KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Or Whats happened? Sorry, not payin' attention I'm doing my homework right now also, math word problems.
  2. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "Well... I havent made any friends, yet... I'm kind of new to this school..." she said.
  3. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    "Well you can hang out with me since we both really don't have any friends here yet" He told her as he gave her a friendly smile.
  4. "Yeah, but as I said, it might be something that didn't mix well within you," Tifa answered as they kept walking down the hall, only to stop in front of the door of the main office. Perfect. Now, hopefully, they'll let her get the information, and take Cloud to Aerith...for the sake of healing him. Glancing over at him, she asked, "You want to come inside, or you want to wait here for me?"

    OOC: Okay, Tula, what do you think I have to do? xP. You want it to be serious or a fleeting thing to take care of? I don't know...
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: nooooooooo idea what your talking about.sorry.

    "...I'll come with you...I want to see her picture..'''Cloud said,suddenly becoming more cheerful.
  6. OOC: The stigma xP. Do you want it to be serious or easily cured?

    Tifa frowned deeply at his sentence, and gazed at him from the corner of her eyes questionably. He wants to see her picture? And that tone...she didn't even really know what to think, just that it hit her more than she liked...more suspicious than she liked. Feeling a sudden burn in her stomach at him, she gave him a serious and rough look before opening the door, standing there then saying, "Actually, I rather you wait for me here."

    With that, she went in, and the door closed behind her, leaving Cloud on the other side. Not that he was even going to look at her picutre unless he turned to see it on the computer desk of the secretary.
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel got back up and went to the cafeteria to get another Mountain Dew.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:...hmm...easily cured,but by an antidote of YOUR choice.

    "He-''Cloud was about to object until the door was already shut on his face,what was Tifa's deal anyway?He just wanted to see Aerith,after not seeing her for a few years,what was wrong with that?
  9. OOC: Alright then. Lol, Cloud doesn't understand a female's jealousy, does he? :D

    Letting out a breath as she quelled down the sudden fit of fire in her, she went up to a desk where one secretary was, and as she reached her, the lady looked up at her, and asked what can she help her with. Tifa answered this quickly, nodding her head, "I'm looking for the dorm number of Aerith Gainsborough? There's a emergency at the moment, and I need to reach her, whether by phone to call, or any other way if you please. I don't have my student I.D with me, but I do go here. My name is Tifa Lockhart."

    The lady listened intently to her words, before giving a stern nod, searching for the the girl's name to make sure she was a student in the school, "Very well, just give me a moment. If I find you're qualified, I'll get you the girl's dorm number." She waited for 'Tifa's' nod, and quickly began to look. She had found her file soon enough with her recent picture on the side, and she checked to see if they were the same person. There was no doubt, so she quickly looked for this Aerith Gainsborough's profile, giving Tifa a warning at the same time, "Hope you're not planning on doing any sort of prank, you, if we hear about it, you will get caught and get in trouble. I have to put the name down of whatever person is looking for said student in their profile, so you better know what you're doing."

    "Don't worry, we're actually old friends," Tifa replied back, frowning a little, but otherwise, bit her tongue. It took awhile, but the annoying lady ripped a page of a Post It Note and grabbed a pen, writing the number down, and handing it to her. With a forced smile, Tifa took it, and turned around to leave, "Thank you." She didn't waste any time walking the short path to the door and opening it again, seeing Cloud there.
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..What was that about?..I just wanted to see her,it's been...years''Cloud muttered,a little annoyed with Tifa's attitude."..What's your problem anyway?...I cant look at other girls now?''
  11. "No, it's not that," Tifa answered calmly, looking at him in the eye, before staring down at the paper that had the dorm number on it. Aerith wasn't like all other girls, she knew her feelings for Cloud...and even before, she knew that Cloud had feelings for her, at one point. She was aware that he loved her now, there was no doubt, hopefully, but who's to know what the meeting will bring. Yet, he also had a point about not seeing her for a long time, at least they both went to the same school. Still, she was kind of...threatened. Whatever the case, Tifa didn't want to speak about it. Waving the note in her hand, she merely added, "I got the dorm number, we should go now."
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud nodded to her silently,glad that this wasnt just another drama fight between them"..Well..lad the way..''he said as if she was clueless,she did have the number,did she expect him to lead without a dorm number?
  13. "Of course I'm going to lead, I was just informing you, and is not like you don't know the way to the dorm building anyway," Tifa answered to his tone, not his words, giving him a unappreciative pout, before reluctantly starting to walk to the familiar path to where all the rooms were placed, telling herself that this was for Cloud. Nothing else is going to happen...just greet, talk like old friends, heal, and that's it. Right...
  14. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Turns out I'm fine, bu the way. If I would have gotten the meningitis, it would have already kicked in by now. Now that I think about it, I was a bit warm for a while. Prolly kicked it to the curb ^^.

    Rei looked over at Axel as he began singing the lyrics, at first slightly bewildered. But as he began his mini~dance the only possible function left in her body was to simply bust a gut and get an aneurysm. His flaming locks bobbed back and forth until the song ended, and Rei greatfully began spinning the dial. She spun it around feverishly as she listened for a random song to come on. efore she knew it, the Barenaked Ladies began blasting through the speakers. Rei giggled, starting to sing along quite fluently with the lyrics.

    Hold it now and watch the hoodwink
    As it makes you stop think
    You'll think you're lookin' at aquaman
    I summon fish to the dish although I like the chalet swiss
    I like the sushi 'cause it's never touched a frying pan...

    OOC: Oh yes, I went there xDDD
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://No lyke srsly, my comp is still down. Don't expect a lot of posting from me. What has happened? I mean, like with, Axel and him having to watch Kasha and stuff.
  16. OOC: Lol, chula xP. Wonder who remembers Axel singing that song while he and Tifa walked to the cafeteria? xD The "chikity china the chinese chicken"...which is actually my fave part. He has it on his iPod, so he definitely knows the song. Prepare for a sing along xP.

    As for Choco, since Axel is out at the moment, Saix is going to the office to get a red note (what teachers leave the students who they can't reach), and inform Axel of the meeting by leaving it under his door. As for Kasha...I don't where she is.

    Axel didn't even think or have time to be a bit surprised at the song that was playing, before he went along with the next verse smoothly, as if he had studied the lyrics at its finest until he sung it like second nature, "Hot like wasabe when I bust rhymes, big like Leann Rimes, because I’m all about value. Bert Kaempfert’s got the mad hits, you try to match wits, you try to hold me but I bust through..." The next part he sang it just in the same speed and in the same exact tone as the singer casually without missing the flow and beat, all the while his eyes and concentration were on driving as he went up a hill. "Gonna make a break and take a fake, I’d like a stinkin, achin shake, I like vanilla, it’s the finest of the flavors. Gotta see the show, cause then you’ll know, the Vertigo is gonna grow, cause it’s so dangerous, you’ll have to sign a waiver..."

    Humming the little slow downed hook, he drummed his fingers in the wheel, glancing over at Rei with a grin, "I love that song. It surely did take my mind off the last one..." His eyes roaming around, he added, "We're almost there, just turn two corners, and the beach is there to bathe in in all its watery glory..."
  17. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    .....what song?.....
  18. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. Lol, I've studied the lyrics too xD. I can sing it just as fast, I love it!

    Rei hummed along with him, awaiting the following verse, her absolute favoite part. "Oh really? It just so happens that I know the lyrics just as well as you do." Turning it up even more as the acustic guitar strummed, she heard the last chord and took a decent sized breath. "Chickity China, the chinese chicken, you have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'. Watchin' X-Files with no lights on, we're dans la maison, I hope the smoking man's in this one. Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic, like Sting I'm tantric, like snickers guaranteed to satisfy. Like Kurasawa I make mad films, 'kay I don't make films, but if I did they'd have a samurai." Taking another gasping breath, Rei tried hard not to laugh as she began running off the words like crazy. "Gonna get a set of better clubs, gonna find the kind with tiny nubs just so my irons aren't always flying off the back-swing. Gotta get in tune with sailor moon 'cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes that make me think the wrong thing."

    Rei eventually broke out in a short fit of laughs until she finished off with "Birchmount stadium, home of the robbie..." and sighed. Looking over at Axel, she smiled and stared straight once again. The car pulled up over the hill, and Rei sat up to see the crystal blue water shimmer under he sun. It gleamed brightly in a blinding way, yet still pleasant. Rolling down her window, she smelled the salty sea air waft in and heard the melodic waves crash against the shore.
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud followed her,but not before letting out an irritated groan,he wanted to see Aerith,what was the big deal?....unless..she was jeleous.Cloud thought she was better than that,he wouldnt be all over her every minute of everyday.he loved what way?he wasnt entirely sure himself.
  20. Axel scoffed as he pulled over and parked, staring at Rei unimpressively as he gave a roll of his eyes. "Is that so? At least I'm able to sing without taking a breather..." He send her a cocky smirk, before he turned the truck off, letting out a breath as he took out the key, and placed it in the pocket of his pants. He was the driver, after all. As his green eyes searched around, he found that not many people were there, thankfully, but the board walk in the sideway was full, and he could see the ferris wheel of the fair in the distance. It was too bad he was kind of broke, or else he would've taken Rei there. wasn't like it was a date anyway, just a day for them to hang out. That's what he will take his mind off of everything, especially over what happened last night. Glancing over at the ebony haired girl by his side, who seemed to be enjoying the smell and breeze of the sea, he smiled to himself, before unlocking the door and opening it, getting out into the ground, the wind immediately hitting his face as it blew his hair and clothes. "Ready to get wet?"
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