KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    As Rei sat in the cool sand, she sighed from fatigue as every ounce of the nausia left her body. Still holding her head, she gazed over at the redhead confusedly. "Axel? Did that... happen to you two?" Lifting her knees and jumping up without a problem, she began stretching her legs, still a bit sore from their impact to the ground. "That couldn't have been overheating or overwork, it was too random. It was simultanious too, right? Weird..." Taking deep breaths, her heart had been pounding fifty million beats a second.
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: I thought you were serious for a second lol

    "..The handle is like a gun handle..and the blade is like a short sword..I'd show you mine but I'd get it confiscated and get into some serious trouble..''Leon told her,but he felt a little annoyed that he couldnt bring it out,it's not everyday a girl wanted to see your gunblade was it?
  3. OOC: I don't want to make Saïx reach Axel's room so fast, since Larxene is there...and Nymph has become barely on...if at all. Unless Kasha leaves after seeing the room...

    Tifa blinked for a moment, and now that she thought about it, her stomach did feel kind of bloated, and filled with food as well. She didn't exactly remember eating, but there she was, not hungry either...that was strange. Creasing her eyebrows, she said, "I am too, so I guess that's out, depends on Yuffie and Aerith though, if they're hungry..." Thinking of something else though, she stared atCloud questionably, "Since you're going to going to be in the apartment I have, right? Like we close to here, and you'll have your own privacy..."

    Straightening up while listening to Rei, agreeing with her in his mind, he stretched out his arms, before turning to look at her. That was strange...he kept wondering what it was? He didn't want to go on and think about alien movies to explain what sort of phenomenon, but it was brain racking. What was it? "Maybe it was something in the air of the beach? Or maybe it was....I don't know...alien abduction?" He shook his head and laughed at the last one, yet he truly had no idea what could be the cause of him almost fainting, until something hit him as realization. "Or you know, what could be really possible, is this town is full of people with maybe one was using it and it caused this effect, that's why it came and left quickly, perhaps could happen."
  4. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Last post for today, seeya guys ^^. And these are some more of my art if you wanna check 'em out.

    Rei nodded, contemplating on this possibility. "Yeah, that's probably it. But holy shiv in the kidney! What kind of power would that be? Although, you know, I would have gone with alien abduction." Laughing, she came back up to Axel's side and sighed. "But now I'm kinda wiped... wanna call it a tie for now?"
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..I''d rather sleep with one of you..''Cloud said,looking around,a few seconds later he realized how wrong that came out."He faced Aerith and Tifa,his face tomato red"I-I meant that I want to stay in one of your rooms,in a sleeping bag or something!"he said,then turned away from them,completely embarresed.

    Yuffie giggled the entire time" Cloud Jr. lonely?..does he want a friend?''she asked,speakin of Cloud's most treasured tool.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Dude.......those are some sweet drawings........

    BIC-....oh yeah......that's right......well that's a shame.......I still can't quite imagine a gun and a sword mixed......ah well......
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Maybe you need some a cartoon once in a while..''Leon told her kindly,he looked around the cafeteria for a bit and was getting drowzy.
  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    528 day during after school hours in a dark hallway with no cameras.....I could check it out.....

    OOC- I'm assuming the high school has cameras.......probably not used that much....
  9. OOC: Since Cloud Jr. was Tifa's nickname, and they are both full, that means that Tifa still lost her virginity, and she could still have a baby :O. Don't worry though, by now, is scrapped :P (they don't even remember, imagine if a belly started to grow out of nowhere). The only thing is probably her day of the month is late...o.O

    Chula, you're art is silver gleaming! =D Those are a few cool sketches, though I'm guessing that Axel's hair is hard to draw, isn't it? xD

    "Cause you know you're going to lose? Fine then," Axel quipped to her with a smug smile, only to take it off as he swung one arm over her shoulders tiredly, but playfully, letting out a quick breath. "I kid, I kid, tie for now, agreed."

    With this in mind, he inspected the beach around them, noticing that by the sand, they were mostly in the middle between the sea and the wooden boardwalk that separated the parking lot, and the volleyball net was just a few paces off to their right. The space was fairly big, but he thought they could stay at this spot without the waves coming at them, they were in the perfect place, in his opinion. The sun wasn't as strong due to the time, but it wasn't like he was here for a tan, so for a moment, he enjoyed the smell of the ocean, and the warm and soft breeze, as well as the cries of the seagulls, something he enjoyed when coming here. He also couldn't wait to see the sunset...there was no doubt, one of his favorite places to go was the beach. Taking his arm back calmly, he clapped his hands together as in finality, looking over at Rei expectantly, with a big smirk on his face. "The water's acalling. Now give me a strip show."

    Tifa did a triple take at what Cloud said, a bit shocked, but then he went to correct himself, and relaxed a little. Not that sleeping with him is anything sort of bad, but it was still a bit out there. On Yuffie's comment, she covered her mouth as she giggled, her eyes twinkling amusingly at Cloud and his red face, "I wonder what type of name his friend will have? Don't worry, in the near future you might actually get someone...if it's still in action then."

    Aerith was still into her thoughts, but for some reason, Cloud's words rang through her ears, and she snapped out of it, her eyes widening as she smiled despite herself. What in the world? It was then she heard Yuffie and Tifa teasing him about it, and just to give him a break, she held back a chuckle, trying not to make fun of him too. But it was a bit tempting...

    In the end though, she had to let it out, and gave a light melodic laugh.
  10. sorarulz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    *glomps Link* HOLY FRENCH TOAST! ITS LINK!!
    I guess I should start now...

    Alex ran up beside sprinting Ember.
    "Em, slow down please, your running to fast!" Ember turned on the spot and glarred at Alex.
    "Maybe you should walk faster!" Ember turned back around and ran toward school again.
    "EM! WAIT UP!!" Alex pleaded running toward her.
    (A Little Later)
    "Thank you, and have a nice year in Twilight High." the lady in the office said. Ember and Alex nodded and noticed that morning classes were over and it was near lunch time. She looked around and didn't seem to notice anyone.She looked around and noticed the cafeteria. She opened the door a bit and looked in. A boy with brown hair and a girl where sitting nearby, and it looked like they were talking... Maybe they knew where everything is.
    "Alex, go find some friends or something. Ok?" Ember explained, running into the cafeteria.
    "What is wrong with that girl?" Alex asked, shaking his head at his friend.
    (Few minutes later)
    Ember stood behind the girl and boy. She gentally tapped the boy on the shoulder...

    (PST! Leon! TURN AROUND!! ^^)

    that's right? rite? cause I thought that angel and leon are in the cafeteria, and they just finished their lunch... or something like that....
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Leon tried holding back his laughter"..Do you have any idea how sexual that sounds?''he asked,imagine him and a dark hallway...that'll be the day.Regaining his self control,he smiled sincerely at her."..Does a weapon that can kill interest you that much?..I only bring it out to protect someone,something,or myself...''

    By the time Aerith let out her lovely laughter Cloud had already turned as red as a Tomato,how embarresing.He laughed nervously and thought of changing the subject,but lust was getting in the way,and he desperately wanted to know the name of Tifa and Aerith's friends..and he'd smack his forehead if one of them named their breast's Mary-Kate and Ashley,that name was overused." sorry..''he muttered,but didnt think he could look them in the eyes.

    Yuffie had stopped laughing as soon as Cloud apologized."..Cloud dont be like that!it was a mistake..besides im sure these two wouldnt mind..hehe''Yuffie covered her mouth in laughter again,she knew that both Aerith and Tifa would sleep with him in a heartbeat..and if Yufie was as interested in Cloud as the other two,she just might join the fangirls next to her.

    OOC: I got mah skillz back! ^^
  12. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ......yeah....I realize that now.....sorry....

    She gave a small smile.

    But it's just that I've never heard of such a weapon before.....
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Well,you might see it sooner or later..depending on who I see,and if we're friendly or not..''Leon said calmly,folding his arms and giving her a small smile back,resisting to pull out his gunblade and show her how good he was with it,tough he wasnt a show-off,but this was a special case.
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ......all right I guess......

    There was an awkward silence.

    .....darn......ran out of things to talk about......
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Noticing that Angel ran out of topic's to talk about,Leon decided to make some on his own,and since she was so interested in his weapon..."So,do you weild any type of weapon?''he asked,though Angel definately didnt look like the type to weild anything.
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Two swords...... I'm bored.......I don't think I was bored earlier....I think...before this guy came along....I was bored......and......I think....sad?....sad about what?.....huh....
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Yeah, I pretty much planned her just leaving after seeing his room just to know where it was. xD
  18. OOC: Okay then, since Saïx was going to tell her that he wasn't here and stuff and question what she was doing here (as he notices she was a Prep...he doesn't her, but he know who are the higher ones as it's obvious. Like he knows Axel is the second-in-command of the Skaters)

    Is fine since you didn't know, but both Axel and Rei are far away and not even near the school, they had to drive to go to the beach. And even if I know I would've replied to it, it just wouldn't make sense, you know...? ^^;

    "This is his room," Saïx told her as they finally reached the door to Axel's dorm, only to blink a bit as he saw there was a blonde girl with front strannds that swerved back in almost a antennae like fashion, and he recognized her as one of the higher Preps. Going to step forward, he excused himself from her so he could crouch down, and slid under the door the red note that he had written. Straightening back up, he simply told her, a bit interested on why someone like her will be on a Skater's room, "He's not here at the moment, I saw him go out with a black haired girl earlier on today, if that helps."

    Now being on the spot, Tifa blushed profusely as she gave Yuffie a playful glare, simply staying quiet for awhile, though Cloud seemed to be still on his own embarassment. Immediately denying it, she went to say, "We do not! Well...I mean, not that Cloud isn't gorgeous or good-looking or anything, but...we're just friends, you know...thinking that would mean being attracted to him, wouldn't it? And you know...friends don't...get, you know, attracted..."

    She curled lips, finding that even her denial was worthless. Great, maybe she should've stayed shut, or if she and Aerith were lucky, that he wasn't really listening or something.

    Yuffie! Aerith yelled to the girl in her head, eyes widening at what she said, basically giving away clues that they liked him, but he wasn't suppose to know just yet, they needed his feelings on it first. Experiencing a bit of anxiousness, she stared over at Tifa who was trying to save them from that comment, but she shook her head a little, finding it too hinting regardless. Thinking that she should somehow help as Tifa went shut, she added calmly, hoping her tone didn't betray her, "You don't have to be nervous in saying the truth, Tifa, even if you're in it and are caught in the spotlight, is understandable. Besides, it isn't like Cloud likes or is attracted to any of us, right?"

    At this, she now returned the focus on him, and she gazed at the blond with a smile.
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud looked down at the grass and muttered"..Not a chance..''silently,though he was in complete denial..he loved both girls very much,and he didnt know how much longer he could hide it.

    Yuffie frowned"...The truth hurts..''she muttered.

    OOC: block at the moment.
  20. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://That just reminds me, today in school we wanted to bother the teacher two of my friends and I and we were like "Bother, Bother, Bother!" And the teacher just like walked away, and all day we just kept running past her every now and then saying stuff like "Run for the hills!" She like knew we were just messing around with her xD

    Kasha watched Saïx, she looked at the blond girl she looked older than Kasha, but didn't say anything and waited for Saïx. She looked around to try and memorize where Axel's dorm was located. 'I wonder what grades this school goes up to.' She thought. 'Probably from Kindergarten till College. Amazing how they could even deal with this stress.' Kasha thought, and leaned up against a wall with her hands in her pockets.
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