Video KH Video Quality Help

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by son1c, May 28, 2010.

  1. son1c Moogle Assistant

    May 28, 2010
    I usually work on a ton of Kingdom Hearts projects including KH AMV's, a Kingdom Hearts 2 Walkthrough, and Kingdom Hearts Abridged And for some reason, I lose quality when I download clips from kh-vids.

    I don't know why this is because I see people, like pwilliard, who use kh-vids videos and has GREAT quality. (And I mean the resolution of the video itself.) I still don't understand why I'm losing so much quality, especially on the KH1 videos, though it was the first game therefore had the lowest definition.

    So my question is, how can i still use's videos but raise the overall quality of them without having to buy movie makers such as Avid or Vegas that could possibly do that for me?

    If there is no solution for this, then an alternate solution to my problem could be if someone answered my question how can I rip the cutscenes off of my kingdom hearts 1 & 2 discs?
  2. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    It's because Pwilliard doesn't get his KH scenes from KHV anymore. They're most likely from Blue Laguna or somebody else who ripped the footage and encoded it properly.

    You can't unless you try to learn Avisynth but even that won't boost the quality up too much. Also Avid, Vegas, or any other advanced editing suites doesn't magically boost the quality of your footage. You need good quality footage to begin with.

    I've heard that you can rip the footage from KH2 and all the games after it straight from the disk. A quick google search should help you with that. Getting the footage from KH1 would be harder though since you would have to record it yourself.
  3. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    This is true. He gets his clips from a site with better quality clips that crops teh subtitles. The link is on one of his Youtube vids. Check and i'm sure that you can find it.

    Getting the footage from KH1 will be tough but you should probably try Blue Laguna or Google search it to try and find it. You can always try the link that I was talking about above but I don't know if it has KH1 AND KH2 or just KH2. Try it and see.
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Actually, I used the video clips from here and they are the same quality as the one's I've seen him use. Then again, I am using ancient uploads of it from a good few years ago which might have something to do with it.
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    What Fayt said could have some truth in it, in the past few years we've lost a large majority of our cutscenes and had to rely on people who have downloaded them in the past to re-upload them for us. It's possible that some quality was lost in the process.

    As for ripping the scenes straight from the game disc, it's impossible to get the cutscenes that way -- you can only get the Opening/Ending fmvs that way, which I recently did and I believe that RvR put them into the archive. The problem with the scenes that have the characters speaking and all of that is that they play out in real-time; they're not prerendered. The upside of this is that it makes it possible for the scenes to change according to what Keyblade you're using and in the case of KH2 what Drive Form you're in, but it also makes it impossible to extract them straight from the game disc.

    You can purchase a capture card and get them yourself; ours were captured several years ago and I'm sure modern capture cards will offer better quality. I have one and I'd love to start capturing better quality videos for the site but my computer at the moment is pretty old.