KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. OOC: Your teacher must have the patience of a saint then xP, because mine would've given me detention.

    Thinking that he said what he needed, he bade the blonde a good day, putting his thoughts of what would she be doing here to the corners of his mind as he went back to Kasha, and gave her a nod to walk away.

    Tifa sent her Aerith a thankful look that she helped her in the situation, though it was a bit rough since she truly loved Cloud, and truthfully wanted to tell him, but now wasn't the proper time. She didn't really know how long she could resist, and wondered in what way will she ever admit her feelings. Messing with her hands, she broke the bit of tension that befalled them, even outside, and asked quietly in a meek voice, "So, what exactly do you want to do? I never really got a response about eating..."

    "I'll probably like some junk food for now, just a sort of a snack," Aerith replied, thinking that the mood should be lightened after the topic and conversation. She listened to Yuffie as she softly said the truth hurts, and she smiled sadly in agreement. For some reason, in a fit of courage, she had wanted to grab Cloud and walk somewhere with him, just see how the time goes by, and tell him just how much her love for him truly ran deep...but it was impossbile. She was...nervous, what would he say?

    OOC: If you want, you can take a break, Tula...
  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Well, not really, she's a mom of two kids plus 21 7th graders. We're like really good friends surprisingly enough, and she is like one of the few people who actually understand my humor. xD I should've gotten detention quiet a few times because she also got locked out of the room on mistake and I heard her trying to unlock the door and turned around and she waved for me to open the door and I just waved back at her.

    Kasha nodded back, and walked away from Saïx, she headed down the stair case, and towards the school doors. She knew the small fight with Cody had cut her when he bit her because she still had pain shooting up her leg, she was actually quiet surprised he hadn't done worse to her.
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007

    .....what was I sad about anyway?.....ah well......I can worry about that later.....
  4. sorarulz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    *glomps Link* HOLY FRENCH TOAST! ITS LINK!!
    do you want me to edit my post? To meet Leon and Angel... or something?
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 you.....have any....special abilities?.....

    Angel asked Leon.
  6. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Dudes, I'm gonna be gone until Sunday I have to go to Texas with my dad for a business trip and so I can see my grandmother.

    Kasha headed towards her apartment. She didn't pay attention to her surroundings and really didn't care about what was around her. She led herself to a wooden door and unlocked it, walking inside, she headed up a flight of stars and entered her small apartment, it was small, only about three rooms, a kitchen as soon as you walked through the door that one the right side was a bedroom and on the left was the bathroom.

    Kasha headed to her room she had a dark green blanket tacked on the top of the ceiling that was hung around her bed in the corner. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a bandage and sat down on the floor pulling her pant leg up to her knee and looked at her ankle it was deeply cut with teeth marks. Kasha sighed, and washed it off with an anti-bacterial alcohol and wrapped her bandage around her ankle neatly.

  7. OOC: If you want to, yes >.<. Is better to edit and that way, get to talk to the characters.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    So he ruined the mood,that was obvious at the moment,but he couldnt tell the truth to each of them in the same group.Cloud looked looked at all 3 girls and stood up."Well,do you want to go get something then?''he asked,holding his hand out to help Aerith up.He hoped Tifa understood that it was Aerith who suggested it,so she was obviously a little hungry,and for some odd coincidence,both him and Tifa were pretty full.

    Yuffie stood up quickly at the sound of junk food,wanting to have a bit herself."Then let's go get some then!"she exclaimed happily,throwing her fists into the air.

    "Me?nothing special..I can make my Gunblade twice as long and much more powerful with Magic..and I can shoot a Fireball from the palm of my hand..''Leon said.
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Really?......well....I can control fire.....and light....but that's about can control the size of your gunblade?
  10. Aerith smiled to herself, and she happily took Cloud's offered hand, getting up swiftly and easily with his support. Not letting go though, as she wanted to keep it that way for as long as she could, she crouched down a little to get her white cloth, and as she picked it up, found many grass stains on the bottom of it. Thankfully, she thought ahead, and it would be embarassing if that happened when Cloud was here. Straightening up and throwing it over her shoulders daintily, she looked at everyone else, though her eyes were set on Cloud, "Thank you." She gave him a playful wink, before turning to Yuffie. "Guess is both of us then..."

    Tifa simply got up, watching their touch, but not minding it to be a worse thing than it was. Anyone can hold a hand, and there was no wrong in her opinion, the brown haired girl, she could see, will hold it just for a litle while. She might also do some things like what Aerith was doing if she had the chance, and she really wasn't a hypocrite, or wanted to become one, so it would be cruel for her to get her back for it. Besides, Aerith was her friend...whatever Cloud chose to do, she'll stand by her and be glad for them, as much as she'll be broken inside. Striding herself to the gang, she aimed her arm to outside, while her other elbow leaned on Cloud's shoulder casually. "Then let's go. I'll probably get some candy or chocolate too...I feel a need for something sweet now."
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    133 said Tifa wouldnt end up pregnant right!? <laughs nervously>

    Yuffie followed from behind,not minding being alone here.The plus side is that she could see all the action from back there.

    And once again Cloud was in the same position he was in before,Tifa and Aerith on his sides,and Yuffie behind him,and as for the sweets..''I'd like a three musketeer'''he said,taking small,dramatic pauses to let them know how serious he was,who couldnt love that candy bar!?It was chocolate obviously..but the inside..ooooh the inside,filled with fluffy marshmallow goodness and each bite,it made his mouth water just thinking about it!
  12. OOC: Don't worry xP, just messing around a little...>D

    "I like Twix..." Tifa added, smiling at Cloud's love of 3 Musketeers, and those chocolate bars were good admittingly, she tried them before, but her addiction was Twix, Milky Way, or Crunch, though she was mostly thinking of getting a lollipop...though she now remembered that she was flat out broke, and she groaned in her head at the realization, pouting. Great. No sweets, damn it. She definitely needed to find a job, this whole no munny at all thing was getting to get annoying, and she dislked asking other people. Sighing, she went to say, now taking notice that her throat was a bit dry, "Hmm, maybe I'm not getting anything...I lost the desire for it, now I'm thirsty...Gatorade..."

    Might as well keep pretending that she was going to get something.

    "You know Tifa, you sounding that way makes you look like your pregnant or something," Aerith joked with a small laugh, noting that she kept having different cravings. Of course, she wouldn't really know, but she was aware that Tifa wasn't that kind of girl...she even told her long ago she was waiting for the right person, though it was obvious to her who she wanted. And having a unclear temptation for something did happen to normal people. Thinking of what she was going to buy, she had 30 munny, which will fill her appetite for a snack, and in turn she looked at Yuffie, "What are you planning to buy, Yuff? Do you have enough...?"
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Yuffie smiled."Nope!But I do have a taste for some candy and chocolate..and im sure Cloud,being the big,strong-silent type,will treat me...right?''She asked Cloud,putting her head on his free shoulder.
    Cloud stayed silent for a moment before answering her."..Yeah..'''he said,but did Yuffie thing he was made of munny?sure he had plenty right now,but he'd need to get back to his job to make more later,and that meant leaving them.

    OOC: do you ever wonder how 4 teenager's could make 5,000 munny in less than 30 minutes,but these High School students are dirt poor? xD

    "Yeah...for a short time.''Leon said again.
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Huh......that's really interesting.....what would you need it for if it were longer in that short of a time period?
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: no seriously,this really sounds sexual...xD

    "..Well..longer reach so I can thrust it into enemies..''Leon explained,getting up and about to leave.
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Yeah.....I could tell.....>_>.....

    BIC-.....hmm.....makes sense......

    She say that he was about to leave.

    Well.....I guess it was nice meeting you....
  17. OOC: Hooray for innuendo? xP Man, weather keeps sucking here. Raining all day yesterday, raining today until night, and now the wind is rattling the house at how strong it is. And is cold -_-.

    Tifa simply looked over at Cloud and Yuffie, wondering now whether she should've asked him first as they made their way back into the building, but it was impossible now, since she didn't want him to pay for her as well. Pouting to herself, she simply walked quietly as her eyes looked down. It must've been caught by somebody though, because she felt someone staring at her, and when she found that it was Aerith as she tunred her head, she blinked, but the girl simply smiled at her before getting back tothe rest.

    "I could pay for all of you, since I have enough to fill up. It wouldn't be bad anyway, I have more than that in my storage, due to my job," Aerith offered to them all, her expression lingering on Tifa, who was shaking her head at that, apparently touched, yet not wanting her to do that for her, she guessed. But Aerith ignored her. That was the problem now, Tifa didn't have any munny and she didn't want to ask anybody it seemed....she had caught it when her expression was a little disappointed as they were talking about it, so, she didn't mind sharing.

    She was surprised at how eaisly Aerith could read people, but another thing that she knew about the girl, was that when she was willing to give something, you couldn't change her mind for what was worth a watse of breath in the end, and she sighed. Though she was still going to try when they got to the store. Chuckling to herself, giving the brown haired girl a grateful, soft stare, she added, "Yeah, that flower shop, Rosemary's, right? I'm guessing you have the day off..."
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Same......the wind is just was.....yesterday...
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud knew not to argue with Aerith even though he could easily cover it."flower shop huh?'', Cloud remembered when she was just a traveling shop vendor in the streets of Midgar,ah..the good ol' days!Back when you couldnt walk 10 steps without something trying to kill you...then Tifa would limit break really often...I'd just spamm Attack..and Aerith would cure us...
  20. Aerith smiled to herself at Cloud's comment. "Yeah, I'm sure you know my love of flowers, so I thought why not work in a flower shop, where I can enjoy the job? The lady who runs it is also extremely kind and nice, so I get paid a lot each week. Not to mention, is probably the most popular flower shop in Twilight Town...though I think that had something to do with a little help from me." She threw at sheepish face at them, knowing she had used a bit of her magic to make them more beautiful and alive, not to mention, last longer. "Miss Rosemary calls me her lucky charm, but if only she knew..."

    "Is also close to the school, so you don't need trasnportation, lucky you. I have yet to get a job," Tifa sighed, having been quiet as they travelled among the halls of the school, about to get out at the front entrance. That was one of her goals then from now on, other than telling Cloud her feelings, she will find a job, done deal. "I'll probably have to ride the Tran..."

    "It isn't that bad Tifa, I'm sure you'll get used to it. Besides, you get a good, fair job, you get lots of munny..." Aerith tried to comfort, looking at her lively, before glancing at everyone else again. "And speaking of that, what do you all want to buy? Just so I can calculate how much will everything cost...I know Cloud wants 3 Musketeers, Tifa wants a choclate bar too, something a sweet, and a drink...Yuffie, I don't know yours. Anything else to add?"
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