Kh living together

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by The Fifth Element, Jun 12, 2008.

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  1. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Kairi ran panting down the empty hallway as the shadows continued to appear in front of her. She continued slashing aimlessly, which actually worked out very well. When she reached the end of the hall, she saw that it was a dead end. Frantically, she looked around for a door. She saw one on the wall behind her. She tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. "Hello?" She yelled as she banged on the door. "Someone let me in please!"
    Nobody answered. She turned around and saw the heartless ready to pounce and swallow her into darkness. She screamed.

    Sora ran through the building as he continued to vanquish the foes. He turned behind him and saw that Kairi was gone. And there was no sign of Riku. Sora figured that Kairi was safe with Riku.
  2. kyo_hyugga Moogle Assistant

    Jun 15, 2008
    ooooh can I be new characters like zack aerith and angeal
  3. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    OOC: yes kyo_hyuuga you can be those characters minus Arieth, she is taken


    Riku huffed as he arrived at a four way corridor. He turned round and round, trying to decide which way to take. His skin tingled and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end when he heard Kairi scream. He ran down the path toward her. Summoning his keyblade in one hand and his darkness in the other, he made quick work of the heartless.
    "You are ok. I won't let them hurt you and neither will Sora."

    I can't believe that I'm doing this.

    Lillian clicked on the lighter and bent down, holding it to the ground. Fire flared up everywhere, like an explosion, and Lillian was knocked back into the pool. She had time to take a breath before she went under and surfaced easily.
    "That went....good."
    All of the heartless were gone and the ground was black.
  4. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Kairi panted heavily. "Thanks Riku." The girl tried to compose herself as quickly as possible, not wanted Riku to think that she was just some pathetic girl who couldn't defend herself. "You should go help Sora, he's hopeless without you. I'll be fine."
  5. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Could I join whit these:
    Name- Jessica
    Age- 14
    Gender- female
    Personality- A happy and lazy teenager.
    Appearance-She has long brunette hair what she keeps usually open. She has a light green shirt and a black skirt.
    History- Jessica lived on a peace full island all alone whit her best friend Serena. One day Jessica woke up and found Serena murdered. She ran away from island because the murderer wanted to murder her too. Than she found Amy in an island and started an adventure(or as Amy calls it a trip whit an annoying girl) whit her.
    Pet- Amy has a pet bunny named after her best friend Serena.
    Other- She has a knife for a weapon. Also she can make the knife grow.

    Name- Amy
    Age- 16
    Gender- female
    Personality- She is very strong and quiet emo. Sometimes she can have a small vision.
    Appearance- She has short black hair. She has a black shirt and black pants. Se also has a black coat, but it is not the same looking than the organization coats.
    History- She lived alone in a dead city. One day Jessica came to the city. She first didn't want to go whit her, but than she saw a vision that the city would be attacked if she would stay there so she went whit her
    Pet- a black cat named Diamond
    Other- Her weapon can change to anything she wants to.
  6. kyo_hyugga Moogle Assistant

    Jun 15, 2008
    one morning when zack woke up "I wonder if angeal's awake I can't wait for training" he snuk into angeal's room "hehehe" zack whispered he breathed in and started yelling "angeal,angeal,angeal,angeal!!!!!" completely waking angeal up

    "grrrr!" angeal sighed and got up "zack do you have any idea what time it is"angeal asked "of course it's morning" zack answered "oh really?" angeal looked at his watch "ugh! daaaaamit!!!! zack it's 4:00 a.m!!!!!!!!!!

    my character bios

    name: zack
    age: 17
    weapon: broadsword
    appearence: short black spiky hair black pants,black shirt,black gloves and shoulder guards
    debut: ffVII:crisis core
    personality: caring, cares alot about his job, and sometimes he's crazy and plays pranks (I think)

    name: angeal
    age: 25
    weapon: broadsword
    appearence: he looks just like zack except taller and that angeal has darker skin
    debut: ffVII:crisis core
    personality: caring, and honorable
  7. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    ooc: ok good.

    Denzel slashed some more nobodies and kicked a heartless.

    "There's no end to these things!!"
  8. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora ran through the never ending hall, slashing heartless as he ran. He winced when he felt a heartless claw at the back of his shirt. "Thunder!" He yelled as he sent the heartless flying. Sora turned around to see that the heartless never stopped appearing. This was never going to end. At least there aren't any huge heartless back here...Sora thought.
  9. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Amy was sitting in a shadow.
    "Jessica talks too much" she thought to her self.
    "Amy!!!" Jessica yelled
    "What now"
    "Watch out!!"
    Some heartless attacked her. Jessica throw her knife hitting the heartless (and almost Amy).
    "What the heck is wrong whit you!! Your knife almost hit me"
    "Your welcome!" Jessica yelled angrily and jumped out of her window.
    "Why did I ever leave my city"
    "Well its not your city and you saw that vision tha..."
    "I know that!!!"
    "Um, Amy"
    Jessica looked at something behind Amy. Amy turned her head and saw an ambush of heartless and nobodies.
    "Oh crap" She mumbled, turned her weapon to a sword and attacked the them.
    "Come on Jessica"
    "What! Are you serious! There's like thousands of them!!!"
    "Actually there's 269"
    One heartless attacked Jessica.
    "Help!!" She screamed
    Amy turned her weapon to a gun and shot the heartless.
    "Now I'd really like some help" she yelled when about 10 heartless and nobody attacked her.
    "Here goes nothing" Jessica mumbled when she attacked.
  10. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    Namine' was waking up as she realized she was carried by someone.
    "Whats... going on? Who are you?" She asked.

    Roxas got up from the pool. He looked over to Lillian.
    "You okay?" he asked while stretching his hand towards Lillian.

    Cloud, still fighting alone, was wondering if there was any other way. He saw the black portal.
    "Would it be possible to jump into the portal and get to the core. I could stop the Heartless. Possibly," He wondered.
  11. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Ooc: Roxas-chick, could you change the color from yellow, it's really tough to read...
    Ic: Leon, spoke to Namine:
    "Name's Leon, but let's talk later... Do you think you can walk soon?" he asked, as another Heartless met it's end. Even though Namine was tiny, running around defeating Heartless with an unconscious girl on his shoulder was rather tiring.

    "Leon, over here!" Aerith yelled as she hit a Heartless with a wooden stick she had found in her room. With some help from Yuffie she had driven the attackers from there, so it was safe for now.
  12. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Lillian coughed once and took Roxas's hand, hauling her wet self out of the pool. SHe shook her hair, sending her ponytail flying around her head.
    "Wet....but Fine."
    Her head ached a little from when she had bashed it on the concrete but she felt ok.
  13. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Kairi walked back down the hall and away from Riku, hoping to convince him that she could fight on her own.

    Sora fell to the ground when he heard a large crashing noise behind him. He rose to his feet and turned around. Five large bodies blocked his path. Oh great... he thought to himself before charging at his enemies.
  14. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Ooc: 'k i will change the yellow color to this hope its better
    bic: Amy was fighting whit 10 heartless+nobody. Jessica was struggling whit just a few. Suddenly all the heartless and nobody Amy was fighting jumped on her and she fell.
    "Amy!!!" Jessica screamed while fighting her way to her friend.
    She killed all the heartless and nobody away from Amy, but too late. Amy had already fainted.
    "Amy wake-up" Jessica cried. She was all alone whit a bunch heartless and nobody.
  15. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Riku nodded and rushed away down the hall, trying to find Sora. He saw him with a bunch of large bodies and whacked one with his keyblade. It vibrated all the way up his arm and he yelped a little.

    Denzel rushed to aid Amy and Jessica. He slashed away all of the heartless and stood, breathing heavily.
  16. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    "Good," Roxas said, "we should go see if anyone else needs help."

    At the same time, Namine'... had fainted. Again.
  17. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Lillian nodded and followed Roxas inside. She looked round and round and listened but didn't hear anything. She opened a door and saw a strange portal thing. Heartless were streaming out of it.
    This is where they are coming from.....
    Lillian ran towards the portal and jumped into it.She was in a black room and standing over her was a huge heartless. It resembled a fox and she crouched, ready to jump. The heartless ran at her and snapped its jaws. She dove out of the way and cut its ankle. It growled and threw her at the wall which she slammed into. SHe picked herself off the ground and jumped onto its back. She crawled up to the top of its head and looked around for a weak spot. Seeing a light blue symbol at the base of its neck, she stabbed it. The heartless roared and slung her around but she held on and pulled back to stab again. Her blade sunk into the heartless and it shook her off, slamming her into the ceiling and then into the ground. The heartless collapsed and vanished. THe room turned back to normal but Lillian lay still and wasn't moving. She had a cut above her right eye and a large one across her middle. Her head was bleeding too.
  18. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Sora saw Riku join the fight out of the corner of his eye. But he was too focused on the fight to think about it. He jumped as a large body swung its hand at Sora. He flipped around towards his back as a slashing blow made the heartless disapear.

    Kairi began to run when she saw a trail of shadows following her. She looked around for a door to escape into. She entered one that was to her right and locked the door behind her. Huh? What's this? A portal of darkness had opened in front of Kairi. The girl shrugged as she ran inside.
  19. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Riku finally killed one large body and moved onto the next, having to jump high and use is dark aura. It disappeared.
    Magic....I wonder if me and Sora used out limit would it get them all.
  20. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    "Thanks" Jessica said for Denzel.
    She noticed a few nobody still there and slashed them, but before she could do anything she felt a big hit on her head and blood coming to her face. Then she fell down and fainted.
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