KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...Im not that Hungry...''Yuffie told them with a sad face,why could she be like that? in a nice group of friends who could just chat and feel like she belongs..she felt like an outsider in this group."..I think I'll just go or something..''

    Meanwhile Cloud was battling his inner manhood,and was literally fighting Cloud jr. wishes.Oh how he just wanted to feel Tifa..every last inch of her.But Aerith!...oh,but she was too kind for it,it wouldnt be exciting,it'd be something you watch in soaps!..Tifa..Aerith..Sexy...innocent...why me,god?
  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Lyke Hai! What's happenin' so far?
  3. OOC: Nothing much, to be honest, you didn't miss anything.

    "Sure you are, Yuffie, you agreed to the idea, didn't you? Don't be modest..." Tifa told her, looking over at her concerned. Despite saying it was modesty just so she would'nt give out in the open that there was something wrong, from the look in her face, it simply wasn't. Though she couldn't fathom what could make her so sad all of a sudden. Tilting her head, she sent the girl a enthusiastic smile. "There's no reason not to go, we want you here..." Either way though, she sent a look to Aerith for help, knowing she was better at finding what was wrong with people.

    Aerith was surprised to hear Yuffie saying she should go, when she was a part of the reason she was eating, or have a eatig partner. She had caught Tifa's look as she listened, though she didn't make any indication that she caught it, except for letting go of Cloud as they got through the front entrance, now outside of the building. Aerith wrapped a arm around Yuffie's shoulders after, looking at the girl with a small, understanding smile. Hopefully, they didn't make her feel like...the fourth wheel. After all, they were paying a lot of attention to Cloud. Or maybe she remembered something sad? Studying the short black haired girl, she said softly and quietly, as to not let anyone hear, "Oh Yuffie, it will be lonely with me being the only one eating a handful of sandwiches. What's the matter? You know you can talk to me..."
  4. sorarulz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    *glomps Link* HOLY FRENCH TOAST! ITS LINK!!
    Ember looked around and notice that Alex had made some friends. She sighed and walked down the large, unfamilair hallway of this new, strange school. I don't like this one bit, she thought. She looked around, noticing no one, and continued to walk. She passed by a group of three girls and a boy, but didn't stop until she dropped her CD case, that fell out of her purse. Unfortunatly, the CD case was open and the CD went everwhere. Geez, why me? Ember asked herself, bending down and picking up her CD's. She looked down the hall. There where some all the way down there!
    "Why me?" she mumbled again, to herself.

    Alex walked away from his friends, still laughing and walked right past Ember, who was picking up her CD's. His gray eyes glittered happiness, as he walked toward his class. I wonder how Ember's doing? he asked himself. He sat down in a seat, way in the back, and toke out his handheld scrapbook him and Ember made. Man, I wish we had classes together. We won't even have lunch at the small time! Alex complained to himself, flipping through the book.
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud had finally snapped out of it when Aerith had released him to comfort Yuffie.Though he turned around for a moment and then faced back.Yuffie was great to be around with,and without her it would just be him and the other girls...who couldnt keep their hands off of him."..Yeah..and who's going to be the one who'll pull Tifa off of me without feeling guiltly?''he asked,noting that Tifa's contact with him was a little unwanted,after all,they were only friends.

    Yuffie's frowned lightened when Aerith's arm came around her warmly,and Cloud's joke just made her laugh out loud.".....Thanks guys..''she mumbled,starting to feel a little better,but this was a three way relationship,and she still couldnt see how she'd fit in it.The only time she really felt wanted in any group was the Hollow Bastion Restoration Commitee,or Radiant Garden for those who didnt know.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Well.....see you some other time...I guess....Leon......enjoy your day.
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Like totally awesome xD

    Kasha stood up and sat down on her bed and looked out at the window that stood ajar farther away towards the end of the room.
    "It's gonna be quite a year..." Kasha said lowly to herself, and sighed rubbing her eyes, she looked down on her bed blanket quietly. "I wonder if there will be someone I can get along with." She said again to herself, and put her back to her wall, she had paintings hanging up, mostly random abstract art she had drawn.
  8. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Rei just gave Axel a raised eyebrow as she shrugged, reaching down to grasp the bottom of her shirt. Pulling up teasingly, she lifted her shirt over her chest and above her head. She felt the string on her bikini top fall down gainst her bare back, the warm wind soothing her skin. Tossing it at Axel's face, she giggled as it lingered in his tall spiky hair. Wagging her finger, she rested her hand on her hips. "Alright now, let's see somethin' come off you. One by one, fair's fair, Spike." She started clapping her hands as she laughed, waiting earnestly. "Come on, let's see the merchandise! Chop, chop!"
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .......exactly how long has this date lasted?
  10. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: A looooooong time. :D *fangirl squeal*!!!!! Good for me, huh?
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    I don't know.......there was the one time where you were MIA for like......forever.....and....yeah...
  12. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://I wear a MIA bracelet. LT. Michael L. Bouchar US navy MIA 20/DEC/68 LAOS
    xD Thats what it says and its red. And I haven't taken it off for two-three years now...that is all...
  13. Axel just raised both his eyebrows, his arms crossed as he waited, and soon she found Rei getting off her shirt, and he does admit, he was definitely watching, especially as the soft light of the sun hit the body just right...and he could only imagine how will it look when wet. For some reason, he felt like he walked right into this situation, especially knowing how attracted he was to her....yeah, Axel, why not go to the beach where she would put a bikini? His eyes lingered on her chest for just a second anyway, though he frowned when he found her shirt draped over his spiky hair, and he gave her a dry stare. Throwing it off to the sandy ground as he listened to her, he mocked her by wagging his finger at her with a smirk. "Nuh uh, Spicy, you see, I think you saw enough of the 'merchandise' when you were doing your invading privacy spying, so...fair's fair, hmm?"

    His expression turned smug, but it waskind of odd...knowing that she actually saw more than she should've. However, he went to take off the top shirt he was wearing instead of his main one under, but that's as far as he was getting as he placed it on the sand. "That's the only thing I'm getting off. Now, where were we? Oh yeah, you were giving me a stripping show?"

    He grinned as he gestured with his hand for her to continue.

    Tifa just pouted as she let go off Cloud, just in case she was coming on too strong and he was truly meaning his joke. And to be truthful, she was getting a bit tired with the same position, so she stretched her arms ro relax her muscles, looking over at Yuffie, who had decided to stay. She guessed they were making her feel uncomfortable with their constanct attention to Cloud, and of course, that Aerith and her both loved him, so that kind of raised the tension. Despite that, she smiled at the girl happily, "No problem, Yuff, it will be kind of dull without you, to be honest."

    Aerith nodded in agreement, her arm still over the girl, but more softly, as she whispered to her ears only, "I understand why you may feel like not being here considering things between Tifa, Cloud, and me, but if you were gone....imagine what can happen? You're the only one who thinks of him as a friend here, and you are the one that provides the fun." Smiling at her, showing her she ws honest, she then looked over at the blond, now remembering something all of a sudden. "I forgot...we still haven't decided where Cloud should stay....I mean, while he could stay at our dorm rooms, they do get checked once in a while."
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "The only one who consider's me a friend?..''Cloud repeated,was it him,or was he more important than a friend to Tifa and Aerith?"About the rooms..maybe I can sleep under your bed,no one would think of looking there"Cloud joked.

    Yuffe nodded silently,but kept her mouth shut.
  15. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Once Kishami walked into the locker room, she went to her locker and took out her clothes. Then she went to the shower room and took a shower before she changed into her other clothes. I finally found a friend at this school... She thought and smiled as she put her swimsuit in her locker. And I thought I'd just be bored here!
  16. Aerith sighed, almost scared that he would've caught on, how in the world did he hear? She was practically by Yuffie's ear. It didn't matter, as long as he didn't question it, there was nothing to fret over. Sending a sharp stare at Tifa, whose eyes were practically panicking, she whispered to calm down when Cloud wasn't looking...and the girl did, probably now over the surprise of what he repeated. Trying to take the whole thing out of the way, she went to respond back, "That wouldn't do, they check under the bed as well. I'll think of something...the only way you can get a dorm is if you got to this school..."

    OOC: What happened to Cloud's room? xP By the way, I never really got it, but did he or he did not go to school?

    Tifa decided to remain silent, not wanting to give anything away, just in case, and simply paid attention to where they were going. The store was only a few steps away after they got out of the parking lot and into the sidewalk, so that was a good upcoming distraction.
  17. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *A few minutes later Riku walked into his room and placed his wet clothes into a platsic bag*
    "Hmmmm" He muttered as he yawned tiredley.
    "I better get some sleep soon" He thought to himself as he walked out into the hall.
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: S.O.L.D.I.E.R taught him xD

    "..Well im not staying here if that's the case..''Cloud said,glad he never experienced actual public school.
  19. Aerith frowned when she heard Cloud say he was leaving if that was the case, and she saw thatTifa had the same saddened expression on her face...just when they thought he was going to keep them company for half a year or so. However, it seemed that they were the ones trying to come up with ways for him to stay, and it appeared that they were the ones fighting for him to be here, when he probably didn't even truly want to. Were they being honestly that selfish? Sighing, she shook her head disappointedly, a sense of sadness filling her at the thought of Cloud going back and another year of not seeing him. "I guess it is against us...and we shouldn't force you to stay if you don't really want to..."

    "There's still my unused apartment..." Tifa tried meekly after hearing Aerith, feeling not as good as before, and now her thoughts were in awareness that Cloud might leave quickly after this. It wasn't something exciting or happy to be about, and it dampened her mood. Such a short visit...though Aerith did have a point, now that she thought about it. It was almost like they were forcing him to stay, making up ways of where he should sleep and other necessities. Did he even bring clothes? Cloud didn't look as upset as them either, so maybe he didn't really mind....

    Finding themselves stopping, she saw they got to the grocery store, she stated with a clap of her hands, "We're here..."
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..I had no idea how much you guys wanted to see me.''Cloud said,taking his first step inside the store

    OOC: sorry its short,g2g!
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