed Lestat fan. Her whole portrayal was pretty wrong.
    Louis wasn't even in the movie. He should have been around Armand and at the concert at least.
    They showed NOTHING of Akasha and Enkil's past at all including how the vampires were started really. It was just let that we should know or assume something.

    There were so many other things wrong with the movie I could write on and on. IwaV was done much better and to date it is apparently also the only take on Ann Rice's novels that she personally liked. It was done pretty well and though there were points it deviated it did try to stay on target and also was a higher budget film. QotD had so much potential and the relationships between the characters wasn't explored as well as they showed nothing of Akasha's actual past. I have hopes someday someone who actually loves the series will redo QotD and maybe tell Lestat's story or at least do a happy merging of the two books in an epic movie but the movie either way is going to have to be more than an hour and some minutes long. QotD should have easily been a 2 1/2 to 3 hour movie if done right.

    Any way, best thing to do really is to read the books to know the stories. IwaV was a good movie but QotD ought to be deleted from memory as being at all connected. Not a bad vampire movie on its own but anyone who read the books is crying on how every character was raped severely.

    Twilight, you are right that at points some vampire stories do contradict one another but that is all because o the differing authors of each book. Lestat writes most but others also do up their own tales when David starts motivating them to. The contradictions that happen really are only because of opinions each one has so they aren't glaring or anything and you can see why when you get to know each character.
  2. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Repliku... you've said EVERYTHING that I did not have time to say last night. ILU. <3 :cryinganime:
  3. Ah, so he refused to dye his hair? I would've spiked his shampoo, that besh >.>.

    Thanks, Rep, for explaining the contradictions of the books. It is indeed, that they are from different points of view.

    Anyway, is exactly what I thought. As its own vampire horror flick, is fine. But the bad thing, as a book that it isn't a book adaptation. I knew it must've been bad, considering how the fans commented (on a board, not YouTube. In YT, I have to keep reading things about how sexy and hot Lestat is most of the time cause of how they see the video and his face -_-. Though, it happens on the board too. Damn girls :D), they appeared like they wanted to rip it apart to shreds, disembowel it, snap it in half, stomp on it, burn it to ashes, and drown the remains down the toilet o.O. I just think it should've been put into more good hands. To me, from interviews, the creators seem like they wanted to do it their way, then actually give a damn about quality. Anne Rice did the script of IwtV (or so I've heard), and I can't believe any director would refuse the author of the book doing a script for them. For free. Imagine how many times better it would've been. Just the fact that they did that shows me they weren't looking to gear this to the fans.

    Luckily, I was early, so it didn't get butchered in my non-book eyes.

    I really have to stop looking for info, though, or reading things D:. I know I'm about to get major spoilified if I continue. I already know of
    Magnus and what he did. And even how Claudia, has a presence in other books at points in time, either by her journal or ghost, that then went to kill Louis. Hell, I even know a little of Akasha and Enkil, and the red-haired twin sisters, Maharet and Mekare.
    I hate temptation T-T. But I stopped :P.

    Also, straying away from what NOT to do with book adaptations, Repliku, can I have...a-demon-kitty-that-has-nothing-to do-with-the-plot-unless-you-want-it-to-but-only-there-for-cuteness-factor-for-Larxene-to-have-in-Soul-Reason?

  4. Repliku Chaser

    Pyro, we share the same angst over that movie. *hug* It hurt the soul.

    Twilight: The reason the movie was made in the first place was that Anne Rice allowed for two movies to get made which was IwtV and QotD. However, though she was allowed rights to help on the first movie, the second was not not happening until the contract nearly ran out. So the people who did the contract wanted to see a second one done but decided it wouldn't be that big a thing and so gave it to some guy to make that well, obviously knew jack crap about the whole book and took what he wanted from it. Anne Rice had no part in QotD and she herself has come short of saying it was the worst adaptation of her books yet. Of course she couldn't say much about it but nearly everyone knew she was just as unhappy with it as her fans were.

    As for the demon kitty... >.> about just a normal cat with a bad tude? lol. I am not really putting demons into the rp but feel free to have her find some cat with a bad tude you can rp with if you want when she gets out of TWTNW. It shouldn't be too long now if people move with DiZ already. lol
  5. It seems Rice shares a lot of the fans' sentiments. I was also aware she was unhappy with it. You can't really blame a author.

    The demon kitty won't be anything powerful, or take a big form, or affect the plot in any way, I know what not to do, you can trust on that one. Just a stray tiny, demon (one of the weaker ones) that comes from another world in the many worlds of KH (and with Twilight Town, Traverse Town, and Radient Garden, it doesn't have to be Disney, so she can come from some unknown...piece of earth, so I guessed it wasn't farfetched). The worst thing she has is telepathy (for contact), super speed, summon a shield, and some small energy thing to attack (that comes from the mouth) that's not really a big deal. It doesn't even have to be a demon. Just a werid kitty with weird minimal powers. Magical creature type thing. Hey, lions and mermaids, as well as fish in that universe do talk and exist, after all.


    I tried the idea of a normal cat with a bad tude, but then I figured that Larxene will kill it, rather than keep it D:. Though if you're still unsure, then let's not have it. I was just asking, since I got that idea from a nekomata read I was doing.

    As for Diz, I think Raxton (?) began to speak to the group. I'll post as Naminé, though she doesn't have much to say. I was thinking on to make Xemnas think on that whole paragraph you put, but I decided to let him explain it to the Org., then to repeat himself in words again. I've been kind of procrastinating on my RPs with the book ^^:.
  6. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007

    I just watched Sicko, by Michael Moore...

    It has compelled me to do one thing...

    *Kidnaps Pyro, and boards a plane to France*
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    You could try to link it to the Cheshire cat. It sounds a lot like what you want, minus the whole nature of it.

    Anyways, I am experimenting with fonts. Is this one better than the last one?
    Example of old one.
  8. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    My silly computer doesn't have either of those fonts installed, so it shows the default :bangbang:​
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Bah. Can you see the colour?
  10. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Goldenrod? Yes x3
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Well at least that's working.

    So, what's up?
  12. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Evil DF is tickling me in the Cookie Castle. My cousin just fell alseep. I start High School on Monday. My Freshman Orientation is tomorrow. I'm hungry.
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    You start High School next week? But I am only a bit younger than you (Half a year doesn't mean that much), and I am in my third term. Care to explain?
  14. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]

    Ay ay ay... not again. ;_;
    This is the second time I've been kidnapped by ICSP.
  15. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Third term?

    Erm, what? XD

    Do you mean like third grade? o_o
  16. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    This may be the first and last time I try to make sense of this schooling system.

    Okay, you said you start your first year of high school, (As in your ninth year at school) next week. I said I am already in the third quarter of my ninth year at school.

    I think another name for the ninth year is Third form.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    How about it just be some magical cat or something but not a demon? I'd rather not have 'demons' in the game as a preference. I don't mind really what you described for it to have abilities and such. Just make it a magical bizarre cat.
  18. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Oh XD I forgot that our school systems are reversed >_<

    If you had said quarter originally, I would have gotten it...

    Anyways, your school year lines up with the actual year, right? Well here, school starts around the end of August/start of September, and ends at the end of May/beginning of June.
  19. Amber is correct. You live in New Zealand, right?

    And as for my MCNK (magical, cute nekomata kitty), do you mean that it comes from Wonderland (which is a good magical place for it to come from, actually, as the world is "mad". And weird with all these creatures anyway), or directly connected to the Cheshire Cat? Cause the description, appearance wise, is vastly different. Well, when you see my MCNK, you have to think Pokémon cuteness (though is not one, that's clear). And it has two fluffy tails. It always has to be fluffy to complete the adorable furball. Hell, even that Kilala(sp?) demon kitty cutie from Inuyasha, will do perfectly, as it fits the description.

    And I still need Repliku's final, final answer D:.

    Larxene will hate the poor thing (die cuteness >D!!!), though. For awhile.

    *goes back to finish replying to Soul Reason*
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Ish bored. Let's talk guys. I'm being serious. I don't really feel like spamming at the moment. Well, Absol is not around, and my hyperness is extremely low tonight. And it amazes me that I'm not hyper at all, considering that I've not eaten anything all day [literally O_O] except for a Tall Mint Chocolate Chip Frappuccino this morning, and another 2 cups of coffee at home and some uhh jerky? xD Oh and some more dark chocolate. I've a large amount of caffeine and sugar rushing through my veins, yet not a drop of hyperness. I'm rambling now. But lets talk. ^_^-
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