KH-Vids Law Firm!

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. Of course you were to tell me you have a fever!! D< In days like this, and when you are sick, it is my duty and job to bring you chicken soup, countless amount of orange juice, natural medicinal herbs that would help and fluff up your pillow while you are in bed all. Which you aren't, may I add. All this through the internet somehow.

    Shame on you! :nonono:

    As for the neechan thing, I was kind of waiting to see if you knew ^^;, so I waited the response to that. And yes, it is SCHMEXIER and cuter. Like Axel sexy and Larxene cute. It is why I would wish to use it, but I will know that it is grammatically incorrect T-T.

    And I don't knoooooooooow. Is not like I can't stop September 27 from coming, and I will still be 19 anyway even thought I don't want to. NOOOOOOOES. Once the age of 19 is gone from me, I would be a real, official adult not by law, not a teenager, and I want to be a teenager, because then I have to face the world more sooner than later *sniff*. And I'll be getting older. Then I have to dye my head because it gets gray hair. It's horrible. Though I guess the party in the citah and doing all kinds of crazy, R rated stuff, while dancing in clubs, seems like a type of light that would cover me completely and make me feel young again. And I don't even know what the hell I'm doing for my 19th birthday. I didn't do much for my 15-16 or 18th either. I did have dinner parties, though mine was great. Latin people for the winz! 8D

    Okay fine...I guess I'll be...19. Yet, I hear is such a awkward year.

    Give me a moment, I think my heart stopped.

    Do it.

    I'll catch the next bus to NYC for it, which is only a 10 to 15 minute ride where I live, which is why I love my area of New Jersey.

    I don't want to get excited just yet, though is so stopping me from spasming.

    I haven't gone to Times Square in a while, actually. Hmm.
  2. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    A party!

    *Invites self*
  3. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Pyro, where be mah originz? D8<

    *throws fish at you*

    Ok, back to random overly nice girl :)
  4. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    Win .
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Don't feel sad, Night. It happens to everyone. Soon I'll be 19 as well.....>_> a few years. But...yeah....listen to Pyro. Just go and party. Adults who have fun are fun to be around. :D
  6. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Once again our one-liner conversation turns into paragraphs. x3


    D'awww...thank you, and I'd love to receive all of the cyber herbs, soups, OJ and fluffy pillow form you. xD Eh, I'm not really sure why I'm not in bed. Probably because it's boring and I hallucinate when I'm lying down. O.o' I'd SO rather be here than seeing strange and effed up dreams/visions. LOL! They aren't fun. D:

    I knew about the nee-chan thing ever since I started watching Animé...which was about...uhh...I don't remember. -_-' . . . . D: Right. that case, I suppose you can be my nee-chan since you ARE older than me and it won't be grammatically incorrect then. Repliku can chose what he wants to call you. [NightBear-chan?] LOL!

    I await the age 21 for some reason. Not because it's a legal age for drinking or whatever, I just always found that age...uhh...intriguing? I don't know, I just think that 21 is the coolest age there is. xD And now you only have 2 more years till you reach that shmecksy age. o: *ish jealous* Everyone around me is turning 21, is 21, or getting even closer to it... ;_; You, CtR, coco, my nephew, my cousins [I'm the second to youngest in the entire family]. Rawr. *tramples Great Wall of China* O.O Drats...I'm rambling again. 2 more weeks! *squeals* You should demand a PSP or a DS for your birthday if you don't own them yet. Since BBS is already out in Japan, it'll be here in USA by about a year or so, so be prepared. x3

    I already get gray hair...and it stands out like crazah since my hair is so damn dark [it's so dark IRL that people think I dye it black D:]. One day Jen, ONE day we WILL partay in da citah and go nuts. 8D As for B-Day parties, I stopped having them since I was 13 I believe. They were a kill joy and people do not know what to gift people [besides, I don't like receiving gifts either D:]. I mean I got a fraking Fruit Bowl as a gift on my 12th birthday. Wtf was I supposed to do with that?! Put it on my head like a HAT? Receiving a fruit bowl as a gift for your 12th birthday is the JOY of a child's life. D< Ach...whatever. Latin people do throw the BEST parties. You guys have the Quinceañera stuff which is awesome, and ANY party is like da secks since I've been to a few of my Hispanic friends' parties. Compared to all that Bengali people can't do shiz. I honestly think that after the lovely time I had for my 18th, I'm just going to stop doing -anything-at all, let alone mention my birthdays anymore. I've had enough. 8<

    Now the NYC stuff...I SO WANT TO! ;_; I've always wanted to go to NYC...but my school IS on at the moment and I'm also short on money [still need it for that trip to Catalina and now adding Costa Rica D: . . . oh and now Europe by next 5 years x3]. Still, this would be the BEST time to visit NYC since I wouldn't have to worry about a place to stay considering I could just crash at my cousin's BIG & SHMECKSY house. But I just know, I know that it won't probably happen. ;_; However, I'm plan on visiting NYC before I move to San Diego anyway, so my chances of going to NYC within a year or so IS possible. I'll SOOOOOO let you know when I do go. :p I would want to meet mah HERO. :'D

    And I SO noticed that you'd said that you had gotten Violin from a friend. Have you read it yet? It's not vampires, but it's still a really good story nonetheless. And hows Rice going so far? What book are you on now? 8D

    D:'s saved in a file on my Desktop, still as an unfinished product? *flees*
  7. Awww, Amber. I hate fish. You should've thrown a McChicken or something. That way, I would've caught it before it ever got near Pyrɸ.

    Me lurves soma chicken.

    BTW, I just made fried chicken with the chicken that said Pyrɸ threw me before 8DD. Anyone want some?

    You hallucinate in bed? o.O I love dreams, usually, I want to sleep because of them. I get Axel and Larxene pop up once in a while for no reason whatsoever, and other weird stuff that when I wake up makes me think I'm going insane xD. And they're fun. I have a dream catcher, so I never have nightmares anymore. I kind of miss them though, yet, since I believe in spirits, I rather not....D:.

    ZOMG! I'm your nee-chan?!! YAY!! 8) We're sisters! Does that mean you're related to the Repliku Siblings as a long lost family member that we never knew we had? You write long posts. Is in your blood *-*.

    And well, maybe 21 is like the pinpointed age. You're not old, but you're not that that young either, and is perfect. If that's the case, we should stay 21 foreeeever :3. I guess I'm alright now if I'm 19, I'll just miss my teenage years because that's the last number before you are a woman. And I thought you were 18? (Or 17, but I'm still 18 now, so is not far) D: You're close to 21 soon enough, right? And I have a DS already :P (pink!), I just don't know about a PSP, because I don't find any interesting games that pique my interest enough to waste money on it, if only for BBS. I was thinking of making them buy me a laptop or Sony Vegas >D. Then again, my mom is helping me pay for college, I wasted $419 on stupid books recently which are going to be sold back, except for my Psychology one. Maybe I don't want to be too hard :D.

    And you get gray hair??? You must be stressed. I don't think I have any gray hair (I never really stress at all) I? *checks mirror* But yes, we will one day partay in da citah and go nuts! Hey, might even happen if you ever go to NYC ;D. Yet, I have to emphasize on this. A fruit bowl? Really? D= What kind, what kidnd of person would think that a kid would do something with a fruit bowl? I think I've had it too easy, because I used to get girly stuff, goodness gracious, if I don't have all my Barbies and playhouses and Easy Bake hidden somewhere. Otherwise, I never really got much for my birthday either. You know, when they say we're loud, they aren't really joking xDDD. Of course, it doesn't go for every Latin American people, so it shouldn't be a stereotype, but still...when we party, we party. At least, my family does. Is crazy O.O. For now, my birthdays revolve around dinner lately -_-.

    WOW, you have a lot of trips planned. And I soooo want to go to Europe too :3, and so does my mom. BUT YOU HAVE TO COME TO NYC!! 8D So I'm glad to hear is POSSIBLE. Huzzah!! And I would so want to meet the pwnsome anwita :D. I'll be like, ZOMG! It's you! *squeals* Then again, I might visit Cali one day too...*smirks*

    I wonder, has anyone met anyone else outside of KH-Vids?

    And, no, I have yet to read Violin. The friend is actually my mom's friend from work (she's young, and really cool, though), and she has all these books she offered to lent me because, when we were going to the concert, she saw me reading IwtV on the way in the car, knowing Anne Rice (my mom's other friend and my mom herself started speaking about the movie and how amazing it was, and then it got into Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise -_-), and she discussed about other books she has and authors when I told her I like to read. For example, I got Danielle Steele novels from her as well. I haven't gotten the rest of the Vampire Chronicles books either T-T, and it sucks, because I really want to read The Vampire Lestat the most of all.

    Let's just say I'm trying to find a good price for ALL of the VC books on eBay xD.
  8. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    *throws chicken at you*
  9. YAY! =3

    *chases it*
  10. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Pyro... aside from drinking... there are no perks to being 21.


    I've been there...

    In fact, legal drinking isn't really a perk, its a compensation to how bad being 21 and over sucks.

    My Spider Sense is telling me Pyro is chargin her lazah beam!
  11. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    I'd like some of that fried chicken. 8D

    xD I love how you said, I mean how I imagined you saying it. LOL! I don't always hallucinate in always happens when I'm sick, with a fever of some sort. I really start seeing stupid shit like me floating in midair, surrounded by really ROUND rocks or something...then I start to fall and there are jagged rocks at the bottom. xDDDD Yeah...See why I don't really want to go to bed when I'm sick. :sideways: I don't want to see all that. It's enough that I've a fever and am feeling like crap, those effed up hallucinations would be the LAST thing I need. Now if it was a dream of some sort, then I'd be happy to go to bed. But then again, I told you...I hardly ever dream. D: And when I do dream I get the really stupid dreams that make you go "W-T-F" when you wake up. xD Like that one dream I had about the flying dinosaur in my room and Jurassic Park; I think I'd told you about that. It was hilarious! Heck I'd give ANYTHING for a nightmare. It's what happens when you grow up not believing in the scary ghosts, or monsters and don't get nightmares and you're the ONLY one in the theater NOT getting scared by the killer alien monster thing ripping peoples brains out in the dark corner. Takes the fun out of the good stuff. D:

    YUS! YOU ISH MAH NEE-CHAN! ^_^- I think somehow Repliku was my distant nephew's brother-in-law's cousin, twice removed...:blink: Umm...I get this info based on the facts that was on the Cookie Calstle. xDDD And I forgot where it got what from, but I know it was because I became Amber's Dark Knight mother. xD So now I'm also Rep's sis? xD This family tree's twisted! xDDDDDD And ZOMFGWTF! I've been trying to steal my own brother's novelty boxers and has been hitting on him as the Sexy Detective Assassin in the Death Note Game thread?! Ox WTF!? LOLOLOLOL! :rofl: That's not good. I then cannot be your long-post-blood sister. ;_; Unless Repliku is your step brother because stalking Repliku is the best shit! I can't give that up!!! xD Someone draw a family tree!

    I suppose so...that's how I feel I guess. 21 is a perfect age and the height of youth. And that's also what I say, if you're gonna stay young forever, stay 21! Woo! xD Yeah, I'm 18. I will be 19 in about a year... ;_; It's so far away! Oh noez! 3 years! *tear* I want the "teen" out of my age NAO. And I also keep saying that people mistake me for someone much younger than what I am all the time thanks to my appearance. I apparently looked like an 8th grader in my friend's graduation party and at my niece's sweet sixteen, I also looked like an 8th grader [even with my sexy professional shirt, pants, and high heels! Rawr]. The kids went "ZOMFGNYUWAYGTFO!! You're 18?! Holy hot crackers!" when I said how old I was. I'm so used to it now... D: I'm trying SO hard to look my age, and I keep phailing. This would probably be a really good reason why I want to grow up really fast. It's like I've been kid forever, and it's high time I'm seen as an adult! D<

    I still need to buy both a PSP and a DS. -_- I probably won't get either until BBS or 358/2 are released in the US. I'd go buy them then, though I'm dying to play CC. D: ZACKSUUUU~ ♥_♥ I'd obviously want the black one [DS], but I'm actually stuck between the back, and back & red one. x3 They both be very sexy lookin'. And for DS games aside from 358/2, I'd go buy every Mario game possible xD. Mario kicks ASS. And my parents denied me a laptop, so it falls on me to go get one...JOY. I also need Sony Vegas, not for AMVs but for the actual home videos that I sit and edit for my family [D<], that too falls on my own hands to go buy; and now I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, want a tablet. >_< I'd kill for a tablet. But just like any other items, that too must be bought with my own money. So that's a laptop, Sony Vegas, tablet, PSP, DS, an iPod Player/speakers, and finally a CAR. JOY. I'm fucked.

    Yeah I get gray hair! And my niece loves nothing more than to go through my hair and pull em' out. D': I'm hella stressed! -_- That's also why I keep falling behind on things, because every time I find a free moment, something new comes up and get working on that so I'd not have to worry about it but then it screws me over anyway [I'm not sure if that made any sense]. Hehehehe. NYC and Hollywood are THE two places to PARTAY! And when either of us are in the are, we will meet and tear down the CITAH! You know, if I can, I'd SO come to NYC for you 21st B-day. You are just too awesome, so I invite myself for that. xD And I swear, I'll NOT bring a fruit bowl as your gift. xD Fruit bowl was something that will always haunt me for life, next to the fact that someone sent me a Barbie for my 16th birthday from Texas. D: I didn't question it. I gave the toy to my sis, and she'd fun with it. It was not easy growing up with my niece who received all the cool [appropriate] birthday presents while I got a fruit bowl and a Barbie. D: HAHAHAHAHA!!! It's just too funny now. Anyway...there are a LOT of Hispanics around where I am right now, and almost every other week, they throw a party and yes...boy can they party. xD It's awesome. South Asians can't throw a good party for shit. The masquerade ball thing was good, until the belly dancers showed up and started to shake their thang in front of the guys and the wives got angry and left. xDD I had fun...sort of...watched that one hawt dude get wasted and question me about why I was in a corset and had a wedding ring on. xD That was it. Well, no one else knew that the hawt dude had gotten wasted, and before he could give ME any of what he had [Gray Goose], he knocked out. D: And hat was the BEST South Asian party I'd been to.

    I'm thinking I'm going to have to cancel a few, even if they are years apart. But I'll keep everything close for now and see which one's need cancelling when the time comes. But Europe is a MUST. Gonna backpack through the continent with Brandee. 8D And since NYC is still a possibility, keep it in the back of your head. I just might one day post saying I'll be in NYC tomorrow. xDDD Then we can totally have lunch together and see your SHMEXY PWNSOMENESS in person! <33 And if you're in Cali and in betta' call me up! I'll rush to meet you. ;_;

    I want you to start on Lestat, so you can bask in the sheer shmexiness of it. xD You might want to hold Violin off for later since it's not part of the Vampire Chronicle, but it's your choice. All her books are great, though in my opinion, the Vampire Chronicles were her BEST works. The books are so damn amazing. You've finished Interview? How was it? xP I'm still trying to buy the books, and by gawd I'll have all the books in hardcover even if it takes me 3-4 years to get them all...I WILL HAVE THEM! Rawr! And the Harry Potter books...I'll have them too...oh and the Cirque du Freak...crap there are too many and I need these series in my book shelf NAO::

    Vampire Chroniclers
    Blue Bloods [VERY GOOD SERIES, I RECOMMEND. Only 2 books so far.]
    Vampire Kisses
    Cirque du Freak
    Harry Potter
    [more but I can't remember them xD]

    I has meeted ICSP IRL. :p And Heartless_Vice...which was a package deal since the two are cousins. xDDD


    Would the size of this post be considered mah pwnsome lazah beam?? o:
  12. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Yeah... I even made a thread on the fact that I confirmed Pyro's Secksyness...

    The only one who got it was Amber.

    Pyro kinda suprised me. In a good way.

  13. [​IMG]


    This might take a bit longer while I recover, so Imah post the big reply latah and do it as I rest (and eat dinner) *o*.
  14. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
  15. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Dude...that post was nothing. NOTHING compared to the PM between Jen and I...which I still need to reply to. D: *flees*

    LOL, how long has it been? Two months I believe? O.o' I should win the award for the LAZIEST MEMBER. <_<

    I'll be back in a few betches...As long as I have HW I'll always be here, rest assured. x3
  16. I've been curious, how did you get the nickname of Jen for me? :3 I've been noticing that. And you need to reply to that PM. Rarrr! *throws sushi*

    And now look at what you made me do below this, Pyrɸ :nonono:. Now we have to make people go through another long post.


    WOW, really? Those kind of hallucinations? o.O I never would've thought it, I mean, I was thinking that it was kind of you being half-asleep and dreaming in some way, but pointy rocks and floating? That's some scary shiznets. I don't blame you then ^^;. It sounds kind of fun to me, yet, I probably won't like it once I actually go through it. And, my nightmares, are really controlled by what I fear most, and I don't want to go and experience it at all. I like nightmares, yet, not the kind where it make me have a heart attack. I had a dream, long ago, that I was standing in the roof of my local theater, and I had this rope hanging from above me, I think it was tied in the wires or something, I forgot, and I was swinging back and forth across the streets later, like, literally swinging down above cars, with no good reason. My stomach honestly felt that flip-flop, butterfly flustered feeling that you get, for example, from a roller coaster ride when it dips down. Except it was x2 worst.

    That's what woke me up, and I think I was about to fall. But..


    ZOMG! That means you've been doing close-to-incest actions and chasing our Nii-chan?!!! D< And I didn't know? I'm suppose to be the younger sister and be snoopy, and plot evilly about his destruction of love interests, darn it! >.< But, then again, you're not blood related T-T. You have to be. Maybe you didn't know and is just one of those soap drama twists and shizzes. Alright, then! If you're not our sibling, then...

    I'm your figurative Nee-chan cause you see me as one. There.

    Unless you want to give up stalking and be our long lost distant nephew's brother-in-law's cousin, twice removed, but still sister in some freakish dysfunctional relation.

    And YESH, we will stay Forever 21. Like the name of that clothes store 8D. And we will never grow old and everything, because we drank some sort of holy water that was found in the depth of the rain forest. See, you're the same age as me, and while I'm older...well, when is your birthday? I don't think is really that far from mine, when you think about it. But, you know, actually appearing younger is good for you, because in the near future, you are definitely going to need it. So, be really happy about that, because once you're 30 and look like you're thirty, you'll be wanting to wish you looked younger. That's why women always get those facial creams and stuff xD. I look young too, people mistake me for a fourteen year old or high schooler, and when my mom introduces me as 18, people look at me like "o.O". I guess you'll see soon enough one day. Even my mom looks young (I guess is in our genes or something, cause my grandma does too despite being 68), and she still turns heads, even when she's like, 45? I dunno.

    Just don't reject it.

    You'll need it.

    Think of it as a gift, and men will believe you when you lie about your age.

    I forgot about CC, but still, is just not worth it yet. I'm guessing I'm going to have to see cutscenes and learn about BBS through the internet. Which is a shame T-T, I've been wanting to see the gameplay and experience it myself. I LOVED the black and red DS. It reminded me of Axel when I first saw it, and I was SPAZTIC xD. Yeah, I'm a bit obsessed :D. I can just see him playing it xD. Mario games I always liked, so I might get some of those. And I think I'd want Sony Vegas more than a laptop. I got a computer to hold me over for awhile, and I've been dying to make a video out of that program. As for the car, I don't even have my driver's license yet, so I'm cool with that xP. My mom and stepdad said they got me covered my buying me a used car and all in the future.

    Money is hard to come by, though.

    LOL, pull em' out, those grays. I can't believe you got gray hair, awww D:. It's very hateful to be stressful. You do need to give yourself a break sometimes, or at least, the world needs to give you a break. I haven't gotten too many things thrown my way, but sooner or later, is going to get difficult, especially if I'm going to aim for my PhD. But you know what we got? PARTAAAAAAAAY! PARTAY OVA HEAH! OOOH, OOOH! PARTAY OVA THEA! *gets shot* And yah, come to my 21st B-Day. I'll have dark chocolat ;D. And a three-layered cake made by me. I think. New York and Hollywood have no idea what's coming to them! >D BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You have not seen my PARTAY side at all. And we need that fruit bowl erased from existence *nods head*. I lol'd that you gave the Barbie away, since that is a appropiate toy, in a way. Though I guess it has to fit our preferences. I still have my stuffed animals, and still collect them, and I don't know where my dolls are...I know I have a Pocahontas one, somewhere. Ah wellz.

    Rofl! xDDD The whole belly dancers tidbit, and the hawt wasted dude. Now I wish that would've happened to me. I mean, if that hawt wasted dude was REALLY hawt, well, if the party was boring otherwise...


    Europe is a definite MUST, girl. Just think about what you'll see. That trip is permanently on my main things to do, and WILL do it. No doubt, no cancelling. I'll waste a ton of film xD. I'll keep in mind that you might pop up in NYC 8D, because that would be the most exciting thing that's going to happen. It'll be cool seeing you full frontal face. And yeah, I'll report if I ever go to Cali.

    And ICSP, you better meet me too if I do D<.

    IwtV was great. It was better than I expected, which is good, since I went with high expectations, and the pace was different from other books. I was surprised at what happened to Claudia, yet I wasn't certainly saddened by it, mostly because her character didn't appeal to me too much. I would say more things spoilerish ^^, but I rather not. I'm just going to leave it that it was a pwnsome read! 8D What I'm looking forward to is the tVL shmexiness, since I get to read from Lestat's shmexy point of view =3. I just got to buy the book first, and I guess I'll read Violin as a side thing while that waits.

    I got ALL of the Harry Potter volumes. It was my book fandom, and it still is.

    I might buy Blue Bloods sooner since is only two books so far. That way, I don't have to wait until there's like 6, and have to buy them all D:.

    Me thinks I got a lot of books to check :P.

    BTW, I know I wait, but really, do you know what are you planning to make Axel do in Love, and if so, can you tell? *puppy eyes* A teaser?
  17. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Are you going to let me buy you something?
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    ICSP! What on earth are you roleplaying? That doesn't look PG13!

    Oh, and I finished QotD at school today. I was hoping for a more climatic last fight.
  19. If you want to buy me something =3.
  20. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007

    I didn't mean it like that!

    This guy are sick!

    I don't know... probably coffee or something...
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