KH-Vids Law Firm!

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I must know!!!
  2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHOOOOOOOO!! I'm done! I'm so happy! I got my Descriptive essay left that's due Wednesday, but that is easy, all I have to do is describe, and write with really big words...just too impress and pretend that I actually know what I'm writng about. Turns out that while I made my character figure out that Bush was a dumba**, I had the inspiration of having my best friend have a older nonexistent older brother that went to war in Iraq, and died, the news hitting me and my best friend while we were in school. Very depressing, but hopefully, that will set my teacher on the correct path to a good grade *cough*. I never had that planned, it just came to me, yet it turned out the way I wanted it to. I don't think he'll buy that story, yet I don't think he's actually looking for a real one. Either way, I hope my BSing skills come to be realized. All I need to do now is a check over. I'll probably start my Descriptive essay tomorrow, if I'm not lazy. How much you want to bet that I'll get it done first thing tomorrow? -_-

    And...oh my goodness, we're talking about clothes. And suits. And that second pic that you posted Pyrɸ is soooooo sexy and pretty. Wow. I want it D<. I found it so appealing, maybe I should make Larxene wear one xP. And now men in suits....I do love that. They look sophisticated, yet so...*insert naughty word* I wonder how Axel would look in a suit...oh wait, there's Reno. We've seen it. Except maybe that not careless with the shirt untucked and the jacket opened. I find that so attractive though.

    And speaking of Fire hinting to reply at Twilight High, why the heck is DestinyStar taking so long to reply in the Cruise RP? I'll wait and all, I really don't mind, but I'm starting to wonder.

    And ICSP, when are you going to ever update your fanfic? Or have you lost the motivation and inspiration to continue? D:

    Is jut sone of those videos where people fast pace the voices to make the song sound like chipmunks. Is starting to annoy me. Ever since that movie came out, is like a whole bunch started to rise out of the darkness. See?


    Why are we all invisible? >.>
  3. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Congradulaions on finishing...
    I phail... this usually happens whenever I start something creative...

    I do intend to finish... how long has it been since my last update? A month? Two? Dude... I phail...

    *Looks back towards the emo corner, then shudders* Anything but that.

    Why invisible, probably so nobody knows when I'm stalking them......

  4. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Invisible! Woot!
  5. Sorry, is that you have no idea how much off my shoulders that was. Is like you don't have to worry about it anymore. This isn't high school, that you can hand in a report after the due date if you want, depending on how strict the teacher is, of course. You either hand it in tomorrow, or F. Do not want T-T. I cannot phail.

    And, just take your time with the fanfic, ICSP. Is no fun if you actually speed. You're not the only one who hasn't updated...*eyes shift*.

    I also have the trial for Sony Vegas Pro 8...and I have no idea how to use the thing. So. Many. Buttons. I need to go through a tutorial.
  6. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    *Eyes narrow*

    Thats right... even though I haven't updated in like 2 and a half months... whens the last time you updated?
  7. Two months and more coming. I want to get all my work over with before I start writing again. The other update lasted around three months, and now this one is another long one. I sooo have to make it up to my readers...

  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Yes, congrats on finishing *TN*. We all are very proud. And heck yes!! 6 MORE DAYS!!! WOO!!! 8DD I are VERY excited. LOLOL. *dances* It's just a number, but I just am. Hmm . . . maybe because it'll allow me to get certain things I've been wanting and I've got a crap load of things planned after. OMFG! 6 MORE DAYS!!! 8DDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! [​IMG]

    #1 is worn by married woman here, mainly because #2 is too radical to be worn outside. #2 IS definitely sexy, but way too bothersome. If you've worn it once, you'd understand D'8. And #2 can definitely be worn at parties as well, my mother does, and she looks hawt. I do wish that I at least look half as good as my mother. T_T My little sister though, she definitely got mother's look. D< #3 can be casual, but it's quite rare. Though if you go to the country side, you'd definitely see the casual version of #3 being worn over #1. Hmm . . . tell you what, if someone ever manages to put me in #2, I'll post a piccy. ^_^- Aw heck, if any one of them, #1, 2, or 3, I'll put it up. It really will be a once in a lifetime moment. I did promise my cousin that for her wedding, I'd wear #2. xD

    Well, wearing a trench coat in the middle of July is no cool. xD I've got a trench coat! 8D However, a Pee Coat is also very shmexy. When my "company" had to present our proposal to the ULI Company in Downtown last year, we'd gone into a very sexy building filled with hawt, hawt men in suits. 8D I was so overwhelmed, I'd almost forgotten all my finance information! I literally was close to drooling. xDD Seriously, Men in suits look, hawt because they look clean and sophisticated, I'd say the same for women as well. When I see women dressed like that I cannot help but feel deep respect for them. O.o While I feel respect for the women, I DROOL over the men. xD Reno in a suit was still shmexy, no matter how careless it was. xD

    DS taking a while because she often loses her mood to RP, so she takes a while to post sometimes. :sideways: I understand what she means though, I often get that feelings. *sigh* Mood swings suck. And the answer to the invisibility question is what ISCP says. >D LOLOL. I'm not really sure why I'm invisible actually. *shrugs* Oh well.
  9. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    You updated your fic recently?

    Linkage! *Sorry, I lost the link*
  10. Oh, alright. I get like that too sometimes, if just not in the mood. I was just wondering why she wasn't posting when she's here and all, and now I understand. And yes. Reno is shmexy :3. Man, I swear him and Axel are going to turn me into a redhead fanatic.

    And either way, no matter what, those suits are very gorgeous. Oh, but the second, that one is definitely my favorite. I don't experience many men or boys in suits, except that one time at prom and stuff like Homecoming. Otherwise, is always baggy jeans and loose T-shirts >.>. Not that is bad, of course, if they do it with style, is sexy ;P. Which most of them do where I come from. Oh goodness, I wish Andrea was here, so we could explore the mall and get numbers from hot guys. *sigh* Those were the days. Yet, darn...those were some sexy, blessed males.

    Nope. Is still pending, at least the second one, where Axel and Larxene finally meet (I want to do it so bad). What have you read so far? Only the prologue? Cause the other chapter that is up is about Roxas and Naminé.
  11. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    So you mean you haven't met a real man yet?
    I just read the prologe. The only characters introduce was Axel, Wifey, Larxene, Marluxia, and the maid who got punked.
  12. Lol xP. Nope. Not at all.

    Roftl xDDD, wifey and the maid who got punked. Alright then, here's the link, because yeah, you didn't read the last update: There You Go
  13. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Fack, I'm here when I should be studying for math. D8 *sigh* I'll get to it right after this, I guess. I'll contribute half of myself to math. xD I hate Sequences and Series! RAWR.

    Speaking of Reno, have you seen the FF7 vid I'd posted here? It was some hilarious stuff. xD
    It really wasn't about Reno, but it was still funny. The boys in my school, ay, don't even get me started. Style does not exist there! T_T I stopped searching in my school *sigh*. It's no use. And the ones that actually look good are so damn cocky and b!tchy [enough to make you gag]. It's not the sexy type of cocky or b!tchy, it's just rude. *sigh* Damned kids. :nono:

    When I went out with Brandee on the 5th, I'd followed Rasha's [my stylist niece] advice and did my makeup like she told me to [nothing but eyeliner], and wore a strapless black dress with pearls, complete with some American Eagle high heels, and oh boy, Brandee and I had a field day at the mall. 8D *giggle* Not just the mall, but got a couple of honks out in the streets too [that's LA for you]. Not to mention some nice phone numbers. xDDD For once in my life, people didn't think I was 12-year-old girl . . . I mean we were offered alcoholic beverages in the restaurant we had lunch! Yay! Well, we didn't get it though, obviously . . . we were driving, so that was a no-no. Oh, but it was awesome. We've got to do that more often.

    *TN* I KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T UPDATE. |8< But of course take your time.
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Update what?......and seriously? I went to China on the school field trip all these guys kept looking at me whenever I walked past. It was unnerving.....>_>...I continuously complained to everyone about it and they deemed me as paranoid.....which isn't far from the truth....>_>...anyway...we had many theories....but then after a detailed explanation from the tour guide, about how pretty I was....we finally concluded that all the guys in China have been checking me was very awkward and all the sophomores started joking around with me about I try to prove it to them so I go like, "Okay...just stand with me...right(outside the hotel lobby where the sidewalk is) here....guys will turn their heads and look at me......""Okay..fine....we'll see...." And then a guy turns his head and looks at me and we burst out laughing....and thus I ahve proved my point....or when walking down the street with a group(Never EVER go alone...EVER EVER! It's freaking DANGEROUS!) I tell them guy's going to turn his head...."And out of the corner of my eye...he turns his head.
  15. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    *smahes the psyche locks open with a sledge hammer* Now, 6...or should I say 5 days...until what?
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .....until summer?......>_>......possibly?......
  17. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Why did you hit me in the chest with a sledge hammer?

  18. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    whatever it is that's in 5 days. . . you'll know it in 5 days! 8D

    but for now . . . I need to figure out how to get some money for that day. D8
  19. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Yo... should I change my name? Into Kristoph? Or maybe...

    Mr. Xelax ?
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]

    I like ICSP. T_T
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