KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Im such a noob compared to you guys >.<.....
  2. OOC: You're not, don't try to live up to anything, Tula, you're a good writer as it is. Trust me, we weren't that good from the very first time, I still cringe when I look back.

    Axel had surely been satisfied with the show, all they needed was a pole, stripping music, and one of many guys' fantasies would come true for him. Knowing he wasn't that hormonal....uh, at least not anymore after last year, he was fine with what he saw. To be honest, it almost turned him on when he should know better, just seeing the cloth slip off her soft skin, revealing more of herself with each discarded fabric, the outline and curves of her body as it glistened in the evening sun, her ebony hair blowing around her back and face, the revealing bikini just covering the most private assets of a girl, leaving him enough to wonder, especially on her imagine when she actually got wet in the salty water. He barely listened when she began speaking to him, and only snapped out of his daze when she mentioned drool or something, and about him letting her have her turn. Still absentminded, he spoke blankly in a childish tone, "...I wasn't drooling..."

    He didn't sound very convincing though, he knew, so as his brain started to process properly, he blinked, before smirking slickly. The attraction he had been having for her was hitting off the charts at the moment, and really, what else do you expect from that when you thought of a girl that way? Not be enticed when she was wearing a very sexy bikini in front you? Pfft. To the axesual prudes, perhaps. As he took his shoes off long ago, he without a problem took off the remained under shirt he had on, aware that it wasn't anything she hasn't seen before. Throwing it on the ground, he then, not in any hurry, and in fact, took it slow on purpose, undid his belt, and took down his zipper, before taking off his pants, leaving him only with his black trunks. Seeing as they were both in their attire, he simple raised a suggestive eyebrow at her. "Now that we're both sexed up, do we go in the water, or do I have to throw you in, Spicy?"

    A devious glint flashed through his green eyes. However, inside, he felt a sense of guilt clenched him in his stomach for some reason, thinking about Larxene...was he suppose to be enjoying himself this way?
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Tularim......if you're a noob....I'm a super noob compared to all three of you....but I guess I'll try and be more descriptive in my posts for you guys....keyword: try.....

    BIC- Angel walked into the store and started browsing through the items. She wasn't quitre sure what she wanted. I guess I'm kind of hungry......and a little thristy...... With that, she went to the snack foods section. She saw some cereal bars and decdided that would do. for a drink..... She kept browsing around a bit paranoid that all these people were staring at her. What? I'm wearing a blue jacket and some jeans. Big deal..... She was also aware of a certain guy following her. Knowing that she quickly went up front to the cashier, guy still following, and paid for the cereal bars. Then she left, and this time, he wasn't following anymore. Through the walk back to campus she was on high alert for anything.
  4. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Haha, reading your post was fun Twilight. And you guys should really consider looking at the early pages of Rivals. It gives me nightmares to see my old writings. D:

    Shrugging her shoulders playfully, Rei simply began walking forward in a small strut. Turning back around to face Axel, the strings on her bikini top whipped around with the wind as she gave a notion for him to follow her. "Let's just see if you can beat me there. I'm not so tired anymore." Walking backwards now, she began a slow jog towards the waves.
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ?.....I thought those posts were the same as now.

    BIC- Angel walked back to the campus and as soon as she was in her room she opened the box of cereal bars and ate one. It tasted really good and she soon ate another. Then she just decided to walk around the school againi with the box of cereal bars.
  6. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Well, I guess my style of writing hasn't changed much. But the length of my posts, details in physical and emotional states, and vocabulary have really improved. : D I think everybody here is a great writer, and that's why our threads thrive. I bet they won't die for a long time.
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ......>_>.....oh I'm sure they might.....due to.....few people posting.......for a day or two.......and....I suppose I'm trying to do*sigh*.....T_T.....I hate writing......

    BIC- Angel walked through the hallways with her usual Angel-face. Like so: T_T. She was holding the box of cereal bars by her side. They were cinnamon flavored and she would randomly give one to anyone if they came up to her or if she saw them.
  8. "Okay, now you're just teasing me," Axel accused with a sly smirk, trying to get his eyes away from her back as she did her little walk, swaying her hips back and forth, or for her to turn around, and show her full, curvy body figure, her chest and bottom just right the amount to admire. Checking her up and down, he obviously failed on the not looking card. As the wind blew through both of them, hearing her and watching her begin to jog, he simply followed the same example, except not backwards, reaching beside her. "You will not give up until you lose, will you?" He raised a eyebrow at her, just wanting them to be in the water already. But as that thought went through his head, he then realized something. "And I just noticed...did we bring towels?"

    A guy's swimming trunks dried, and they didn't exactly need towels, but for her?
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    BIC- Angel went back to the cafeteria and sat down at a table. She put the box in front of her and read the nutritional information.
  10. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// I do that when I'm bored! xP My friends are always like "What're you doing?" I haven't been eating lately though, don't know why. Loss of appetite. D:

    Kasha looked up to see Angel coming back. She didn't say anything and just looked away silently. She silently went to her dog form and started to trot away, her tail relaxed and head half head up. Her paws silently hit the floor as she walked away.
  11. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Rei turned herself around, smirking at his sly remark. "That's one way to put it." Jogging beside him, she contemplated his question. "Hmm... nope. Don't think so. I guess that means I'll have to walk around in the sun for a while afterwards." Giving Axel a wink, Rei began to pick up speed. "And what's wrong with some healthy teasing?" Feeling the soft, textured sand under her feet, she broke into an all-out run towards the roaring water.
  12. He was about to respond back quickly enough, until he saw her jet off ahead of him, starting the unfinished race once more, though this time, the destination was the water. By instinct and natural reflex, the moment she moved, his feet followed her example, running fast enough to reach her in a couple of seconds, though it was mostly to give his reply, as he jogged beside her. Taking a breath, he questioned with a devious smile, "Is that so? Should I expect to get more 'healthy teasing' from you? I mean, you do know who I'm with...well, used to be anyway, I don't know now..." He didn't mean to mention Larxene there, and it was too late to stop himself as it came out of his mouth. It wasn't on purpose, and honestly, he wanted to just forget all that happened last night...the fear and hurt will come back, and this was suppose to be a relaxing time, wasn't it? No depresisng thoughts. Trying to somehow take it back and make her forget the words were mentioned, he simply went on in mad speed away from her, glancing at her over his shoulder with a wild grin, exclaiming, "Try to beat if you can."

    By this point, he was just several feets away from winning, and he was getting ever closer...
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud's attention immediately went to Aerith,and he imagined her in a nice bathing suit,and them just having fun together."..Maybe we can go swimming later..though I didnt intend to swim..or stay here,I need some clothes...''he said silently,all thoughts of he,Aerith,Tifa,and Yuffie having fun flew out the window.
    "Leave it to me then,I can find you some swimming trunks,and some clothes too!"Yuffie said,not wanting their day to be ending due to some small issue.she might have to be a little sneaky and mischevious,but hey,what else could a ninja be?
    "..Do you have munny?''Cloud asked questionably,fearing the worst out of Yuffie.She could charm any man,and she was deadly when she was seductive.He'd pray for the poor suckers who fell into that trap.
    "..Maybe..''Yuffie said silently,knowing that Cloud was catching on.
  14. "That's a perfect thing to do! And considering is a nice warm day, it adds to the idea, doesn't it?" Aerith agreed, her emerald eyes glancing around the streets and feeling the warm, evening sun. It was getting quite late, though the pool was inside the school, so that was a moot point. She did have a bikini, along with a one piece, but she didn't know whether to put it on or not if they did go take a dip in the water. Listening to Yuffie's and Cloud's conversation, however, her eyes and focus turned to them, though a bit suspiciously when looking at the short girl, "You have enough munny, really?"

    "I would've pitched in, but you know, I have nothing," Tifa sighed in a bitter manner, taking another bite out of her Twix, eating it slowly so the chocolate bar could last longer. She had a few bathing suits to wear depending whether they go to the school pool, though she had to pick which one carefully. She had a feeling of déjà vu about being in the there...with Cloud, but she couldn't think from where, precisely, as Cloud was just visiting them now. Letting the confusing though drift away, she decided to hear the discussion that was going on now, also gazing at Yuffie interestingly.
  15. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Rei found herself a little dumbfounded as Axel mumbled about Larxene, especially the doubt in his voice. Normally she would have been happy to hear this, but his tone semed so empty. Even as he ran on the thought lingered in her mind.

    Shaking it off, for now, Rei picked up speed with competition pulsing through her veins. Beat him if she can? He shouldn't have. Running much faster now, she zipped past him with ease, the water splashing in every direction from the high-velocity wind. Looking over her shoulder now, she splashed in his direction and laughed in her triumph.
  16. "Don't get so happy, I'm the winner here, actually," Axel stated with a high, self-worthy tone that was akin to those stuck-up rich boys, a gleeful smile appearing. Chuckling at the splash, he then pointed down at the ground, his feet drenched in ankle deep water as the waves tide flowed up and down, as if proving something. After that, he swaggered more into the warm salt water of the sea, walking, moving forward with a air of victory as he didn't halt until he was in waist deep. Putting his green eyes back on her, he crossed his arms, beginning to explain. "By the time you ran ahead of me, I already touched the water, and you kept going, so I guess you didn't see me stop. Plainly put, my friend: you lose. Don't believe me, fine, but at least I'm the one that knows I got one over you, which is a triumph in itself. " With that, he splashed back in return, though this time, it was more of a handful of the liguid than she threw at him, the cockiness leaving, and his flawless face just left with a playful smile.

    She didn't seem to be visibly upset or concerned about his mention of Larxene, thankfully. Now, to place her back in the corner of his mind. For now, anyway.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Yes,why are you guy looking at me like that?''Yuffie asked,getting a little warm at her friend's stares of suspicion."..And your tone..dont you trust me?''she asked,giving everyone a cute pout.

    "..I trust you with my life Yuffie,but you've been known to steal in the past..or use that charm to get some poor suckers money..''Cloud said,sounding as polite as possible since Yuffie could be sensitive about her methods.

    "Hey!that was back when I didnt know you guys!"Yuffie stated,a little frustrated with Cloud's overview of herself.Sure she stole valuables in the past,but that was in the past.And she didnt exactly steal as much as she used to."Beside's those old perverts deserved to have their stuff taken,the way that they looked at me was disgraceful..''

    Cloud scratched his cheek lightly."..If you can get Munny without stealing it,then we can go..''he said silently,still not convinced with Yuffie's excuse,but he'd have to trust her for now.If she wasnt his friend then he'd deny her help completely.
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Real nice Kitten.

    BIC- Angel noticed that Kasha had morphed back into a dog and walked out. Whatever pal......
  19. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Yeah, I know. My friend smacked me across today and was like "Don't do that, Spit!"(don't ask my brother also had that nickname also. I prefer Bambi over that name though) and I re-acted like, "That's not helping!" I still haven't had anything though. I haven't slept well either. I think its just stress from some girl thats being a real b1tch to me and trying to take whatever I've got.


    Kasha headed out the doors of the school after looking around for a little bit. She headed down a street still in her dog form. Every once and a while she'd chase birds that were sitting on the sidewalk. Sure, she felt it was an evil deed. But it wasted time.
  20. "Getting munny without stealing it, will turn out just like me, without nothing, unless Yuffie gets a job. Maybe we should just let her, she's a expert, and well...I don't know. But I don't how else I can..." Tifa trailed off there, her eyes widening in realization all of a sudden, and she snapped her fingers in triumph. "I can't believe I forgot! I have swimming trunks. Not that I wear them, but it was to belong to Axel, and he didn't like it after a old girlfriend bought it for him. It seems he doesn't like anything that isn't red and black, or dark green. Instead of throwing it away, I told him this could work for orphans, and the salvation army, and people who need it. I still have it though...yet you can use that. As for the clothes, we can work that out later...I'm sure you at least brought extra for emergency for the road, right? Or is it surely truth that you don't have any clothes on you?"

    She looked at Cloud in question.

    Aerith seemed unsure as well, but Cloud had laid out that Yuffie had to find a way without stealing. It kind of soothed her to know that the girl won't be heading back to those dangerous, old ways. While they might be "perverts" and all, Yuffie didn't exactly know them or what they possess, for all she knew, they might get up and attack, or they might be smarter and more sharper than expected. Then again, she was a ninja. Still, it put her really out there. As she heard Tifa's suggestion absentmindedly, her eyes lit up, now a bit happy that they might actually get to go to the pool due to a struck of luck. There's no way Cloud could refuse now that the chance presented itself.
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