KH-V is corrupted.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Kingdom Glory, Dec 27, 2007.

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  1. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    **** this ****, Im locking this now.

    If you want to tell me how ****ing horrible I am, please so through PM or MSN
  2. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Alright wow... what a pathetic war guys.

    First of all KG, don't ever tell my staff how to do their job. Last time I checked, they were the responsible members that are staff material, not you. If I ever see that again, consider yourself ****ed.

    As Shadowjak stated, Rosey has not changed as a person. She has only improved as a staff member and as a person. Also, calling out the staff is pathetic because like my good buddy Shadowjak also mentioned, you aren't going to get anywhere unless you consult us directly about it. Bringing it to the forums only shows your weakness for support. Pretty sad I must say.

    Overall I'm disappointed with most of you... and that's all there is to it.

    Now for this "popularity" issue crap, seriously guys it's not much of an issue. If I see anyone getting flamed for the wrong reasons, I give warnings to anyone... even S. mods if I need to. You can't stop someone from being less popular on a forum... that's just a silly issue, come on now.

    If you want to talk with me about any problems you may have, do it directly. I'm willing to talk with you.

    - RvR
  3. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Another side note:
    I 100% agree with SJ and RvR.

    Seriousely, shut the **** up about elistism. It's always been here, but now more people are ranting about it as the site gets bigger.
    It's not like any of you stood up until now and denied anything, if any of you seriosely said you'd never sucked up to another member you would by lying your asses off.
    All of you promoted it until you were left behind. I know indeed that some members can be asses at times, but WE ARE ALL HUMAN. We all fail, staff isn't some gods that know the answers to everything. We're teenagers, not trained forum elite members. >>

    Now this thread was a disappointing sight for me. And I don't intend to be one of those stuck up members who only care about their status, if anyone feels like talking feel free to contact me. I'm a normal girl, I don't bite.

    And without members popular or not staff or not, the site would be nothing. It's one unit not n00bs vs popular. If someone calls you a noob it doesn't mean the whole forum thinks you're a noob.

    And leave Rosey alone, she's the same wonderful gal. The only change she's made is from good to better. If you seriousely have a problem with her or thinks she's changed to ****ing much for your liking come and say it to me. I'm supporting her, and if you don't even dare saying it 'face to face' to me then just give it up already. I'm supporting Rosey so leave her alone.
  4. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Awww I luff you guys :3

    Anywho, since it feels like we are reflecting back on this thread <_> Im going to post something when Im not as upset.

    Like SJ, RvR and Sammy ALL pointed out, this is part of the site growing

    We have this thing at my school called the Caring program. I know it sounds like bull**** but it can actually relate to here. One of the things they taught us was that you arent lower socially unless you admit your socially lower. Which in turn gives the more 'popular' people power to do what they say and want. I actually havent seen this problem on here very often. And If we keep catching regular members, its because we dont see the other members. Im sorry, but its true. You can help us out by PMing us when you see something wrong (THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU GO "ILL GET A MOD") but really, the staff arent superman.

    And remember. The "populars" are only "Populars" if you make them "populars" Though really see this that often sooooo >_> <_<
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