KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Wo0t! Welcome, dude!
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Now starting to lose oxygen,Cloud took hold of Tifa's wrists and put them down,far away from his neck.He was laughing and gasping at the same time,he had not laughed that hard in a long time."Ok..we've got each other..''he said.

    Yuffie nodded to Aerith,but was wondering if telling her was a good idea.

    OOC: sorry I've taken so long,writers bock^^
  3. "Good then, now I know what to do when the occasion calls for it," Tifa teased, waving her hands in the air as she had stopped tickling him, though also as a threat. It was one of those things, that if you pressure Cloud too much, he'll turn into a bad mood, especially when he had enough. That worked for tickling as well. Snapping a finger, she turned back to picking out her chocolate bars, and got a Twix in the end, waving it to the blond as she took a glance at him. "Come on, I can see Aerith is about to pay, picking out junk food shouldn't take long...or you don't want any?"

    "Guys, hurry up! I want to pay it all together. You too, Yuffie," Aerith exclaimed to them all, sending Cloud and Tifa a quick look before giving the short haired female ninja a stern expression that symbolized, "no ifs, ands, or buts". She didn't want the girl to feel left out, and she wasn't if she walked with them side by side, or in front. Nevertheless, she was still curious about her comment on that Cloud does, made her curious and more interested than she would have, but she didn't want to hassle Yuffie for it either. Sighing, she told the man to wait for her friend to get her things after she got the cost, as there were no more customers, it wasn't a problem for now.
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud laughed along with Tifa,but it was just to hide his nervousness since she now knew his ticklish spot.He was about to respond about it until Aerith's call pulled him waway from Tifa,he grasped his 3 Musketeer and gave a quick nod to Aerith before she turned around,turning his attenion back to Tifa,he grinned."Fun's over..let's go pay..''he said softly,turning his heel and walking over to stand beside Aerith.His eyes trailed over to Yuffie to find she was looking very lonely and unneeded here,he'd have to talk to her later.Cloud put his 3 Musketeer on the counter and put his hand in his back pocket to pay.
  5. Tifa followed Cloud to the counter as well, Twix in hand, and placed it on the surface for it to be paid. She had a quirk in her step, having been spending that tickle semi-fight with Cloud, it was quite...she didn't know what, but it made her warm with just the thought of it. Tifa went to give one last pleading look at Aerith, motioning to the items, asking her if she could help pay, but as predicted, the brown haired girl shook her head seriosuly, and she sighed. Hopefully, the package didn't look too expensive, like 10 munny or so...

    "Anybody want any drinks?" Aerith offered, heading over to the cooler, and grabbing a fruit punch can before she got to pay. Closing the lid, she made her way over, only stopping to stand by Yuffie, as she gestured for the rest to get something if they wanted, while also nudging the black haired girl in the ribs softly. She stared at her, frowning softly, because she was really concerned, before whispering, "Yuffie, come on, get something, don't be like that. If you're aching for some chips, or bar, or candy, be free belong with us. Is either that, or I'll buy something for you"
  6. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    "Yeah i'm fine" He told her as he greatfully grabbed unto her hand and and stood up.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...Fine..''Yuffie muttered miserably,getting tired of Aerith's concern,but at the same time,enjoyed how much she cared about her.She turned around awkwardly and began walking down an aisle with nothing but sugar-goods,such as wraped Donut's..that was tasty..and even Hostess Cupcakes,that was always a treat!She smiled a little to try and convince Aerith that she was feeling better,but she was still in deep thought about what she thought about her.Aerith had tried convincing her that she was needed with the other two,but she could not see it.

    Cloud shook his head at Aerith's question,and when she turned her attention to Yuffie,Cloud turned his attention back to the employee of the establishment.He silently took out two Munny and payed for his Candy Bar,but was keeping an eye on Aerith and Yuffie at the same time.
  8. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "What'd you do to end up on the floor...?" She asked and smirked.
  9. Tifa also shook her head no, because even drinks would add to her full stomach and make her feel like she was blowing up. A chocolate bar was all she needed. Turning to glance at Cloud, she watched as she caught him secretly paying for his own bar, and she frowned at him. It wasn't fair, if she had munny, she could do the same...such was the life of being dead broke. Letting out a breath, when she turned to see Yuffie, it was then she started to notice her sudden sadness, and obviously, something was bothering her. Since Aerith was already worried, she didn't want to give more baggage to the short haired girl by adding more concern, but...she couldn't help it. What was wrong?

    Aerith just nodded her head to Yuffie's smile, a bit sad about this, but at least she was kind of excited to get her favorite sweet craze, maybe she'll become more happier with all the sugar in her body after. Chuckling a little to herself at that, knowing how hyper Yuffie can be, she motioned for her to place her treats on the counter with the rest. Once she did, Aerith took her munny out as the man were placing hers and Yuffie's items in a brown bag, since they had the most, while Cloud and Tifa simply had candy bars. Asking how much was it, unknowing that Cloud had paid for his, and the man reduced two munny out of it, she paid him the exact amount of 15 munny, and grabbed her bag, and Yuffie's. Looking at everyone with a smile as she gave the ninja her junk food, she shrugged her shoulders. "Well, it wasn't that expensive.."
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    After being over in the sweet section alone,Yuffie decided that she'd do her best for her friends and cheer up,what would they do without her anyway?

    She glady took her Hostess cupcake from the counter and eyed it hungrily,then looked back to the other's with cheerfulness."Come,let's go so we can eat our sweets!"she urged them,a tiny bit of drool appearing out the corner of her mouth.

    Cloud was a bit relieved that Yuffie was feeling better,since her mood could kill their fun,but he meant that in a good way.He even smiled slightly at her eagerness to leave and eat her chocolate cupcake."Ok,we can go..''he told her,letting her run out of the store and squeel in delight.Sweet's were truly the key to a girls heart,or at least happiness.
  11. Aerith grinned as Yuffie went out the store, cheerful at the fact that she was going to stuff herself with Hostess cupcakes and donuts. Needless to say, she for one, was glad that the girl got her old step back, and perhaps won't feel letf out anymore. She'll make sure she's a part of their conversations and will make sure not to ignore her for long. Thinking on Cloud and Tifa, and her and Yuffie's discussion from before, what she told her came back, as well as her own reasons as to why Cloud might not really pick her, if he was going to pick any. She was still interested on what Yuffie was going to say...sighing inwardly for a moment, she followed Yuffie out the door, leaving those two alone, only telling them pleasantly to not last long.

    It seems she was too late to be concerned, as Yuffie simply turned on her happy mood, and left with her bag of sweet goods...yet Tifa hoped it wasn't simply just a act. As she watched the girl fly out the exit, she smiled to herself, seeing Aerith trail after her right away. Now, she's not the most perceptive of the group, and sometimes she might miss things, but even in the air, she could feel something wrong with the brunette. Other than the fact that she seemed to be givne them their space, which was odd, though quite self-less of her, it somehow went more deeper, at least, she thought so. Blinking as she gazed at the spot where Aerith was for a second, she simply shook her head, and waved at Cloud to let's go, beginning to walk foward. "Come on, we don't want to keep them waiting or anything..."
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Yuffie was slowly walking back to school,giving the other's time to catch up with her.Sweet's worked wonder's,and Yuffie was already eating her second cupcake!She savored the sweet chocolatey goodness that was in her entire mouth and let out a moan of delight.She stopped and turned around to find Aerith coming out of the store and tapped her foot to wait for the other's."Your too slow!"she complained.smiling at her companion

    Cloud nodded,following Tifa silently and already beginning to unwrap his candy bar eagerly.Yuffie's sudden cheerfulness brought him away from worry and right into joy,and he fel like this was back in the good old days again.Carefully,he unwrapped the top half of the 3 musketeer and took a large bite from it,enjoying the chocolate-marshmallow delight run all across his mouth.He chewed and gulped it down,nothing like your favorite sweet to brighten up the day.
  13. kh_namine_kh Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 4, 2008
    can i be ollete please
  14. OOC: Think I'm getting a bit of writer's block here too xD. But onwards...

    Aerith giggled a little, feeling the Yuffie happy vibe inside her for some reason, as she tried to catch up with the said girl with a smile. She didn't stop until she was fully beside her, walking together, yet halting to see if Cloud and Tifa were coming, brown bag in her hand. It stil bothered her, more than she would ever admit, yet she let it go as she waved at them to hurry. Turning then to Yuffie after her emerald eyes studying the girl's face as she got stuffed with her cupcakes, she told her pleasantly, halfway jokingly, "Remind me to get you many sweets when you're feeling down. It works wonders."

    Seeing Cloud dig in his chocolate bar, she did the same, ripping off the wrapper, and giving a bite to one stick of the Twix, enjoying the chocolate, cookie, and caramel mixture oh so wonderfully. If it was up to her, she would've gotten two or three, but since this was Aerith's munny, she didn't want to be taking advantge by wasting so much for nothing. Seeing the brown haired girl waving at them to come over fast, smiling, she simply grabbed Cloud's elbow gently, making him move faster, though not pulling him so much. " Come on, we're a bit too far and slow."
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "You'd do that!?''Yuffie asked excitedly,rubbing away a bit of chocolate on her lips cutely."Then maybe I'll just be upset more often!"she exclaimed cheerfully.She wasnt serious at all and didnt want Aerith to waste her time and money on false emotions.Though earlier she was very upset.Eyeing Tifa grabbing Cloud's elbow and speeding up to them,she gave Tifa ''The Look'' as if she should ease up just a little,she wasnt the only one here who had feelings for Cloud.

    Cloud rolled his eyes playfully to Tifa,who was trying to speed him up to catch up with the rest of the gang."Is it my fault your the slowest thing on two feet?..''he asked,only joking with the girl.Truthfully he enjoyed the time alone with Tifa,but something in the back of his head told him that he had been alone with her before..very recently.
  16. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    "I was just standing against the door...and it kinda opened." He told as he ran his hand through his hair realizing how stupid he had been.
  17. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel hasd left the school grounds and went for a walk noticing oddly that a whole lot of guys seemed to be staring at her.

    What's wrong? Do I have something on my face? Am I that ugly?......what?....why are you staring?
  18. "Maybe you should. No, just kidding, though I'll probably give you sweets anyway..." Aerith laughed along in sweet melody, her giggles just as soft as her voice. She tried to ignore Cloud and Tifa behind her by not looking back anymore, and see what they were doing, as well as talking to Yuffie, which was fun to do. While it didn't stop the ache that was slowly washing over her body like a tremor, making her feel the need to be alone to her own device, she would be able to handle it better that way. Giving a big smile to Yuffie to show she was fine, she added, "I wish I could've gotten some, now I'm in the mood, and is too late..."

    "I am not. Acually, I could be more faster than you," Tifa replied jokingly in a overconfident manner, sticking her tongue out childishly as they reached the two girls, following right in the back of them. Smiling merrily to herself, she then caught Yuffie giving her a look, and she sent a "What" expression back, until she finally realized the message after a second. Oh...a guilty feeling now clenched in her stomach at what she was doing, her eyes slowly hatching unto Aerith's head, and she winced at herself, now knowing that she was hogging Cloud all to herself. But...euh, they were holding a conversation, and then he talked to her, and she just....

    She sighed, thinking of what to do, or maybe, a way to shift Cloud's attention to Aerith. "I was just thinking about the school pool, and you know, Aerith, I've been wondering how you would look like in a bathing suit, I mean, you wouldn't wear a bikini, right?..."

    Sue her. It was the best she could do.
  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    Angel kept walking and went into store to buy some food.
  20. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Biting her lip for a second, she shrugged and began to unbutton her jeans. Looking back at Axel, she smiled playfully as she pulled them down, bending each knee to pull her legs out of the soft denim. Folding them over her arm, she kicked off her shoes and fluffed out her hair, placing all of her clothes in the sand. Putting up her arms, she turned her head and spun around, showing off her bikini. Raising her eyebrows, she grinned again and put her hands on her hips. "Alright, Spike. You've had your fun. Wipe the drool off your face and let me have my turn."
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