KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. OOC: Change history in what way? >.<

    Tifa nodded, for some reaoson, feeling a bit too lazy or exhausted to speak anymore, and she didn't know what else to say, or think about what's going to be like meeting Aerith. Did she know..about them? She didn't want to exactly tell her, as she didn't want her to hurt, even though Aerith was the type of person to be understandable. This was quite a predicament now, maybe if they just come to see and cure what was happening to Cloud...

    "Is going to be odd, seeing Aerith, isn't?" Tifa wondered aloud, as the gentle but strong wind of the bike blew her ebony hair back. "I don't know her dorm number though."
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:..Cloud actually laughed at Tifa's confession,thinking it was all a joke.and they never got together

    Cloud stayed on 115 mpr and thought about Aerith,making his body grow warm"..There's a list somewhere right?''Cloud asked,thinking about a dorm list.there HAD to be someone somewhere...and Cloud didnt know how many students attended Twilight least 500 or so.
  3. "Yeah, but then we need to pass by the office to get it, and they usually don't give out information like that, in case, you know? But I'm sure since our profiles have pictures of us, we'll get Aerith's..." Tifa replied softly, explaining halfheartedly as she halted a yawn from coming. Judging from the road sign, they were getting near, which was good, and since it was the weekend, she hoped they'll find a space close to the entrance, as cars would be scarce. "Yeah, we'll get it. Hope she's there, though."
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud smiled,though he made sure Tifa couldnt even catch a glimpse of it"..She's there...''he said,and he was sure on it..Aerith never let him down.

    OOC:..but how can I make it work...XD..OO! Yuffie and Time Materia XD
  5. OOC: Materia stealer! xP And hey, if you do that, Cloud and Axel won't hate each other as much (considering Tifa didn't go through that episode of when Cloud broke up with her, which is what really started Axel's dislike).

    Tifa just nodded, knowing he could feel it in his back, not willing to think about the tone in Cloud's voice when mentioning her get to her skin. However, it couldn't help but ignite Axel's warning about that he didn't trust Cloud and that he wasn't good for her, yet she said it would be her mistake then and she'll grow from it. Will Cloud be a mistake? The certain lapse of judgement? Tifa wasn't kidding herself about that heartbreak wouldn't be hard, she just hoped she had strength enough to make it through, especially since Axel said he'll be there for her if anything, along with her other friends, she was sure. And if it comes to the fact that she was pregnant, she'll try and work for the baby as well.

    No...she knew she was going to make it. And if Cloud hurts her, then it just wasn't fated as she dreamed and thought to be. Sighing, as her eyes closed and which were covered by the goggles, she asked calmly, "Getting there yet?"
  6. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kishami smiled back. "Yeah..." She said. "There are more fish in the sea..." At this Kishami couldn't help but think of her old life and where she used to live. Life goes on... I guess... nobody gets to live a perfect life...
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: so do I have your permission to do that?

    "..We're Close'' Was all Cloud said as he pulled out of the highway,and thankfully his arm hasnt hurt in the slightest.he could only hoped that Aerith had a solution,or he'd be in a world of pain for a very long time...
  8. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Hey, that means that Rei wouldn't hate Cloud either. Hmm... he could use that lawlz :D. But seriously, a Stigma breakout? That would be sooooooooooo interesting to rp. I mean, it's the same situation as if mrsa broke out in a school too, right? We should try it.

    Oh, and guess what? After volunteering at band s & e on Saturday, someone went through my warm-up room with viral meningitis. Just my luck, right? Well, if I do get it, I just searched up a bunch of stuff about symptoms and crap like that. So I'm all set ^^;. But I am a bit nervous. But I'm really healthy, and whenever I get anything viral I always fight it off with a fever. (Thus knowing how to rp Reixa's lethargic ways, see? I don't make everything up... well... lol)

    Rei drummed the dashboard with her fingertips as the radio blared in her ears. The beach was close, and she sighed as they passed her old home near the train station. The tall, yellow bricked building wit hthe green roof stood tall, towering over the neighboring houses. In a blink of an eye, she saw a small face peer out of the window, a tiny paw raised up to the glass as yellow eyes blinked. Her cat sat there on the inside, staring back at her. As they drove further from the house, Rei smiled to herself and looked back forward.

    Lalalalala.... :sweatdrop: haha, bored.
  9. OOC: I don't know, so you want Cloud and Aerith then? xP Just to say, you have to know that Aerith will be more innocent. But if so, do so. No more hating on Cloud, he's free.

    Lol, cat looking at you *.*. Since I have no idea what to make Tifa think anymore xP:

    Tifa nodded once more, noticing they were getting closer to the school, still not sure how is it she was going to feel when seeing Aerith, not for their friendship, but for Cloud.

    "You put a mix station, didn't you?" Axel questioned with a grin as the radio shouted "FLASHBACK 80s" in a echo before placing the said flashback music on. He perked up when he heard the beat, grinning, chuckling a little. Turning one hand off the wheel to raise the volume a bit louder, he heard Roy Orbison's voice blasting out, who was returning back in the eighties until...well, he went pushing up daisies. However, admittingly, Axel thought he left behind a very epic song to be remembered and used. Quirking his shoulders jokingly as he drove, he pretended to sing with the words.

    Every time I look into your lovely eyes,
    I see a love that money just can't buy.
    One look from you, I drift away,
    I pray that you are here to stay.

    Once they reached the chorus and he stopped the car at red, Axel did used his voice this time, but came out sounding like Elvis Presley as he bobbled his head exaggeratingly, pointing at Rei with his index finger sternly everytime it said "You got it" as he snapped his head at her with the flow as well only to place his face front again. "Anything you want, you got it. Anything you need, you got it. Anything at all, you got it. Baaaaaby!" Shaking his head to show he was kidding with a smile, he waved a nonchalant hand towards Rei as he concentrated back on the road as the light turned green, exclaiming, "You can change it if you want."

    Though he said that, he kept singing it under his breath as he did a turn, as this was the type of song that got into his head. Great. Hopefully, there'll be something else that will take his mind off it.
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:...err...who are you even talking to?...All im using is the people I have now..

    Cloud,after about 2 more minutes of an awkward silence,pulled up into the Twilight High parking lot,and Tifa's hunches were parking spaces near the main entrance.Cloud slowly drove his way into the closest space and he looked back at Tifa"...Here..''he muttered,he knew she would have figured it out anyway,but he couldnt stand anymore silence.

    Yuffie was in her room toying with Materia in a big black bag of hers after being escorted back by Leon."...Let's See...Speed Materia...Fire Materia...T...huh?..Time Materia?''she muttered,very surprised.She took it out of her bag and stared at it."...So this thing can change the memories of someone and the people that know set a certain time..and it'll go back to that time.''she said,practically memorizing every materia there ever was.
  11. OOC: The first part was talking to you. I meant, that if you want Cloud and Aerith as a couple due to the time materia then?

    "I know..." Tifa muttered causally, already getting off her goggles, giving them to Cloud, and getting her stuff from the compartment that she placed them in. Once she checked that everything was in her hand, she swung her leg back and stood in the ground, now waiting for Cloud to turn the bike off, and make their way to the office and find Aerith's dorm. The most dangerous part was over, and there weren't no attacks in the way. Good. Now to treat his condition. "Come on, we got to get going..."
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: oooooh I understand now...nah...I just wanted to see an alternate ending with Tifa's confession..they can start over and Cloud wont be so ''emo'' anymore.

    Yuffie immediately took off and left her room,but made sure to lock it behind her."Cloud will test it..he's the biggest risk taker ever!"she squealed,excited at what the materia can do.

    Cloud took off his own goggles and Tifa's and put them in the sword compartement of his bike,just as Tifa was getting her ''mood-making'' clothes out of it.he turned off the engine and took the key's out,placing them in his pants pocket"Easy Tifa...I want to feel your body just as much as you want to feel mine''Cloud joked,making it seem that Tifa was an extremely horny girl and couldnt stand another moment without Cloud inside her.Cloud hopped out of his bike and proceeded to his room,needless to say,he was wiped and needed a nap,but first,Aerith.
  13. Tifa scoffed, and rolled her eyes, giving him a "yeah right" look, but obviously knowing she would've liked to. She let it show by smiling and letting out a quiet chuckle, but it wasn't like she was horny or anything. Just to kiss him and hold him. That's all she really needed. Following beside him as they walked to the entrance and headed towards the office, she felt a bit better about the upcoming meeting with Aerith. A bit apprehensive, but at least the anxiety left a bit. As they stepped into the school's hall, she stared over at her lover, "I don't think is that serious, I mean, other than what happened at the mall, nothing else went wrong. So maybe everything will be alright..."
  14. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    "The problem is finding them...." He thought to himself.
    "Oh yeah, my names Riku." He told her as he put his hand out to shake hers.
  15. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "Oh... I'm Kishami... Nice to meet you!" She said cheerfully and shook his hand. "Do you have any other friends at this school...?" she asked curiously.
  16. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    "....not really. Well theres Sora but I haven't seen him in a while..." He told her suddenly wondering where Sora had been lately.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Dont get your hopes it...but yeah,it might have been a one time thing...but that doesnt really explain why the marks are coming back..does it?''Cloud asked her
  18. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Hai Guyz My comp got totally screwed up. My internet ain't workin' for me. I'm on my dads comp or one of his workers computers. Whats happening?
  19. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "Oh..." Kishami said, scratching her head. She hadn't heard of anyone named Sora at the school.

    OOC- Kishami is talkin' to Riku, but that's all I really know >>
  20. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ".....You have many friends here?" He asked her a moment later.
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