
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Paladin12345678, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Wait, what? What did she make? I thought of this when ICSP admitted to being an L fan.
  2. tofuman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2008
    under a tree
    near creeps me out he's like a demon kid
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    He's a cool person......he's just........he just doesn't show that many emotions....
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Wait a sec... Oblivious to many things?! Sure, I'll admit it, I have a few faults. But I do not suffer from the infatuation the rest of the board has with the Org! Doesn't that count for something?
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Okay...yeah...uh.....I'd say you have a character that's....kind of there for comic relief......poor Matsuda.....we still love you but......>_>...
  6. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Did you see his talkshow?
  7. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Sure, yyou can be those characters. Though Matsuda isn't just comic relief. He was incredible in the dub of New World. It's kinda scary how a character we know is mild-mannered honestly tries to kill Light and has to be restrained.

    Light: Repliku
    Ryuk: Paladin12345678
    L: ICSP
    Watari: TwilightNight
    Sochiro Yagami: Neku
    Mrs. Yagami: Shiki
    Misa Amane: Catch The Rain
    Rem: DPWolf
    ILoveRiku: Near
    Ray Penbar: .... uhmmmm, any ideas?
    Naomi Misoura: Amber

    “Any further developments?” Neku asked, leaning over the table. Arrayed before him was a team of moderators and trusted members. It was just about everyone, though curiously Catch The Rain and DPWolf were missing. A laptop sat on the table next to Neku, the Old English L plastered across the screen indicating L’s presence.

    “We went over a lot of PMs from idiots claiming to be Kira or whatever and heaps that lead nowhere,” a mod reported.

    “We investigated the times of death as per L’s orders,” the mod continued, “and found that they all occurred between the hours of four pm and ten pm, with an odd one-hour gap in the middle...”

    ”What’re you doing on your computer?” I asked. Repliku was sitting at his desk, eyes staring at the glowing monitor.

    Repliku answered. “Purge evil later. Watch porn now.”

    “Of course, the times of death vary wildly on weekends,” the mod concluded.

    “Epic info right there,” L said, “That tells us that Kira is probably a student. Plus, he seems to want to be a godlike figure, with an idealistic sense of right and wrong. Go on with your meeting.”

    “Anyone else have something they’d like to add?” Neku asked.

    Pika_power raised his hand,” Uh... I have something. I’m not saying that... what Kira’s doing is right but... there’s been less trouble on the forums recently. I mean, people won’t do anything bad for fear of Kira taking them out.”

    “We suspected something like that would happen,” Neku answered evenly, “Anything else?”

    There was an awkward silence and Pika_power instantly regretted speaking. He mumbled a negative answer and sat down, trying to be as small as possible.

    “Aaaanyway,” L broke the silence, “I want you to investigate the way that these victims presented their identities. Be as thorough as possible. I’ll be back later; I just need to go to IKEA.”

    “Why?” Neku asked.

    “All my furniture got stolen so my computer is on the floor,” L explained without any hint of embarrassment. There was a shared awkward silence that L took as a signal to leave. The laptop screen winked out. L was gone.

    “Riiiiight,” Neku said slowly, “I think that’s a good time to break the meeting for today.” There was a general murmur of agreement as the team stood and moved towards the exit. Neku approached Pika_power as the latter was struggling with his jacket.

    “Damn... thing... won’t... budge...” Pika_power muttered.

    “Hey Pika,” Neku said. Pika was startled and there was a sad ripping sound as his jacket tore in half. Pika let the torn jacket drop to the ground and pretended it had never existed.

    “I just wanted to talk, about what you said in the meeting,” Neku began.

    Holy crap he’s going to castrate me... Pika thought worriedly.

    “I think that it took courage to say what you said, and I knew that someone had to say it,” Neku finished. Pika almost fainted with relief.

    “However,” Neku continued, “If you’d gone on to say that we should condone what Kira is doing, I’d have had to pack your underpants full of prime mince and set loose a pack of starved pit bulls.” Pika felt a huge drop of sweat slide down the side of his face.

    “KTHBI!” Pika yelled over his shoulder as he took off down the road.


    Repliku was still sitting at his desk with his boring sister doing maths problems with her. I swallowed the last of the cookies in the entire household – 27 ½ , I checked – and continued watching, bored out of my mind.

    There was the sound of keys turning in the lock and Neku entered the house. Shiki fussed over her husband. Repliku’s sister, being ungrateful as she was, buggered off without acknowledging Repliku’s attempts to help her.

    “Your family sure does suck,” I observed.

    “Bite my pasty divine backside, Paladin,” Repliku muttered through gritted teeth.

    “Anyway, you seem awfully confident, helping your sister with her homework and stuff,” I continued.

    “If the police ever come after me I’ve got something to give me the advantage,” Repliku said shortly, heading downstairs for dinner.

    “Hey dad, you want something to eat?” Repliku asked.

    “Nah, I’m just a bit tired,” Neku replied, “I can’t say much about it, but this case I’m working on is really tough...”

    Just an hour later Repliku was at Neku’s computer.

    “So, daddy’s a moderator is he?” I observed.

    “That’s right,” Repliku replied, eyes flicking across the screen, opening up documents, folders and eventually, “I can hack in and download any files I want. Best of all, we’re on a LAN, which means I won’t leave a trace.”

    Repliku typed Neku into the username box and typed in the password blindingly fast. Checking recent posts, he discovered the threat that the investigation team had been using to discuss the case. Returning to My Documents, he opened a folder that lay out a whole window full of case files. With a few clicks, they were copied over to Repliku’s computer.

    “Well,” Repliku said, leaning back on the swivel chair, “It seems the police are already beginning to suspect a student.”

    “Looks like you’re boned,” I stated, ever the annoyance. Repliku ignored me and thought.

    “If the cause of death is not specified the victim will die of a heart attack,” Repliku muttered, “One the cause of death is specified, details of the death must be written within the next sixty minutes and forty seconds... Does that sound right?”

    “What’s your point?”

    “If I write ‘heart attack’ as the cause of death,” Repliku continued, a grin beginning to form on his face, “Then I can specify the time of death as well, can’t I?”

    Repliku reached for the Kh-vids.DeathNote, “Looks like I’m going to provide some entertainment for the both of us, Paladin...”

    Opening the notebook, he began to write.

    Repliku’s next day was completely normal. He walked to school, shielding his eyes from the sun. Miles away, another spammer slumped against their computer, dead. Repliku played soccer with his friends, catching the ball with his head and triumphantly booting the ball into the goal. Another troublemaker died of a heart attack. Repliku sat alone at a lunch table, struggling with a bag of chips. As he finally tore the bag open, miles away a spammer tore their shirt open in a vain attempt to prevent their heart attack.

    “Repliku, could you turn that down?” a kid from the next table over called. Repliku had his iPod up full blast, the Kira Theme resonating throughout the school.

    “Sorry,” Repliku apologised and turned the iPod off. Meanwhile, in the lunch line, people almost messed themselves as they cookies levitated from their trays and disappeared.


    “WTF?” Neku yelled, “Another twenty-three victims?”

    “Yes,” the news-bearing mod answered.

    “And another twenty-three yesterday...” Neku muttered, rubbing his eyes.

    “Considering it’s been like this for two weekdays,” a member said, “It does punch some holes in the ‘student’ theory...”

    “Come on,” a mod scoffed, “Any kid can skip two days of school.”

    “You’re missing the point!” L cut across the conversation. Everyone in the meeting room fell silent.

    “Sure it discredits our student theory,” L continued, “But that’s not the message he’s sending. Why every hour? He’s trying to tell us that not only can he kill from a distance, but also can determine the time of death.”

    L sat back from the computer on the floor and thought for a moment, the webcam showing the startled faces of the investigation team.

    “But... something’s not right. As soon as we began to suspect that Kira was a student the pacing of the killings changed. Coincidence? No, too convenient. I’d say that this was a direct challenge to me...”


    “I’d suspect L’s starting to sweat a little by now,” Repliku told me, walking down the rode as I flew on a black-feathered wing. One-winged Angel!

    “The best part is I’ve left around fifty idiots alive for times like these,” Repliku continued, smiling, “If L is as good as they say he is, I’d say he’s starting to suspect someone with connections to the police.”

    So Kira can somehow obtain classified information from the task force headquarters,” L muttered, standing up, “This can’t be ignored.”

    “What’s he trying to do?” L wondered, “What’s he hoping to achieve in the end?”

    “But I don’t get it,” I said, “Won’t showing your mod connections just let them find you faster than when they suspected you were a student?”

    “Well,” Repliku answered, “My real agenda is to get close to L, so I can eliminate him.”

    I obviously looked questioning, because Repliku continued.

    “Once L discovers the leak, he’ll have to investigate everyone in the team,” Repliku explained, “Soon they’ll start to resent him. Could you trust someone whose name and face you don’t even know? Eventually, they’ll end up investigating him. On the surface, they’ll be working together, but in reality they’ll both be investigating the other.”

    Repliku stopped at a crossing and looked up to the sky, “I won’t have to find L. The police will do that for me.”


    “We’re resigning, Neku,” the investigator said.

    “But why?” Neku demanded.

    “We value our lives,” one of the three members standing in front of him said, “Unless you let us leave we’ll delete out accounts and move on.”

    “But you’re good members!”

    “Don’t you remember L’s little media stunt, trying to get Kira to kill him?” he replied angrily, “Well, he never had to reveal is name! As per his request we did a little digging.”

    The member slapped a file down onto Neku’s desk, “All the victims posted mere minutes before they died! L’s all well and good, faceless and nameless, but anyone with a computer can find out who we are!” With that, he and the other two left the meeting room.

    In an undisclosed location, L stood up to think.

    Repliku sat in night-time class, staring at his desk while the teacher prattled on about something-or-other. I walked to the window and looked out. Someone was hiding around the corner.

    “As requested, the outside agents have arrived and are currently investigating all members with access to that information,” TwilightNight reported.

    “Is this the complete list?” L asked, staring at the wad of paper in his hand.

    Somewhere in this list... we will find out suspect... L thought. He tossed the wad of paper down. One sheet separated itself from the bunch. It read, Neku, Shiki and Repliku.


    “Hey Repliku, can I talk to you?” I asked. Repliku was walking home from his night school.

    “How many times do I have to tell you?” Repliku muttered angrily, “I can’t talk to you in public.”

    “Then just listen, buttmunch,” I said, “No matter what happens, I’m just an observer. I’m not on L’s side or your side. However, I may have a few things to say as your roommate.”

    “Get to the point before my mind accepts the full horror of ‘roommate’,” Repliku pressed.

    I grinned, “You’re being followed.”

    Repliku stopped. Far behind him, at the beginning of the street, a dark shadow turned the corner, noticed that Repliku had stopped, and hid behind the corner again.

    What? Could I already be a suspect? Repliku thought.


    “I don’t see how he managed to figure out that I’m Kira, even if he had as many as fifty people,” Repliku said to himself, checking the windows, “But I can’t let this guy stalk me for much longer. I need his name.”

    “Hey Repliku,” I said, “Do you want to know something?”

    “If you’re going to start that shinigami exposition, save your breath,” Repliku cut me off.

    “O_o,” I said, surprised, “Do you already know?”

    Repliku’s computer was on. He had loaded Wikipedia and searched shinigami.

    “Yes, I already know about the eye deal,” Repliku confirmed.

    “B-but, that takes the whole drama out of this scene!” I complained.

    “ARE YOU GOING TO ASK ME ABOUT THE STUPID DEAL OR NOT?” Repliku yelled. Somewhere far away, I heard the fourth wall scream in agony.

    “Fine, do you want the eyes, knowing that with them you could know the names and lifespan of anyone you looked at?” I asked angrily.

    “I’ll tell you next chapter,” Repliku said.

    “.... I really hate you.”
  8. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    *screams* It's Night! AWESOME! This is a pretty amusing story...and....Matsuda has a talk show?
  10. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    ooer... Can I try for Ray Pembar lol xD
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    I'd like a part too...but...I suppose I'm too.....not popular for would seem that most all the parts are already taken.....except maybe Mello...but....that guy kind of scares me...
  12. Repliku Chaser

    This is really coming along great! Very funny! And yet serious too. Good stuff.
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    How quaint. I made a comment the was OoC. I like nooblets... I like to save them, not purge them from existance. Meh, I suppose that is my mindset, to come up with a comment like that.

    Oh, and you have sparked my interest. I went to Deathnote TV, but I was unsuccessful at finding an English dub. The English dub section is actually a sub.
  14. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    ...Ouch. My heart.

    I wrote a KH-Vids Death Note story title" Ban Note" ages ago. I'm working on chapter 8 right now...
  15. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007

    I was gonna mention something, but I'm too shy at times ;~;
  16. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    It's okay hun, I love you anyways<3

    God, I'm depressed now though. This is so much better... ;3;
  17. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    Nyu it's not D: Not that I've read any of it >>

    *glomps* don't be depressed D:

    I have to go now anyways TwT
  18. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    *gasps* I am SO sorry! I had no idea! I was watching Death Note and ICSP admitted to being an L fan. I imagined ICSP as L and Repliku as Light. I didn't know that someone else had done a simialr idea!
  19. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Naw, it's fine if you didn't know... <3
  20. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    So do you want him to continue, or should he stop?

    Also, where can I find English Dubbed Deathnote?