I finished this coloring a couple of days ago, which took me about two weeks to get done. Here's the link http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/59150832/ Sorry for having only a link, but I don't feel like making a preview image for forums and stuff :P
It looks nice. I tend to like all Dev submittions. The drawing seems accurate but the face of Roxas looks a bit different. The rest of the gang looks perfect IMO. Keep it up man, good job.
Nice detail. I love it a lot. It's really good. You have talent. ^_^ The scene is great, too. 10/10 I don't really have any CnC on it. Just great job.
It's lovely (your good with hands *_*) They have a more personal style look (your personal draw style) so it's not completely alike the originals. But still good. And Olette's yellow ball seems a little weird placed in her hand. Very good job. :3
I'mma follow the lead and quote what everyone else said above: Nice work Mate. It's not perfect, but you've OBVIOUSLY got talent. That's Hayner's RIGHT hand, holding the orange ball, aye? If it's the right, then it's in a bit of an odd position, no? I know when I try to do that, it's really limited. Nyeh, dunno. Still speaking of Hayner, his arm (shoulder to elbow) is relatively short - it should be a bit longer. The way the forarm follows on doesn't look all that accurate either - it looks like he's missing an elbow.