KH the key to the heart

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by tenshigrl, Feb 28, 2009.

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  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaze: *looks in curiosity* have you ever thought you were using your guardian's power a little too much?
    Light: *pops out of kaze's head* i could say the same to you except a little too less..
    Kaze: *glares* i thought i told you to go to sleep!
    Light: I can't have my own say in this?
    Kaze: *turns away from light* go ahead..
    Light: *goes towards maria* there is such thing as over using power..
  2. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    "I know" maria said "but this is the first time Iever had to use him for this twice on the same day"

    "don't worry maria doesn't always use me" the orb said "but today I have been used alot"
  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Light: *turns to kaze* remember.. you still owe me for that last power you used..
    Kaze: *uncrosses arms* just.. because i wanted someones life back doesn't mean i want to kill someone else for that sake..
    Light: hey.. it's not my fault.. it's a code you see.. and you rought that person back to life.. you have to kill someone..
    Kaze: come on! i was in the organization then..
    Light: *goes up to kaze and flashes* sorry.. *goes into head then echoes* it's still a code..
    Kaze: *looks down* yeah.. i really wanted to have a pep talk today.. *looks up again* Go ahead maria.. i really don't care..
  4. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    maria nodded "alright then"
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kyma: *grabs out her keyblade* look.. i appreciate that nice little chit chat you just had.. but we will just leave right now we won't hesitate.. but we still have to come back.. were else will we get sea salt ice cream..
    Akarui: *shakes head and stands in front of kyma's keyblade* it doesn't work like that.. *backs up* you know she will banish us anyway.. so why bother pleading she will banish us anyway..
    Kyma: *looks angrily* Akarui.. stand your ground..
    Akarui: *backs up* no! you don't deserve to wield the keyblade.. you work with the heartless organization.. if you cared about anything.. you would run off and help out all the other keybladers out there.. just.. *looks up* NO! I'm not taking orders from you anymore! any you can't make me!
    Kyma: *yells at the top of her lungs* AKARUI!!
    (instantly a light flashes and Akarui and Kyma both fly off in the opposite direction at walls then they oth close their eyes for a brief second and then both jump up in the air)
    Kyma: *yells* WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!!??
    Akarui: WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!!?? *puts hand bye where heart is supposed to be and then feels a beat and jumps up* I have a heart? I'm alive?
    Kyma: *shakes head* i don't care what you think anymore! *throws keyblade at akarui and she catches it* Take it! you've always been more interested in it than me.. and the next time i see you i won't be pleeding for you to come back!
    Akarui: *looks down and light flashes on her hand* have fun with your hopeless life sis! and may you die not in peace..
    Kyma: *looks down than 2 arm blades pop up on her hand with strand of gold on them* GLADLY! *opens up a portal and walks in it*
    Kaze: *eyes stuck widened and then rubs them* you didn't tell me you 2 switch...
    Akarui: *looks down a little sad* I don't know if i'm still a heartless or not.. so the banishment might still work on me..
  6. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    "it won't work on you" he orb said

    "by the power of hajime the dragon and maria the keyblade weilder" maria said "I wish to banish the heartless that have caused grief and misery to me and my friends and to those who fight heartless"
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaze: *looks at akarui*.. i still hardly elieve you now wield the keyblade..
    Light: *comes out of kaze's head* miss me?
    Kaze: no..
    Akarui: Hi Kohaku! how's life?
    Light: fine! i just need.. uh never mind.. um.. *looks around* where is Hoshi?
    Akarui: *looks down* um.. she died.. I.. didn't give her what she needed at that moment..
    Light: wouldn't you be dead?
    Akarui: i was a heartless..
    Light: oh.. right.. *looks down* it must be sad.. killing your own guardian..
    Akarui: If you weren't Kaze's guardian! i would have just killed you..
    Kaze: *rolls eyes* see.. you talk to much..
    Light: i never talk..
    Kaze: FINE YOU WANT ME TO KILL SOMEONE!? how about you? would you like that?
    Light: um no..
  8. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    lets see a fight with axel and demyx against some of the heartless
    maria is about to banish the hertless and somethin happened with leox and xeol

    a beam of light shot out and unlocked the door
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Light: you know.. i found that offensive Kaze..
    Light: Humans.. they all are so annoying at times..
    Akarui: so.. maria.. where are we headed now?
  10. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    *after the banishment*

    "I dunno" she said "but that pretty much drained me"

    the orb sighed "you get used to them" it said
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Light: 4 years is enough for me.. *looks at Kaze* while i'm out do you need anything?
    Kaze: *looks at maria exhausted* can you take us somewhere in a safe way?
    Light: Yes i can.. but you will have to.. um... kill some heartless..
    Kaze: *kicks dirt* aw crud..
    Light: well.. you can make up for it later.. with the other thing too..
    Kaze: *looks at Maria* any paticular place? Hollow Bastion, Destiny Islands, Disney Castle?
  12. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper


    "I don't know anywhere I guess" she said "just not destiny islands"
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaze: alright.. *looks at Kohaku(light)* how about Hollow bastion?
    Light: alright anyone not want to go there?
  14. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    "hold on" the orb said "I need to send a message to your friend there maria"

    "oh thats right his guardian might think we're enemies" she said
  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    occ: if the other thread doesn't exist in this thread then sorry..
    Light: alright i'll wait..
    Akarui: actually.. the last time i was there.. *looks down* was quite a few years ago.. i forget how i got out.. but i do remember 2 names of the 3 people there..
    um.. Sora.. and Riku.. then there was another one there..

    Kaze: *looks at Akarui* was that the same year i was chained to the wall in disney castle?
    Light: *flashes quick* yes.. and then you had already met one of those wiona.. she and you exchanged advice..
    Kaze: um.. don't remember.. the names Riku and Sora sound familiar though..
    Light: that year was all blank.. you were scared of darkness then Kaze..
    Kaze: nope.. don't remember a thing..
  16. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    "Um... So who am I fighting now? I already beat that loser. Axel he was the first guy who challenged me and naturally I won," he looked at the daggers that came at Axel. Dodging them himself, he looked at the other two heartless. "Hello? Are you two ameteurs done trying to attack me from earlier? You two are pathetic expecially the one with the water."
  17. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    taki got angry but then sighed "I'm not even gonna bother" she said "we're about to be banished in the next minute since there are alot of heartless here"

    "oh well I can't remember anything" maria said "oh and it'll take awhile since so many heartless are in the area but their powers are sealed until after the banishment"
  18. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    after a couple of hours of training yuko sat down

    "have you given him the news yet" maria asked

    "I'm sorry but I can't seem to get in touch with them" the orb said
  19. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    A man in a cloack appeared behind Naxius. "Do you seek oblivion or creation?" the voice asked.
  20. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    "I feel a prescence" yuko muttered
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