KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. OOC: ZOMG xP. Might as well do it without me posting Tifa and Aerith as they are still hugging. What is he going to make forget...the time when Cloud and Tifa admitted they liked each other?
  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    You might've missed this Tularim....sorry....
  3. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "I can keep going..." Kishami said quietly and smiled. She tried to swim again.
  4. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ooc: I gtg seeha tomorrow

    bic: *Riku swam by her ready tp help when she needed it*
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: sorry if I misspelled anything or my grammar is bad,im at school and im in a hurry

    "..Well,dont you think its time you got on your feet?..''Leon asked,he disliked lazy people,and Angel sounded nice to him...maybe he could make her a..well,a non lazy girl.

    Ok...if your so great...have me and everyone else in Twilight High lose their memories of me and Tifa being together and 'losing' it together......dont let me or Tifa remember either...I'll start over again without anyone knowing..Cloud opened his eyes after thinking it all out,and to his dismay,nothing happened."...It's a dud..''he muttered,dropping the materia to the ground angrily.and as soon as the materia fell to the ground with a loud clunk,Cloud could feel his body suddenly growing hotter,and he was also getting sleepy.The pictures in his head of his past encounter's with Tifa in Twilight High wizzed through his head.and as quick as the magic had come,it was gone,along with his memories with Tifa.and Cloud suddenly snapped out of his sleepyness and looked around him."..Im already here..''he muttered,only remembering that he was coming to visit Tifa after a long time without her.

    Yuffie had forgotten all about Cloud and Tifa,just as Cloud had.and she gazed up at Cloud once more,having only noticing him now"Cloud!?when did you get here?''she asked excitedly,quickly glomping him and giving him a warm felt like ages since she last saw him,and she was going to enjoy her time with him before he thought of leaving again.

    Cloud had not noticed Yuffie until she glomped him madly"..Hey..I just got here..a minute ago?''he said,a little confused himself since he did not remember much from the past 5 minutes."..I found out Tifa came here..and I came to see her..''

    OOC: everything...every single memory since he came to Twilight Tifa's virginity is somehow returned..and Cloud Jr. is still wantin' some action xD
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ...*sigh*....fine.....I suppose I could get something else to eat....even though I already ate.....

    She got up to accompany him to the line. She turned toward Aaron.

    You can just wait here if you want.
  7. OOC: Dun dun dun xP.

    Tifa broke out of the hug, her hands placed into Aerith's shoulders, sighing as she tried to say some more words to make her feel better about all this, but she couldn't process what else to say. I mean, the person she loved is with her, there can't be any source of taking away any pain for it. As she tried to think of what to say, she blinked when she saw Aerith getting a bit woozy...and soon, she felt herself getting a bit sleepy too, and for a second closed her eyes as her mind went blank for just that moment.


    Aerith had only shut her eyes as she suddenly felt very tired, and it almost appeared like she was fainting in the delirium, but what occurred left as fast as it came, and the abrupt exhaustion disappeared in a second. Fluttering her eyes open again as the Time materia had done its job, she watched as Tifa looked at her with a questionable expression...and her breath caught in her throat in surprise as she processed who was here.

  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Nice.....Cloud totally wiped like.......almost all of the RP now.....

    BIC- Angel stopped for a bit feeling slightly dizzy and extremely light-headed but then recovered in a second.

    Darn....I thought I only got dizzy spells in the morning......
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked up and saw someone else she had never seen before. Another, well, dog. She looked at the dog, it looked like a Malamute Husky. Kasha wagged her tail looking at the dog, she walked towards him.
    The Malamute immediatly took a disliking towards her, as it seemed, he made his fur stand on end and raised his tail. "I wouldn't act so friendly towards strangers," He threatened to Kasha's demise. "What're you, part wolf?" He asked Kasha.
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    while her head was over Cloud's right shoulder,Yuffie looked to her right after hearing a small disturbance."...Tifa's over there!..with Aerith!?"she exclaimed happily.

    All the air in Cloud's body escaped him,he was prepared to see Tifa,but not Aerith!,without looking in their direction he gently forced Yuffie off of him."..I'll be back!..''he said quickly,already half way down the hall to look for the men's bathroom.

    "Ok,come back soon!"Yuffie said cheerfully,waving Cloud a goodbye and turning to both of the confused looking girls"..I didnt know you girls were here!"

    Leon put his right hand over his own forehead,feeling the same effect's everyone else had."...mhh...''he mumbled,figuring it was nothing too important,maybe he just got up too fast."..What was it you wanted again?..''he asked Angel

    OOC: Sorry for holding you ladies in a situation at home and wont be posting too much in a while...a post a day or maybe two...and wow this doesnt go anywhere without me XD

    Anyway im sorry for holding you up.feel free to leave my character's if you want them to do something else.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    It's fine.

    BIC- .....uh........I don't know.......I guess I'll just take a cheeseburger........or maybe just a sandwich....
  12. Tifa looked at Yuffie blankly as she turned to her voice, only to spot something blond run off. She blinked in suspicion as it looked familiar, but she was more lost on how she got in as she answered, "I didn't know I was here either..." With that, her eyes took at gazing at Aerith, who appeared just as confused as she was as her emerald eyes kept glancing back and forth at Yuffie and her. She had seen the pink clad girl in the school, though they never really talked so far, and considering the decoration in the room, the dorm definitely didn't belong to her. Tifa felt a bit glad that she got to see her two old friend again though, and she would've hugged them and be happy, if it wasn't for the fact that this was quite the awkward reunion. "Uh...Aerith, well..."

    "Yeah...," Aerith muttered gently with a nod, uncertain and not exactly understanding how they were all here. Obviously, she must've opened the door, or else none of them would've been able to come in...maybe they passed out for some reason? But wouldn't they be on the floor? Staring at the two girls in front of her, however, made her smile brightly, as they had grown far apart, at least in the case of Tifa and her. Other than that, she didn't know what to say, as she was still a bit shocked to see this.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Yuffie blinked" either of you just see Cloud?..he ran off toward's the bathroom!"she said.

    OOC:not as detailed,im post smuggling or whatever its called.
  14. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Yeah, is there a problem with that...?" Kasha asked slyly towards the husky. She looked up at him with her tail low to show she was nervous.
    "Go back to you're pack then, half-breed." He said and turned smacking Kasha across the face with his tail.
    Kasha didn't exactly listen to what he said but heard 'Half-breed' within the sentence, and suddenly felt herself get hit across the face with his tail.
  15. "That was Cloud?" Tifa questioned, feeling her heart jump at the mention, as she remembered the blond hair she noticed run out. He was actually here...or was Yuffie pulling her leg? Before she could question the short haired girl about it, as the surprise started to wear off, she was still lost on how she got here, but she could faintly see her hugging Aerith and coming through the door in her two minutes ago? It didn't matter anyway at the moment, as Cloud's name made her more interested on why he was here in the high school...he was here. Looking at Aerith and Yuffie a bit more elated, she went to ask, to make it absolutely certain, "Are you sure, Yuff?"

    Aerith gave a nod at Tifa's question as well, wanting to know if Cloud was truly here or not. She wasn't as confused anymore from before, as she barely sensed a scene in her head where she opened the door, and she had embraced Tifa, so it must have been something that they drank, ate, or it must've been something else that had caused the blank forthat second. As long as it didn't affect them in illness, or anything dangerous and hazardous, it appeared to be fine, and they could try to figure it out later. Yet, if Cloud was really here...she would like to see him. A lot. It's been such a long time...
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Yuffie nodded,but frowned a little at the same time"I wouldnt lie about this!I know you both looooove him!"she said,giggling afterwords,the girls didnt hide their secret too well.

    Meanwhile Cloud was pacing back and forth outside the bathroom down the hall"..Not only Tifa..but Aerith too...I wasnt prepared for this..''he muttered,deep in thought of whether to leave,or confront both of them and say hi like he came to do..except only for Tifa.
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Wait, what exactly did I do to get you to hate me so suddenly?And Who are you?" Kasha asked the malamute, looking around and stood up straight watching him.
    "Names' Cody." He said walking around Kasha full of pride. "Cody Mckenzie." He said strongly, and suddenly tripped face first into the water.
    Kasha looked at Cody and suddenly saw him fall, "You all right?" She suddenly asked him, looking at him, but realized she shouldn't be caring about him but running.Cody stood up his face wet, and sand around his left eye, and he snarled at Kasha, "You tripped me!" He snapped, and launched himself after Kasha.
    "No, I mean-I didn't-you!" She started and turned running away.
  18. Aerith blushed a little at the sudden words, though she wasn't going to bother denying it. Looking at Tifa, who appeared flustered, she tried to think over what to do. Well, they could wait for him here, after all, he did run to the men's bathroom... or they could look for him, now that it was true that Cloud was here. Aerith didn't know what she would say or do, but she just wanted to see him. Clasping her hands in front of her, she gazed at the two girls, "Should we look for him then? I know there are many bathrooms, but he couldn't have gotten far, so we'll check the closest?"

    She waited for a sort of agreement.

    Tifa, who was a bit abashed, but hid her own small blush, perked her head up at Aerith's idea. It was weird how they were talking as if they were doing a daily action of visiting each other, but the idea sounded good to her anyway, and she went with the flow of conversation. There must be a reason why Cloud was here, and she wanted to know well if it was for them. "Yeah, I kind of think is good....yet, we don't know what he's actually doing, and if he's inside the bathroom, I'd find it odd how we are all waiting for him, don't you?"
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..No need...he's coming back"Yuffie said,pointing to her right and looking over at Cloud,who had just washed his face and finished making a difficult descision.

    Cloud figured it was best to just see them both,rather than run away from one of them,taking his place beside Yuffie,he slowly looked inside the room to find both of the girls eyeing him closely."''he couldnt speak right,both of them there at the same time made him a bit nervous."..Good to see you both..''he finally said,mustering up his courage.He first glanced as Tifa,sexy as ever..and coudlnt help but make a quick glance at her busty features as well,before either of them could see him checking out Tifa's goodies,he looked over at Aerith.She was still that gorgeous girl he met a very long time ago,having both of them in his presence nearly stopped him from breathing.

    OOC: can you say..threeway? lol
  20. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Run-Run Away!" Kasha thought to herself, and looked back Cody was easily catching up but she wasn't really going her fastest. She ran up a hill paved with bricks and ran onto a thick cement beam and could see a trolley coming. Very 'Slowwwwly...' She thought, and jumped on the top of it as soon as it came by.
    Cody ran up and as soon as Kasha was getting away.

    OoC://Be Back Later
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