KH: High Times At Twilight High

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Sep 10, 2007.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK

    OoC://Kasha is in her dog form, dude.
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: that wasnt what I meant,but nvm I get it now.
  4. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Oh I see what you meant, sorry I'll edit that quickly.
  5. Saïx took a deep breath, what the insolent girl saying not bothering him in the least, because what she was stating wasn't true, and he was more mature on these types of matter. In fact, he was married, so there was nothing to be bothered about. Especially if the girl was simply doing it to provoke him. He was quite admiring when Xemnas said she had detention, but either way, they had records of all students with pictures, and they'll find her name. Staring back at the dog, he saw it run off, and gazing at it for awhile, turned back to Xemnas, who was thankfully, now normal. Good. "Was she a student, Xemnas? You haven't answered that. We can't have something like her running around if she doesn't go here."

    "Yes, the pond. That's the water in the church, and it will always be there..." Tifa answered weakly, her voice low and coming as a croak, knowing where this was leading. But wasn't it over? It couldn't had to be something else. Even when he asked her to slide his sleeve up, she was afraid to. Feeling her stomach and gut constrict in a unpleasant way, she hesitantly and cautiously rasied her hand, which caught the hem of his sleeve. Breathing deeply, she slowly lifted it, only to be met by marks on his arm, and her eyes widen in concern and apprehension as she almost panicked. "No...but how? I thought you healed?!"

    Now what where they going to do? Aerith was in the school and all, she can perhaps help as she was a mage and a Cetra, but Cloud couldn't drive, could he? Maybe it was a side-effect that will leave quickly enough?
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "I thought the same..''Cloud said weakly,if Aerith couldnt heal him completely,then who possibly could?without a word,he pulled his sleeve back down and stood up,easier than before,it seemed that the attack was over now,but it struck at random."..We should go before it hits again..''he said quickly,then began going back the way they came.and he prayed that she wouldnt flip out like she did when they broke up for half a day.
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "She's new. The girl has allready started annoying everyone. Well, us, anyway. I won't be in for any suprises if she get into a fight." Xemnas said, and sighed. "At the very least, we should keep an eye on her." Xemnas said with a little trouble.

    "As much as I hate to say it, she will need to be watched." Xemnas stated to Saix.
  8. Tifa grabbed her items quickly as Cloud got up and walked off, putting them all in the bigger Victoria's Secret bag along with the application, and went to follow after him, feeling quite sick now at the discovery as she stepped beside him. She didn't understand, why would it return like this anyway, when everyone else was cured? Could it be something else? After all, Cloud did have mako in him, which could spawn other results, maybe. Either way, the first thing to do was to see Aerith, as Midgar was too far away at the moment to get to. Or maybe wait to see if it passes and see if it was a one time thing. Walking along as they made their way to the entrance to go, she glanced at him in anguish, "W...what are you planning to do? I mean, is it really Geostigma, or something like a side effect that could leave?"

    Saïx visibly frowned at this, not wanting to play babysitter anymore than he has to with the 1,000 or so kids in the school. However, as he thought of the complaints, the problems in the dorm rooms, a idea formed in his mind, and it was something that will be sure to make that person annoyed. If he can fly by detentions easily, if he can ignore suspension warnings, why not give him a new sort of punishment? Staring at Xemnas, seriously, he went to say, "I was thinking the same thing, Xemnas. We can have somebody to watch her...a student, perhaps, instead of a teacher. I think it will be great, because not only will it teach responsibility, it would perhaps make them learn a few life lessons." His eyes narrowed as they darkened. "And I know the perfect student to give this job to."
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:..that student wouldnt be Axel would it? XD

    and Twilight XIII isnt on anymore..think you can temporarily play Aerith?

    "..If I knew any of that I'd be a bit less worried..wouldnt I?''Cloud asked Tifa,not giving her one bit of eye contact,but he was glad to know that she was thinking about this herself.If it was a side effect,why was it coming so late?
  10. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "We are very busy, and their are too many kids around this school to watch," Xemnas noted to Saix. "Who just might you be thinking of?" He slowly questoined Saix. "It better be someone good,We don't need another rebel in this school."
  11. OOC: No, it isn't, Axel *gives shifty eyes* xP. But really, in the game, Axel and Saïx always had this tension with each other, and I'm trying to flow it here.

    I thought that as well, and I could do that for the while since we need her.

    Saïx just narrowed his eyes even more as Xemnas mentioned a "rebel", which was just what he was, but maybe he could twist it around a bit, "Well, the boy does belong to the Skater and Rebel group, you know about the separation in the school that we have..." And how the faculty for the past years tried to unit them again, but attempts were useless. This was only something that had to be fixed by the students own will, he thought. "But I assure you, he's good with kids....even has a little sister he takes care of at home. Of course, he's a bit on the class clown level, however, this is the main reason why I'm thinking of putting him as a babysitter. Teach him what it is to be responsble, serious, learn the meaning of hard work, and he's going to drill it into his mind the toughest way possible. It's only disciplining, Xemnas, and I'm positive he'll do a splendid job."

    "Yeah, you're right, but I just don't get it..." Tifa sighed as she trailed off, worried and anxious, and not wanting this to happen on top of her problems already, and her relationship. Hopefully, Aerith can do something or explain it, as she was the only person they had left in Twilight Town to take care of this. Of course, Tifa didn't feel very comfortable on it, she never did, since she knew Aerith's feelings...but she was still one of the greatest friends, and she'll just have to face it up, like she always did. She hadnd't really spoken to the girl after they went to separate in their own Preps and Skaters, but since this was emergency, the rift could be broken...not that Axel hasn't done that by now.

    The thought that Aerith can do something made her calm for a bit, but her grew in horro as a thought came through her head, "And the children?! You think this might be happening with them too?"
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: lol whew...thought you were talking about Cloud and Tifa's kids for a second

    Cloud shook his head"..I would have gotten a phone call about it...Vincent has a phone,remember?''Cloud asked her,he had even went with Vincent to buy one,and he'd call if something was up"..The way I see it,it was easier to cleanse the kids because they werent full grown yet..the stigma wouldnt have gotten too far into the body since they were so small,and they dont run around as much as I did''Cloud treated the Stigma as a poison,if you run around with it in your body,it spreads around faster.
  13. Tifa just gave a nod of her head, relieved with Cloud's words. He was right, Vincent would've called if anything had happened, she had forgotten about the fact that he had bought a phone, and she wasn't thinking straight when asking a question, and knowing there were loved ones back there to report. So, the main important person was Cloud at the moment, and she looked around as they were already outside and heading to the parking lot, wanting to get to Aerith by now. She hope dit wasn't anything serious or fatal, that's what was keeping her from going nuts. "I guess if we know must be something in you then. It can either be what you said, or maybe is something else that mixed. Mako, perhaps?"

    She looked at him to see what he'll say.
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud nodded,forgetting the Mako that reside's inside him,either way he was in pain.his motorbike wasnt too far away,he could use a ride...and maybe the wind blowing on his face would cool him down."..Aerith will be able to figure it out..if anyone would know..its her''
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://I'm either totally right or totally wrong with who I'm thinking of now... Oh, dude, just tell me cause I'm horrible at guessing games, lulz

    Xemnas nodded, "Well, we'll have to look into it." He said to Saix, "I hope this student you speak of, does do a good job, because if he doesn't and we have it even worse, its you're neck." Xemnas said to Saix.

    OoC://Writers block T.T I'm struggling here to try and give a Xemnas-like personality.
  16. OOC: Tula already mentioned it xP. It's Axel.

    Saïx just appeared calm, not letting the last words affect him, because he will make sure Axel won't mess it up, or his job. Threats worked wonders, after all. Though he honestly did have some faith in the boy, it wasn't like the girl was a little kid, she was fourteen, all he needed was to watch over her. "Don't worry, Xemnas, he'll be fine." With that, he gestured quietly with his hand at the path of the office. "Care to go back? Or you have something else to do?"

    "Yeah..." Tifa agreed silently, him mentioning Aerith in such a form making her a bit...uncomfortable, again. But either way, he knew he had a point, and so she didn't say anything else as they walked to the motorcycle, reaching it after a while as it was parked a few ways away, but since this was hasty, they had to get to the school before Cloud went into pain again. Looking at the black and smooth bike, she turned to him, almost uncertain, "Think we can make it?"

    Guess the sense of excitement coming back from the mall was out the window, now filled with worry and just wanting to get there.
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Okay, But remember that I am trusting you on this." Xemnas said to Saix and turned walking away.
    "Two detentions, I can deal with it." Kasha said, walking down the hall.
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Do you believe in me?''Cloud asked,before he climbed on his own bike and took out his key's,he put them in the ignition and turned them to the right,the bike's engine roared to life.
  19. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    (( LOL - HAI, GUYZ! 8D

    I'm new and stuffz - lolz. Nise 2 m33t u. =3 ...I'm going to post now get it over with... and assume we're at the beginning of the school day. >.<; AND that Language is basically like English with the grammar and... stuff. Yeah. ))

    "Well, I know you're gonna be nervous with it being your first day and all..."
    "Dad... I'm fine. Jeez..."
    "Juuuust makin' sure."

    The teen glared up in annoyance at the elderly man "fixing" his tie for him. He was moderately tall, but thin as a twig, and the tight, close fitting clothes didn't seemed to make that even more noticeable. He had piercing blue eyes that had slitted pupils - almost like a cat's - and a birthmark lining his cheek that resembled his father's scar...

    Ah, yes... His father.

    The teen angrily swatted Xigbar's hand away with a sharp, "The tie is FINE, dad! Jeez - you treat me like I'm still in kindergarden!"
    "Temper, temper...!~" Xigbar sang, crossing his arms. "Man, when they get this age..."

    Xigbar was one of the more laid-back, care-free teachers that everyone seemed to like, or at least like more than their other teachers. Sometimes it was a wonder how he even got accepted as a teacher; despite his obvious old age, he acted like he was barely out of college, and sounded like it, too. His som was absolutely MORTIFIED that he had to attend the same school as his father. Even though some kids thought it would be nice having such a laid back guy as a father, his goofiness sometimes got on Xilord's nerves.

    "Look, Dad - if you're done, I'd like to actually get to my locker, please..." Xilord sneered, brushing away a blonde lock of his hair.
    "Hmpf! To hear you talk, I'm the one who should be callin' YOU dad. What would my mother say if she heard you now?" Xigbar shot back with a grin.
    A sigh. "...Dad... You are SO freakin' corny..." Xilord blinked. "Wait... I have a mom?"
    "Uh... Um..." Xigbar nervously glanced at *TwilightNight* who was looking on disapprovingly at the scene. "Y-Yes, son...! W-what are you talin' bout? You... little joker, you... Hehheh..."
    "But I thought that my mom was--"
    "QUIET, YOU! G'on to your locker now before I get my beating stick!" Xigbar shouted franticly, pushing the boy away from him.

    Xilord rolled his eyes. "No... way... we're related..." he grumbled, glancing back over his shoulder.
    Xigbar was nudging a girl walking by, and saying, "Maaan, it seems like just yesterday when I was changing his diapers... Where does the time go?"
    He blushed vividly as the girl began giggling at him.

    Xilord sighed, walking in the direction of his assigned locker only to see that there were two men (one with stupid looking silver hair, and the other with even MORE stupid-looking blue hair) blocking it off.

    He sighed loudly, rolling his eyes. "Do you guys freakin' mind?! I need to get to my freakin' locker, but your big-*ssed heads are in the way."

    It was obvious this kid didn't know who he was talking to.

    (( Lol - big. XD


    Oh, shiz - Xemnas moved before could get to him... >.<; Or... wait - did he? *lost* =.=; ))
  20. "Of course I do," Tifa responded as if offended, following after Cloud and heaving herself on the bike after him, getting comfortable behind, before wrapping her arms around his waist lightly, waiting. Looking over his shoulder, she stared at him softly, "I was just concern is all, about you."

    "Yes, I know," was all Saïx replied to Xemnas's retreating form, now wondering if this was really going to cost him his job. Axel wasn't here to confront him about it, he had seen him go somewhere with a black haired girl...he remembered her as the one who went with him to the office when he was called on the warning of suspension. However, he was going to leave a red note through his door, as it was typical for teachers and faculty to do to inform students that they were going to have a meeting on weekends. And not a good one.

    So, turning the other way, he headed for the dorm building, after taking the detour at the office, of course.
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