KH-Vids Law Firm!

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    xD lololol!!!
    Hey, we both are ADD then!
    I kick major @ss in english and I'm the same in math. Yet, somehow... I'm dubed GIFTED in math??? O.o' No clue how that happened. Even my parents were like "Are they fu*king out of their fu*king minds!?!?!"
    Yeah... they said that, as did I. xDDD I honestly do not know how the fu*k I'm gifted in Math. I bet you, it's a mistake. DDD8

    and the what sequence??? I swear, it sounds sooooo familiar!!! I think I've hard in it Da Vinci Code. O.o'

    Ay brb darlings... I must eat dinner. 8D Yes. I like eating dinner at 12 AM. xDDD
  2. I wish I was gifted in math, but everyone knows I actually suck at it, so I'm crap gifted. But that's where my dear bestie Andrea comes in. That's how we fit. She sucks at English, while she rocks Math. The only time I ever passed math perfectly was in 8th grade, where I had this awesome and amazing teacher that makes it look so easy, while teaching us with actual cards and letting us play some card games when we are done with our work, including him joining himself. I learned Chinese Poker from him, I knew Spit, and some other I forgot that he also taught me. I had Andrea in that class, so we always paired up, and we always hung out with the teacher in class as we all got along really well (he knew we were joined at the hip xP). Man, that's like most favorite teacher I ever had. Period. Everyone loved him. Maybe that's another reason why I passed as well as I did. I see him on rare times.

    And I think the Fibonacci sequence is that thing where each number is equal to the sum of the previous two numbers or whatever. Like the first number is 0, and the second is 1, which adding it equals to 1, then 1 plus 1 is 2, then 2 plus 1, is 3, then 2 plus 3 is five...

    0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...etc.

    Oh God, is a miracle. I'm not entirely hopeless :D. Um, at least that's the way I remember it to be, I don't even know. I forgot what the hell was PHI though.

    By the way, I'm heading out for the night. I got to wake up like around 11 AM to join my stepfather into working for him on Sleepy's. I did that on Saturday too. But hey, 10 bucks a hour. At the end, I'll get a good $160. Worth it. So, I'll get to Love In The Snow by tomorrow.

    Good night :glomp:.
  3. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Uh... I've made a small error in there. I'd meant that I don't know squat in math! Therefore it was such a shock as to how I'm gifted in math... xDDD Well anyways...

    Ah, so that's what it was, the Fibonacci sequence... yo comprendo.

    and $10/hr?!? DDD8 Oh wow... daymn! xDDD hey... $$ is $$, and it's no problem when you get it. It doesn't matter. so g'night hun, I'll see you tomorrow.

    ah.. I think it's time I start my HW. xDDD
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ....okay..I'm not quite understanding what you guys are talking about the...double i and....what nit...all I see is a rectangle...and....that PHI thing must be something I'll learn later in Math...>_>...well..that's all right....I'm not doing too well in's like....I htink I've grown dumber...>_>...either from this forum or games...though I don't play games that much...(except Maple Story)'m good at English sort of but my Writing sucks.....and I'm kind of good in Algebra 2 but...I've been maintaining a B to B+ average the entire year....which somehow always happens....and I always get so scared when it's a low B...because then it's SERIOUSLY a LOW B! And..I think I'm ADD too....right now I feel that in the future I'll just be GLAD that I even got into a college.
  5. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Aww, hun, it's ok. However, I'm a little surprised to hear that you can't see the PHI. It's the "O" in my name... the ɸ? Can you still see it? O.o' Can you even see it in my name? lol.
    The PHI will come A LOT later in math, my dear. Do not worry about that for now. You probably won't see it until college or something. I've seen many, many, many, many different symbols in math that makes me go :wacko:. But I try my best in math, and I must say, Calc is not as hard as most people say it is. :D All that's required of you is to just pay a little attention. Seriously though, if you miss even ONE lesson, you are SCREWED. T_T I've bombed many test/quizzes due to my absences.
    YOU HAVE NOT GROWN DUMBER. No. This is almost the end of the year now, and what is probably happening now is that you've got "sophomoritis" [I assume you're a sophomore], heck, even I've got senioritis. You're just a little sick of school at the moment, and your brain is just dying on you. :D Hang in there, love! Just one more month. And your writing doesn't suck, hun, you'll improve in time, and still if you wish to practice in writing, then I suggest that you write . . . write on anything you feel like, anything at all. Write a story, reflect on a topic, or whatever you feel like.
    Every teen is a little ADD, I know I am. xD And you can get into ANY college you wish. There's equal opportunities for everyone here. Do not worry about the future now, care about the present and enjoy your time here, in the present. Care for the future when it actually comes. Many people miss out on life because they care too much for the future, so please, hun, don't do that. Do what is asked of you now, and that will pave the road to your future automatically. :p
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    all right...I 'll take your word for it.....and...that was what you guys were talking about? I always thought it was just a cool symbol....and truth be told...I'm actually a freshman but I do hang out with a bunch of nice sophomores, juniors and seniors. They all like manga and anime so I fit right in. But the problem is I'm too lazy to write and...well...I feel weird writing like a journal because I think it doesn't help in formal writing assignments.
  7. I understood what you were saying, Pyrɸ, I just wrote that I wish I was truly gifted, if you get mev o.O. Yet, is fine.

    Writing a lot helps to build up your grammar and style, especially when reading books. Looking at the thesaurus also helps for other type of words you cna use that mean the same thing so it won't too repetitive, is the reason why I like long posts so much. I'm the type that can't go on without writing out what I need to say fully, and from there, my writing somehow improved. Just like chula's. Like Nymph. Just like Tula's too, despite the fact that he's been too hard on himself about thinking that he doesn't write just as good as others. I don't know what is it with me and like I can't never get it right, even when I do pay attention T-T.
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Oh... well, I was just making sure. When I re-read my post, I could see two meanings in there, and I was wondering if you'd gotten the correct meaning. O.o' And apparently you did. 8D

    You're a freshman?? Wow. Freshman, and in Algebra II. Good job! 8D Honestly, Fire, though I'm advising you to write, I actually don't write as often, and writing just comes so naturally to me. It just comes to me . . . almost out of nowhere. As *TN* says, reading books and using the thesaurus helps a bunch. I took examples from the books I've read, and every time I write for a school assignment, the thesaurus and I are best friends, and which of course results in my teacher going crazy over my papers. xD Funny how a couple of big words can have that effect on teachers. HAHA. It really doesn't take that much to write beautifully, and from what I've seen so far, Fire, your writing is just fine. I agree with *TN* on this, that there are MANY people here who are skilled writers, but are too intimidated or perhaps too shy, or reluctant to understand it, or even accept it. :nono: For formal writing assignments, sit with the thesaurus . . . change a couple of words, and see the difference with your teacher. I guarantee that you'll not be disappointed. :D

    UGH. Ok, my darlings... as you all know, it's bee a while since I've fallen off of DEATH T_T. It's been two long damned weeks, and I've been trying my best to be delusional about the whole experience, and have tried to pretend that that Friday had never happened. Unfortunately, I think I really did hurt myself. You'd think that after two weeks, the pain would go away . . . but it's still HERE! D8 My shoulders still hurt like a b!tch, I can't rotate my left shoulder, if I try, there's a VERY sharp pain. Then my hip . . . it doesn't hurt as much, but sometimes, I can't even walk, and I end up cringing in the hall or just fall down, which really doesn't look good when you're in school. My ankle, oh gawd, I really think I've got a torn ligament or something. T_T
    Umm . . . should I tell my parents about the whole DEATH incident? Or just keep ignoring the whole thing and hope that it'll go away? O.o' If I tell my parents, then there goes my social life. If I don't tell them, then there goes my hip. xD
  9. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Anwita... I just saw your sig...

    Its simply epic! Sora would totally sing that song.

    And I never realized the similarities with Xehanort and Voldemort.
  10. I remember that video xD. It was based off of the first, which was made with Cloud and then people went on to make their own versions. Sora will sing that, is so in character.

    As for the DEATH, I've never heard of that happening to you, anwita D:, or maybe I missed it. Still, seriously, while I might not know the story, from what you are saying, you definitely have to go to a doctor and somehow get that treated, whether alone, if you can, or with your parents. You need to see what's wrong. If you're still in pain and are falling down, that should be red flags that it needs to be looked over, because in the end, it just might get worse and worse, which from what I see, is the case. You can't hope things will go away because sometimes it doesn't work like that. Maybe you can ask your friend if their parents, if you don't want yours to know, can take you or something. However you do it, the whole thing screams doctor :/.

    I don't want to suddenly hear you are handicapped in some way, so try to figure that out T-T.
  11. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    She fell off a mountain. She mentioned it in this thread a few pages back.

    They knicknamed the mountain Death.

    Moral of the story... don't climb mountains nicknamed "Death"...
  12. [​IMG]


    WHAAAAAT!? o.O You're kidding me. *shudder* I could just imagine. Hopefully, it wasn't that many feet, and the fall wasn't hard, but thank goodness she made it out of that at least with everything attatched. I wasn't here to hear that, so I did miss it.
  13. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    I just had a Happy Gilmore moment...

    "Oh you didn't here? She fell off a cliff!"

    I said it so casually... in da words of Xemnas, "I R bad!"
  14. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Yeah... this happened the day I'd returned to the forums... <_< But yeah, I'm still in pain. T_T I'm actually surprised that my parent's have not noticed anything, [my repeated "ow!!", "ay!! my hip!" and limps] and I've managed to keep everything still in a hush hush mode [sort of]. My scrathches, gashes have healed somewhat, and a few serious bruises remain. But I think I should really go see the doctor, and *TN*, I'll go with your advice, I'll take Brandee's parents with me one of these days. T_T It even fuɔken hurts me to sleep dammit!!! D8

    I've climbed Death before hun, and I've come down it well and intact too. The ACTUAL moral of the story is:

  15. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Thats pretty bad... and yeah, if it hurts to even relax, than you should see a doctor. The last thing you need is back problems. Back and knee problems never quite heal right, so you should take care of them ASAP...

    And yes... the ammended version of the moral of the story is a point of emphasis.

    Don't climb mountains when your drunk. At all...
  16. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    *sigh* I really do hate myslef somethimes. I love it when I do stupid crap like that, but the latter consequences really tick me off [xD :blink: Hypocrite], like now: Me having some kind of problems, Lian pulling a bunch of muscles and Neil with a broken ankle. T_T
    Lian got off easy . . . she was the least hurt. Apparently from what I've heard, I was the one who freaking fell of a 8 ft. rock and landed on my damned hip! DD8

    I'm not going back to Death for a couple of years now . . . I just can't, my mind won't let me. How unfortunate, I actually loved that place. T_T

    Never will I drink on top of a friggin' rock climbing mountain nicknamed Death again. T_T
  17. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Goodnight everyone... c'ya!
  18. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    G'night hun. 8D
  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Oh! It was a real mountian? I thought it was an indoor climbing place....(like there's that much of a difference). And yeah. Hands down. Go to the doctor, pal. Though I'm somewhat wondering why you didn't tell your parents....>_>....was it because of the drinking part?
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Yes, love, it was a real mountain. T_T
    There are differences, such as sharp jagged rocks that can pretty much pin you on the ground, thorny trees and etc. D'8

    Going to doctor, hopefully this Saturday. I've talked it over with Brandee, and she'll have a little chat with her Daddy-o to see if it possible . . . it's going to be tricky. I can't really say she's my sister considering she's Irish, and I'm South Asian, :blink: oh yeah, so many similarities! xDD
    We'll figure something out, hopefully.

    As to why I'm not willing to tell my parents . . . it's a long story. Well yes, one is the drinking bit. My parents are hardcore cultural and traditional, as well as religious [muslim]. Drinking is definitely a HUGE no no. I drink because I've got my reasons, and I'm not religious either, unfortunately, so I just don't care. So yes, drinking is a factor why I do not want to tell my parents, as well as the fact that I'd gone rock climbing without their permission and without them knowing O.o'. You see, according to them, I, at that moment, was being a good little girl and was attending some extra courses I'd signed up for. I'd dropped the courses a while back as I was too overwhelmed by my AP's and the damned District Exams, and I needed a lot of time to study for them. So I was basically on top of a dangerous mountain when I was supposed be in class, hanging with my buddies and drinking. O.o' Not exactly a good story to tell my parents, next to the fact that I actually could've died that day. I'd have to kiss my social life good bye! They are very strict. If they ever knew, they'd only send me back to my country. T_T
    I'd rather be crippled and be living in the US than be healthy and living in my country.

    As you all obviously see, I'm not exactly the IDEAL daughter. I really am a two faced person with double personality, one I leave at home, the other, I take with me when I leave the front door to my house. I hope that none of think any less of me.
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