KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha blew on Angel to see how she'd react, Kasha's breath smelt like a cherry cough drop, and Kasha only smiled trying to hold in her laughter.

    "You do realize that you shouldn't fall asleep in a school, right?" Kasha said quite loudly to try and wake Angel.
  2. sorarulz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    *glomps Link* HOLY FRENCH TOAST! ITS LINK!!
    (OT: Am I like invisible or something....??)

    Ember shrugged. She didn't seem to notice the girl who had sat next to the sleeping girl. She threw her empty chip bag in the trash and left. Now what? She asked herself. She walked out the front doors of the school, and headed down the street. She looked around, looking at all the diffrent stores and shops, finally stopping at Hot Topic. Hey its worth it... She went inside looking around in the jelwery section, them picking up a pair of watermelon earrings. These look cool.. She put them next to the register, and the cashier rang them up. Ember handed him ten dollars, and got back her change, and left. She put the earrings on and looked into a nearby store window.
    "Don't look half bad." she mumbled to herself, pushing her hair golden brown hair back. I wonder what Alex is doing at the moment?

    Alex sighed and picked up a black T-shirt. He placed it on the counter, and the cashier rang it up. Handing the her twenty dollars, Alex noticed he only had a dollar left. Well that's great. The cashier handing him his T-Shirt and change, and Alex left Hot Topic. He sighed and walked throught the streets, looking around at all the stores. He looked up ahead at a girl with golden brown hair. Ember? Earrings glistened through the hair. No, Ember doesn't wear earrings. The girl turned and continued. I really do wonder what she's doing now..
  3. Tifa just nodded to his comment silently, a bit overwhelmed at the fact that he was so close. A burn or a flutter of wanting passed its way through her when their skin made contact for a second, and she halted a shudder. She couldn't make it obvious...don't make it obvious. Getting a hold of herself, she smoothly grabbed a Twix in her hand as she tried to calm her uneven breathing, saying quickly, "Um, yeah...I guess, but I don't why she couldn't tell us. It must be something private, after all, there's no reason for her not to say specifically why she left like that...she just left her friends, us not knowing where she was or if she was alright. It surprised me to find her here...." She turned her head to glance at him for a moment. "You getting anything?"

    Frowning in confusion for the younger and usually happy girl, she gently and softly held on to Yuffie's arm before she could leave, not wanting her to go just yet. Not only because she was good company and a friend, not to mention she cared for her, so her actions were making her concerned, but because she was the only one who could break the ice. Aerith couldn't imagine her, Tifa, and Cloud alone, it would be awkward, she knew. Sighing, she simply said, "I can't force you to be here with us, though I want you to...if you could. But can you at least tell me what's bothering you? Because I'm getting a bit worried..."
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel tucked her nose into her arm.

    *sigh*......god freaking d*mn it......WHAT THE H*LL DO YOU WANT?! :yelling:

    Was she the one tapping me at first? sheesh.....
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "What?!" Kasha suddenly said looking at Angel. "Did I happen to annoy you?" She asked looking at Angel, but in a caring way. She wouldn't be surprised if she was backhanded across the face again. "Do you know that you backhand people in your sleep?" She said and shook her head. "I'm sounding like an idiot and jerk." She said to herself.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    T_T.........I was barely sleeping......

    Angel got up and left the table.

    Can't even get a moment of peace......

    She mumbled.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    To answer her question,Cloud raised his 3 Musketeer up and used the end to tickle her nose."Right here..''he said,smiling a little as his own antics.He couldnt help but continue ticking her nose with the wrapper and watch her twitch and giggle for a little while,but he'd know when to stop.

    Yuffie's eyes trailed over to Cloud and Tifa,who were enjoying themselves.Her eyes trailed back to Aerith."..You'll tell Cloud soon..wont you?..''she whispered,speaking of Aerith's true feelings for the blonde and why she ran off without a word.
  8. "Stop!" Tifa yelled playfully, laughing as she tried to back her head away from the wrapper, almost making her trip into the shelves where the candy bar bars were placed, though this just made her laugh more. Straightening herself up, she pouted at him, before wondering slightly if Cloud was in any way ticklish. Heck, had she even seen him laugh, other than when they were younger? Wanting to test him, she poked him in the stomach, making him jump a little, before fully attacking him with tickles, trying every spot where most are more ticklish. Of course, her guess was that he'll remain unaffected.

    Aerith just smiled at the girl weakly, her emerald eyes tracing to Cloud and Tifa with a focused half-lidded look, before staring back at Yuffie, not really knowing how that affected her. It was nothing new, however, they've always been like that, so she let them be. It was something to get used to, or rather, something she wanted to break away from, and she did, for awhile. But as she thought of Yuffie's question carefully for a moment, in the end, she shook her head sadly. "I don't think I will, I might not be what he's looking for so, to be better for me not to get in the way." She knew her own words were hurting her, as she felt her heart throb painfully, but she wanted to express her thoughts out to someone...just a little. Looking down, she continued softly, "Unless something tells me differently, I'll always keep it to just the consequence of unrequited love..."
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel stalked back to her room and laid down in bed for the 6th time.
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud was not expecting Tifa's retaliation.He didn indeedj ump when she poked him in the stomach,making him smile nervously."...What are you--''he smiled as Tifa tried finding his ticklish weak point.She tried the arms,the chest,the cheeks.But his real weak point was the neck,which she had not tried to find yet.As long as she didnt attempt to tickle it,he was fine.

    "...''Yuffie had a digusted look on her face."How can you say that Aerith?you've loved the guy for years,so has Tifa.You should tell him how you feel along with just might be the one for him..''she whispered intensly,not expecting Aerith to give up her chance of true happinness so easily.
  11. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked at Angel stalk off, "Dang, shouldn't of pissed her right off." She said to herself and placed her head on her arms. "Even so,I never act that way if I haven't slept in a long time..." She muttered. She soon started to feel tired and shook her head to try and wake up.
  12. Tifa pouted disappointedly when he wasn't laughing at all, and wondered what else can you touch where people are ticklish. She already did close to the arms, the stomach, there's no way the what was left? She thought back on when Axel had given her a tickle attack himself, where he got her good from the neck to the ears, to her stomach....that was it. The neck. People always tickle in the neck sometimes, that was a spot. Or ears. She'll try both. Tifa felt like smacking her head, how she could miss something as eay as that?

    Smiling at him slyly, though with a devious glint in her eyes, she stepped a bit more forward, and dragged her hand quickly close to his ear. He twitched, but nothing more, so she mercilessly went for his neck and began.

    Aerith shook her head sadly at Yuffie, trying to make it clearer to the girl, though "giving up" was close to it. "I'm not giving up, is just that I'm seeing that the chances are slim. Unless there's a day where I can see for myself that Cloud might have feelings for me, I can be sure enough to tell him...but for now...I don't want rejection." She sighed there, her hands clasping together tightly as she still stared at the ground. It was hard talking about it. "I will tell him, one time...even if he is with somebody else or something of the sort, just to get it off my chest, I'll let him know. For now I'll...wait for the right time."
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    She couldn't sleep.

  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud had seen it coming,and had no time to defend himself.He twitched at her touch around his neck and started laughing as she kept it coming.He knew she would find it eventually,but he didnt think it would be so soon."haha-st-stop haha!"he said,trying to keep breathing,but he was finding it harder than expected!

    Yuffie bit her lips,she looked over at Cloud and Tifa one more time before turning back to Aerith."..He..''she couldnt get the words out too well."..does..but,as you know..Tifa is involved in this three way relationship too..''She was always the one Cloud came to when it came to thoughts on both of the girls.
  15. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    O_O ok! *sigh* [​IMG] I've been eyeing this RP for a while... prctically since i've joined.. :sweatdrop: heh.. yea well... you know why I'm here.. ^_^ soooo... can i plz have
    and Kairi i guess..
    if its not too late to join that is.. =]
  16. OOC: Of course is not too late. You have them :P.

    Tifa laughed with him, only because it was contagious and she had never seen Cloud laugh so much, even in childhood. Keeping on tickling him, she didn't really stop at all until he said something about him actually giving in, or if he wanted her to halt her actions, all he had to do is say it. But she was having fun, she guessed, to her loved one. Yet, she was glad, as now she had found Cloud's tickle spot and could use it for her advantage in future endeavors.

    "What do you mean, 'he does'?" Aerith asked softly as her head perked up, somewhat getting what she meant, but wanting to make absolutely certain she heard right and that was what Yuffie meant. Needless to say she was quite startled, and it made her go into thought for a moment, before hearing the man saying her butter roll was ready, while at the same time listening to the the sounds of Cloud and Tifa's laughing. She turned to glance at the two for a moment, then focused on the man. Stepping up to the counter, she simple questioned, "How much is it?"
  17. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    thnak you! and i must ask for a moment while i sort of catch up on whats been happening. =3
  18. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kishami put her stuff into her bag and walked out of her dorm, heading down the hallway.
  19. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *A few minutes later Riku approached the door and tirerdley leaned against it and accidently caused it to open*
    "Crap" He yelled as he fell backwards causing him to land on his back
  20. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kishami walked around the corner and saw Riku on his back in the doorway. She giggled. "Are you okay...?" She asked and held out her hand to help him up.
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