KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "No..''Cloud answered almost immediately,still keeping his steady pace and looking down at the ground..why did he have to look so damn good,especially to these girls?Tifa..Aerith..both of those amazing girls,and in the end he could only choose one..but he had already made his choice about who'd he choose,and he'd tell them together..alone"..Hey,can you run and get Aerith for me?..this is important''he muttered silently

    OOC: Can you guess who he'll pick? XD

    "....Oh hell no!"Yuffie cursed loudly,surprised at how such a great day could be changed so easily,Aerith cheered her up,and now she'll cheer Aerith up."Now you listen to me!"he whispered furiously."Aerith,YOU are an Ancient,and damnit its time you started acting like one,now you better get that damn swimming suit on,and have some fun with us,you understand!!?"she asked furiously."And you better drool when you see Cloud's chest,you do what you wanted to do all this time!"

    OOC: and did you see that coming? XDD
  2. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: I'm watching all my Tim Burton movies for the heck of it. I've already hit Nightmare Before Christmas, watching Corpse Bride, then Charlie and the Choc. Factory, and then, if I'm still awake, Sweeney Todd!

    Rei, still incredulous, shook her head violently through laughs. Lifting up her arms, she let herself sink. Using a thrust of wind, she forced herself underwater and right through his arms. Now below the watery surface, she swam backwards between his legs and attacked his thighs with her own mad tickling fingers.
  3. OOC: I can guess either Tifa or none ^o^.

    And oh man, I have yet to see Sweeney Todd :yelling:.

    Axel got startled when he found the tables turning on him, and all he felt was Rei going under, and he knew by common sense that he should be prepared for whatever she might bring. Yet, he wasn't expecting his thighs to be attacked, and getting a idea in mind as she kept trying to tickle him, he laughed a little, before cracking up fully. Now he just need the right time and for her next action.

    "" was all the speech Aerith could produce from her mouth at the moment, shocked at the sudden outburst Yuffie gave her in a try to get her head on straight. She blinked, then blinked again, before wanting to say something, but being cut off as she continued. With her eyes wide, she just stared until the girl finished, and standing silent for a moment, she went to giggle good naturedly, touched that Yuffie went out of her way to cheer her up. And in fact, the action made her a bit happy, just to know that someone cared. It didn't change her decision, though, concerning taking herself out, yet...the pool. Aerith wasn't truhfully in the mood for it, as she could just imagine Cloud and Tifa on the water, playing around in more ways than one, but...for the sake of her dear friend. "I...I...I guess I'll go to the pool, just for you, Yuffie. Though I can't promise I'll stay for long..."

    If I can't handle it, she ended to herself, giving the ninja a half-hearted smile, in a grateful thank you.

    Tifa felt herself was getting weary at Cloud's tone, not because he asked for Aerith, but from the way things are now turning out, and she got...a foreboding feeling for them all. This was serious, she concluded, and without a word, she complied with the favor, and hesitantly began to go ahead to Aerith and Yuffie. She didn't want to face the Ancient at the moment, as guilt was swirling inside her, thinking that she shouldn't have let Cloud hold her hand like that, and she was quite scared at what she might see on the girl's face. Tifa didn't mean what happened, really. Listening to Yuffie shout at Aerith about seeing Cloud's chest and drooling over it as she got closer, which made her snap out of her contemplations, she raised her eyebrows a little. Though, she understood after the brown haired girl's response back. So...she was thinking of skipping the activity too? Feeling worse at that revelation, she swallowed tightly as she reached them. Clearing her throat a little, she put up a grin, sending a look to Yuffie, before gazing at Aerith, ignoring her emerald eyes. "Um, Cloud said he wanted to speak to you..."

    She wanted to add that it sounded important, though Tifa didn't want to worry her any longer. Gesturing her head to him, he waited for her to go, and after a moment's reluctance, Aerith began to follow.

    "Wait for me here, Yuffie..." Aerith told the girl gently, her expression unsure, not knowing what to expect, and feeling her nerves act up on it. With a nod, she turned her face back around, taking the path to the blond male waiting, and the closer she got, the more she wondered what was it he needed to talk to her about. Still, when she got there, she didn't say anything, and merely stared at his face, Tifa beside her, appearing lost as well. It was kind of awkward...
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .......T_T.......I don't know......I still find the idea of.......>_>....baking meat pies from corpses......really disgusting.......and.....are they at the pool yet?.....Angel's just....absorbed into her game.

    BIC- She's almost beat the game. Angel can feel it. However she still needs to get those other 4 weapons from the tower.
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Hang Tight Fire,Cloud needs to clear something up.

    Cloud swallowed roughly,awaiting Tifa's return with Aerith.And we wondered if things would even be the same after he told him his shocking answer.He truly wanted both of them..but it just wasnt possible.The world was made that'd spend your life with one person,forever,through sickness and in health.
  6. "Did...did you call for me, Cloud?' Aerith questioned as a start, seeing as they were all quiet, though her voice was low and barely able to be heard, because she had no idea what this was about, and for some reason, was nervous to know. Tifa wasn't lying when she said it appeared serious, even very deep from the look of his eyes, and stealing at glance at the black haired who was standing just as silently as her, they waited for Cloud's verdict or what he needed to say. Though...did he wanted both of them or only her? Aerith didn't want to be here really, because right now, she was hurt from the conclusion she had to take, despite that it was her decision, and she wasn't ready to confront him because her tears were closely about to come out if she didn't held them back before. And this...this wasn't making it any better.
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    All right....that's cool......take whatever time you need pal.

    BIC- By this time, Angel had almost almost finished her game.....but she really wanted to try another option the enxt time she palyed it to see where it would take her.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    All eyes were on Cloud as he straightened up and looked at both,Tifa was quiet,but Aerith was alreaady worried about this.He had to end this whole thing here."..Listen,both of you...''he started."Im aware that both of you have strong feelings for me..but the hurt..and the drama has to end here."Cloud took a quick breath,and found this surprisingly easier than he had before."..Aerith..''Cloud turned his attention to her."..You may be thinking that you dont have a shot,compared to Tifa's breasts..but I told you earlier,its not about your breasts..its all about you,that's what I like..''He gave her a quick wink,then faced Tifa."Tifa...we've known each other for a very long time,and people must think that is reason enough to fall in love if they see us now...but it isnt,your personality and your'd make any man happy..''He felt he had to compliment her as he did Aerith,and now it all came to this.."..And I can only choose one of you..since our friendship is more important that sex,or kissing,or any of that...I can't choose either of you.."Cloud finished with deep regret,though the problem of relieving his manly urges came up..what was he going to do about that!?"..I hope you both can accept this,I guess im better off without anyone''
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Awwwww.......poor Cloud......I feel sad now.....

    BIC- Angel decided to take a break and fell asleep with the DS in her hands....turned off.
  10. Aerith widened her eyes in surprise at the words that came out of Cloud's mouth, but it soon slowly started disappearing as his decision process into her mind well, and she didn't find it so shocking. Other than the fact that he mentioned breasts there, it was either he chooses one of them, or none. He couldn't have both. One had to be hurt and left in the dust to mourn over the loss, while another gets to live happily with who she loved. It was expected of Cloud not to do such a cruel thing, yet, it didn't help the disappointment and sadness she felt. It was good that she didn't have to feel pain of Cloud picking Tifa over her, or saying that he loves her more, but the fact that she could never be with him had to set in carefully. He didn't choose any of the two. Her body and heart aching slightly at the thought of never experiencing or admitting her love for him, though he already had a clue, hit deeper than she intended, and she took a moment of silence to try and come to grasp it. As her insides churn and shook, her hands clasping each other tightly as her vision blurred from her quivering eyes, she stared down at the floor. She really didn't know what to say to this.

    It was like her heart got somehow punctured slightly but was still beating, because it knows it will never have to see who Cloud would've taken as his girl.

    Tifa, found this as a type of big blow, the same conclusion spiraling through her head and heart. She understood the decision, and she knew now, that this was the better path to take, that way, no one would end hurt or abandoned by the lost love or being rejected. But really....Cloud rejected them both, though not because he didn't love one more or did not love them. It was rejection in the way...that he will never choose, and neither her nor Aerith would ever have the hope of giving their love and affection to him, which they had harbored for so long. It was heartbreaking, to know that the fact of the matter is that from now on, they will just be friends. There was no seeing Aerith fly away with Cloud to bring the agony of that into reality, and there was no friendship to be annihilated in the end...but it still drove her to anguish. Her breathing lowering as she felt something fall down in the caverns of her stomach, her eyes glazed over in tears as it kept hammering over her head, and she swallowed hard, gazing at Cloud almost like in hopelessness. In a soft and low croak, she asked him...being the only able to speak, "Are you sure?...."

    But that had to be sure, because, if she was in Cloud's position, she would've chosen none as well. It wasn't as bad as it could've been...
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...."Cloud didnt know the answer of this himself,he wanted to experience love with one of them..but the other one would get heartbroken.To help lighten things up,Cloud just smiled at Tifa's question."Unless you two can combine into one..then no,..but I'd like to give both of you a kiss..because I've wanted to..for a long time..''he muttered,speaking the absolute truth.If things had to end like this,then he'd at least like a kiss from both of them,if they allowed it.He loved both of them,truly...but he couldnt be with them both.
  12. That was it then. It was final. Aerith closed her eyes, trying to drain the tears away, because she knew no other end was the most righteous as this one. It was a sacrifice on Cloud's part, and for them as well, yet, there was bound to be pain and abandonment for the one who didn't get chosen. With this...that won't happen. It wasn't great to think about, not able to touch Cloud, or kiss him, or process their love daily, but if it was to keep the group stable, then she was willing...hesitantly, but willing. Wiping some tears that had fell with her hands, getting a hold of herself from the hurt of this, she was surprised to hear him say he wanted a last kiss. Truthfully, the thought sounded tempting, their lips touching and feeling each other, and a warm source of sensation shined her heart at the image and the expectation, She will, but not right had to be special. And she didn't want it to be quick or be in front of another who loved him as well. It was hard, but it'll be worth it, she was positive.

    Gazing at Cloud deeply into his cerulean eyes, with a weak smile, she replied softly, every word unsure, but knowing it was right, "I would give you a kiss, Cloud...just not now. You'll get it soon, I just want to wait for the right time, because now, I can't...if you are willing to wait a little longer..."

    She didn't know what she would do if so.

    Tifa sighed in defeat, her mood lowering a little as the whole thing settled, and Cloud's choice was definitely made. There was nothing more to say, this way, everything will be alright with everyone, and none will have to worry over which girl Cloud would choose or which one he liked, and no competition to break any form of friendship. It had yet to make her feel any better though, and her eyes kept fluttering to not cry, yet Aerith let out a few that weren't willing...and she too let them go, finding it worthwhile since they were at the peak and couldn't be held back, before cleaning them off. It was better not to make the situation sadder, though she was shocked to hear Cloud had wanted a kiss, as a remembrance, perhaps, but she remained quiet as the thought itself floored into her mind and heart, and that was the most desired thing she had ever wanted to do. Still, when she heard Aerith's response, she was a bit startled that she wouldn't take the chance she's gotten, but she also said that she would, just not at this second. And as Tifa thought about it, she didn't really want to kiss Cloud in front of the girl, and knowing her would be more than just a peck. That, and there was a point...what better way to kiss someone you love, and have your last words, in the privacy of your own?

    Nodding her head a bit reluctantly, she agreed with Aerith, sending a type of forlorn expression at him. "I....have to say the same. I think we both want to kiss you, Cloud, make it memorable, is better when it's at our own time, if you understand..."
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Oh my Gawd! My computer broke down. I don't know when it'll be fixed but yeah D:<

    "Cool, I'm fine." Kasha said to Kairi as she looked around. She sat up and rubbed the top of her head wtih her paw, mouthing words to herself for a moment. She felt a dull pain but it was quickly fading away.
    "I'm Kasha by the way," She said, standing up, and shaking off dust from her fur.

    OoC://Oh my Gawd!(again) my bird won't stop trying to take off the keys from the laptop I'm on right now. D: He's taken off the..backspace key, Page on, end, and some other key I think it was page off or down xP
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    you want to know something cool? There's this character in the game that I'm currently playing(and the same that Angel is playing) and her name is Kasha. She's one of the main characters and I've leveled up all my party memebers to at least Level 50 but Kasha is still 45.....just because it takes a while for her to level. She has high defense and strength so she kicks major arse even thought she's not the same level. Ah well.....

    BIC- Angel decided to conitnue playing agian after her short break. She was definaitely almost done. She oculd feel it. But she still needed to get those weapons from the tower. Argh.
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud was surprised with the choice they had made,but he shouldnt have expected any better."..I've waited this whole time..I can wait a little while longer..''he assured them,giving both a nod of understanding.THey had come up with a better idea then he would have thought of.Though this posed a problem for him..he refused two special girls,and he'd have no other.But men had needs that had to be fulfilled,occasionally women,but not as much.What was he going to do about that!?
  16. Aerith nodded, glad he understood, and now that her and Tifa had spilled their tears and have been hurt to know the truth, there was no reason to keep the mood and the atmosphere so sad. It still hurt, yeah, not having to ever get anything from what Cloud had to offer, but as she had said, she was willing for the sake of everyone in the group, including Yuffie. Telling herself this, her eye set in a determined glaze, she put away the ache that was roaming in her chest, and simply saved it when it didn't have to ruin the time of fun by going to the pool. Her rosy lips giving up into a mild grin, she eyed the blond merrily, grabbing his elbow in pure friendship, and making him step up gently, "Come up, we all abandoned Yuffie. Let's forget about this for now, and enjoy what we were going to do and put our bathing suits on, ne? Besides, no matter what, you'll always mean something special to us, Cloud...romantic or not."

    "She's right! You do. And we've wasted enough time as it is, we should hurry up," Tifa agreed with a meek smile on her face, grasping Cloud's other elbow and leading him up with Aerith, flowing with the idea, and wanting for everything to lighten up like the way it was before. The whole thing was horrible and yet perfect, the decision was right, yet it pained her to think that a kiss was all she was going to get from Cloud in forever, in all the years left that she would know him. That didn't make her happy, she knew, and her love would probably fade away with time....but she didn't really want it to. Still, for now, the problem between them all was resolved, and she looked in front of her as they kept walking and approaching Yuffie.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Right..''Cloud muttered,still deep in thought about how this was all going to affect him in the long run.Though he was eyeing Tifa from the corner of his eye,and there was something about her curves and her skin that reminded him of something that had to do with him sexually..was he just horny and imagining him and her getting it on?or did it mean something more?

    He quickly faced forward and tried to forget it,but he couldnt,and the closer they reached Yuffie,the more he thought about it.

    "So that's Cloud...?"Leon asked Yuffie,standing next to her with his arms folded.He was also checking out Aerith and Tifa in a calm fashion.Yuffie didnt have to say anything to agree with what he was thinking..but Cloud was the man.

    "Yeah..that's the whole gang,though we're missing about four people..they're all back in Midgar..''Yuffie explained silently,giving everyone an enthusiastic wave as they approached."Be on your best behavior!"she whispered to LEon under her breath,giving him a quick nudge.
  18. Aerith, along with Tifa and Cloud stopped in front of what Yuffie, and who she recognized as Leon, a companion of hers. Politely, she smiled at him in greeting, giving a small wave with her free arm, though also wondering what he was doing here. Thinking that she should also say something, she went to eye the handsome brown haired man again. "Hey, Leon. Surprise to see you here at this moment." Letting go of Cloud, considering they didn't have to force him to move anymore and as they were friends now...much to her heart, she waited questionably. She wasn't expecting for someone to pop up to where they were exactly, but all the better company, and Cloud might have some male to talk to.

    Tifa didn't say anything as she let go as well, just watched, as while she knew Leon by appearance, but being a Skater, she didn't really speak to him. If at all. He was gorgeous in his own right though, yet she remained silent and let Aerith handle this, who seem to know him, predictably.
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "I could say the same to you,Aerith..."Leon smirked at her momentarily,remembering hat she had left without a word in Hollow Bastion.Enthusiactically,Leon gave her a quick but small nod and turned to see the rest of her company.A familiar dark haired female with large...he'd leave it at that,and n all too familiar blond male."Cloud,didnt think I'd find you here...''he said,holding up his right arm and bending it.

    Cloud,now released from his sexy prison guards,stepped forward and did the same as Leon did,holding up his right arm and bending it.Enthusiastically,Cloud smacked his hand against Leon's and squeezed it tightly."Havent seen you in a long time,how's your town?"he asked.

    "Not bad...and I can understand why you've been gone so long..''Leon titled his head to the side and looked at Tifa."Hello..''
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ......this can't end well.....and somehow I missed that Tifa didn't like skaters.......>_>....

    BIC- The pool was boring and she was getting lonely so Angel got up and left. She began walking to the school. the far are they from the actual pool or where are they in the school?
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