I have created a Mad Libs and I need you to fill it in! Just post any suggestions (you can do some or all of them) and I'll pick the best ones and put it in the Mad Lib. And don't be afraid to use awful language. I need these: 1. Adjective 2. Adjective 3. Plural Noun 4. Noun 5. Noun 6. Adjective 7. Noun 8. Verb 9. Noun 10. Room 11. Verb 12. Plural Noun 13. Color 14. Article of Clothing 15. Type of Activity 16. Female KH-Vids Member 17. Article of Clothing 18. KH-Vids Staff 19. Male KH-Vids Member 20. Plural Noun 21. Part of the Body 22. Noun
1. Adjective Grumpy 2. Adjective Hilarious 3. Plural Noun Nachos 4. Noun Tree 5. Noun Car 6. Adjective Creepy 7. Noun Cat 8. Verb Stare 9. Noun Food 10. Room Bathroom 11. Verb Run 12. Plural Noun Elephants 13. Color Neon Yellow 14. Article of Clothing Jeans 15. Type of Activity Chess 16. Female KH-Vids Member Loxare 17. Article of Clothing Socks 18. KH-Vids Staff Plums 19. Male KH-Vids Member Nights 20. Plural Noun Ponies 21. Part of the Body Ear 22. Noun Internet