KH-Vids Law Firm!

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    That cat... disturbs me...

    Oh... and thanks for calling me out of the closet... [/sarcasm]
    The Great Gatsby is banned? Why?
  2. I didn't know the exact reaction was the same. Cool :D.

    The disturbing cat is just shaking his booty xP. I don't find it disturbing anymore, maybe that's why, and I keep cracking up everytime I look at the thing, so I'm trying to avoid it. Maybe we should put Axel's head on that body and watch it move o.O. Sorry. Frightening thought, but now I am imagining Axel's head on there. ROFTL! xDDDD (shudder) *_*

    That's my question D:.
  3. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    *_* OMFG. Thank you, *TN*, for that insight. Now I see Axel's head on it. O_O
    DD8 Oh Gawd! X.x'

    You guys didn't know that the Great Gatsby was banned?? D8
    I'd thought that everyone would be familiar with that . . . 8/
    It was banned because it does not follow the "American Dream", and in many eyes, the book promoted adultry, murder, greed, corruption, sex, and scandals. Some American Dream -that- is. xD And so it was banned. Now it's up to me and my partner to uhh . . . defend the book and say, GATSBY IS COOL, SO STFU B!TCHES!.
  4. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OMG! Thats not the American dream? What country have I been living in?

    The book is realistic... 'nuff said.

    Goodnight, I got a meeting tommorow morning...
  5. I didn't mean to put the Axel image, this is the love of mine I'm talking about. Maybe we can switch it to Saïx's head? xD Xemnas? ^.^

    But that's the best part of it! *sarcasm* Seriously, America is getting too uptight, so much it seems, that nothing won't' be able to get in or out in due time. Especially as Gatsby is read in high school, where teens all already doing that, and more. With added teenage drama. I passed through it in my Junior or Senior year. I forgot which. My high school never banned it though, unless it was done recently.

    The whole book is mild though. Is ridiculous it's banned.
  6. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    O_O Saïx? Xemnas? DD8 Well, I definitely see Xemnas on it. OMFG. I see Xemnas' head on it, and now getting images of him doing that in front of Sora during battles, and in front of the rest of the Organization as he's giving them orders . . . D8. Goodness. xO

    No, no. The book was not recently banned. D8 It was banned a long time ago. And the ban has been lifted in many parts of the country, but I suppose that it's still banned in some parts. 8/
    We're only doing the trial becuase our AP Eng. Lang. class was talking about censorship, and banned books such as Lolita, A Thousand and One Nights, An Invitation to a Beheadding, and of course, my favorite, Justine [by Marquis de Sade], and etc.. So some dumbass in our class decided that a debate on Gatsby would be fun, as the book we're reading now [Reading Lolita in Teheran] talked about Gatsby, and the author, Nafisi, had a small staged trial on Gatsby. The dumbass thought that it'd be great if we did that as well . . . and so, suddenly I find myslef preparing for a debate . . . which is on a damn SATURDAY!! DD8<
    Gatsby is epic. I don't think that it should be banned. If you really think about it, that WAS the American Dream . . . well it is now anyway. xD LOLOL. But no country would want to show that off now, would they? O.o
    *The 'effin AP's are over. WHY THE FU*K ARE WE STILL LEARNING! D8*​

    DestinyStar has lef the forums!!! DD'8 For how long I don't know! She might've gone for a few days, or permanently, she doesn't know. I've lost a Kairi in Wal-Mart, and my Larxene in Cruise! T_T
    I are depressed. *tear* Oh the humanity!
  7. I'm really must be a Larxene fangirl to pick up Marquis de Sade out of all of that. Yet, I LOVE A Thousand And One Nights! Why? T_T This whole censorship and banning of books are somewhat...dumb. But I never read half of that list, honestly, so maybe I don't know what they are about. I still can't believe that you have school on Saturday though. That would've killed me. More that you have to go through some in the summer. Then again, I signed up for Summer term that ends in July 7 or something, and I have classes on Monday and Wednesdays. Take the bus, wake up so early to get there at nine -_-. Is only five weeks. How much is yours?

    *heart breaks and shatters to the floor*

    NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! WHY? Why did she have to break my heart!!!? I need DS for the Cruise RP mostly, and hopefully, is only for a few days TT^TT. I'm mourning right now. Seriously. This is bad news to me.
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    I absolutely love de Sade actually. 8D Call me sadistic, but I find his works rather intriguing. xD Its interesting though. However, I'm not surprised to find de Sade in the list of banned books actually. His novels ARE rather graphic, xD as well as violent . . . hence "violent pornography". But the other books . . . well, even I do not find a point in banning books. Sure, Lolita was a rather disturbing book, but it was still a good read. Nabokov is a good writer. I really do feel bad about the whole censorship, and believe that it's the most stupidest crap the government could've done. *sigh* But who takes the opinion of a teen seriously. O.o'

    Well, my love, I've got school from, I assume from July 7th until the 22nd of August, meaning, I GET NO SUMMER VACATION. T_T The only thing I love so much, I will not have the pleasure of having. *sigh* But it's better to suffer for two months rather than 10. Lots of things no longer exist for me, and it seems that summer vacation has now entered that list of non-existence items/things/times.

    I know, right? DS, was a bit sad, and I'd had a little talk with her two nights ago, but I didn't think that she was sad enough to leave. Well, she left saying that she was sad and that she needed time away from this place, which is understandable, but she was not sure if she was leaving temporarily, or permanently. If she is leaving permanently, she'll return to say her final good buy. If she's only gone for two days, then it's merely two days, of course, but if it's two weeks, then you'll have to add an extra month to it, for she'll be going on a trip. DD8 I'm so emo right now, it's not even funny. *sigh* I already miss her.

    LOLL. I'm multitasking again. Writing this, writing a reply to LITS, doing research and taking notes for Gatsby. 8D I are talented multitasker! xDD Did you ever notice, that everytime we talk, we always end up writing long-ass post and paragraphs?? xDDD
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Yes....I have noticed.....and thanks for the photo, ICSP but...uh....that guy's not cute...>_> offense....and....well..To Kill A Mockingbird was banned.....they said it promoted does not.....soo....yeah....and....that cat is funny....:D...and seriously....that teacher is really cute...and that girl is really funny......either that or she's just happy to hide her own sadness....cause.....that just sucks....
  10. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Are we talking about The Great Gatz being banned from the site or the book? And it's illegal to ban books... People who try to or actually do it are both idiots and a-holes.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    the book.....I think I've heard of it.....never really read it though....
  12. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Well... um... thats the same guy as in the anime... and... I know he is not... cute... I'm not offended.

    Anwita, let me debate them... Art cannot be banned. Perhaps we should need more books like that. It doesn't promote murder and affairs, but it shows that they do happened. Maybe they forgot that the main people who did these actions were antagonist, not protagonist. In fact, there are only two true protagonist in the book, and about 10 antagonist!

    Generally, antagonist are bad.*

    *Cept for Org XIII!
  13. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Saki, we're talking about the book being banned in general, not from this site. The government had baned the book because, as I'd said, it didn't follow the american dream. xD Bunch of bull crap to me.

    LOL, ICSP, hun, I'd love to let you debate that, but that's also my class grade . . . I'll have to do the defending myself. 8D The best part is, I actually used that antagonist-protagonist ploy. xDD
  14. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Not true. The protagonist is the main character. The antagonist is the character that trys to force back or put a stop to the protagonist's actions. It has nothing to do with good or evil because that is human ideology and can be blurred.
  15. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]

    Looks like I'll have to go see the doctor next weekend. That debate crap totally ruined everyting. <_<
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 sorry....yeah..I also have a tale of pain myself.....which doesn't happen too often since I'm a soft person and is not used to getting hurt that much. So....we were kind of having a fun day last week and.....there was this inflatable obstacle course....on ASPHALT...keep that in's'm going though it....and I bounce on the on the back of my head and do a sommersault. That one part of my head still hurts when I touch's kind of better now...but yeah...
  17. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Hun, don't even get me started on my pain stories. xD I mean, aside from DEATH that is. I've done so many other craps [Death, by far was the worst]. I've got a beautiful scar on my forhead, right above my left eyebrow, and everytime I look at it, I crack up remembering wtf it was that had caused it. LOLOL.
    Hell, I've even been stabbed by an iron rod on my right thigh! xDDD

    AHHH, good times. 8D
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Books banned for promoting things like that? Bah.


    Tons of movies have the protagonist insane, doing deranged things. They get a rating slapped on them, but are still aired. There is nothing stopping me from turning on the TV and watching SAW, The Texas chainsaw massacre or something equally bloody.

    Times have changed. While the "American dream" still lives, movies and tv shows with things anti-American dream survive. This impacts the population far more than a book, as the movies are more widely viewed by the public.

    America has moved on from the days when you got your mouth washed out with soap for saying rude words. If you are banning a book with the plot of many of todays movies for its plot, something is wrong.

    Tell me, are we also going to ban Artemis Fowl, as the protagonist is a kidnapper and extortionist? How about banning tales of greek mythology, as obviously sex crazed gods are detracting from the Americans' one true god. What about banning discovery channel? After all, finding out about all the brutal stuff in nature is damaging. I mean, if I look at a lion eating a zebra, I could easily go and kill my nieghbor, and eat him/her.


    It is an illogical sheltering. Put PG on it if you must, but leave renowned books alone.

    Well? Any good? I thought I did okay, especially considering I have never read the book and the first time I heard about it was in this thread.
  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Yeah. I'd say you did really good.
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Hey, well said Pika. 8D
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