KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hmm....good point......>_>....crazy happy ninja girl......even she seems kind of....a bit crazy for me....and I tend to hang out around all the crazy ones....*shrug* suppose if I do come into the picture it'd be a whole lot hellos and greetings....we'll see then.

    BIC- Angel awaited Zexion's reply.

    OOC- Uh-oh.....the romance is starting to go away again....NUUU! DON'T GO ROMANCE! I NEED IT FOR MY ZEXY!
  2. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Zexion blinked for a moment, processing what Angel had said. "Hmm, yeah. I know what you mean about the whole... 'sensing' idea." He stood slowly, looking back at Angel. "Well, we should probably investigate the situation, especially if someone is in trouble." He was able to sufficiently produce a pleasant smile, reaching out to assist her. "Shall we?"

    OOC: Sorry it's so short ^_^;
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Are you serious? That's what you call short?

    BIC- Angel nodded and gave a small smile back. Aww...he looks so cute when he smiles.....funny.....that's what most people say about me too....>_>... She took his hand even though she could've easily gotten up by herself but she wanted to feel his hand. It's really soft. :D "Well....I suppose we better hurry..." They walked into the school building.
  4. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Heh... yeah... :D I gotta go after this tho D:

    Zexion walked with Angel out of the room and into the hallway, moving at a brisk pace. The further they walked, the stronger the apprehension felt. Zexion was picking up a few scents that seemed somewhat familiar... Cloud...Tifa...Yuffie... and Aerith. Strange, why would they be arguing?
  5. OOC: In thinking about it, I decided that Leon and Cloud be 18 xP. Yuffie can be 15, since in KH, she's smaller than Sora, or the same size.

    Tifa let out a frustrated scream in answer to Cloud's response, more so because she was now being held unto more forcefully, this time, by her arms as well. In a pointless try, she kept attempting to rip away from him, wanting to show Yuffie physically how she was going to take back what she said, but that was it, because she could barely move once Cloud got a good grip on her. Giving one last pull, it was there she gave up, feeling exhausted of struggling by this point, and her face was already flushed, burning...even perspiration was gathering at her forehead from her worthless efforts, and all she could do was fume silently as she breathed raggedly. Tifa could hear Yuffie then shouting at Aerith about not backing her up, calling her a **** now, and her expression turned into something that of a angry banshee. Backing her up on what? The hurtful things she said? Aerith wouldn't do that...would she?

    She stood still at that thought, wondering if the girl, because of jealousy as well, was going to stab her too. She was aware Aerith was self-conscious at their diffrence in breast sizes, concerning Cloud especially, yet she didn't think she was capable of going that far... no. She knew she wouldn't.

    Aerith was surprised to say the least, when Yuffie turned on her, and started to mouth off. Her eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes narrowed just slightly, hearing her words. Now, she was as calm as they can go, and she was mostly trying to cool her down, yet that didn't seem to be working. This didn't affect her enough to start spatting nonsense as well to add to the whole shouting, but she sure wouldn't let that go. She was a pacifist, not a pushover. Frowning slightly, her tone growing a bit hard, and somewhat tight, she went to answer as low as she could at this moment, "To begin, she wasn't eavesdropping, she just happened to hear you when she finally got to the door. I'm sure of it. You weren't even whispering them. Is not her fault that you were saying what you were at that moment, something you shouldn't have even said at all. Yuffie, are you even listening to yourself? I'm not taking anyone's side, I'm simply dealing with you first and foremost, before Tifa, since you are here, and the others are talking to her right now. DIDN'T I SAY that we will get to Tifa once she gets in? Didn't I? All I'm doing is suggesting you apologize and understand your actions before meeting up with her. Do you really want a fight right now? What am I suppose to do to back you up when Tifa is outside raging, and I'm here, with nothing to say to her yet? I'm suppose to support your words to her, as mean as they were? I'm suppose to do that? I'm sorry, but I can't. If I back you up, that means I'm agreeing with you, which I'm not. I'm not backing any of you up."

    She said this resolutely as she stared down at the younger girl. "While I'm sure Tifa was wrong in screaming at you and calling you names, while angry, you were also wrong in speaking behind her back like that first, and saying that her breasts are all she's worth to men, and if she didn't have them, she would have nothing. Who wouldn't be angry at that when you are suppose to be her friend? In fact, I bet she feels betrayed right now. I can't exactly blame her because of that..."

    "But I was thinking that you wanted to go to the amusement park, weren't you? Maybe we can get into three rides..." Axel suggested skeptically as he got into his own side of the car, opening the door as he went to place the clothes he was not wearing on the seat. Already he could tell the truck was burning like the fiery pits of hell, and as he got in after his wardrobe, shoes in hand, he found himself in the replica of a oven, his skin kind of getting sweaty by just the few seconds he was in there. It was what happens when you let a vehicle simmer under the sun. Breathing roughly, he pushed the truck door more open to let some wind and breeze in to cool it off. It didn't affect him any more, due to his own fire, and sighing, he began dusting off his feet from sand in any way possible. When he was sure there were none, he started putting on his socks and sneakers quickly, tying them up by the few seconds he just spent placing each foot in. It was simple, really.

    Coughing a little as he straigthened up from his bent position once he was finished, he leaned back on his seat, his clothes next to him, glancing lazily at Rei from where he was as he began to ponder over what she just said before. "You least you got parents to give you munny." It was there he blinked suddenly, letting slip out the words as if he didn't have any, and went to save face, "I mean, they wouldn't even really give me a cent, and you have parents that actually share it with you when you need some. I even have to give some munny to my that's more selfish than, though."

    Sighing again as he shook his head, he just shrugged, wanting to forget ever bringing it up. And so he said out of nowhere, "Ready to go?"
  6. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ooc: Okay, thanks for the info, and sorry if my posts seem very short i'm trying to make them longer then ususall though...

    bic: *Riku let out a sigh as he glanced down at his iPod to see the last seconds of his song slowly end*
    "Hmm...I really should go talk to other people..but.." He thought to himself as he quitely wrapped up his headphones and placed them with his iPod in his pocket.
    "No..I can't stay here listening to music by myself all day" He muttered as he slolwy got off the floor and began to walk toward the cafeteria.
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    so Zexy going to be 16 then?........a junior?.....or....since Axel is a junior and he's the youngest uh....15?.......

    BIC- At first Angel heard some shouting and...well...loud mumbles of incomprehensible words at this distance. However, when they turned the corner in the dormitory, she saw a whole bunch of poeple outside a door. It looked like a senior brown headed guy who looked very strong and extremely familiar was blocking the door from an exhausted but clearly enraged senior girl with long black hair who was appreantly held back by another senior blond haired boy who looked very strong. They all seemed like they were going to the pool. And they all looked familiar. But at the moment, Angel couldn't quite place her finger on where she'd seen them before but then, "Oh!....Leon?...." From the cafeteria.....but...who are the other two?...this is going to bug me for a while.
  8. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Rei leaned into the truck, but was quickly overcome by the intense heat. That's what she got for not rolling down the windows...

    She left her door open all the way, and she made it so the cool, ocean breeze would waft through the opening between the two doors. Rei crossed her arms on the seat, looking up at Axel and shaking her head. "I said dutch, not ditch, Red. Clean out the earwax..." she said teasingly. Chuckling a bit, she moved one arm up, so that she could rest her chin on the back of her hand. " I meant that we could split the cost, and go on more rides."

    Se listened to his nostalgic words, and each time he said 'parents' like she had, it bashed into her skull. It was as if she was believing it herself now. But when he had said 'dad', it really took a toll on her. So... we both have father issues... funny. But it wasn't funny, not even curious. Not at all.

    His next sentence seemed to go through one ear and out the other, but she couldn't help but snap back to reality when the wind picked up a bit too strong. Shaking it off, she nodded.

    OOC: Do you have to drive to the fair? :D

    "Hmm? Who's Leon?" Zexion followed Angel around the corner to see a few upset people. He recognized Cloud right away, and Tifa he had seen around, but where was the young, familiar girl and the prep? They must be inside that room...

    Staying close behind Angel, Zexion observed the situation with great precision. Apparantly... the dark haired girl outside with Cloud held a certain conflict with those inside the room. There was a lot of tension, mixing about in every which way.

    Olette left the school library with three books in hand, one titled "How Democratic is America Today?" and another read "Miracle at Philidelphia." Of course, thse two were required homework novels, but the third, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," was for recreation. It had been a rather dull Saturday, being the downer after the fun-filled dance the previous night. (Ha, it's all coming back to us, isn't it?) It was strange though, she hadn't seen Roxas since then. It was nice to hang out with him with some one-on-one time, but she couldn't seem to find him. She wasn't particularly excited to be reading a good sized amount of each government related book, so running into anyone from the gang would have been a pleasant change in the day's schedule.

    Olette sighed, taking a closer look at one of her favorites. None of the guys had ever even heard of Shakespeare, so trying to explain the numerous love traingles, human-to-donkey transformations, and fairy-donkey love seemed absolutely trivial.
  9. OOC: Nah, you don't have to drive ^^;.

    Naminé, after a while, was done with her intricate Aerith painting, and she couldn't help, but be proud at her finished masterpiece. Her cornflower eyes danced jubilantly at the picture, kind of hoping Aerith will really like it. If only she could get it in a pretty frame, make it all nice, like a gift. She spotted a few mistakes, mostly on the chest, yet, it was minor, and it wasn't like she could draw it over, it was too late for that. It was the best she had managed, however. Admiring it longer in different angles, she placed it back down on the table, her eyes shifting around the empty cafeteria, and she couldn't help, but sigh. The loneliness kind of gets to you after a while, yet it wasn't like she had much to do here, or find out were any of her friends had gone to.

    Flipping over to a new page in her sketch pad quietly, she busied herself with what to draw next to take up the rest of her time, making her fingers pull back some loose strands of her bangs.

    Axel just shrugged about mishearing her, because he was more concerned about another matter entirely. "I could've sworn I heard 'ditch', sounded like it. But, I think you'll end up paying more than I will...seriously, I'm really, really broke. You have no idea."

    It was there he eyed her intently, and in the most serious face he had ever formed while at their little trip. He hated the thought of Rei, a girl, paying for him more, in many reasons why, and it kind of angered him that he was useless in this manner. And another thing, he wondered if it was a good idea to let out signs about his family, because...while he made it sound like he had a problem with his "father", it was pretty much both his parents in reality. In fact, he hadn't really spoken to his sister, Ariel, at all, and he couldn't help, but think of how she was doing with those beasts. It wasn't like she could dorm like him. He should definitely visit, if only to save her for awhile, after all, she was the one thing that was keeping him from going absolutely insane after incident, the loved one he had left. Especially with the call from Grace while he was getting ready today earlier on. That was another thing. It was weird. His mom calling. Somehow, he felt his stomach churn uncomfortably at that, the same way he had when in the beach, about coming back to school. He just had a bad premonition, his gut was strung up high. He knew something was going to happen later. He just did. And he wasn't going to be happy in the end. Trying to block it out, as he went to gaze in front of him quite anxiously, he just jumped down out of the truck, his hand holding the door, about to close it as he tilted his head at Rei. "We should walk there then, is just a few steps...let's worry about the snacks first." He then went to look at his black, water proof wrist watch. "Is only 6, so we're in good time..."

    Passing a hand through his red hair a bit agitated, the contemplations not leaving his mind, he closed the door, giving a nod to the female, and waited for her until she went over to him, since the boardwalk was on his side the most.

    OOC: And before anyone ask, it isn't Ariel, the mermaid xD. While she can exist here as a normal girl, considering there are no worlds here, I just made Axel's sister a parody of her. Come on, they could pass off as siblings...except for the whole fire and water situation >.>.
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Leon is the guy with the brown hair." Angel wasn't sure whether she should approach them. Tensions seemed really high seemed like they had it under control. I'm afraid if I do something wrong I'll make it worst trying to help.
  11. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Rei watched Axel with curiosity, a new look on his face of adorned seriousness. But once he had mentioned the snacks and left the truck, Rei snapped back to reality. She seemed to be doing that quite frequently today. Maybe it was the... heat.

    Rei straightened up and closed her door, making her was around the truck. She still noticed a bit of uneasiness about Axel, so she rushed to his side and looped her arm through his. "Alright, let's go then. Let's forget everything else and have a good time." She smiled cheeringly and led Axel away from the vehicle. She just remained walking towards the boardwalk, where the snack foods they seeked were sold. She could see the outline of seaside shacks filled with novelty items that were popular amongst tourists. "You know, I used to come here when I was little, just to get away from the normality of my house. I lived near Sunset Hill, so I took the train a lot. And no matter how many times I come here, the sea air always makes me feel better."
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: This is going to be shorter than I want it,mostly because im not getting any inspiration today.

    None of them took notice of Zexion and Angel

    Satisfied with the condition Tifa was in,Cloud slowly released her so she could cool down and rejuvenate herself.He didn't know what to focus on at that very moment.Tifa's feelings,or Yuffie's outburst of hate and loathing..what had gotten into that girl?He could still hear talking from the door,but barely,Tifa's heavy breathing was getting in the way of it.But it looked like Squall could hear it easily enough.


    "Would you rather I lie and say they want her for her..'amazing personality'!?"Yuffie exaggerated in a blond-like voice.Needless to say,Yuffie was steamed and found it hard to listen to anything Aerith had to say.She had to release the frustration sometime,and Tifa's arrival on their conversation pulled the trigger in her mind.She had to get it out one way or another.Glaring at Aerith with great intensity,Yuffie folded her arms and glared at the brown haired female."As if I'd apologize after what that ***** said..just go Aerith..leave me alone..''she demanded.

    OOC: none of you gave me feedback on Yuffie btw.
  13. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *As Riku began to walk toward the cafeteria he slowly closed his eyes as he let the soft aroma of the halls guide him. He had long ago gotten rid of his dark powers but the idea of just using his other senses besides sight to guide himself had always been Intriguing *
    "So many things..that people take for granted" He thought to himself with a sigh as he slowly opened his eyes revealing the cafeteria.
  14. Aerith paused there, for the first time, giving her a glare, before smiling sardonically, and shrugging. The attitude was unlike her, but by this point, there was only so much a person can take. This was her breaking point. She just didn't know what else to say. "I'm not going to be your living wall to take your anger out with. I said what I needed to. So yeah, I will take that leave, thanks." With one last glance, she turned around, her long, white skirt flowing, and walked off, opening the door, a little high strung at the moment. She remembered what Leon told her, but she needed a break for just a second from the room, and within a moment, she stepped out, shutting the door behind her.

    It was there her emerald eyes met the two males, and Tifa. In her blind rush, she forgot that she was basically dressed in her pink, revealing bikini top, something that she would've covered normally. In the thought of that, she casually wrapped her arms around herself, leaning on the wall.

    Tifa laid still for a few seconds, cathing her breath, but she was about to make a beeline for the door once Cloud let go, as she felt him start to loosen his grip. Beginning to stomp over to the door when she was free fast, still heated and needing to vent, she only stopped when she saw the knob turning and the clicking sound it made, and soon, out popped Aerith, who she met face to face with. The first thing she saw was what she was wearing, the female very dressed for the occasion. The style of the outfit was pretty, with the rose colored bikini top, with a darker shade of a cherry blossom in one chest cup, and the gorgeous white skirt she was wearing, with pink flip-flops to match, and her long hair in a braid. It kind of distracted her, her mind now thinking of how much of a mess she looked. She really didn't bother to change her clothes.

    Reminding herself of what was happening now again, she eyed the girl, hearing the answer she had given, and glad she didn't take Yuffie's side. Not that she would take hers either, but as long as she was neutral, it was fine with her. Frowning, she then asked Aerith in a tight tone, her dirty look settled at the door, "How's the little girl?"

    "Really?" Axel replied absentmindedly to her words, his thoughts somewhere else, only after his small surprise of her looping her arm around his, getting close as they went to the boardwalk and stepped up to the wooden path. He kind of tensed, as people can get the wrong impression like this as if she was his...girlfriend, and already a elderly couple was smiling at them in reflection. Axel didn't loosen from the hold though, aware that his body and skin didn't mind the touch due to the lustful desire he now held for her, but the whole thing made him kind of awkward. The last thing he wanted to do was to be unfaithful to Larxene...again, especially after he ruined a night that started out so well for them, and he was only beginning to learn self-control after he was stopping the habit of stands. The bad nauseating feeling on his stomach and the worry of what would happen once he returned to the school, was starting to fade away slowly too, the less he kept his mind on it. It still kind of made him edgy, yet....he really was being bad company right now, just when Rei was trying to help, he could tell.

    Rubbing one eye with his free hand as he gave a deep sigh, he looked around the vicinity, seeing opened clothing stores and ice cream shops almost everywhere, but at times, there were restaurants, a steak house, some fast food, game stands where you can win a Wii and other expensive assortments, and far off down, he could see the gigantic building of the casino on the edge, close to the amusement park. There was also a Club here somewhere, he had gone to it a few times himself. Thinking he should make up for his lack of answer before, Axel went to say, somewhat jokingly, "So, the pretzels are first, so that means you waste munny now."

    He smirked at her, before looking at the front to see where to go buy them, only to frown when he spotted someone familiar, with long, soft, light brown hair, the perfect body wrapped up in a skimpy, blue bikini, chest over-sized and round, and he definitely knew her. Well, what do you know? Speaking of one night damn, such a delightful and perfect time to haunt him. Freezing, he quickly stopped Rei from moving, and went to turn them both around before he was spotted. Not now, not now, not now...


    He twitched. Aw, f****, f****, f****, why can't God ever be damn good to him, and let her remain blind! Sh!t! WHY, Why, of all days possible, did one of them had to be here? Why? Reluctantly, he turned back around, a forced smile in his face as he saw her heading towards him, waving, trying his best not to look at Rei as the girl left her group of friends. "Denise! Wow, how are you doing...?"

    He cleared his throat uncomfortably. Wait. Was her name Denise? Or was that the other brown haired girl? Hmm. Ah well. He was positive he had it right this time. Denise was the type of girl that cannot be forgotten, even when drunk. In the nasty and naughty way.

    OOC: Random filler character for the WINZ!
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Oh, damn, I missed alot. What's happened? Sorry I was gone, I'm visiting my mom, and her comp doesn't workd so I went to the library. xD
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Huh.....Angel's going to have a word with him sooner or later about this....>_>...she lives a sheltered life....or at least half sheltered....oh...Pyro kind of quit RPing so....I understand that your character had met Zexion before...well...the new Zexion replacement should...possibly know about you just want to meet Zexion all over again or something if the time comes?

    BIC- Angel turned to leave. It looked like they really had it under control. Maybe......they're just Leon's friends.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.

    *pants heavily*

    Cloud didn't even glance at Aerith as she came out,neither did Squall.Things had been said, bad things, and they were wondering why..of all times?Yuffie was a girl you rarely saw sad or angry..maybe her patience and kindness had a limit."Tifa,that's enough..''he muttered darkly,facing the wall to his right,still thinking about what to do.If Aerith couldn't help Yuffie,who could?


    Leon placed his hand to his forehead,rubbing it.He had never heard Yuffie speak with such ferocity,ever,period.Aerith's good-natured voice couldn't calm the beast that was inside Yuffie,so what were they to do now?He doubted anyone wanted to swim after any of this.Aerith would be willing to forget,Cloud might after a minute or so,but Tifa needed to sit down and calm herself.


    Who needs them?..Yuffie thought angrily,locking her door behind Aerith and growling in frustration.She threw herself into her bed and lied there,not sure of what to do anymore.Tifa was a *****,Aerith was close..but what about Leon and Cloud,what would they think of her after this?
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Uh...uh....oh......oh...right....Yuffie seems to think everyone's against her?.....and.......>_> protrayed your characters' personailties nicely?......
  19. OOC: I'm not sure what is it exactly that you wnat me to say about Yuffie :/ I don't know much about her, except that she's a sneaky ninja, and very hyper and cheerful, and friendly. Kind of straighforward, and you're doing that just fine.

    "Yes, Tifa, that is enough..." Aerith agreed, rubbing her eyes almost exhaustingly as she laid the back of her head in the wall she was resting on. She wasn't going to really leave Yuffie, it was just a much needed break from the tension, yet she didn't know she will heading into another one.

    "But did you hear-!"

    "Yes, we all did," she interrupted politely and gently, her green eyes staring at her nerve wracking brunette haired friend, in some form of kind understanding. "But violence against violence won't solve anything, if not, just make it worse, and what then? We'll break apart? One of you have to be the bigger person, and it seems Yuffie isn't going to be it. Just calm down, words are words. You know, I know, Cloud knows, that it isn't true at all. So don't think on it so much, you're a great girl, Tifa. And your boobs aren't the main reason why. It's just a added bonus."

    She smiled playfully.

    She blinked, her demeanor slightly changing at Aerith's nice compliments to her as she explained, and she knew she wasn't just saying it to say it. Tifa could see it in the reflection of her eyes that she meant every word, and in the end, like some kind of spell, she really did feel a bit more...relaxed. She was still mad, and wanting to somehow break something, anything, and she wanted to talk head to head with Yuffie, but Aerith did have a point. Everyone knew she wasn't based on her chest, right? Cloud loved her for who she was, and so did her friends. Slightly composing herself, she smirked amusingly, shaking her head. Maybe it wasn't good to just barge in and kick Yuffie's @ss. It was best to maybe slap her depending on what the girl had to say, if she will say anything. Letting out her breath, she held Aerith's gaze, "Fine...yet I still want to go swimming. We can ditch her."

    Tifa saw her friend frown at her, but what? She was yet to even think of Yuffie as a friend anymore because of what she said, and as it is, this wasn't the first time she ever had to deal with her somehow getting in the way. That, and she did want to go to the pool. It wasn't good to let a bad situation hang over them and spoil and destroy their plan. While it was quite shameful to do that to the short haired girl, she really just..argh.

    "Just cool off, Tifa. I know you're not happy with Yuffie at the minute, or the moment, or for a long while, yet it will be unfair to just abandon her like that, and I know you know that, and do not want to do it. That's your anger and hurt talking. She seemed cheerful when I first came, and I think is cruel..." Aerith stated, not at all thinking that this was a great move, or even one that should even be suggested. They all prepared to go, as did Yuffie, so she wasn't going to make the ninja feel more left out. Trying to think of a way to fix this, her sight immediately went to Cloud, though she wasn't sure whether to speak to him after her contemplations before. Yet, Yuffie was very close to him, and there might be a chance to gloss this over. Taking a deep breath as her chest fluttered, and at the same time, ached, she stared straight at him, adding in a quiet voice, "Cloud? Maybe you should attempt to speak to her...she's really bonded with you, and you might get through to her..."
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Cloud power. :D

    BIC- Angel walked back to the pool with Zexion. She was sort of not feeling up to it to go back to the pool again but where else could they go? My not.
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