KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    No kidding.....except this time it's the real Axel.

    BIC- That was it....she finally beat the game. Officially. However she supposed she should start a new file and play again because Angel didn't like the ending. It sucked.
  2. OOC: Now, now, I know is not going to happen, I'm not expecting it to. Just showing some love, due to the Cloud/Tifa. And yeah, they are all 17, but isn't 15 the closest Cloud can look when using your imagination that he's in high school?

    And it is like "The Dream", except Axel has no idea what you're talking about xD.

    Axel had walked alongside Rei as she answered, his green eyes just peering at the clear water, and the bottom full of sand, and sea shells, and a few missing kelps as the waves rushed back and forth, in a unending rhythm, foam of bubbles forming in the clash. It was there he went back into thought of what awaited him, and then, he reminded himself that this day was to forget his troubles for a while, and rid himself of anxiety, something that won't work unless he helped it to. The more they kept walking, the shallow the water got, and the easier his steps felt, and soon, they reached the pinnacle of the shore, sea water splashing on their feet, but otherwise, reached just to their ankles or a little above it. He was going to keep going to where they abandoned their clothes, maybe a chance to dry themselves due to the lack of towels, until he heard her mutter something. As the soft ocean breeze flutter around his hair, swaying it gracefully, dry already, he simply nodded, staring back again at the sunset, with its mixture of weak rays, as well as the colors high up in the sky. Axel, didn't know how this was so fascinating, considering they all lived in Twilight Town, were sunsets and sunrises both are extremely beautiful, which is the namesake of the place. "Um, I am seeing it."

    He didn't know what else to respond with, before, he just touched her elbow gently as a sign to move forward.

    "I'll be right out!" Tifa exclaimed quickly, ruffling with the top half of her bikini. Things were just fine when she started to peel off her clothes, her shirt, her shorts, then her undergarments, until she placed on the tank bottom, and went to fix the string top, and for some reason, she couldn't get it to tie up around the neck and her back. She never could, truthfully, and sometimes had to ask help from one of her female friends. She could do it, yet it would be slopppy, and anything might take it off with just the right pull. And now, she was getting frustrated, to the point where she wanted to rip it off. There's no way she could ask for Cloud's help, it was too suggestive, and clearly, it was kind of awkward, but she was at a loss of what to do then.

    After contemplating many other options, she decided to just put her shirt back on, along with her bra, and take the bathing top for her to put on when in Yuffie's room, where her or Aerith could assist her with it. Dragging up her shorts back along her legs, over the bottom piece of her bikini, she buttoned it up, and then went to dress up again, in a hurry, not wanting Cloud to wait that long for her. It was only when she was done, that she began to look for a clean towel, and grasped a fitting black one out of the basket that she had explored. With that, and one glance at the mirror, without wasting any more time, she opened the door, and stepped outside, her eyes naturally looking for Cloud because of the knock earlier. Tifa smiled when she saw him with the swimming trunks, however, his upper body overshadowed it fully, and she found herself gazing in a frozen state for awhile. Holy...

    All she saw were fine, hard muscles, and abs, shining within the light of her room, glistening in front of her like a appetizing dessert, and she just stood, studying his chest, his torso, the bulks in his arms, and...bless him. It wasn't anything like a wrestler, on hell no, or quite that big, but he was really fit, just right for his figure and age, and sexy enough for it to deserve being gaped on in a daze. In fact, she didn't know how long she was there with her mouth open.
  3. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Heehee, that's right... ^^;

    Rei snapped out of it as soon as she felt Axel nudge her elbow, the array of hues and flourishes disappearing all at once. They reassembled themselves to their original state in a matter of a second. She sighed with an air of disappointment, looking down for a moment. But she turned around and smiled, taking a step forward resuming their previous path.

    It's best not to get into it... I don't want to ruin the "date" with a sappy story.

    Rei's thoughts dwindled back to that moment in her life, about thirteen years ago, when her father's boat had gone out to sea. But just thinking about it made her uneasy, so instead she focused on the situation at hand. Looking up at Axel, she cleared her throat quietly and held her hands together behind her back, arms fully extended. "So, pretzels or ice cream first?" Taking a look around the beach, she spotted their clothing. Starting towards them, she turned herself around and began walking backwards once again. "Oh, and I have this whole 'no towels' thing under control," she said with a wink.
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    After taking a moment to realize why Tifa was staring at him so...hungrily,Cloud understood what she was wanting.His body...that's what most girls looked at when his shirt was off,but he didn't expect this from a childhood friend.But Cloud wasn't perfect,no one was,and just gazing at Tifa's body for a few moment's had gave him a more 'visible' gaze.He turned around and cleared his throat,hoping to get her attention." extra flip-flops?"he asked her,scrambling to get his shirt on and place his mind on other things.Cloud Jr. had struck once again.

    OOC: Just so I can ease up Twilight's burden,I'll take control of Roxas..yeah,4 characters,big deal :P
  5. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: You know guys, I could try taking up Zexion seeing as how Twilight already has so many :) I'd have to research him a bit tho, I'm not a Zexy Expert, but I do know quite a bit about how he acts. So........ whatdya say? I could try it and if I'm no good... *looks at Twilight* :D
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    *screams* *hugs chula* *screams again* :D :D:D:D!
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:..zomg Fire..enough spam dammit.
  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    All rihgt...all right....sorry...sorry.....>_>......*screams again* XDDDD! :D:D:D:D!

    BIC- Angel had now been through a whole lot now. Her mode was no longer set toe asy but normal. And she quickly found out that now...if someone dies....they die. For good. No second chances. She was a little frustrated with her team and how weak they were even if they had way higher levels than those of the enemies. Am I pressing it off time? Or are they just like that?
  9. OOC: chula, you can try and be Zexion, I don't mind. Or have him. I know you can have a idea because of Nymph's own as well.

    I'm kind of interested in playing Naminé since Roxas is going to appear (and really, the other Roxas wasn't that good :/ Just the one setences. And Twilight-XIII hasn't come back for Naminé. He was great). Which reminds me, I forgot I used to play Olette too when Roxas was on a date with her, until the dance (if you all remember xP), but it wasn't really anything permanent. You want to play Olette too, chula? Just so we can have some closure. If we have Hayner or a Pence...>.>.

    I wonder why we didn't get a full Crisis Core picture of Tifa when she was 15, I mean, we know how Reno, Rude, Tseng, Aerith (gorgeous as always, with sandals for once o.O), and Cloud (hot as ever, even when 15) looked like. All I could find was this: Cowgirl

    Axel had been wondering why was she so impressed with the sunset still, it was nothing special in particular, the sun was still the color of yellow and orange, tint of red as it dips down into the horizon, its color sparking across the otherwise blue and purple sky with its rays. Did she like the colors? Or did he miss something? Shrugging it off, thinking that he may be putting too much questioning on something trivial, he heard Rei speak again, and he turned to glance at her, as they got closer to their clothes. "First off, we save the best for last, so pretzels are first. It can work while we saunter in the boardwalk." And he raised a skeptical red eyebrow on her final comment, his peripheral vision noting that they reached their discarded garments, and then looked down at his shirts and pants. "Oh yeah, then how will you solve the towel dilemma, since you have it all 'under control'?"

    He wasn't really worried for him, his hair and skin was already dry. Heh.

    Tifa only snapped out of her stare when Cloud spoke, and even then, she still didn't take her eyes away from him. Blushing in embarasssment for being caught looking in such a way, she finally shifted her vision and scratched the back of her head awkwardly. Digging in her brain for what he asked for, as well as ignoring the small moment, she finally caught something about flip-flops or some other, and keeping her voice even, she shook her head, saying, "Unless you're my size in feet, which I doubt, no flip-flops. Do you really need one? Cause then, they will be smaller on you..."

    It was there her eyes widened in realization, snapping her fingers as she then suddenly hurried over to one of her drawers in quick feet. "I almost forgot giving you a towel!" While some were in the bathroom, she kept some bigger ones in the bureau as well, and she found herself browsing through piles of them, mimicking what she was doing before.

    Aerith was making her way down the hall to Yuffie's room already, her rose bikini that represented the sakura flower opened to anyone who watched, except for a white, free-flowing skirt that hung beautifully at her hips and accented her hour-glass body, fluttering with each step. And with pink flip-flops to match as she made her way down the floor. No shirt at all, mostly because she didn't want to bother, and she didn't think it was so much trouble to go over, though her top did assist the curves on her chest perfectly and kept them in a round shape, yet they were always natural that way. So, perhaps she was just confident enough. With the desired lower braid done on her hair, and the pink ribbon as per usual, she quickly headed to her destination, wondering if she was late after all this time.

    Grabbing unto the white towel on her shoulder, she halfway ran, knowing she wasted time contemplating whether to go or not to go. The only time she relaxed was when she finallly reached her friend's dorm, and knocked on Yuffie's door three times without any wasted moment, letting out a few haggard breaths. Aerith tried to listen in if there were any voices that might belong to the rest, yet it was quite silent. Hmm. Maybe she turned out to be the first one here?
  10. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Yeah, I could try Olette too .n_n. That way it takes a load of your shoulders too :D. But whoa... what's up with "Ho-down Tifa"? Hehe...

    Rei flicked her wrist towards Axel as a gust of wind blew through his hair, an unnecessary yet entertaining action, across his skin, over his trunks, and at his legs. "Heehee, that's how," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. Doing so to herself, the wind blew through her long, dark locks, around her skin, and over her bikini in a matter of seconds. She lifted her arms to check her hair, which was now slightly poofy, but dry. Smiling, she bent down to pick up her shirt, jeans, and jacket. She held the blue shirt and black jacket over her arm as she slipped each leg one-by-one into the pant legs. The denim fabric felt snug against her skin, and she buttoned them up to finish it off. As she flipped on her blue tennies with lightning-gold stripes and grasped her shirt, she looked back at Axel for a moment before smiling again and pulling the sleek shirt over her head. It was very form fitting, if she did say so herself, but not so thin as to see her bikini top underneath it. Nice, yet not too teasing.

    Rei held her jacket in her arms in front of her casually, glancing back at the sunset. "So, I've got the dough for pretzels,
    (no pun intended) so how about getting some overly-salted-cheap-heart attacks?" Smiling to herself, she remembered the boardwalk. "Oh, and right, we'll wanna go there before it gets too dark."

    OOC: If I remember correctly, isn't there a carnival at the other end of the boardwalk, you said? And where is Zexy at the moment? I'd like to start :D
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel and Sexy Zexy went their separate ways. So currently I suppose he's just still standing outside underneath the tree with the book he was reading. Also, I think Zexion had met HellKitten's character too.....before she went's currently at the pool playing her DS trying to get her mind off of her horrible first encounter with sexiness.

    BIC- The battles she fought on that game were starting to get annoying but Angel was determined to train her people well so they can totally beast out all the opponents. so far it wasn't working. Which was a good thing. Getting frustrated helped her mind stop looping the Zexion track.
  12. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *Riku let out a sigh as he quitely opened his eyes revealing room around him. After a few moments of laying on his bed he slowly got up and stretched out his arms tiredley*
    "Man, I really need to stop sleeping in so much..." He thought to himself as he quickly jumped off his bed and walked into the hall.
  13. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Hmmmm... the pool, you say? *evil grin*

    Zexion sighed to himself as he flipped through the many rough pages of the extensive novel in the solace of the mid-afternoon breeze. After a moment, however, the wind began to strengthen, brushing his navy and silver hair around furiously. The pages became a blurry whir as they continued to flip through themselves until the final page was reached. Zexion took his chance to close it properly as to prevent any further damage to it. Standing and brushing himself off, he looked up to the sky, which seemed slightly overcast at the moment. He headed inside to avoid any unpleasant weather, but mainly because his mind was too busy to concentrate on his book.

    Once inside, Zexion contemplated on his next destination. The cafeteria would be too crowded around this time, Axel's scent wasn't close, and he hadn't heard from Demyx or Roxas in a while. Then, it hit him. A familiar scent arose in his mind that he had crossed paths with earlier that day. A rather perplexed and unusual being, yet... interesting. Her name was... Angel?

    His sneakers squeaked across the linoleum floor as he turned towards the scent. It seemed to lead to... *groan*... the pool.
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    BIC- Angel felt something. It was just a feeling. Something foreboding. Instinct maybe. she looked up from her DS and immediately saw him. All of the color from her face drained instantly. She thought fast of an immediate evacuation. It was easier to avoid awkward moments than meet them head on. Besides....she had to find out whether he was a true friend before treating him like a friend. She ahd to be taught to. It was a frustrating thing about her but Angel thought in straight lines. She's survived life so far like that. Anyway....Oh god! What do I do what do I do what do I do?! cover! She ducked behind some chairs. i have to get inside!
  15. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Zexion walked past the window before the door marked "Pool", and as soon as his hand grasped the knob, he turned it with a hint of regret. Opening the door slightly, he peered inside to see if anyone was there. After a moment, he exhaled, relieved, seeing no one. He opened the door easily now and stepped inside, the strong scent of chlorine hitting his nostrils.

    But then, of course, he realized that no one was there, yet Angel's scent had led him here.... did he make a miscalculation? Looking around, he tried to find her, just in case his eyes had deceived him. "Um... Angel?"
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    GAH! Freaking tree......dear God....why does this always have to happen....first it happened with Tidus......and now with did he even know I was here?....>_>...maybe I can....distract him somehow. Angel stayed still. she had made sure to make herself hidden but she could still see Zexion faintly.

    OOC- Ahem...right now would be an AWESOME time if Cloud and ocmpany could head over to the NOW......please?
  17. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Haha. Did you wanna wait for them? And how do you think I'm doing? :D
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Pretty darn good......though....I sort of miss Pyro.....and Nymph.....*sniff*....Nymph got me interested in Zexion in the first place.

    Okay....okay.....just....calm down....calm down... In all reality, Angel was about to die on the spot. That is...if Zexion actually found her. Considering that hiding from people causes a high risk for embarrassment if found. Of which happened that one time with Tidus. you would think that she would learn but...old habits die hard.
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud made his way to the door and waited for her to find a nice,large towel,that hopefully didn't make him look like a homosexual..the trunks were pushing it."Mind if I leave my I-pod in here?"he asked her,hoping that such a small object wouldn't bother her.Cloud predicted a yes,foreseeing no complications with the music player.But Cloud couldn't help but gaze at her backside with lustful eyes..but oooh he'd be a virgin forever due to that promise..why did everything have to be so complicated?


    Hearing a knock on the door,Yuffie hurriedly went to unlock it after getting her garments on.For some odd reason,she found a black bikini that reminded her of Tifa,Yuffie couldn't compete with that body,so why in the world did she...oh,forget it.She slowly opened the door and found Aerith looking dazzling."Hey!you look great!"she squeaked cutely,quickly pulling back the door all the way to allow her friend entrance.Yuffie herself only wore a small blue swim suit that she wore for the swim team...yes,Yuffie was part of the Twilight High swim team,and she wasn't afraid to admit it.
  20. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Yeah, I miss Nymph too :(

    Zexion continued walking in circles near the pool, confused as to why he wasn't able to find Angel. He continued to look over the bleachers and inside the pool, with only one other obvious space to check. But then again... he was not going to check the girls locker room. Not... again...

    He looked around once more, until his eyes did a double take near some chairs. Zexion noticed a bright blue
    (forgive me if the color's wrong, I'll edit it) jacket, hiding behind them. He started towards it, but then again... the situation would be extremely uncomfortable. But then then again, who knows when he'll be able to talk to her again?

    Inhaling deeply, he prepared himself for some embarrassment. "Um... is that you... Angel?"
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