KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha could hear Cody.She looked at Saïx, "Well, Uhhh," She started to Saïx. "Don't run, wolf-dog!" Cody suddenly said, unaware of Saïx and repeated the same thing he had done to her he hit her across the face with his tail. Kasha felt a humiliated feeling rush through her, Kasha didn't say anything, and shook her head sitting on her haunches. Kasha had no feelings of fighting back, Saïx was right there and Cody was stronger than her, but she did feel angry.
    "Awnser me, wolf-dog!" Cody suddenly said to Kasha. Kasha looked at Cody quietly but didn't awnser, and lowered herself to the ground.
  2. Saïx saw this with widened eyes, caught a bit by surprise compared to his usual blank expression, and seeing as this was some type of violent dog or wolf, he immediately went on the defense of the student, simply kicking the bigger dog far off from where they were, his face tight as his eyes narrowed. This wasn't a time to get out his weapon, or there wasn't even a need to, but if anything, he would summon it. Ordering Kasha, he said, "Get behind me. Now." Looking still at the stray, he stated in a deep and serious voice. "I suggest you get out of school property, or certain type of action must be taken to the violence you have done to one of our students. Are you following what I'm saying?"
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked at Saïx and obeyed, 'Whoa, I wanna be like him.' She thought looking at Saïx. Cody smirked and looked at Kasha. "Why should I? Its a freakin' wolf-dog." He said looking at Kasha. "Oh, and I have a message for your mother, Wolf-Dog. She had the wolf power, correct?" Cody finally said and started heading away and suddenly sat down and started howling like a wolf would, just in a horrible way. Kasha looked at Cody, and suddenly lifted her lips showing her teeth and ran at Cody to some suprise taking him to the ground, Cody yelped for a moment and bit Kasha on the ankel, drawing blood.
    "Damned Wolf!" He said kicking away Kasha, and stood up looking at Saïx. "You'd better watch you're back." He threatened to Saïx and ran off.

    Kasha looked at Cody as he ran off. She shivered every other moment or two. She looked back at Saïx. "It was a mistake, I didn't mean too," She started. "He was mad at me for no reason, he started chasing me I figured the school would be the safest-" Kasha said. "And-And thank you." She said, her body still shook every couple of seconds.
  4. Saïx merely smirked at the dog or wolf's threat, not finding it nothing but a unneeded hassle. Hearing Kasha speak now after her sudden attack on the stray, he looked back down at her, yet not gentle, but sternly, almost angry. "That was a stupid thing to do, bring it to the school. Not only did you endanger everyone here, but you also showed him where you will stay for a latter part of your day, and it might return. Foolish." His eyes glazed over as he studied her deeply, reprimanding her. "You're welcome, however, it doesn't change the fact that now, this dog might come back."
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "He's like me, he can turn into a dog, he's attending the school." She said not looking at Saïx. "Cody Mckenzie." Kasha said and her eye twitched unconciously for a moment. "If anything he'll only bother me. I highley doubt he'd bother you," She said to Saïx. "You're higher in rank." Kasha said to Sa ïx and stood up, "How much trouble am I in?" She asked him.
  6. "You're not in trouble, if then, he's a part of the school," Saïx explained, not expecting such a person to be attending Twilight High, though this was perhaps the only high school. Even so, there was to be done something, so he will need to speak to Xemnas about it after he left a note under Axel's door. One thing at a time, after all. Pulling open the door of the office by the handle, he motioned for Kasha to get in. "It seems we do have to keep a eye on you. Get in, and you'll stay with me for the while. You can even accompany me into going to your new...babysitter's room...though is only at his door. Get used to it, though. He'll be taking care of you."
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha didn't say anything and followed Saïx. "What about Cody?" She asked Saïx looking at him.
    Cody slowed to a walk. He looked back at the school's direction, 'And my parents' are making me go to that school.' He growled, and looked forward again starting down the street.
    OoC://Stupid writers' block.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud blushed,Aerith made another good point.."Right''he said,following Yuffie out the doorway and looking down the hallway

    "Come on!let's go!"Yuffie exclaimed excitedly,jumping up and down infront of Cloud.She suddenly fell forward and glomped him on accident."..Sorry!"she quickly said and got off him,knowing that she shouldnt be doing things like that,even if it was on accident.Cloud had no actual love interest with her,and she knew it was all about Tifa and Aerith..her one true love was out there somewhere..and she'd find him.

    Cloud blushed slightly"..Careful..I might not be here next time to break your fall..''he warned her.

    Yuffie nodded,but her body easily shuddered when she felt her body against his.
  9. Tifa saw this, but didn't really mind it. She knew that Cloud wasn't interested in Yuffie, or else, it would've come out, and it was a simple accident is all, she could see that. There was no reason to overreact, though she did feel uncomfortable. However, she didn't say anything on the matter as she waited for Aerith.

    Aerith just finished closing the door after locking it from inside, and with that done, she simply stepped forward, in which Tifa followed, and smiled at the ones there waiting, "Done! We'll go to the garden, which is close to the court yard in the back of the school, but is a good place for students to sit back and relax, do their homework, study, hang not really a garden, per se, but it have trees, flowers, lots of plants..." She trailed off, mostly saying this to the blond male, before turning around to begin walking. Thinking that they could start a conversation, Aerith went to ask, as she had been thinking this for awhile, "So Cloud, how long will you be staying?"
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...Answer long do you want me to stay?''Cloud asked then,following Aerith side by side.

    Yuffie smiled and was about to take the other side of Cloud,but she forgot about Tifa and her feelings for Cloud.Looking over at Tifa,she whispered to her"Go ahead..''she said,speaking of taking the free space behind Cloud,and with that she followed Cloud from behind...close behind.

    OOC: invisible mode...I hate that.
  11. OOC: Oh shoot >.<, I didn't know I had that on.

    "Forever, if possible," Aerith answered truthfully before she could stop herself, and hearing what came out of her mouth without her notice, she felt her cheeks burn slightly, and tried to "correct" herself, "I mean, you know, we all really miss I miss you, and it would be sad that you have to go back again when this is the first time I've seen you in two and half years. Is nice to see...that everyone feels like home, when you're here..."

    She didn't know if that would save her slip up, but she made it sound that it was friendly words, yet she couldn't help adding some of her true feelings in it. Hopefully, he wouldn't pick it up, as she hid it pretty least she thought so.

    Tifa was busy with giving a embarassed smile at Yuffie, but sent her a thankful stare as she stepped next to Cloud, though her head was still turned at the ninja trailing behind him. Thinking of a better position where the girl wouldn't be obscured and feel forgotten, she whispered, "Why don't you go in front, is better that way..." She thought that was good, since she would be in their eye for them to talk to and for her to talk back, as well as not interrupting anything in the long run. However, before she heard her answer, Cloud's question distracted her momentarily, and she listened in as Aerith answered. The Cetra's words didn't surprise her, she knew perfectly well where their feelings stood, but she did wonder if he picked up any of it. Thinking she should help, she added, "Yeah, it does feel like home where you're here...I'm glad to see you, Cloud. And, though is probably not in your plans, I would've wanted you to stay too..."
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud's body grew hot at the young girls words of affection toward's him...but stay?..he wasnt going to school here,so how could he really stay with them?''..I'll stay for a while..but not not going to school after all..''he said with a slightly sad tone to it.

    Yuffie shook her head at Tifa's suggestion."..This is your chance to might want to say how you really feel before he goes away again''she whispered intensly,after all,what if Cloud never came back?
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Who is he?" Kasha asked Saïx, looking at him, but she felt she should avoid eye contact with him. She wanted to keep the questions limited so not to annoy him too much, but she still wanted to start a conversation if it didn't bother him.
  14. "Axel is....well he' can I say this? He's...he's just a normal, self-assertive, strong student that sometimes gets a little out of put plainly, he's not your typical golden child, nor the usual golden pupil. Which is why I'm going to teach him a lesson by placing you in his care. Don't worry, he is aware of what to do, as he has a little sister of his own...thirteen years old," Saïx explained, adding the last part so she wouldn't think he was a type of bad person who will treat her horribly, though he was certain that Axel will have trouble accepting the new responsibility placed on him. "As for Cody, it wouldn't do to chase him around, especially as he's supposely a student. We'll catch him."

    Tifa took Yuffie's words in for a moment, and being a bit more bold than usual, slipped her hand into his own as her other grabbed his arm in a affectionate gesture, her eyes half-lid as she didn't know what the hell she was doing, but she didn't want him to go...and if he did...this might be her chance, yet she was scared..scared because she didn't know his feelings. And what about Aerith? Thinking of the girl, she sent her a secret look of apology, wanting her to not take this seriously, before saying to Cloud softly, "Then how long? For the year? You know, I'm a senior, and so is Aerith, I'll graduate...maybe you can stay for that while and we can...go back home together...or visit."

    Of course, she wasn't sure, after all, what about her friends here?

    Aerith just smiled at Tifa's apologetic message, not minding this at all, though it did make her frown a little not like you can like the one you love to be touched that way by another girl, but she wasn't that type of person to be envious, or fight back. If Tifa got her chance, then she might get hers too, just have to wait. In the end, all that remains is Cloud's feelings in the matter...if he liked any one of them at all.
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..I was thinking only a couple of days...what am I going to do here for a year!?''Cloud asked,a little amused and shocked at the same time.And he was also trying to take his arm back from her,Aerith was right next to him,so that might bother her in secret. would be so cute if Aerith latched onto his other arm XD
  16. OOC: Thanks for the idea xP.

    Aerith had noticed that Cloud seemed to be shifting his eyes on her second to second, and thinking it was because he felt uncomfortable because of her watching...suspiciously enough, she looked at Tifa, who was still holding him, and signaled what she was about to do slightly. When she got the nod, both of her hands grabbed Cloud's free one as she leaned close, placing her head on his arm lightly as they walked...what a girl would do when she was on a date. Aerith could feel a warmth despite herself and the reason she did this, and her cheeks flushed a little, not believing she was actually capable of doing such a thing. However, she kind of did want Cloud to stay, but where? And..."What to do here for a year? Going to keep us company, that's what."

    She said this jokingly, giggling a bit, but she gave Tifa a secret wink and a motion for her to say something. If he couldn't stay for a year, than at least for quite the while...maybe it was a bit much to ask, but it couldn't hurt to try.

    Tifa creased her eyebrows for a moment, not getting it as she was amused at the fact that they were both clingling to Cloud's arms, which was funny to her, but once she got her words, she went with the flow of convincing him. "Yeah, you have yet to meet Reno's twin brother...not his twin exactly, but sure looks like it. And even if you can't stay for a year, I have a small apartment where you can stay...I basically live in the dorms, so I don't use it much, and I know the owner, so he understands me and lowers the price...what do you say?"
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud blushed as Aerith suddenly latched onto his free arm,Cloud was a lucky man indeed."...Fine...and...twin brother?''he repeated,who could look like Reno in any way?he was one of a kind...wasnt he?

    "..Yeah...he has these really dorky marks under his eyes..and he says his catchphrase way too much!"Yuffie said,finally speaking out.everything she said was pretty much true.

    "..Oh really?...Im not interested in meeting him..or anyone else for a while''Cloud said,he had his friends with him,friends he had not seen in a long time,so he'd spend as much time with them as possible."..Besides..the company I have right now''

    "Sexy right? sure your just imagining a four way with all of us Cloud''Yuffie joked,but men are men,who knows what they're thinking?

    OOC: :P
  18. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha didn't say anything but sort-of smiled. Kasha turned into her human form and looked at Saïx. She wasn't fond of being watched after but Axel didn't sound all bad to her. "I won't torture him at my best." She said and half-smiled, and felt a pain in her ankel, she didn't even have to try and remember within three seconds she knew the pain was from the small fight Cody and her had got into.
  19. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *A while later Riku yawned tiredley*
    "I think we should probably stop for today" He told her as he glanced down at his watch.
  20. "Is not you who's going to torture," Saïx mumbled under his breath quietly to himself, aware that when Axel was forced to do something, he will hold a bitter grudge until for some reason, Kasha grows on him. As he got in the main office, instead of going to his own private one in the back, he simply gave a nod to the secretary as he grabbed a red paper, and held a thin, black marker to write in. He spent a minute scribbling neatly what he wanted Axel to read, and when he was done, folded it up, and returned the writing utensil back to its place. Expecting Kasha to follow, he made his way to leave the office. "Now, do you already have a dorm room given?"

    Aerith's eyes danced in jubilation as he replied with a "fine", and really hugged his arm this time, happy that now Cloud was going to keep them company for at least half the school year, or a while. She wanted to act out super excited, but she thought that was a bit too much, especially as that was just simply how she was feeling right now. Of course, a lot could happen in that time with Cloud...but she hoped it was for the best, anything could happen. She could see Tifa grinning like a Cheshire Cat and be bouncy a little as she grasped Cloud's hand harder. It seemed she wasn't the only one who was glad, not that she didn't expetc Tifa not to be.

    All Tifa could do was shout a "Yes" to her mind, and once she stopped her exaggerated movements, she looked up at Cloud brightly, "Well, not twin exactly, but they sure as hell can pass as brothers. Same colored hair, and you know with that rare red color you could spot Reno fifty miles away... and he has tattoos too, but different...and they almost have the same attitude...his name is Axel. He's somewhere with another friend of mine named Rei." She had explained this quickly, but clear enough for him to understand, because she really wanted to get to the next question, just to be certain that her and Aerith got the right impression. "'re really staying?"

    OOC: Is it just me, but since Rei lookes like Tifa. Axel and Rei are kind of like a homage to the Reno/Tifa coupling (fans are weird...all because they talked on the phone in AC? o.O), don't you think? :P
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