It's read by panels, 1-7 There are mistakes in there, the colouring for me wasn't easy, because I'm not a great colour-er. The way I drew it still needs some work, but I think I did good. I showed Rexmildd, she liked it, also my daddy:) Even though he found it.. inappropriate. ( I was sleepy and bored) Tell me what you think:)
What the hell is a "wee-woo?" You may want to watch your grammar on the 5th panel...and work a little harder on the eyes. And Xigbar's hair should be black, not gray/whitish. Keep working at it, though!
^ Agreed! But it's so cute! it caught of little bit of humor but it was cute! xD Xigbar, owes me that money. >:/
lol that was funny, but the colouring was a bit off and needs improving and the drawings wern't the best but it was good