KH-Vids: Graphics Update #1

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Hey everyone,

    Not much of an update, but here comes the first graphic update from KH-Vids. There hasn't been much news in the KINGDOM HEARTS community. Recently, other websites from the community have added their own personal April Fools joke, but we at KH-Vids won't even attempt any sort of joke for today's holiday.

    With that said, happy April Fools. Hope you guys enjoy the graphics update. Feel free to use them.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 1, 2010.

    1. TheCrownedRoxas
    2. Solid Snake
      Solid Snake
      Good. At least KH-Vids can keep it's nose clean.
      Any site that considers itself legitimate that posts an April Fool's joke is pathetic.
    3. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      Were you here for past April Fool's jokes? This is the only year where we didn't have one from the staff.
    4. SkyPirateXIII
      You know I haven't heard one freaking April Fool's joke today, and now this.

      C'mon people, what happened to the spirit of this awesome holiday?
    5. riku2211
      same here, the only 2 i've seen today were nothing. an armorgames rick roll and a video from one of my subscriptions on youtube... what's up with that? D=
    6. Lulus_Moogle
      awwww I love it when sites do fun april fools day jokes D:
      The only reason I came on today *is super disapointed*
    7. What?
      I was wishing for an April Fool's trick of some sort. Perhaps next year; the general public itself did not appear to be in the sort of mood for trickery in the first place. Thank you for the graphics, I suppose they will be put to good use somewhere.

      The names of our Premium Members consist of rainbows.
    8. Mike
      Hope I didn't disappoint you guys.
      But yea, I did have an April Fools joke in mind. xD
    9. silverhikari
      Thank you for not doing anything stupid this year. I still remember the mass panic the last two years brought. Frankly, this holiday is idiotic, stupid, and downright cruel if people actually fall for those kinds of jokes.

      If it's any consolation, people, Dattebayo FanSubs has picked up One Piece.
    10. Maggy
      what happened the last 2 yrs? XDD
    11. ChaosFinale
      Nice, but will we ever get the release date for BBS, y'know the official one? LOL
    12. Mike
      That's a question everyone wants to know. xD