KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: OK,im telling you guys ahead of time.I've been gone lately because this place has been nothing but depressing.I find it to be nothing more than a popularity contest.If your not popular,everyone will act like you dont exist,and I find that as some serious bull.

    As Tifa's tongue explored his mouth,Cloud's hand explored the rest of her body,gently squeezing every hump and curve he could in pure desire.If this was going to be the last kiss he'd ever give Tifa,then he wanted to savor it.If only Aerith could find happiness with another man,or Tifa perhaps,maybe Leon a moment,he forgot about Leon!Remembering earlier,Leon and Aerith are very,very good friends,and perhaps werent too far from being more.Unfortunately,he was in the way of that.Maybe he could convince Aerith to give Leon a chance.She just might find happiness.
  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hmmm.....that's actually quite true.....>_>.....unfortunately.....I'm also guilty of that crime....:sweatdrop:

    BIC- Okay...just...relax....don't try and be cool....because you're not.....don't try and hide your crazy side....because then he might go into shock later on.....>_>....this might give him time to get used to it....hopefully....agh.....okay...just relax...... Angel was nervous....despite her best efforts of envisioning multiple conversation plans for guys....but...she could tell Zexion was very different from all the jerks, and other people at this school. He was invisible.....just like her....maybe. It always bugged her sometimes when people couldn't hear her even though she's practically screaming. Eventually...she got used to it and just let the talking subside enough for her to get her info out.
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: I posted Twilight...damn it fire,your post was blocking mine,lol.
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
  5. OOC: Right. Couldn't tell from your new name change xD.

    Tifa was...she didn't know what, but she was in high spirits, she was drugged, her mind was fuzzy, and her body felt like it was dropping down like a roller coaster ride all in one blow, fluttering her stomach. The more she kissed Cloud, the more she found it hard to stop, as her tongue sweeped anything that was inside his delicious mouth. She traced his gums, his teeth, twirled it with his own, all while her hands were now roving all over his hot and muscled body. Their lips moving rapidly against each other's, she lifted one leg up to wrap around his hips, pulling him deeper and closer, all the while her fingers were trailing on his arms, to his shoulders, then to his chest...and downward they slowly and enticingly went. In the back of her mind she knew they couldn't last long because of the pool, but by damn, if she wasn't going to take this for all its worth. This might be her first and last kiss with Cloud she'll ever have...
  6. tymaca Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2008
    can i be Marluxia??
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: It is so hard to keep this from going too far..I mean,Cloud is a MAN,and men want to do things sometimes,but since it would creep most of you out,he cant do anything xD

    Cloud kept his hands wandering around her sexy backside and began tasting everything inside her mouth,trying to enjoy this while he could.He anxiously wrapped his arm around her leg and held it there tightly while pressing his body forward and pinning her against the wall,having as much fun as she did.He wondered how far they would go at this point.
  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ........I think I sort of get what you're saying but......?
  9. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Ah.............. hi? :D I'm sorry you guys... for leavin and all... I posted a big GOMEN in Rivals... so... what's up? Summer been good to you all? .n_n. anywho, I guess after being away so long I'll need some sort of recap, but I'll find where Axel and Rei left off. That is, if I haven't been dumped yet ^_^.
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Twilight was thinking of it....but yeah...I think you guys should end the date soon......
  11. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Yeah, we're kinda lagging, aren't we? For how long now has it been Saturday? xD Oh, heehee, it's actually Saturday where I am....... awkward....... anywho, I found where we left off, so I'll just continue it :D

    Rei giggled as Axel began to tire, quite amused as he halted the ruckus. "Well, I would, but I'd be lying through my pearly white teeth." She let her legs drop, and in turn let the rest of her body fall into the water. Crossing her arms, she walked around his dripping torso to come out in front of him, looking at him expectantly. "How about we call it a draw, eh?" She chuckled lightly for a moment as the lowering sun beams fell on his well proportioned, masculine body, making it glow somewhat. Stretching her arms into the air and yawning, Rei sighed and glanced towards the beach. "Well... what d'ya say? I'm tired, you're tired... how about we settle this on some pretzels and ice cream?" She tilted her head slightly and rose her shoulders, gaining a comfortable stance as the water flowed past her.
  12. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    *sigh*.......well...I've slightly improved my style of posting....but it's nothing compared to you and Twilight.
  13. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Ah, I don't think I'm all that incredible, and I've seen some of you're more recent stuff, and you're really good :D
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Nope.....nothing compared your posts....both you and Twilight's....and Rise's(Tularim AKA Gatekeeper...yeah..he changed his name 3's now Rising Storm...but I call him Rise.) He's way improved and I'd say he's up there with you and Twilight.....I think I should start calling her Night....because there are a lot of Twilights in this forum.
  15. O_O

    ZOMG!!ZOMG!!!ZOMG!!! SHE LIVES! SHE LIVES! SHE LIVES! SHE LIVES!!!!!!!!! Fire, tell me, I'm not dreaming or something because....SHE LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVES!! HOLY SH-BAZOOKA!

    *Calms down after miracle*

    Shiznits! Where have you disappeared off to, girl? xP I had some hope, so while I was thinking about fastforwarding the whole thing, I decided to wait until the summer. AND YOU'RE HERE. Man, now if Nymph ever comes back (that's all we need now, but my faith is slowly dwindling), I'll probably break a leg >.>. Glad to see you back. I just checked Rivals, but since I'm not about to post there yet (you know if it had come down to eating pizza, my characters have nothing to do x.x), I expressed my shock here.

    And Tula, are you going to reply in Wal-Mart? Not that you have to, just asking, since if you're not, at least I will know where you stand and all.

    And I like "Night"=3.

    Tifa had about moaned by the time Cloud had pressed her against the wall under all the passion, her back digging into the surface, while Cloud's own mass build mashed into her body, her legs apart to place him snuggly in. Her mouth roughly kept moving unto his, her tongue still twisting and savoring his flavor, before she trailed it along on his bottom lip, nipping at it slightly until she broke the kiss fully as she began to taste on the line of his strong jaw. It led under the bottom of his ear, on which she licked and suckled as her one leg on his hip trapped him even tighter if possible, making her way slowly and sensually on his neck. It was now a full out make-out session compared to what was suppose to be a simple kiss, and she guessed the pool-

    It was there she stopped what she was doing as the reminder pilfered through her lust driven and cloudy mind. Her lungs burning and hot, as well her breathing quick and sharp, her lips parted from his skin just a little, eyes opening in realization. That's right, she almost forgot about the planned outing...she knew that if they continued, she would not stop, go even farther than she hoped, and then people will question as to why they didn't come. Lifting her head to stare at Cloud, who was as flushed as her, she gave a apologetic expression to him for ending it. She muttered in a small voice as her heart pumped profusely a thousand miles a hour, "W-we got to get ready...the pool, and Yuffie, Aerith..."

    Tifa inwardly winced in guilt. Aerith...

    Aerith herself had by now already chosen the type of bathing suit she was going to wear, a rose colored pink bikini, quite revealing in a surprising twist, with two darker pink marks of cherry blossoms, one at the tanga bottom at the corner of the hem, and the other in one of the cups at the top, the left. It tied around the neck and back, while on the bottom, it had a adjustable darker pink string, that went out as a ribbon on one side. Cute and sexy, that somehow fitted her. Aerith had closely forgotten that she had that in her closet, and it was never worn, so this would be her first time. Now, all she was wondering was what to do with her long, soft brown hair, whether to leave it in her usual twisted ponytail, or put it in a low braid. That would help against the water. Despite all this though, the air was tense, and she wasn't as excited to go, if at all. What Yuffie said to cheer her up had long since left, and she now found herself moody as she looked outside her window, the slight breeze swirling her locks and bangs gently, caressing her flawless face as she just...thought.

    She honestly felt horrible, because the nagging idea in her head of Cloud choosing Tifa if he had the choice instead of none, haunted her. She had spilled some tears when she got into the privacy of her dorm, and now they were threatening to come again it blurred her vision, stinging. Aerith let them drop along her cheeks, because somehow, the hurt wouldn't leave, and all she could do is hold on the pain inside until the day was over. She had nothing to offer Cloud. She knew she wasn't ugly, but Tifa wasn't ugly either, and other than that...she didn't know what was so special. Tifa had her boobs, at least. Maybe she was always the better option in the end, no matter what Cloud said, it was obvious men would die for that. It made her feel as rejected just the same as if Cloud wouldn't have picked her. She wasn't as heartbroken as she should be, because the chance was there and Cloud didn't directly dumped any of them...said he loved them both, yet who knows what those two were doing in Tifa's room. She was attractive. It made her remember that she still had her kiss to give that Cloud had asked for, though she wasn't certain whether to go through with it. Maybe it was just time for her to get out of the way as she said before...

    Love...was so complicated.

    Wiping her eyes, Aerith figured that she would put on her bathing suit now, only as to not disappoint Yuffie by not appearing, because if it was up to her, she wouldn't. Taking one last glance at the dusk colored sky, she closed down her window, the thick, pink curtain blocking anyone's view from entering.

    Axel simply rubbed his eyes as Rei got off, feeling like it's been forever that he had stopped spinning. It almost caused a nauseating affect, but he was fine now, after a while of calm. It was nice, the water was still a nice warm silk, and as he stared at the horizon, now the sun barely reaching for its life as the sky had darkened to a slight blue and orange, with a dash of purple, it almost felt like he wanted to stay and watch until the moon shined brightly into the night. And somehow, he couldn't help to think about Larxene, and how she was doing or what she was thinking after last night. Needless to say, he was worried, and somewhat anxious, yet all he did was be truthful, and he did say it wasn't meant to be the way it looked like. However, he didn't know what was it, but he had a feeling of loss. And deep down, he wasn't looking forward to going back to school. Something told him that. Something was waiting.

    He didn't snap back from his thoughts until Rei had come in front of him, and he blinked, gazing at her intently as she stretched her arms, her wet skin glimering in the small light of what remained of the sun, and her chest curving outward: the spot he now focused on. Did girls even notice what stretching does? Seriously. And damn his attraction too. Hearing her say something, he just nodded absently to whatever he needed to agree with, but all that met him was "call it", draw", "pretzels", and "ice cream". Thinking he should blabber something, he forced his eyes away, and paid attention to her face instead. "We'll call it a draw, but is obvious we're just hiding who the winner is."

    At this, he pointed arrogantly at himself, and went to splash a small amount of water suddenly at her playfully. Chuckling, he gave a nod again, turning his body to go towards the shore, and only waiting for her to walk so they can head out. "Yeah, let's get going. What am I paying for again? Ice cream, right?"
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528's real.......but she says she has camp this next, next week......*sigh*....and through all this I have summer school gym.....gah......-_-....
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Who is this..'Tula' speak of?

    Cloud winced,just at Tifa did,at the mention of Aerith.Tifa's body and lips had overhwhelmed him,and he had made a mistake in kissing her so suddenly,now..could he do the same thing to Aerith?As slowly and silently as possible,Cloud released her leg and backside,then took a few steps back,bracing himself for the guilt that was to come later on.He waited a few moments to catch his breath,then silently spoke out ot Tifa."..Well..where are those shorts im going to wear?..''he asked her,but did not look her in the eye.He couldnt pretend that what just happened didnt happen.He wasnt going to be emotional about this for the whole time,but for now he had to think on things.
  18. OOC: I keep forgetting your name change.

    "H-huh? Oh, over here," Tifa stuttered quietly, scrambling up quickly to her bureau, and opening the third. She could tell that Cloud also realized what they were doing, and he perhaps reached the same guilty verdict as she did. But it wasn't like they meant it...well, they did, yet not to be cruel or forget about Aerith and her feelings. It just escalated. Besides, she might have her chance at a kiss too, and well...who knows where that will lead. What they did...wasn't...that wrong, she just did what Cloud had asked them to, though he did kiss her first. It made her wonder, for even a moment, if he did have the decision, would he have chosen her. The signs seemd to point that way to her, but she wasn't going to get the good feeling or her hopes up. Things might not be what they seemed, and Cloud could just desire her body. He loved her, sure...but her body, not to be shallow, turns any men on due to her assets. She hated her chest at times.

    Trying to focus on something else, she dug her hands deep under all the clothes, knowing that since it was never used, it was all the way at the bottom. Finally, she saw something blue, and she pulled it out carefully, spotting that it was the bathing trunks needed. Closing back the drawer, attempting to get things back to a normal atmosphere, she whistled, and then threw the clothing at Cloud for him to catch with a forced smile. "Here you go! You can either change in here or the bathroom."
  19. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: *twitch* O.o Ay, okey. I got some news, my sweet lovelys. Certain things come up, which are basically unavoidable, no matter how you look at them or approach them, and due to those reasons, I will be quitting this RP soon, along with ALL the other RPs I'm in. I'll be leaving once my character stops interacting with others. Sorry, dearies, my time's come.

    “I, uhh, see . . .†Zexion said calmly. He still wondered what it was that was making her nervous. Perspiration covered her forehead, and her “unsure†answers, heavy breathing, and stutters only made the curiosity of reading her thoughts all the more tempting. Should he, or should he not? He bit his lips debating the thought, but another thought interrupted the first one . . . Why did he care? Why would he care about what she was thinking? Looking at her petite little face through his bangs, he suddenly felt a warm feeling on his cheeks, getting hotter and hotter. Was he blushing? Snapping out of it immediately, he smiled, meekly, almost unseeing. Her nervousness was amusing and all, and it was rather cute as well, in a strange way. Clutching onto the book tightly, he spoke once more, “Am I making you uncomfortable, Angel?â€
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Awww.....but no one's going to be as good of a Zexion as you are since Nymph......

    BIC- "Um......possibly?" She gave a weak smile. ...I've got to get out of here.... "Well....I...suppose I'll see you around....bye...." And with that Angel calmly walked away and back into the school building. As soon as she was sure that she was out of sight of Zexion, she ran to the dorms and ran into her room.
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