Ok in part because of my computer's class and in part because of SOPA and PIPA I've been toying around with swapping domains with IP addresses (such as for http://www.google.com), but KHV is acting a bit weird. I've traced the IP as being but the resulting page is this, which appears to just be a placeholder. Is there something I messed up? Does bypassing the domain system alter the resulting page?
You might have gotten the numbers wrong? I tried to do the same and it worked... Make sure you ping correctly, maybe
I've redone the ping several times and used a handful of web services. seems to be correct. Also strangely if I don't include "/index.html" which be the default file I just get a wall of text. Same results in Firefox and Chrome, haven't tried IE
If I'm not mistaken, what you're connecting to is not the server host, only what the actual site server uses as an IP. The term, if memory serves me right, is VPN. The server is located in Canada (iirc), while is located in Lake Geneva, WI. It's all a safety precaution.
I've since tried it on IE, same result. This is a download of the page I get from the IP variant of the URL
It won't work because Apache is enabled with the cpanel and it doesn't support viewing websites via ip. (hence that page)