KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Luckily Angel had brought her DS with her and was now playing some weird game she had gotten recently. It was called Hoshigami Remix or something....but what made it a remix? Oh well. It was pretty boring at first but just like music when you listen to a song a lot, she started liking the game.
  2. "It doesn't matter, I'm done anyway. We can all walk back to the dorm building together, and then go our separate ways, and we meet up in...I think my dorm? Is closer to the exit, but anyone of our rooms can work," Aerith explained, drinking the last few sips that was left of her soda as she swallowed down her butter roll, and was quickly getting up, only to grab back the white cloth on the grass. As she draped it over her shoulder once more, her eyes rested on them all, even Tifa, not really minding it now. "So, agreed, then?"

    "Your room is fine, I think," Tifa stated, sharing her sentiment to the others. Her and Aerith's gazes locked for a moment, though none showed any distaste or any ill feeling, so they simply quirked a smile at each other. It was hard, she knew...being friends, yet competing for the same guy. And...they still didn't really know what Cloud thought, because it didn't escape her now, after his actions, that she was sensing attraction coming from him. Either at them both, or one. Letting out a breath, she lifted herself off the trunk, and went to question, "So, should we go then?
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha was in her human form. She kicked a small rock on the ground and headed inside the school. She leaned again a locked after she was some point inside the school. She had a relaxed look on her face, and a small smile. She had nothing to do. Normally, on a time like this she'd find a good book to read but she had finished pretty much all of the books she was interested in for the time being.
  4. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: DDD: Procrastination and laziness... but I pulled through.

    Xaldin sat in the teacher's lounge, correcting the student's math quizzes. He munched on a cereal bar, his hand rapidly moving about the paper, butchering the once white and clean paper into something with numerous red scratches, comments and corrections. He sipped his coffee and looked out the window to see a clear and bright day, and then he was stuck in here correcting the student's math quizzes. He grumbled as his eyes shifted back to the papers, what a perfect way to spend the weekend. It seemed that even the other teachers had better things to do. Sighing he once more returned to correcting, or in other words, crushing the students' confidence and dignity as he butchered the papers.

    Kairi, who'd just slept till noon, finally woke up and gave a good stretch. That was refreshing, a really good night sleep that was. She went into the bathroom for about a good thirty minutes, brushing her teeth, showering and getting dressed for the day, and considering that it was the weekend, she put on a pair of jeans and a simple tight corset like pink top to match. She flung her crimson hair over her shoulders, drying them, making it just perfect. Looking into the mirror deeply, she put on a thin layer of powder and a light gray eyeliner to outline her pretty blue eyes. Perfect, with just a small smear of lip-gloss over her pink lips and dab of perfume, and she was done. Looking at the mirror, satisfied with what she saw, grabbing her victoria secret hoodie, she ran out her room.

    “This book is quite interesting.†Zexion thought as he lay under the shade of the tree reading the book he'd picked up from the library earlier. He was laying down on a thick branch extending out from the trunk, one leg resting on the branch as the other dangled just right above the ground. The sun was shining down on him and the book through the leaves giving the area a beautiful golden glow. Tuning the page with his fingers, he bit into the delicious apple he was eating. It was a perfect day curl up with a good book, the weather was warm, and the wind came and went with a perfect cool touch. He wouldn't have had his day any other way.
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://You must be God. You've described the perfect weather for me. And I'm stuck inside my house D:


    Kasha looked around and sighed. She could hear the sound of someone, they sounded like they were writing. She realized that the teacher's lounge was only right around the corner. Kasha stood up straight from leaning on the locker. She walked around to see a teacher correcting papers.
    "Better stay out of his way," She thought, glancing at him for a moment. He was looking outside at the weather but resumed correcting the papers. Kasha could see what looked to be numbers at her distance, but what'd she know?
    "What a killer. You have to be stuck inside on a day like this. Couldn't take the day off and correct the papers tomorrow?" Kasha thought to herself and watched him quietly with a bored look upon her face.
  6. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Really? *looks out the window* That's like the weather I have right about now.. xD

    Xaldin could tell there was someone behind him, just on the doer side of the door. But he chose to ignore the student and continued to correct his papers. The faster he minght be able to finish up with this, the faster he can head out. He went to take another sip of his coffee when he realized that he'd already finished it.
    "Aww..." He moaned. Setting his red marker down, he got up and headed to the coffee maker with his cup. He'd caught a glimpse of the student who was standing outside, a younf female. He'd recognized her, she was in his Algebra II class.
    "Is there something you need Kasha?" He asked with a cold voice as he poured coffee into his cup. "It's not good to sneak around like this."
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "No, sir, just wondering why your inside on a day like this. Correcting papers." Kasha said almost immediately after the question was asked. She never wanted to fail at answering something in the presence of a teacher.
    "If I were you I'd correct them tomorrow. I heard it was supposed to rain tomorrow." Kasha said, and looked around for a moment.
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    "Then perhaps you could help me correct some of the papers." He said turning around to face her. He gestured her to enter the room, calling her with his index finger as he sipped his new cup of coffee. "Congratulations, you just volunteered for it."
    Xaldin took another look out the window to see the sunny and beautiful view of the school grounds.
    "And I hardly think it will rain tomorrow, Kasha. Now the answer key is right on the table. Get started."
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha's jaw dropped and she stood up straight quickly re-collecting and stuttered at the same time pointing to her right.
    "But-!" She started, "I've got stuff-" She stopped, her eyes went back to their normal state. Half-opened she gave a What ever hand-flip.
    "Coming..." She muttered walking over towards him, at the same time devilish thoughts were running through her mind. She had to get him back for this. Whatever the costs were.

    Her form suddenly changed and she became her all to known dog form. Kasha play bowed for a moment. She quickly scanned the room to see if there was anything she could take from him. 'Answer key!' She thought, an evil grin came over her puppy face, and she darted over to the table, and grabbed the paper, and darted out of the room as fast as she could.

    "Not on a day like this, dude!" She thought, and looked back, suddenly she hit someone, falling over.

    Dazed, she looked up and gasped for a moment. Cody.

    "Stealing papers?" He asked. He like Kasha was also in his dog form. He was trying to put on the Cops and Robbers phase. Kasha was just trying to mess around. Not get the crap beat out of her from Cody. He'd been watching them to see how well Kasha could get along with the teachers. And then try to get on their good side.
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    I love your sig changes every so often and the stories are always so funny. also....Twilight....could you tell me about that Org. goes to Court thread? It sounds interesting...but it seems too professional for me....because I'm such a noob....but....I'm just kind of interested.
  11. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: =O fine... >D

    "Oh crap..." He muttered as Kasha turned into a dog and in the blink of an eye, grabbed the answer key from the table and attempted to run out the door. His own jaw dropped to the floor in amazement that she dared pull a gag like this on him, HIM. Oh no she didn't... those answer keys were currently his life for the moment, otherwise he's have go through each and every problem, solving them by hand and by himself, AGAIN. As she was about to run out the door, she bumped into antoher dog... er... student, who acted as a football dummy, for Kasha literally sprang back and fell on the floor. Seeing she was stalled for the moment, Xaldin quickly put down his coffee and hurried to the door and picked up Kasha, holding her from the stomach, his arm around her, keeping her tightly secure under his arm.
    "You... are... SCREWED." He said mocking the students. "As for you Cody, were you in on this as well?"
    He gave the other dog a chilled stare. Then the expression from his face completely changed and gave the most evil grin.
    "Kasha, Cody, you both just got detention for a month and two months of after school dutied in my class. Have fun scraping the gum off from beneath the desks."
    He didn't even wait for Cody to justify himself on whether he was involved in this or not.

    OOC: Thanks FKB. ^_^
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Yeah,it should only take a few minutes once we get there..''Cloud said,turning his heel and grabbing Tifa's hand and pulling her forward inside."Incase you get lost..''he joked,sending Tifa a sly smirk.But the truth was that he owed Tifa a little physical contact,and holding her hand was the least he could do since Aerith gave him a gentle kiss..that took his breath away.And Tifa's touch felt surprisingly soothing,as if he'd felt a large amount of it before..was he having some kind of fantasy?

    Yuffie stood next to Aerith silently,and she knew that things were going to be interesting from now on.
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha head Xaldin loud and clear when he said Detention and she suddenly stopped. She froze.

    "Fine! Fine!" She said, squirming out of Xaldin's arms. She had to get away from Cody. Now more than ever.

    "No, No! No, you don't!" Cody said, grabbing Kasha by the front of the neck. Easily, lifting her and he flipped Kasha onto her back. Kasha found herself looking at the ceiling and Cody's jaws around her neck. She was dazed from hitting the floor so hard, and she didn't really remember what happened a couple seconds ago. Or what was happening now. Cody's jaw tightened and Kasha started to feel something coming down her neck. Her first thought was blood. Or she was imagining it.

    "What'd I do? I was fooling around! Gimme a break! I didn't mean it!" She said, starting to panic but at the same time she tried to keep her cool.
  14. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Xaldin pinched the bridge of his nose as Cody pinned Kasha down on the floor with his jaws. Good lord... Now, how did all this start again, he sighed in frustration.
    "Cody, let her go, and both of you come to your human form." His tone was no less stern nor merciful. "NOW."
    He waited for a moment before speaking again, trying to keep his cool, and not breaking anything lying around him. Rubbing his face with one hand while the other rested on his hips he spoke, "I cannot tolerate this kind of behavior Kasha, and no one makes a fool of me like that. You have detention whether you like it or not!"
    Damn, it weren't for all these interruptions, he's been done correcting the papers. "Hand me the answer key."
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha quickly kicked Cody in the face, and he let go, giving her a moment or two to jump away.

    "I ain't doing your work!" She said, changing back to her human form and gave Xaldin the answer key and floored it to get away from Cody. She saw an open window and did what she'd do under any normal circumstance. She jumped through the window to land in a bush. She fell only a few feet before she hit the ground.

    "Thank God I'm still alive." She said to herself, and shook her head.

    Cody also went back to his human form, and smirked. He'd leave Kasha alone. For now.
  16. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    "Foolish girl..." He mumbled, as his eyes looked at the window from which Kasha look her leap. "I'm her math teacher... she's going to have to come to me sooner or later."
    Well at least he'd gotten his answer key back, the could continue to correct his papers without having to do all the work over again. He rubbed his temples for a headache was setting in, and he'd almost forgotten that Cody was still in the room.
    "You..." he began, but suddenly paused. "..... Uhh never mind."
    If he was going to react the same way Kasha did, then he really didn't wish to go through the entire scenario again.
    "Make sure you come to detention, Cody, and do bring Kasha along with you, or else I double YOUR punishment."
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Why should I bring, Half-breed with me?" He questioned. "She's just running to get away from me. Not you." Cody said, and smiled. "Teachers are her favorite people." He said, and turned walking away.

    "I was just trying to have some fun. Cody always comes around and now I'm in trouble with a teacher. So much for getting on his good side. I wasn't trying to make a fool of him." She said to herself.
  18. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Xaldin sighed crossing his arms as his eyes follwoed the leaving boy. Damned students. He needed a desperate reminder of why he'd decided to become a teacher. Well, whatever. He shrugged and and turned back towards the lonely table. Going back to pick up his coffee, he then returned to the table and continued to butcher the rest of the papers. This will take him a while. He cursed under his breath as his hnads once again moved through the paper marking it up with endless red lines, letters and numbers.
  19. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha stood up from where she was and started out from where she was. Kasha shook her head of any leaves from the bush. Nothing was in her short hair. She said someone under a tree. He appeared to be reading. He was older than Kasha though.
    "How come I'm always the youngest..." She whined silently in her head and sighed. So far everyone she had met was older than her. Even this Axel person that was supposed to protect her from Cody.
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Zexion saw some rapid movement through his peripheral vision and heard a thumping noise, which of course disturbed his reading. Taking his nose out of the book, he turned his head, looking down to find a young girl suddenly stepping out of a bunch on bushes, brushing off any leaves and twigs off of her hair. Did she just jump out the window? He thought. Hmm... Intriguing. He did not want to pay much attention to the girl, considering he didn't know her at all. But it was still rude to ignore someone when one was so close and seemed to have been a hurt... and of course when one jumps out the window as well, because that only happens almost all the time.
    "Did you just jump out the window of the Teacher's Lounge?" He simply asked the girl. "Are you hurt?"
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