KH-Vids Law Firm!

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Wrong state.
  2. N-NO IT'S NOT! I'm telling you, I lied x.x. I do live in Detroit, even.

    Aaaaw crap, I just said the city, didn't I? Alright, then.

    YOU WILL NEVER FIND ME!! >D IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! In fact, I'm going to use my skillorz to find you, anwita, I know the state, I know how many miles it is to get to Universal Studios, or I can calculate how far, and I will get you, my dear. MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!




    You can't defeat me! I got the "MUAHAHAH" smilie.
  3. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    *pinches the bridge of nose*
    Ahh . . . Now I got two people in my tail. :nono:
    The info you have *TN*, won't help you much, as the distance I gave you was not from where I live, but from my school. And my school is not in my home city anyway, as it is also quite a distance from my home. >D Besides, you need to get your butt up to California before you can do anything. xDD Not to mention, you will still need to search the entire area of the radius before you can actually locate me. However, it won't take long for ME to come to *insert *TN*'s home state here* and find you if I wish, as you already know how much Brandee and I travel. And, yes, we ARE insane when it comes to going places, and we DO NOT give up . . . You know it well.

    You honestly cannot find me, and neither can you ICSP, even if you live near me and prowl around my neighborhood. >D
  4. Hah. But I can trace Universal Studios back to your school, infiltrate the computer sytem using my Skillorz, and then pinpoint exactly where you live, by your city, area, address, building, and ALL *evil smile*. You are doomed. And I already planned to go to fact, I may be even watching you now....


    *plays Halloween theme again*

    And since you have a partner, I guess I'll bring street-wise Andrea to the mix. If we don't meet up with ICSP first to take you down >D.

    Give up, Pyrɸ, and we all can be capable of mercy...*nods head*
  5. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Tough luck woman. You still don't know my school, and by the time you come to California, I'll be out of HS, not to mention I'll probably be out of LA as well, considering where I want to go after HS. Though I must say that breaking into my school is not all that diffuclut [you just literally walk in O.o' and I can easily fit through the bars in front of the school], finding my information won't be easy, even with all your "Skillroz" as I am not known as ANWITA in school. You DO NOT even know the name I am known by. >D BWAHAHAHA!!! Good luck going through all the students' profiles trying to locate mine, out of . . . oh I don't know, a couple hundreds . . . more then 700, you can bet on that.
    You can bring your street-wise friend Andrea, and team up with ICSP, but Brandee and I are the stalking serial killers, with street-smarts and awesome technological smarts as well. We'll pwn you asses. >D You all are doomed, if Brandee I really decide to hunt you people down . . . Pray, and pray hard.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .......O.o.......well...I have low well as technological smarts......and....yeah....I don't think if I had to find someone...I'd be able to find is there.....a stalking war? o.O.....and....that music was freaky.....I read the plot of Halloween....pretty creepy.
  7. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    You do realize that if *TN* is from detroit... she is the by far the most street wise person I've ever met...

    Anwi... you are doomed.

    Unless you team up with me we can take down *TN* together... on our own turf.

    This is so like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    I'm The Man With No Name.

    Anwita is Tuco.

    *TN* is Angel Eyes.
  8. TRAITOR!!

    I'm here, trying to not let you be stalked, and you JOIN WITH THE ENEMY TO DESTROY ME! >D Hah!

    You're in my hit list, ICSP, you're in my hit list...


    It seems, I am but a lone warrior...with one knight...

    Let it be.​
  9. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Haven't you seen The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly? Everyone betrayes everyone!

    Also, why did you change your sig and avi? I barely recognized you.
  10. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Hmm. . . I don't remember ever needing to find a necessity to team up. 8< This is a one man, er . . . woman hunt. O_O Wtf . . . Anyways . . . I'm well and capable of hunting you people down . . . each . . . and . . . every . . . one of you on my own. >D I can do it without Brandee as well. ICSP, *TN*, you two aren't the first people I've stalked, tracked, or hunted down, so I definitely know what I'm doing. And *TN* is NOT from Detroit in the first place. Bwahahahaahahaha!! Everything is going well.

    WTF WTF WTF . . . NYUUUUUUUUUU!!!! *dies*
    Ach. I don't think I 'll be able to RP today either *TN*, I'm sorry. I was busy yesterday with making DS the MySpace layout she wanted me to make her [I think I killed my eyes with all the html codes though] . . . and procrastination goes a long way. But I finsihed, yay!!! xDDD But now I find myself getting ready to go see my mother's colleague's newborn kid. D8 I don't care and I don't want to . . . I don't like kids, or the little things called babies. T_T Why . . . this is depressing. *turns emo*
    Might as well charge my iPod so I can go sit in a corner and look like I'm interested. D8
    Btw, that's definitey a big change from your previous siggy and avatar, *TN*, I like it. ^_^-
    and hey, Fire!
  11. Wat you talkin' 'bout, Willis Pyrɸ? Course I'm a Detroit-er :D.

    And don't worry, I haven't much to RP today either...except maybe in the Cruise thing.

    As I said, if that's the path you've chosen, then let it be. You'll fall with the rest *begins plotting* [​IMG]. You BOTH are going down. THE WAR IS ON!!!

    Oh, and I changed my siggy and avi because,. while is all good for Axel to SEXIIFY my posts =3, I thought I'd showed some Roxiné love (Cruise RP got me the cuteness, and I find them more adorable than Sora/Kairi) for the summer. Then Larxene can come in Fall, and be there throughout the whole next school year. And then some (to have the same time frame as HAWT Axel did...gah, I'll miss him! T-T).

    And thanks, Pyrɸ ^^. Glad you like.
  12. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Detroit... really now? :sideways: *cough*

    Anyhoo . . .
    [MARQUEE]:guns4: I declare war. :guns:[/MARQUEE]
    Hmm . . . *calculates* I have until June '09 to finish collecting the info for my other hunt, and completing the stages of my plan . . . But I cannot execute that plan until June '10, therefore I have . . . *calculates* . . . Oh my, hehe . . . just enough time to retrace my steps back to stage 3 for ICSP. >D Good, good. By then I'll have the rest of the equipment necessary to do that. Now . . . *checks contacts in cellphone* SEXILLENT. Huhuhu . . . *TN*, I unfortunately never meant for this to happen between us, but it seems that it cannot be helped now. >D I are professional in this field, unlike some of you . . . :sideways:

    Wait . . . so which one is Tuco . . . the guy with the HAT, or the dude with the GUN. xDD
    Okey . . . I'm leaving now. D'8
  13. Yes, yes, it is indeed unfortunate *nods*. But, it has come to do this, and now, I'm already halfway prepared for my own hunt =3. Spy equipment at the check. Private jet plane. Transportation. And area. You'll be first priortiy, Pyrɸ, and ICSP...unless she gets to you first, you better watch out >D. You're next. Don't be surprised if you see a white mask following you...

    We will await.

    All the while, I feel good, because college is over for me until Fall, so I have free time again! Of course, job, but hey, I can work on my story now. And other stuff.

    Gah. I should be sleeping xD.
  14. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Tuco is the Mexican. He looks like an idiot in that scene... and throughout most of the movie he is comedic releif... but he is the only one who can hold his own against Clint Eastwood in a gunfight. Which is why Clint stole his bullets.

    Tuco is a the main villain, but he is also a protagonist. He is a very complex character... whith his own motivation.

    Clint is the Man With No Name. Also a villain of sorts... but more of an anti-hero, but is the main protagonist. Ironically, he is also the most boring character in the entire story.

    Angel Eyes is the dude in the black treanchcoat. He's the main antagonist. As he manipulates both Tuco and Clint. He comes accross as a nice guy in one scene, a cold blooded killer in the next. Certainly an interesting character.

    So... whats the plan? Is it just a free for all? Whoever is left standing wins? No truces, no alliances?
  15. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Simply writing words does not help, my dear, as I hardly think that you have a private jet. xDDD :rofl: I'm getting a M&M Smith vibe from this [and I totally watched the move five times between just this last week and this week!!! xDDDD] Though I really do intend to hunt down all of you. Huhuhu. I wasn't kidding. I really did hope that my stalking tendencies would remain only in the forums for you, *TN* . . . but I see that I was mistaken and it was too much for me to ask. Right now, you are just asking for it *TN*. *nods* Across the country or not, you're coming down, even if it means that I have to apply to a college in your state . . . anything, just to get my ass up there. I'm now willing. You guys have NO idea how crazy I can get . . . and I'm an obsessive person, once I want something. I MUST GET IT. *nods again*

    --- ICSP, you're first, considering you're near me. And this shouldn't take long.
    --- *TN*, it does NOT mean that you can relax, love. >D I'm a multitasker.

    Plan is free for all, last one is obviously the survivor . . . no wait . . . stalker. . . Wait, WHAT?? O.o' Why exactly are we hunting eachother down? What am I getting out of all this? This is gonna cost me money, and I need to know how it'll help ME. What's in it for ME??? DD8

    And don't worry *TN* I was here till 5 yesterday . . . which was 8 AM for you. xDDD And I slept till, 4. xD So worth it. xDDDDDD
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Yeeeeeeah.....I'm not going to get involved.....>_> guys aren' each other?......:(.......right?.........right?.........RIGHT?! And for a day I thought you were mad at me, Pyro. I'm sorry I prejudiced you. Also....why are you guys doing this?....
  17. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    I don't know...
  18. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Er... the vid is no longer available. O.o'

    I'm not mad at you fire. *shrugs* No one can be liked by everyone. xDDD
  19. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007

    And what did I miss between Pyro and Fire?
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Hmm... I'm not sure why we can't. 8/ But it still doesn't mean I won't stop my hunt.

    And nothing, hun, Fire just had made a confession earlier in the thread, and I was involved in it, more or less, and she thought I was mad at her because of that. Nothing more. xD
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