KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Huh?.....How'd he find.....*looks at jacket* let terrorists bomb the school building or something..... Angel was caught.......again.....for the second time she tried to hide. This was going to be embarrassing. "Huh?...oh hey! Yeah..I...uh....dropped my DS......on the ground....and...couldn't really find it for a while. :D"
  2. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    "Hm, hehe..." Zexion found himself smiling, even chuckling as Angel brought about her explanation. He pushed away some of his long, blue-silver bangs from his eyes so he could see her, her long, dark hair slipping past her shoulders. She did look... nice. She had... soft eyes.

    Zexion blinked, reevaluating the situation. "Well, I... didn't want to leave you uneasy, and you seemed nice to talk to..."

    What was he thinking when he came up with this brilliant idea? What was he supposed to do now? He was only going to make a fool of himself. Didn't want to make her uneasy, I'm making it worse for both of us... well, I can't just leave in the middle of a conversation, I'll have to see how this plays out...

    OOC: Sorry about late replies, I'm watching a movie at the same time ^^;
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Ah.......what movie?

    BIC- "Uneasy?....oh no....I never felt that way when we were talking..." Angel quickly replied back. She looked down at the floor solemnly. I made him think I was uneasy because of him...argh....I'm a horrible person.... Apparently she didn't hear the second part of that sentence.
  4. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Pirates of the Caribbean 3 :D omg, the little pirate on the court sounds like mickey mouse. "And so, we shall go to war!" xD

    Zexion produced another small smile after her comment, but her sudden morose state left him bewildered. "Oh! No, it's... uh," Zexion scratched the back of his head, a bit flustered at the mix of emotions. "It's... alright. Um, do mind if I sit with you?" He gestured towards the bleachers in a slightly awkward motion, but he didn't want there to be any misunderstandings between them.
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    'Uh......." Angel was feeling extremely awkward. She wasn't even sure if it was ACTUALLY a crush. There've been so many feelings in the past never mentioned. That was a thing with her. If she thought some guy was cute walking down the hall, she never said anything. She just hoped that she wasn't so ugly or wide or something. So at this moment in time, Zexion was an "if". unfortunately for him, this meant that angel would rather retreat somewhere and gather her thoughts....or better yet, release or her turmoils onto a friend. Gah.....what should I do?...what should I do? Uh...should I make an excuse? with it?......gah...okay...this is now heading into Awkardville population 2. No charges will be pressed on me as it is going to be his fault. "Sure....." Angel replied slowly.

    OOC- Yeah.....I have no style of writing whatsoever...these are just ramblings.....give me a day...I swear I'll try and improve...
  6. OOC: Alright, then, perfect. So I'll take Naminé. And yeah, I don't know what Nomura was thinking with that outfit xD. Yee-haw! What surprises me is that her boobs are smaller. Well duh, she's 15 there. And I also found out Nymph was on June 26. Call it obsession, but we need her in Rivals, Deathsight and I. We all do. Soon, I will have to hunt her down like I did chula the last time :D.

    Whatever happened to Aaron? He's got a rival in Zexion now [​IMG]. Might as well star with Nami-chan by now. Sorry it took awhile.

    Naminé wasn't doing much of anything today, after her attempts to look for Aerith had failed long before. She had been sitting in this chair, items propped on a table, in the vast lunch room for hours, her body cool with the AC that the building provided to them all, and pale, soft blonde hair sweeped on one side, her usual hairstyle. Having her many art oil colored crayons, colored pencils, and markers, which were new, she went to get a nice shade of pink for what was Aerith, her friend's, dress, mixing it with a slight hue of dark plum for the skirt, and have a few shadows and flow to make it appear exactly like the outfit she had in mind. She had touched up on her drawing skills so far, practicing, and it was better with the oil pastels and other utensils, because they were primarily used for painting and sketching. Now, she was perfecting it as she used her fingers to also get the acquired jod done, working on her portrait silently in the emptiness of the room.

    It may have seemed weird that she was focusing on a female companion this way, but she had a rush of inspiration, and Aerith's natural beauty made her itch to put her in some art form. She will hand it to her when it was finished, and she hoped she would like it.

    OOC: If you're curious, this is what she's drawing xP: Retort/AerithGalore.jpg

    "Thanks!" Aerith returned with a big smile, her cheeks going a bit pink at the compliment, before going in as Yuffie held the door for her in hospitality. Stepping in the room, she twirled around as her emerald, deep eyes searched the dorm, and found it truly empty. So, there was nobody here in the end. And for a second, she was worried she might be the last one to come, holding everyone up. Shifting her attention back to her ninja friend though, staring at what she was wearing, she joked playfully, "Going to a swim meet right now? But really, you look adorable. You know, while is not as developed just yet, you do have a nice body, Yuffie. You should show it off alot more. "She winked at her goodheartedly, before pausing for a moment, her smile diminishing. "Then again, is not like you have the pressure of a blond guy to impress while another girl is trying to do the same..."

    Her tone began to slack off a bit into a wistful and sad melody, before reminding herself that if she was going to go to this event, nothing is going to put her down. Nothing. Sighing, she went a grin now etched on her face, tilting her head a sshe giggled. "You know, have you ever met a guy, yet? Or talked to any of the opposite gender? I've always wondered if you ever wanted a boyfriend...what do you think?"

    "Yeah, you can leave your iPod here. You can leave anything here," Tifa answered with a nod, getting out a large plain, but strong navy towel for him, and with that in hold, she closed the drawer, placing and fitting the rest back in. Flipping it over her shoulder along with her own as she straightened up from her bent position, seeing as Cloud was at the doorway, she scurried around for her dorm key. Spotting the metallic obejct sitting at her desk under the light, she put on a random pair of black flip flops along the way, thrown around in the floor as if taken out before. Strange...she never remembered her utilizing them, and she usually used flip-flops for going to the pool or beach. Yet, she hasn't gone in a long time, and this will be a renewed experience for her.

    Shaking off the notion, she grabbed the key in her hand tightly, and then headed over with a breath to the door, giving a smile to the blond male as if to say they were finally ready to go. Tifa felt kind of bad he had to go without any sandals, but also, he would look weird with smaller ones. It was too bad Axel didn't abandon any of those in her room, if those two were even the same size. But it will still be a man's shoe size, at least. Putting a hand on the light switch, she turned it off, so her room was coveted in darkness, the only shine coming from the halls. Eyeing the guy, she made a hand motion. "Let's get going. I hope we're not late, and they've been waiting."

    Axel smiled slightly for the wind, understanding, before shaking his head, and going to pick up his clothes as well. Looking at the two shirts he wore for the trip, one outer, and one for inside, he decided to simply not wear his white, sleeveless, Calvin Klein designer shirt, because, he paid a lot of money for that. And his paycheck wasn't that great. Had to appreciate what he could afford, and he had a kind of obsession with brand names as it may. Dusting it off until he was sure there were no more specks of sand, even as he slapped his hand on it, he folded it, and soon, also folded his baggy, men capri as well. He had his black swimming trunks enough, that fit to appear like shorts, with its pockets and material used, so if anything, he wouldn't lack in style. Taking on his half-empty wallet from it to put it on one of the pockets of his bathing suit, he made a note to leave the now unused garments in the truck before heading to the boardwalk, as to not carrry them. In conclusion, the only thing he was going to wear was his buttoned gray shirt with flaky sleeves that seemed slashed off, and his sneakers.

    Placing that cloth on as he slipped his arms through, he didn't bother buttoning it up either, and simply left it open for the breeze to blow around the flaps, after all, he wasn't exactly the shy type. Scooping up his shoes, and socks, he decided that he was going to put these on when they reach Rei's vehicle, considering they were still on sand, and it might get inside as they walked. And his feet weren't fully dry yet for the said sand to swipe away easily as well, as they still stuck. It was the better option. Ready as he held the items in his hands, he glanced over to the ebony haired girl as in finality, "I should tell you again, I'm a bit broke at the while, no job. I would think I have enough for ice cream, of all things, however...I wanted to go to the fair, though... "

    With that said, his green eyes stared far off into the right of what was many roller coasters, as well as that slingshot ride that threw you in the air with nothing, but wire holding you. There were also some of water rides, yet he was sure they weren't going to get wet again. The problem was, he didn't know if he got much to pay for the tickets. The best he could do at the moment, is get the 10 tickets to get at least into three to six rides or so, depending. Honestly, he felt kind of stupid and self-conscious
    (in other words, his ego/pride got punctured) as the men were always suppose to have the munny, yet, he probably couldn't even pay for half the stuff they wanted to do. Damn it to hell. He had to get a job after this. This was so embarrassing. Frowning, he waved the clothes he didn't have on to her, trying not to appear vexed. " Also, mind if we stopped by your truck to drop this off?"
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Ugh...okay...I'm going to try and improve on my writing....just for you guys....if...only.....i....could.....writing is hard....

    BIC- Angel walked slowly towards the bleachers. She hoped her relationship with Zexion won't be as awkward in the future. However...that may not happen at all. She sat down quietly and waited for Zexion as she lifted the cover of her DS again, ending its Sleep Mode.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Well..time to add drama..

    Yuffie tilted her head to the side as Aerith stated her suggestion,not believing this was coming from her.She was sensitive enough about her body.True enough,she hasn't finished developing her womanly figure,but where did the Boyfriend comment come from?She shut the door and leaned on it,making sure she heard the 'click'."..Of course I've tried finding a nice guy..but I might just scare them away or a tomboy,a ninja,a...''Yuffie trailed off in silence,not wanting to think about bad attempts at talking to boy's back in Wutai.But hey,they were stuck up *******'s anyway.

    "'ve got a beautiful body,a kind spirit..anyone would take you in a heartbeat..''Yuffie directed her attention from the blue carpet to Aerith."..Tifa doesn't have to worry about fixing her personality because all guy's want are her tits..''she muttered coldly,jealous of the brunette and her popularity.She liked having Tifa as a friend,but she was always the one who never got attention from anyone."..If those were gone..I doubt anyone would look at her..''Yuffie moved far from the door and sat on her bed.


    "Thanks..''Cloud thanked the brunette,glad that she,unlike other beautiful girls,didn't have a spaz attack when something dirty was left in their room.He gripped the doorknob and turned it,pulling it open.He had a feeling that today would be drama free,nothing could mess the fun filled day up..nothing at all."..I know where it is..same floor..not too far..''he told Tifa,who was not too far behind him.

    OOC: I hate to do this to people Twilight,but im just going to speed it up for the drama XD....and the fact that Fire can't wait >.> yeah..xD

    Cloud and Tifa had made good time,and up ahead was Leon..who seemed to be outside Yuffie's door,leaning against the wall,with a white t-shirt of his own,and just under that were a pair of plain brown trunks.Cloud figured that Leon would wear something more flashy,but a guy wears what he wants..and since when did Cloud even think about what a guy wears!?

    Leon saw Cloud and Tifa approaching and quickly placed a finger on his mouth,telling them to keep silent.He pointed to the door with that same finger.Just as Aerith had gotten inside,Leon was just down the hall approaching it.He was just about to knock until Aerith spoke of Yuffie trying to find a boyfriend.He wasn't the type to eavesdrop,but conversations like this were always fun.

    Cloud,seeing Squall give the sign of silence,began moving over there much quieter than before.He took his place on the other side of the door and got there just in time to hear Yuffie's response."--Anyone would take you in a heartbeat...Tifa doesn't have to worry about fixing her personality because all guy's want are her tit's--''Damn.That was all Cloud could think as the harsh words Yuffie had said filled his ears.He hoped Tifa wouldn't overreact.

    OOC: Overreact please XD
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    O.o.......whoa.....this is going to get good...:D......

    BIC- Angel looked at where all her people were and just continued playing for a bit but then put it to sleep mode again. It's rude to do that to someone if they were going to talk. How did I get into this situation?.....I should've ran for it.....yep...should've ran inside or into the bathroom even.
  10. Aerith remained in a stunned silence, not knowing what to exactly say to the words Yuffie just spilled out of her mouth harshly. All she could really do was stared wide-eyed at the girl in front of her, her rosy lips moving slightly as if to say something, but her voice was as if it was stuck in her throat. When she finally snapped out of her shock, she slowly shook her head, croaking out in a very weak voice, "Yuffie don't say that. While Tifa's chest is...well blossomed, she is really pretty, and she's 17. You have yet to reach your full growth, and even if they don't turn out as big as hers, you're pretty as well, and have looks. And a gorgeous body already. Not all boys look at breast sizes, you know. And not always the butt either. That's only attraction, in the end, if they love you, they won't solely base their feelings on those assets. If they like you for who you are, then they will be with you. It all depends on taste really, Yuff. After all, haven't you seen guys have girlfriends and wives who really don't even have a chest at all? Yet, they are absolutely beautiful? She's our good friend. Not all people spurt out the same. So really, don't-"

    She didn't get to finish her sentence as a sudden bang, like a fist hitting the door, shook the room, and startled, her eyes stared at the sound of the hinges creaking.

    "YUFFIE! OPEN UP THE DAMN DOOR!" Tifa yelled to the farther reaches of hells in her loud voice, banging on the door again as if it was simply a drum, making dust fall out of the ceilings at the strength. She was wired up and heated, when she just got there, and heard Yuffie's cruel words thrown out, speaking bull behind her back. What kind of friend was she? Telling Aerith, who was in there as she was hearing her talk, that all boys wanted from her were her breasts, and that's the only thing that was good about her. Is not like she asked to have them. She couldn't even greet Leon properly before the statements were heard to all of them, and if anything, Tifa needed and was ardent to face Yuffie straight up right now. To think, that they were going swimming, and this crap has to start up by saying hurtful things. Her eyes prickling, she punched the door again, which if she kept going, was bound to be in debt for the broken wood. "OPEN THIS DOOR, YOU B-beep-H!!"

    Completely speechless by this point, her face turning a shade of pale as she heard the curse and shouts, she stood frozen for a moment, making positive this wasn't a dream, and it was truly occurring on what was suppose to be a relaxing pool event, before she hurriedly half-way ran to the door in worry, not wanting Yuffie to open in case of...something that didn't need to begin to go on. Grabbing a hold of the knob, she didn't turn it until she said in a calm, yet panicked voice, "Tifa, please, calm down! I'm not going to open it unless you cool out."

    OOC: I figured out when looking back to see what Axel had worn on the trip to the beach, and reading back on posts, Tifa is a year older than him. Axel's 17, as well as Rei, Larxene, ectc. So Tifa's 18, as she's a senior, and so is Aerith, and Roxas and Naminé are around 15-16, as the youngest. <---This is where Yuffie is, I would think if you want it that way.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 old is Zexion?......>_> Angel is a sophomore....then...she's been friends with a senior and some juniors? Hmm....makes sense....

    BIC- All of a sudden out of the blue, Angel had a weird feeling deep inside of her to go check out something in the school building. .....well....I get the feeling something extremely weird is going on....inside the school....should I check it out?.....>_>

    OOC- Would you like me too? And drag Zexy along as well?
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Yuffie nearly squealed in surprise after hearing Tifa's booming voice through her door.The constant pounding of her fists against it made it clear that it was Tifa..for sure.She was about to get up and open the door until Aerith,the negotiator,tried calming Tifa down.Yuffie honestly didn't want Tifa to know about her thoughts,but that's what she got for talking behind Tifa's back.Then the word 'B*tch' came from Tifa's mouth,and left Yuffie's mouth hanging.She quickly closed it and glared at the door."LET THAT B-Beep-H IN,I'LL SHOW HER!"she shouted,equally angry with Tifa.She got up and bolted for the door.


    "S-beep-T!"Cloud said,quickly wrapping his arms around Tifa's waist and using all the strength in his body to pull her away from the door.Why did they have to come at the wrong time!?Cloud couldn't tell Tifa to not be angry,because she had a right to be,especially after hearing the words Yuffie spoke."Calm Down!"Cloud shouted,trying to make his voice heard over the screaming.

    Leon tried making himself useful by knocking on the door."Keep it closed!"he shouted to Aerith,then positioned himself in front of the door as a last defense against Tifa's killing spree to be.
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Uh.....nevermind......I think this is an FF only moment.....thing....

    Angel ignored the feeling....for now. At the moment she just sat quietly, drowning in the awkward silence.
  14. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *Riku let out a sigh as he walked out into the hallway and glanced around at the empty hallway*
    "Man..I wonder where everyone whent" He mused to himself outloud as he quitely wandered through the halls every few moments looking up at the cealing tiles that seemd to go on and on.
    "Forever...hmm" He thought to himself as he sat up against the wall and took his ipod out and turned it on.
    "Artists...songs...forever" He muttered to himself as he set his song up.
    "There..that'll do" He thought to himself as he quitely put the ear phones into his ears and let himself dive headfirst into the musics soft beat.
  15. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Gah.....let's inspect the damage assessment.

    BIC- Angel decided to possibly end the awkwardness as she stood up again. "Uh....I know this is going to sound weird...but...I feel like something may or may not be going on inside the school building....and I was...sort of thinking about checking it out...."
  16. OOC: HEY, KNIGHTSHADE. Maybe you can visit Naminé in the lunch room, as she's painting and alone, to give Riku someone to talk to. Other than that-

    Usually, in high school, depending on the birth date, some Seniors can b 17 to 18 (also higher, if you fail xD), Juniors 15 to 16, and so on, and on. That's duh. But now, I'm going to switch around the ages so it will fit better together (how old are they were rarely mentioned anyway), if chula doesn't mind for Rei.

    Tifa - 17 - Senior (Skater)
    Aerith - 17 - Senior (Prep)
    Axel - 16 - Junior (Skater)
    Rei - 16 - Junior (Skater)
    Larxene - 16 - Junior (Prep)
    Naminé - 15 - Sophomore (Prep)

    Yuffie is a Skater, while Leon is a Prep. I don't know what Zexion is (the genius Skater), it depends on chula. He could be a Junior and 16. Rising has to give the ages of his characters, and we can put them like that permanently in the front page. And I mean, official. I already wrote some and have edit it.

    Yep, so Angel has been hanging out with some older schoolers, from both groups. She's so popular, lol.

    Tifa, before she could kick the door and fully break it down, felt someone strong grabbing her around the waist and pulling her off, in which she, of course, struggled with. She got even angrier to what Yuffie shouted back, and she couldn't believe that girl had the nerve to say that to her, when she was the one blabbering off about her secretly. "IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT ME, COME OUT HERE, WENCH!!" She thrashed around Cloud's hold on her morre wildly, her arms and legs moving and propelling forward, wanting to wretch out the door, and pummel that fake b*tch to hell. She didn't even know what to think of that girl anymore on the word "friend", and this isn't the first time she had said or gotten on her nerves. Tifa thought that stopped. Gritting her teeth, though now she was beginning to get exhausted, she growled to the blond like a tigress, knowing that Leon was now blocking the way, "Cloud! Let me GO, damn it! Didn't you hear her?!"

    While Cloud and Leon were taking care of one side, Aerith, after hearing the brown haired man's order of not to open the door for blatant reasons, turned to face Yuffie. Listening to screaming from behind her that belonged to Tifa, she ignored it, knowing the two females verbal spat at each other, and killing, if Tifa gets her hands on the ninja, were confrontational. One has to speak to them each. Letting out a tired sighed, she somewhat regretted going to their gathering, while at the same time, glad, because then Yuffie would've gone out, and everything was going to go down with a explosion of fights. Narrowing her emerald orbs at the short haired lady sternly, and even almost condescendingly, she went to say in her soft voice, "Yuffie, please, calm down. We don't need two females screeching and waking up the whole town. I'm surprised a teacher hasn't heard it yet, but if anything, one of them might be coming. Listen, while I don't stand up for violence, Tifa has a right to get angry, because of the words you've spoken. Think on it. If someone who you knew as a friend, and who you hang out with, a person to confide in, suddenly started talking harsh words secretly about you, how will that make you feel? If or when Tifa relaxes, I think you should speak to her, and maybe apologize, because, that was a hurtful thing to say. We will get to what Tifa will say once she gets in. There isn't a need to instigate this pointless bantering any longer. Try not to reply and let her cool off. Can you do that for me?"

    She did not enjoy any of her friends, despite them being a group or Preps and Skaters, slamming to one another this way. Aerith really hoped this would take care of Yuffie, and for the other guys to try and control Tifa.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Obviously,but i'm not going to sit by and let you kick the sh*t out of her''Cloud said,his voice strained as he still tried pulling Tifa back,away from the door.He knew that even Leon wouldn't be able to stop this runaway train.And what kind of friend would he be if he let one friend beat up on another.Tifa had the advantage in brute strength,but Yuffie had her ways,she can dish out just as much pain as Tifa could.Seeing a chance to subdue her further.Cloud quickly raised his hand up and wrapped his arms around her once more,but this time his arms were over hers.While she could still break free from this,Cloud found this way more effective than the other."..Stop it..''he told Tifa,who was still pissed.


    Damn it.Aerith,even though her intentions were good,could never back her friend up with anything like this."It's not my fault she's nosy!"Yuffie objected to Aerith loudly,getting in her face.She was too angry to really take in what anyone had to say,and now she wanted to be left alone."Good friends are hard to come by,because when you need them to back you up,they aren't there to help you!"she shouted,glaring directly at Aerith. Aerith was clearly there,but she refused to back up Yuffie,even after Tifa called her out.Angry tears began welling up in her eyes."Then get out then!Take that ****s side!Your just as fake as she is!"she told Aerith with such anger,that it even made Leon wince outside.

    OOC:..I hope im doing ok with the Drama..and playing a girl..
  18. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Geez, I go to one midnight showing and this is what I'm left with? Holy crap! Oh, btw, Dark Knight is AMAZING! and I'm cool with the age change :D

    Rei noticed a hint of regret and shame as Axel mentioned the munny situation and the fair. She blinked a few times before responding to his proclamation with a nod, smiling normally and moseying on their way. She put her feet forward towards the truck, but she kept her face focused on Axel's. "You know, if you don't mind, we can dutch the fair too. I brought a little extra." Rei elbowed him friendlily, still holding her jacket. "But I do understand the whole 'no job, no munny' thing. All I have is some monthly pity from my... ahem, parents."

    Even after saying the plural version of that word so many times... it still gave Rei chills.

    "But I don't do a lot of extra stuff anyway. So I save up and all." It wasn't long until the truck was in sight, and they approached it gradually. Rei looked forward at the hunk of metal that sat before them, still even more proof of her hardships as well as a striving student. As soon as the door was in reach, Rei whipped out her set of keys from the jeans pocket. She unlocked the door accordingly, tossing her jacket inside onto the leather seats.

    Zexion timidly took his seat next to Angel. He wasn't too close, but he wasn't far away enough so that the situation was more awkward than it already was. Clearing his throat, he sat with his legs slightly apart, elbows bent inward and hands clasped. His light gray button-down shirt had its sleeves rolled up, and his long jeans covered up a good portion of his black sneakers. He sat there for a moment, still unsure why he had gotten himself this deep into a hole in the first place. He opened his mouth, but couldn't find the correct words.

    Turning towards Angel slightly, he exhaled as calmly as possible. Which, of course, wasn't helping much. "Um... well... what game, uh, are you playing?"

    That's the best you can come up with? Nice, real nice. You've just classified yourself as an indecisive, socially inward nerd. Congratulations.

  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel opened the DS again and then closed it. It was her turn again but she had no intentions to play it at this moment. "It's called Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth....the Remix...." She then forced herself to look at him directly. "Listen...I have a feeling something weird is going on right now in the school building. I could be wrong...and it wouldn' the first time....but....would you like to come and check it out with me?"

    OOC-'s just only been friends with skaters so far....though I'm sure she'd get along nicely with Aerith and...possibly Yuffie......>_>...though that girl's kind of offense.
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: No,why does everyone think like that?..she's just happy all the time,that doesn't make her crazy.
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