KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ......oh wait.....I should've offered her a cereal bar.......ah well.....i'll ask her later......

    With that, Angel kept waiting bored out of her mind to randomly offer a cereal bar to anyone she saw.
  2. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Rei put an arm up as Axel splashed a small amount of water at her. Now crossing her arms, she walked toward him through the water. "Hmm, have it your way." Taking a few steps into deeper water, she smiled back almost menacingly. "How's the water gonna be for a fire element, hm?" Letting her legs come up as she floated in chest-deep water, Rei sighed, pulling back her hair as it dripped on her shoulders.
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel still sat waiting. She thought carefully of something to do.....anything....homework....or something.....but there was nothing. She finished all of her homework before. Ugh.....that's it.....I'll just play video games.......where's my DS?......
  4. "Cool as crystal," Axel replied back to her with deep and loq, his eyes narrowing, taking his feet off the ground and floating in the water, before beginning to swim over to her. Yet, he then dove deep under as he passed her with a small, sarcastic smile, disappearing from her sight as he felt his body drown itself in the liquid. Using his sense of direction, because he didn't want to get the salt water in his eyes, he followed instinct as he swam, only to feel a slight touch, and without even half a second, he grabbed her feet from the bottom, and pulled her in like a shark grasping unto its prey. Abandoning her when he got her body pressed to the point where she almost touched the ocean floor, he jetted right back up to the surface, letting out a breath as his hands combed back his hair and rubbed his face.

    His green orbs revealing themselves slowly, he waited, pondering over if she was going to do that other trick where they pretend they're drowning or something, because that won't work on him. Axel could already feel his hair poof up dry in its splendored spikiness, though he was used to it by now after 17 years of being born with it.
  5. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Rei felt his hands grasp her ankles and took a deep breath, bracing herself as she becme totally submerged in water. Knowing that salt water was a bit murky, she knew she could get him back. Using aura beneath her closed lids, she easily found him and slowly began to swim towards him.

    Stopping a couple feet from behind him, she rose an arm above water quietly and sent a sharp wind strike at his back. Then, she quickly swam up to him and pulled him backwards into the water. Going up to the surface for a breather, Rei went back underwater to meet Axel.
  6. "Hey!" Axel yelped when he felt some hard wind hit his back, even making him almost go forward, before it clicked in his head who was that from. Before he could prepare and swim away, he felt hands grabbing unto him in a forceful tug, and he closed his eyes and held his breath as his face and head was back into the water, covered completely by it as he sunked down. He felt Reixa swim away for a moment, not following as he was busy processing what just happened. But he soon felt someone near him...reaching him, and when he could sense it in front of him, he snatched his hand forward to grab her without hesitation, catching her arm.

    Smiling to himself, he floated her over quickly to him, her back pressing unto his chest as their skin made contact, and wrapped his arms around her waist, before beginning to tickle her stomach endlessly, without any mercy.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud shut his eyes for a moment and thought about it,then soon reopened them and glanced at Aerith."Nothing for sleeping..just an extra pair of jeans and a white I told you,I didnt plan to actually stay here''he told them,he would have thrown in that he didnt plan on seeing Aerith,but knew better than to say something like that to the group.

    OOC:..Do I make a good Cloud?..he's so difficult to do since he changed at the end of AC =( I try to balance his ''keep-to-himself'' attitude and his ''caring'' attitude.
  8. OOC: Yeah, you do make a good one xP. You've been doing a good job as far as I'm concerned, as well as fitting his personality into this RP.

    "Well, that doesn't matter. We could deal with the clothes later. Fact is, you can go swimming with us, is a perfect way for us to spend the time together," Tifa gushed as they were now walking back into the school yard, happy that she'll be seeing Cloud with only swimming trunks on later, and the rest of his skin wide open for everyone to see. Of course, there was also the factor of spending time with him, yet...her attraction for him called and waited for that time, despite herself. Tifa barely could believe this was still happening. Cloud staying....they had to call back home and inform though, in case they worried that something may have happened to him.

    "Hope you're already. After all, you'll be dealing with three girls in bathing suits," Aerith joked teasingly, staring over at him, adding her two cents as they were once more, heading to the garden. She was kind of nervous about showing off her body though, she probably couldn't compete with Tifa, considering the chest size. She might as well just wear a one piece...
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    I completely agree. You do make a good Cloud. Stop being so hard on yourself.

    BIC- After an hour of playing Pole Position on the Gameboy section, and testing her brain on Big Brain Academy, she decided to just walk back to her room and find some other games.
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Fire find an excuse to go to the pool,you've been lonely enough.

    Cloud blushed at the thought of Tifa,Aerith,and Yuffie in a pool with him,and he had to take a deep breath to snap out of a little fantasy he was having.(Rated-R :P).Cloud grinned and looked over all three of the girls."I dont know who I want to see in a bathing suit more..''he said,though he put it as a joke.He didnt want them to think he was some kind of pervert,but a man was a man.
  11. Probably Tifa, Aerith thought again to herself sadly, wondering why he was even thinking about it, considering Tifa had many packages compared to them, not that Yuffie mattered in this situation, hopefully. That would be odd for Cloud to think Yuffie in that way, she always saw them as having some brother and sister relationship, though it wouldn't truly matter. As they reached the tree that they were sitting on earlier, grabbing her bag of food, she messily placed the white cloth she had on the ground, before sitting down on it. They will eat, and then go their separate ways to get their bathing suits. Watching as everyone else got comfortable, she looked down at her chest slightly as they were busy, in question. They were fine, in the high Cs, perky and...well rounded, but it still wouldn't compare to Tifa's really. Cloud, being a guy, would obviously stare at the most...though provoking girl. It really seemed like she shouldn't really compete at all.

    She sighed sadly, the realization coming to her more than before, her eyes lowering, taking out the butter roll from her bag.

    "Well, it would depend on who you'll be staring at more, wouldn't it?" Tifa questioned him teasingly, laying her back on the tree trunk as they reached their former place of hang out, and remembering her Twix, she almost jumped, the conversation of pools and Cloud in his swimming trunks making her forget her snack. Taking another bite of the chocolate, finishing one stick, she stared at the blond male, tilting her head to the side. Tifa was kind of nervous and anxious about showing off her body in front of him, but she knew she had nothing to be ashamed of...but still, what would he think? And all she had were bikinis. Would that be too much? "As for me, I will wearing my black that too frisky?"
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud had instinctively sat down next to Aerith,and he could see from the corner of his eye that she was checking her chest,and Cloud knew why.As he made his way to whisper in her ear,Tifa suddenly threw a question at him,a Black Bikini?


    "I think it'll be fine...if we're the only ones there today no one can stare at you,and if they are..''Cloud cracked his knuckles jokingly,not about to start a fight on school grounds.Turning his attention back to Aeirth,Cloud bent down close to her ear and began whispering."Dont worry about those,breasts arent everything..especially to me.''he finished softly,not wanting Aerith to think he was some sex-starved maniac.
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 guys are at the pool?.......-_-......I knew I should've read those posts....ah well.....I'm sorry.......fine....I'll go to the pool.

    BIC- Angel decided to give up playing anymore of the DS. Argh....... Then something occured to her. .......don't they have a pool around here?.....hmm....but I don't want to go swimming.......besides......the chlorine turns my hair brown.......but......maybe there's people there......this place is a ghost town....... She decided to try and find a map of the school. She eventually did and memorized the route to the pool. After about 10 minutes of walking Angel found the pool.

    OOC- Not kidding.....some of hair turned brown after being in the pool for so long...(swim team....ugh...) Especially my little brother's looks reddish brown....
  14. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Are they still underwater(Rei and Axel)? I'm brain dead :o
  15. OOC: Yeah, they are still underwater ^O^. And Fire, they're not in the pool just yet, though stay there, we're coming xP.

    Aerith had blushed profusely when Cloud went close to her while she was eating and drinking her bought food, and then whispered in her ear, his hot breath touching her skin, but what he actually said made her whole face burn like no tomorrow, completely embarrassed. He caught her. He went and saw her looking at her chest....what girl would ever want the boy she liked to catch her studying her breasts? Stuttering a little as her emerald eyes focused on the butter roll, she made a excuse of, "T-that's nice, Cloud...though I was just really looking at it because I thought I felt something crawling, is all..." Bad reason, but still, it made her feel less...redhanded. Despite all that though, she felt a little better at his words...knowing that he wouldn't only focus on who was biggest, though she wasn't sure if he was just trying to ease her up a little. Thinking that he wouldn't fall for the excuse, making a move, she headed and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, whispering a thank you.

    Tifa nodded at his answer, and really decided then to wear her black bikini for him, and as she continued to eat her Twix, she watched as Cloud said something to Aertih's ear. The reply she gave him back, which she could hear, confused her mind a little as to what she was looking at or felt something crawling, but what happened next almost made her choke on the piece of chocolate she had on her mouth. Tifa's eyes widened as she focused on the spectacle, not predicting Aerith to be so bold that way....and she felt a slight tint of jealousy heating in her chest, until she remembered how she had hogged Cloud for all the time he's been here. But still...she didn't give him any kiss.
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud turned red all over,not expecting Aerith to be so bold.He nodded his head at her thanks and heard a small disturbance from tifa.Knowing how she must have reacted,Cloud pulled back and cleared his throat."..Are we all ready?''he asked,looking over at Tifa especially.
  17. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Rei immediately felt the tickling sensation course through her body, making it twist and churn. Her mouth opened, sending up air bubbles to the surface. Controlling herself enough to kick off the sea floor, the two began to jet upward.

    Feeling her face hit the cool air, Rei took a deep breath and tried to wriggle free. Laughing uncontrollably, she only managed to turn her body around in his arms. "H-hey! Sto-stop it!" She put a hand on Axel's chest to keep herself stable, then reached with the other down to his tickling fingers.
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    BIC- Angel went down to the pool and was disappointed. There was no one there. ":(......maybe people will come......"
  19. "Not until you say that I'm the best and can beat you in anything that you can challenge me in. Oh, and say mercy, give up to me" Axel teased, not stopping on tickling her as she kept squirming and laughing. Even she turned around his grip didn't loosen, and when she felt one hand going down to his fingers, he simply moved it another way, doubling the tickling even more for trying to stop it. He laughed a little as well at her movements, unaware of how close they were. "Come on, Spicy, dear. Just say it."

    "I'll just finish this," Aerith added sheepishly to Cloud's question, gazing down at the ground after what she did, not really knowing what made her do that, though surprised that he blushed. Tifa was probably a little upset now because of it, though. She didn't know why, but...something told her to do it, and it wasn't that bad, really. Friends give each other kisses on the cheek, do they not? Biting down and chewing at her butter roll, almost done with it as she was going quickly, she let Cloud and Tifa talk, somehow making up for it.

    "Let Aerith finish her food, and then we can head out," Tifa agreed, staring at the girl who was avoiding her eyes, though she didn't exactly need to. Still, it was better this way for now, she still felt that burn inside her, and she might do something to Cloud to make her and Aerith even on that department. Thinking about something, she placed her mind and concentration back on the blond male, now saying, "Since you have no dorm, uh, you will need to change in either the boys bathroom, or in one of our places. You have to pass by my room though, so I can give you the swimming trunks...and then..where we'll we met after we change?"

    For the last one, she stared at everyone around.
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud felt a little...well,he just felt a little awkward now.Here we're both girls that had strong feelings for him,and he didnt want to just leave off with one and abandon the other.Looking around for a moment to find Yuffie,who was actually being pretty quiet and staring up into the sky,Cloud decided to ask a favor of her."Yuffie..if I go with Tifa,can you keep Aerith company?''he asked

    Yuffie snapped out of her daydreaming and peered down at the blond,who had asked a simple favor of her."Sure...!?''Yuffie looked at Tifa,then back at Cloud."You've got 5 minutes..and I mean it Cloud,you may not be one to do anything..but your still a man''she said,as if standing up for Aerith.

    Cloud nodded,hiding his surprised look from Yuffie's eyes.All he had to do now was make sure Aerith agreed.and all eyes were on her now.
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