KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .....<_<......>_>.....ZEXION! :D....ahem.....sorry....I lost control......:D

    BIC- Angel was disappointed that she lost......3 times....on this one level. ....more training is the Tower of Trial!.
  2. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Org. XII goes to court?!?!?!? That's so cool! Do tell ^_^

    Rei could barely keep her laughter in, even as she attempted to look at Axel defiantly. Though she failed miserably and ended up with a contorted expression that she wished she had a mirror to see. Shaking it off, she giggled more as the tickling intensified. Now pushing against his chest and still oblivious to their dangerous closeness, she was able to utter "No way!" Miraculously grabbing onto his wrist, she managed to pull away one arm quite a ways. Using her own strength to extend both of their arms out and upward in a "tango-like" position, her forehead made contact with his as her muscles strained. Rei attempted to cover her stomach with her other hand, and her only balancing aids now were the ocean floor and Axel's arm.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked up at him. "I'm fine. Thanks. I was afraid I'd get the living daylights beaten out of me by some kid I know, so I jumped." Kasha responded and looked at him.

    "What book are you reading?" She asked him. Kasha had been trying to find a good book to read lately but didn't seem to be able to find a good book within her interest that she hadn't read before. She went quiet realizing it wasn't correct to ask someone questions without stating their name first.

    "I'm Kasha Dwyre by the way." She said.
  4. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    "Er... Okey." Zexion replied. Oh yes, that was a reasonable answer... jump out the window because some guy was going to beat the living daylights out of her. Interesting. "Well, as long as you're ok."
    With that he attempted to return to his book, which he was reading with much pleasure. He laid his head back down on the branch and picked up the book which he'd lain on his chest. The apparently hadn't left yet, and asked him what he was reading.
    "Nice to meet you, Kasha." He paused. "I hardly think that someone as young as you would find any interest in this book."
    He stated, without looking at the girl, still staring at the countless words in the two pages. "But, I do not see the problem in telling you the name either. It's called The Structure of Scientific Revolutions... by Thomas Kuhn. I'm Zexion by the way."
  5. OOC: It's mostly a RP that spawned from the Was Sora Justified? thread that had been going on debating about whether....Sora was justified in killing the Org. the way he did. Most of the debaters there bringing different points went to roleplay an actually made a real court case trial, and...there you go. If you see, most of us that have the characters had dived into that 24-26 pages of battling in the KH2 section.

    Tifa just blushed a light pink slightly at Cloud's gesture, and for a moment, she gazed away, a bit embarrassed about how easily she was being overwhelmed. It was all so familiar to her, yet not....but she did take the offer, her mind wiping blank about Aerith for the moment, though unintentionally not meaning any harm, just unaware of it, as her heart began to beat fast. Smiling at him, she guided him over a step so they can go together and get the needed garments. "We shouldn't waste any more time."

    Aerith simply stared from the corner of her eyes at Cloud's hand, and the touch he gave her willingly, though she accepted that too, as she waved at everyone politely to begin walking, quickly turning around and taking her the lead. She really didn't know how long they would play this game, and she was getting hurt, anxious, and stressed by it. Even though Cloud was worth it, he needed to choose, or one of them had to at least admit anything. It wasn't going to be her though...the word of rejection was still in her head, and it couldn't be rid of as it sent a shiver down her spine. No matter how hard she tried, she had the feeling she would always be second....which is why, as much as it will kill her emotionally in the end when the day is over, she had decided to simply give Cloud up to Tifa to finish it all. This rivalry...was a strain in their friendship, yet, she was seeing herself as the one getting in the way.

    Axel had stiffled slightly when he felt Rei manage to grip one of his wrists, and before he knew it, he was on some tango and wrestling position that he didn't know he was in, and while he had some way of pulling out of it, he didn't want to take it far by incidentally hitting her. Seeing her block her stomach before he now found their foreheads pressed together, he merely paused for a second there at the close contact, now obviously seeing how near their bodies were...and for awhile, he had halted to think of what action to take. But then, remembering his word on Larxene and somehow wanting to prove himself to her that he could control his desires, he simply snatched one hand away, having bigge strength, and began tickling her neck instead. The stomach wasn't the only weak point. "Don't think is that easy."
  6. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Nice to meet you also." Kasha said to Zexion. "I'm more into studying medicines and marine biology." She said. Kasha was starting to get the feeling that she was bothering Zexion while he was trying to read. She decided to cut the conversation short and let him go back to reading.

    "Any way, I'm gonna get going before Cody finds me or another teacher tries to get me to help correct papers." She said. "Nice meeting you." She said to Zexion. Her form changed to a dog. She looked around for a moment and then headed off, first in a walk, but it quickly changed to a run.
  7. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Turning his head back towards the girl.... Kasha, he gave a nod. “Well good. I hope you succeed in achieving your dreams.â€
    He Looked at her for a moment as she suddenly said her good bye and changed her form into a canine, then quicky disappearing behind the building corner. So, she had the ability to morph into a dog. Intriguing. Well the fact was that he was alone again, which meant he could return to enjoying that book. Sighing and taking a quick look around the school grounds, he stuck his nose back in between the word filled pages.

    Kairi ran down the stairs, her crimson hair flowing smoothly behind her, that led from the hall to the quad outside the gigantic building. She figured she could meet up with Sora and Riku and grab a quick lunch. Pushing open the main door of the dormitory she broke into another run as she pulled out her cell phone from her pocket, not looking where she was going. When she did look up to see where she was headed, she suddenly found a brown dog appearing in front of her, and with a small yelp, she came tumbling down on the grass, dog and all.
    “Ow...†she muttered rubbing her head. This was not what she wanted.
  8. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha found herself coming to a stop, and the sudden sound of footsteps running towards her. She looked up to see a girl, older than her,she was looking at her cellphone. So little time and so long to re-act. Kasha ducked at the last moment but still felt herself get pulled to the ground. She picked up her head in a daze after a split second.

    "You okay?" She asked, without thinking looking over at the teenager. Despite, the incident Kasha didn't feel any pain, she was almost ready to rather laugh. She waited to see if the girl would give a positive answer to then smile.
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Yeah....I'm thinking as either being Zexion....or.....some.....denizen that turned into a nobody and remember clearly that an organization XIII member turned them into a heartless.....but I don't think I could do it......I'm not professional enough....>_> could though, chula.....

    BIC- After spending 30 minutes going up 4 floors up the Tower of Trial Angel decided that she was strong enough to take on Treidor.

    Heh heh heh......ph34r my l33t arrows of d00m! By my awesome archer Krista.......not sure if he's a guy or a girl....
  10. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Thanks, Fire :D

    Rei noticed his sudden pause, even if it was for a few moments. It was then, that even for an iota of a second, that she noticed their intimate closeness. It took her by an immediate surprise, yet it was slightly invigorating. Sensing his conflicted aura, she almost pulled away a little bit as well. But when he began to tickle her neck, she began to laugh. Not from the tickling, though, and she simply reached up and held his arms. "Call me a freak, but I'm not ticklish on the neck," she said in a sing-song manner.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel defeated that level and moved on. She was training in this tower where the guy said an awesome weapon maker would make weapons for those worthy......but....she's already gone up 25 floors......and that took a while......
  12. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: zomfg... I blame procrastination. It's 3:0 AM for me here... Pulling an all nightter tonight... T_T So might as well post ya? xD

    "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow."
    Kairi rubbed her head with one hand as the other blindly traced the grass for her cell phone. She was already sitting up on her knee on the grass and finally opened her eyes to see a dog staring at her. She stared blankly at the dog at first once it spoke, asking her if she was ok, then she replied, "Er... y-yeah.. I guessssss." She carried the S as her eyes still scanned the dog. "H-How about you?"
    She was talking to a dog. Wow. She must've hit her head pretty hard considering she was starting a whole conversation with this dog. A faint smile was beginning to from on Kairi's face and lips as she continued to stare at the dog. Well this certainly was interesting and funny, recalling how she did fall over.
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    nice pictures, Kitten.......

    BIC- Angel had finally gotten to the top of tower.....and the lady there was going to make her some freakishly pimped out when she went back to her after waiting and doing other stuff for a while....what does the lady tell her? Someone stole them. Argh......
  14. OOC: I'm back from vacation!! Whee!!! xP. Though I'm sad, why did my best friend have to move all the way over there? T-T I miss her already. Yet, I'm going to get back to posting right now, and catch up with what I missed.

    Axel frowned at the turn of tables, though it wasn't her being a freak, some people weren't just able to be tickled in certain places others would. This wasn't bad though, because he simply took back his held arms carefully, though she did have a firm grip on them, and attacked her stomach again, as she let it absolutely free for the taking. He had turned her around quickly so her back was facing him, which made it harder for her to take his hands off while he attacked. He laughed, seeing her thrash around in the chest deep water and trying to break free, the waves hitting them as he held on to the sea floor as to not float off. It was then he went to mock her in a sing-song manner now, "Doesn't mean that the one before doesn't work. " His tone then turning playful, he merely admonished her actions, looking over her shoulder from behind at her with a devious grin. "Shouldn't have let your guard down. But come on Rei, is easy. Just say I'm the best, and can kick your a** in anything. Simple."
  15. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    "I was just standing against the door...and it kinda opened." He told as he ran his hand through his hair realizing how stupid he had been.
  16. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kishami couldn't help but laugh at that. She smiled. "Okay..." She said.

    OOC- srry... I'm kind of on a block right now ><
  17. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ooc: It's cool I know how you feel lol

    bic: " do you want to do then." He asked as he walked outside.
  18. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "I don't know..." Kishami said and rubbed the back of her head. "You know what I noticed? The whole time I've been at this school, I haven't gone to class once..." She laughed.
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud felt pretty awful about grabbbing Tifa's hand so suddenly,but from what he saw,she was happy that he did it,but what about Aerith?Once out of sight Cloud pulled his hand away from Tifa and cleared his throat,not giving her eye contact at that moment,he closed the first she held on to and took a deep,but silent,breath.They both really..REALLY liked him..but it was all up to him,and if their friendship was going to be so unstable like this..then he knew who he'd choose.

    "..What's wrong?..''Yuffie asked,though he already caught Aerith's vibe.She felt jeleous..or guilty,something like that."..If its about Cloud holding her hand,then dont worry about gave the guy a kiss,Tifa can at least have her hand held for a little come on,let's get your stuff together..''she said,but seeing Aerith so troubled made her feel a bit of..sadness.
  20. "Is not only the hand holding, there's no reason for me to get upset over that with what I just the chemistry, is everything. I just think Tifa is better for him," Aerith concluded to Yuffie in a silent whisper that was meant for her ears only as they walked side by side to the school back door, getting into the hall. That was exactly it, and in some way, it was like she was just prolonging the inevitable fate, so might as well make them have their head way and get out of the picture. It was for the best, she was sure. Feeling her heart sink even more at the thought, to the point where this unfathomable ache coursed through her body in a painful swish, she felt her eyes burning, but blinked them away quickly. Not now. Putting up a smile to herself, she continued on replying to Yuffie, her facade of normalcy right on, "I don't think I'm going to the pool either...I really don't feel much up to getting wet, you know?"

    It was then, really, that Tifa sensed distress in the air, the minute Cloud took back his hand. Of course, it kind of made her a bit disappointed, yet it allowed her to see that not everything was exactly perfect at the moment. Becoming concerned, she quietly stared at Cloud, whose face she couldn't precisely read, but who seem to be in some sort of thought. But, the person who really got her attention, was Aerith, who was ahead with Yuffie, talking to was dismal, though. She didn't know why she found Aerith so interesting, yet she saw something different in her composure that exuded...she didn't know what, melancholy? It was bad though, she could tell, and pondered over if it was because Cloud held her hand. Did it affect her that badly? If so, they could speak…turning to the blond male first, as she was kind of anxious to approach Aerith with the state she was beginning to get in, she asked in a low and timid voice, "Is everything okay?"
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